THE DAILY NEWS. PHINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER, MANAGINQ EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per woid, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES Month, 50c; One Week, 12c MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The OfcnjvdlAn Praa 1 exclusively, entitled to use lor publication or all news lp.tclie credited to It or to the Associated Prera In thU paper and also the local new published therein. All right of rwniiMlcntton of uroolnl dewnfttcihe thwln are tima rwwrvnd DAILY EDITION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12. 1942 EDITORIAL The Manpower Crisis . . . The Canadian government, through a series of or-ders-in-council to be promulgated within the next few wppks. nlans to rrive effect to the most drastic measures the situation.- vot imnnsprl for the marshallihrr of Canadian manoowerito do. in a total war effort. The program is extensive and comprehensive. The government has intimated its intention of assuming widespread powers. The concensus of opinion, as expressed by the press of Canada at a recent conference on the subject of manpower in Ottawa, was that it was high time that such a plan should be put into effect with courage and determin ation. The day to day war news makes only too evident! the urgent necessity for the speeding up oi Canada s whole war effort. The utilization of manpower is not the only major war problem, of course, but it is a highly important one. Canada, like the rest of the fighting democracies, is endeavoring to catch up in months with an organization that the dictatorship enemies have these many years been ruthlessly perfecting. That Canadians must cnange and sacrifice and do it immediately must now be amply abundant to all. The thought that the war can be lost should be a sufficient spur to all. It is a question now whether persuasive leadership on the part of the government will be enough to meet the situation. In bringing about an effective selective service program, compulsion is implied. Just how far it will be possible to proceed by the method of persuasion with authority to compel evident in the background is most problematical. Certainly the government must be prepared to exercise compulsion as far and as fast as pressing requirements necessitate and there must be no temporizing about the matter. The enemy. does not wait. There is much to do in this little disciplined nation of ours and little time in which to do it. The major policy of national selective service must consist of deliberate control of employment or utilization of manpower. What this may involve for every employer and employee in Canada' in the very near future may be imagined. It may mean changes and even discomforts but there is little reason to expect that for the most of Canadians these can long be deferred. Quite possibly we should have been feeling them long ago. The thoughtful people of Prince Rupert are doubtless in favor of the government taking a courageous stand in the efficient allocation of manpower. Call it regimen-L tation if you will. This newspaper has taken the stand , that this must be done if we are to achieve the effort necessary to the successful prosecution of this war. This, we believe, is the view of various citizens small business men workers of all kinds, including those in the war industry. The serious ones, we believe, are not only willing but are impatient to have this better utilization of manpower brought about even if it should embody drastic changes in some ways, interfering with the old way of doing things. . Among the working classes, particularly the young, there may have to be a measure of discipline. Due to a ruinous competition for the services of men, there has developed an attitude of independence which may well become dantrerous. A condition has developed which among the thoughtless, at least, encourages a spirit of exploitation, a consideration of self interest for the earn ing of extra dollars not for saving but for spending. Conditions here have been made very favorable for a spirit that for some is far removed from any consideration of an honest war effort. In other words they think more of what they can get out of the war rather than what they ought to be doing towards the end of winning it. There appears to be an utter lack of appreciation of the perils and consequences which would be involved in the losing of this war. Consideration of self interest is one of our worst fifth columnists. With some it is the desire to exploit the situation for their own ends. With some it is unwillingness to change. Some just wish fo go on having a good time in their own sweet way. With some it is just sheer lethargy. Many utterly fail to appreciate the seriousness of the situation or evade the issue by refusing to even think of it. There may be a little time for one more great recruiting campaign where every Canadian would be asked point blank if he is pulling his load in the war effort if his own manpower, is doing the best job it is capable of directly in the war effort. There must be immediately a more earnest war effort on the pdrt of Canadians individually, a dropping of the attitude of personal exploitation. The only way of developing that attitude is by bringing about an appreciation of the seriousness of I Out here in the west at Prince Rupert a lot of us are very sure that we are really under the gun the gun of . the enemy and that it may not be so long before it be-trins shootincr at us. Unfortunatelv. there are others of ius who fail through blind unwillingness to face up to r,lgrI"" I iv ii r n!i...i. i ,11 l me seriousness or. inings. uur auuiuie nas got to cnange, rind rliaf rirrhr. snnn. would bring. "CUT THIS OUT ANV KEEP IT WITH yOUR RECIPES" have tiftht-fittinc . f your oven metis so covers. Use stored-up heat at rr. .j that i&lfjk r . ..... that all ciislics are cooked at once. Baptise Children In Ancient Pool Hear Voice of nhhop rn rum Shrine of Seventh Century -.! The government has the power to put the power of TAPLW' at f: Bapsey uyP Pool, ? a pona 3 Mi 02 i a i i. i i mi a ceremony every man and woman in the place it belongs. There is fed bv a never-failing spring, five Subscription Rates in Clty-Per Year. $5.00; Half Year. $2.50; One i ""iC. c w "c " sUttW.u" u,,"i l "yn OUt-OI-TOWn SUDSCriDerS Dy Mail, Si.UU i ?uuiuii i uuui uc u uuuu-uu iu u o dtiu ui umiiHiisiuin uraivp a Year. i a system that 1'rince Kiinert people well know, even AHen- wno mi" u'"" if we hate to admit the possibility of-would most cer- u'lni tamly be unmercifully thrust upon us should the enemy warrior. The last time the pool encroach much further upon our west coast shores. was used for such a ceremony was And, if and when victory comes. Some lessons of (ls- In the seventh century when Saxon ! cipline at this time might the better fit us to face up to men C"VM ?h.cir!?T . . r . . . ... ... . r were marked with the swn Of tne the situations and problems wnich peace with victory crow. In this question of utilization of manpower leader- iaiaiKBrraiEiiiBiBrjirBrBi ship is required and the government is in a position to j " national apply that leadership fairly, efficiently and fearlesl'- jg n Prince Rupert people feel that way and would welcome j lYl6SSCfi6r uCfYICC early and definite action. The most of us would like to g Cau u . , . we iuui it be good soldiers in arms or not but a lot of us donN 5 we never cio know how and are iust waiting to be asked or told what 2 Phone Red 3!)2 Canada's new manpower motto: a place for everybody and everybody in his place. Letter Box vhlcb by the way they seldom e-This leaves ten men available, or three men an duty during th-three eight hour periods of each ;day. One of IJies men must be (eft Editor, Dally News: .m charge of the lock-up, and so As agents for a considerable two only can possibly be on n!l amount of both residential and a .ny tlme Another factor to be commercial property In this town, tal a Into consideration is that, we are continually subject to. In hee troublous times, pollc claims for smashed plate glass win- court Is In seaaion almost all day. dows. During the last ten, months which further takes up the tlm we have settled seven large bill of the police officers, for damage to the windows of th j We feel very strongly the need store of Howe and McNulty. one tor an Increased force Payment for Fraser and Payne and one for of additional police Is. of conr-. the Grotto Cigar Store. Several of a charge on the taxpayers of the these Incident were accompanied city,, but such a charge must be by burglary, entailing considerable borne If we are to have adequate loss to the owners of the stores poHctng, and will no doubt be ' concerned. borne cheerfully In order to con- Thls condition is alarming in the; e lawless elements in our extreme, and we feel, like many:101- Yours verv trulv-other H: a Helgerson Ltd. that taxpayers, we are en- titled to more adequate provision; Nora E- Arnold. Manager. In the policing of the city. We are informed by the Chief ! SUOAIl ntODl'CTION of Police that the police force con-! British Caribbean possessions slsts of ten men. These men are produce 281,017 acres of sugar entitled to one day a week free, cane annually. BIBttHKBtfltECBJBfBIBtfllB -aUAI IJuy from H.C. FURNITrUH and SAVE llich Grade C II EST E K -FIELDS. Itmular Price $223. Brand New. gg NEW Coal. Now STOVES, Wood Itecular $160. and $105 STUDIO BEDS. Very Special. Brand New. CIO CO Now Used, 1 only CIIESTEKFIELI) In jood Q9fl shape All kind of olher Cods At Very Low Prices B. C. Furniture Co. PHONG HLACK 321 Third Avenue How tit eM!k t sav VITAMINS AND ELECTRICITY Sate vitamins by following1 these simple rules of VITAMIZED COOKING. Use as little water as possible. Cook vegetables as quickly as possible. Avoid violent boiling. Cover your cooking utensils. Don't stir don't baste neither is necessary with controlled electric cooking. Save electricity by using remains after the current flat-bottomed, straight- is turned off or turned sided utensils that fit the down to a lower position, units, and be sure they all As much as possible, plan REvvy SAYS: "C (vll tilua Irom iKt (ood you bur promt tiulf low iumini br billowing iht rultt ol dcctrifil VITAMIZfD COOKING," iiiiiiimiiiiiiuh,, , NOTICE Conforming to war-time regulations and effective at once, home deliveries of Ix'cr will bo made on orders received up to 2 p.m. daily. Orders will be taken Iwtween the hount of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. only. TIIK PACIFIC HRKWKRS AfiKNCV. iaiiiiiiiBiEiErBraritE.iEfBiBETjnimTai lr t. This advertisement Ut not published or displayed by i-.a i Control Board ur by the Government of British CMur v j DEAFENED? New Hearing Help Is Here! RADIOEAR VACUUM TUBE HEARING AIDS No sialic, clear natural hearing U jours with (he NEW ILUMOI'.AIt! It's Kadio amplified. Three DimenMonal Hearing. .MartrlloM undf rstandabilltr of ipcrch- piitiruUrlr In dUtanre hnriar, Wumc controlled, tone control at rour finger tip. Yon have ntm seen aii)lhing like the ItADIOEAIt. FREE DEMONSTRATION Ask for Mr. W. It. PITMAN, Prince Rupert Hotel FRIDAY, Aft;. Mtli, 1 p.m. to J p.m. SATl Rl) AY, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. YanrouTrr AddrcM COS Mailings Wrt 0O000000000O00OOOOOOO00O000000000OOOOOOO000000CC0O034 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SKRV K K j MUDDY KKMP PHONE 235 DAY DAY AND AND NIGHT NIGHT O i o i WOOO-S04 OOOOOOPOOOt.OlXMXMKJOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOrMJOOftOOOOOOMM ,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! 2 IJ Your Hair Is Not Becoming. . . .-. V ou Should Be Coming To Us! The very latent In hair ntjlen: Warn . . . Pompadours . . . IUng . . . PlifCurl Wae ItolU . .rln . . . . Cuil. FACIALS for that school girl complexion. MANICUHRS-Kor the lady that daatres lovely hand SCALP-TREATMENTS To put lustre Into hair that I oui irom tne summer sun. PEIUtANWnSirlachlne and machine4ei. All oil perrrar.f fof that soft natural look. Also the ahort Victory bob Let one of our three competent operators make you more beautiful WX.i KI.OII.V C -"I KAY SCOTT The Modern Beauty Shoppe Corner 3rd Avenue and 6th Htreet OOOQOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOe:S9M DUE TO WAR CONDITIONS Canada will now on. have to depend as ncrer before on th? put of her mines to fill the ever Increasing demands for r ;! Much of this will have to be from Alberta mines, but th: w : be difficult l( not Impossible If consumers wait, as In the pas' for cold weather before taking delivery. Do your part in helping to avoid a serious situation by filling your bin NOW and keeping It FULL. Stock of Foothills Alberta. ow Uulkley Valley and Comcx on hand. PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. PHONE 05 1 I'HONK ft2 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Depvndabl. TAXI Service PHONE 13 Zl-llour Service M ItetnUr Kates U49tll J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Wallare lllork p(Jne CIO FrcHli Local Raw and FaHtciirized MII.K VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657