183 1 SDAY AU0U3T 12, 1M? COUPONS till available with each iiuirhate In our store. . . i i i (uitomers drop in ana 1bI(is expiai " Km pun USSALLEM'S onomy Store t Dollars Have More Cent' ins 575 Phones 18-19 J hcuhcemehtJ nftlftdvertlsemenU In this hajjpn will be charged for a 1 1 Mil nontn at 2X a word, rr.afe Bale at Dollar ikvoy iOTEL Cbrl Zarclli. Prop. n P.O. riu sii MRASER STREET FrmxcK iiurEirr rrSLLTS TOY WANT ADD. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Maud Vlereck and family wUh to thanlc all their friends for their kind sympathy and also" for the beautiful floral tribute received during their recent sad I rtr-amrninrri nrtiiri f nuiuntnr BUY YOUR OIFTS. nuuvrmri anil (reeling Cards at the VARIETY STORE fciiiritmiinriniirieifi SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information. Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD I'LACr TO BUY Cedar Chests LBgBfulljr flnhhrd lth Walnut Inlaid Veneers with Conner gand, protection atalntt moths. All at different prlre. mm 327 3rd AVI- WEST SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! HB!l: - Here Is your chance to try the latest 3-INCH HCUJGB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank IL.r Ehaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor, lh and Fulton Above Sunrise Store I'hone Blue 913 for Appointments Dm Ma. FURNITURE Suites. Dinette Suites, Bedroom Suite, Cedar .i Wagons. Living Room Tables, Coffee Table. Bnd i Tables. Occasional Chairs, Smoking Stands, Clothes Mirrors, Medicine Cabinets. FLOOR COVERING lh 1 I 'nrtlnnm TnlaM T Innlffllm PrlnleH t.lnftlmim. T?rxO- :rum, Congoleum Rugs all sizes, Seamless Axmlnster fizes. Undrfett Carpets, Nonsllp Bath Mats, and BEDDING fSgy'-nkcLs, Qrey Blankets, White Blankets, Bedthrows, Com- f -"r.Hle Bedspreads, Sheets, Pillows, Window Shades. wiiitk wnnn witiivitithk w3k 1 Drawe. Book Shelves, Hall Tree, Night Tables, Step 55 1 iddcr Btool. Folding Steps, Step Ladder, Celling Dryers, m Irving Boards, sleeve Boards, chairs. Eastern Hard-RKi! hen Tables. Droplcaf Tables. B3 CAMP FURNITURE C.imp CoU. Folding Chairs, 6x8 Tent, Pack Sacks, Pack Yukon Eiderdown, Sleeping Robes, Mountaineer Down- WJlreplm Robes, Hikers' Sleeping Bags (wool filled). WE HAVE THE GOODS Elio's Furniture Store AVENUE, Next to Dally News ILUE THE TOILER Green 910 the capacity of an expert trainer of dogs. Leading Aircral Uman Jamej Currie and Mrs. Currle and little daughter arrived in the city on Tuesday nlaht's train from Toronto for a visit to their home here. Mrs. Currle. the former Sigrid Invested of this city, expects to Father P. Champagne, for several veara mfMi nrlt vf (ho Rn. and also well known in various ; other parts of this district, is now priest ln the French colony 1 of St. Mary's near Welby ln east ern Saskatchewan. Father Ctiam-Ipagne was travelling into Rectna when a member of the Daily News staff met him ln a train on the .prairies this week. DISTINGUISHED VISITOR Apply to H. B.C. rE DaTLT HrJvV3 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Legion. B.EB.L.. regu. Constable Jamleaon arrived In !ar monthly meeting Wednesday, the city from Arrandale bringing August 12, 8 pjn. Refreshments, in five Indians who are being (128) charged under the Indian Act. Capt. Dawson, quartermaster of- Lance Corporal Thomas Gra-flcer of the Midlands Regiment, ham, who Is with the Royal Cana-returned to the city on Tuesday dian Ordnance Corps at Kingston, night's train from the Lauren- arrived home on Tuesday night' tlans district north of Montreal train for a visit to his home here, where he has been taking a course being on leave. In army administration. I ! YOUNG PEOPLES OUTING I Old timers of Prince Rupert will A large group of young people ' be Interested to learn that P. J. from St. Paul's Lutheran Church Ryan, well known pioneer of Including both Canadian and Am-j awisociated with the R.OP.M. in en bv the tastor of th church group, which closed with prayer. Navy Commission Mr. 'the start of the war he Joined the nitlTISII UNIVERSITIES There are 17 universities tn the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The FULL HOUSE total membership Classified Ads. FOR SALB RANGE Cheap. Black (190)' Denno, Ocean Falls,' (192) FOR SALB One three-quarter size metal bed complete, one camp cot. congoleum rug' curtains. Call 4S5 4th Ave. W. or phone Red 831. 185) FOR QUICK SALE Fold-up bed, good as new $18.00: 1 rug $5.50. Phone Red 832. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED room for rent.Gentle-man preferred. Phone Black 503. PERSONAL YOUR OPPORTUNITY Civil Service Examinations are an f nounced for position as Clerk' Grade 1 and Grade 2. Appllca- tlon forms to be filed In Ottawa j by August 17. 1942. Age limit 16-60. Information and oooKiet free. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest ln Canada. No Agents. LOST LOST Billfold. Finder may have the money and leave billfold at Dally News. WANTED of the FOR SALE FuHy modern stucco WANTED Sleeping or housekeep-home with acre of land, bearing i ing room, no objection to base- orchard, own spring water, full baaement, fire plaee. Bet schools ln B.C. Apply P. M. Zale&ky, Ab-botsford. B.C. FOR SALE Child's crib and mattress. Phone Black 813. (186) KITCHEN 686. ment room. Phone Blue 699. WANTED Olrl (186) WANTED Teacher for the Omln-eea School. Rose Lake, B.C. Salary $950,000. Apply at once to WANTED Experienced waitresses i FOR SALE in Haielton, house and or girls willing to learn. Smiles barn with five lots; good well, care, Cow Bay. (188) good salary. Apply j. Ourrich. YOUTH wants room, will Cecil. Phone Blue 988. PUTTINC5 TIIOUGIITSJNTO ACTION (190) WANTED Small Reflex camera and accessories. Apply Box' 326 Dally News. (186) i Sore Quick Relief from Asthma and Hay Fever with KELLOGG'S ASTHMA1 I RELIEF - E Prize Winners Auxiliary Draw rnnce uupert is now back In the erlcan service men, enjoyed a hike' ! service of the Royal Canadian 'and weiner roast to Orassy Bay1 Women's Auxiliary of the! Mounted Police at Ottawa. He Is Tuesday evening. A number of Canadlan Legion held their raffle ' engaged as a saddlemaker In a games were played, followed by ln aid of Bundles for Britain last' Miwuj. uia son is a wo group singing. A greeting was giv- at uie uapitoi Tneatre. The winners of the raffle are as follows: First, ticket No. 15, dressed doll, donated by Miss E Oandy and won by J. Reil, St. Elmo Hotel. oecona, ticket No. 1064, table rnV NnflVn Nnn ,amp d0111 by Oordon & Ander-1 UI 11 till YC UUII son and won by Mrs. J. H. Orlvell Nelson. I Third tic V tt Vn au, mv. - am vi banc and Mr. JarvU H. McLeod , nlaf itnniM tJ t be home for two or three months ne J u4 received word that their won by Pearl Fraser. 1443 Pig- wniie ner nutoaiva win leave m a few days on his return East. son Ned has been promoted from gott Place i oiass uunner to the rank of Fourth h. w .u Sub-Lieutenant. man Catholic Church at Terrace e ne as a youth. At card set donated by M. Heiltoroner SM. who Is a wdl known local. and won by Mrs. Alke Wilson. 536 uoy. ww in me sea uaaeu ana.Etohth AvPn,.P uw Fifth, ticket No. 385, silver dish donated hv R W Cnmomn navy and U now on active duty , won hv m p -nn i. on the East Coast. 'Bride St Sixth, ticket No. 631, toilet ar ticles donated by Ormes Ltd. and won by Mrs. A. J. Daly. Sherbrooke Avenue. , Seventh, ticket No. 753, alarm clock donated by A. E. Ireland and won by B. Overend. Eighth, ticket No. 776. box of 8lr Walter Raleigh visited Trlnl- British House of Commons when chocolates donated by W. H. Mai- dad in 1966. LIQUID MERCHANDISE Jamaica exported 839.467 gallons of mm in 1939. every seat Is filled is 615. TEN MILLION CIGARS About 10,000.000 cigars are man ufactured annually In Jamaica. kin Co. and won by R. Glvenkv City. The winners will please call at Mr. Preece's residence, 326 Third Avenue .for the priles. I UTTION RUE I Timber Sal X314JI , There 1U be ottered for sale ut Pub- , lie Auctton. at neon on the l&th eta of September. 1942 ln be offk at Uie DiatMot Tontr. aK U&rlne Bulkltn?. VooouTer. BC , the liceoce X31431. to out mm! remove 615.000 f. b. m. of MMlUig Hd Mted 4ruce. cedr nd hemlock on n area aiUMted t Lime- merit Bar. Lotrine bland. Queen Charlotte bland Land District. One ( I ) year will toe allowed lor removal of Uofcer. r Provided anyone unable to attend ohe auction In perm may suixnjt tender to be oprwrl at the hour of aocUon and treoted as one Md." Further parUoulars ay be obtained E. T. Mould, Secretary, Omineca J" School Board of Trustees, Rose Lake P. O., B.C. (197) ; ' VWorta. BC or the District dreader's at Vancouver AITTION SALE i Timber Sale X314.VI I There uiu be offered for aale at P-Jto- uc Auction, at noon IMi day ol sep-. oouver. B.C.. the licence X31433 to out 10,531.000 f.bm. of (fruce. cedar and Hemlock on tn area aSbuated on the " " North Shore of Cumahewa Inlet. Queen Share. Charlotte Telands Land DSatrlot. (190) Three (3 yu will be allowed for I removal of ttenber. "Provided anyone unable to attend ttie autstkm ta poraon ntaj submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and trxi as one bid." Further DarUoulars nwr be obtained GIRL wanted at CentraftNew trcShe owef fterester. Vtetorto. B3, kT,,.L DWtriet Fbrertert at Vancouver Apply ArW between 8 q and 10 n pjn. . Rupert. WANTED-TRefTdent worker) ov : V o vnt s i kn t liqi ok Act-25; Jond of .cnUdren, required at otlce of ,SS Z ontnt t. Ridley Home. Phone Red 822. j Transfer of lleer Licence - (tt) I Notice 4s hereby given that on the . luth flay of September. AD. 1942. the WANTED-Spare parts for-FrTsFo nSofL Standard. 30 h.p. Apply BOX 328 ' transfer of Beer Licence No. S730. te-Dally News. (187) ltied in respect of premises being part rrr... I of the premises known as the Com- HOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. SITUATIONS VACANT POSITION! for a bright man, ex merclal Hotel situate at the comer iof First Avenue and Eighth Street, ln the Ctty of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands des- 1 crlbed s Lots Thirteen (13) and Pour-teen (14) Jn Block Nine (9) Section One (1) Mp 833, Prince Rupert Land Rcglstrattpn District, from Alexander IProdhomme of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, to Prince Hotel Limited, the empt from military service. One . Tl?l!Se nurrn .A T.UU On naf Tl rT this wwi umve t-Apcrience preicrrca. 3 day of August AD. 1942. Apply Northern B.C. Power Co. I prince hotel limited I MAC DOES SlEy BOT ASrw" "I vo UKE" TO WAB TWAT- ( ) Kgtg X?tyffi& ! BVT1B,.'V"" INTERESTED 3UST MUdd TOTMb arrT frrrr j XjKVIMG Tt MAKE CCROPT OF f AJ. j VPv OFIHeWJ J (y jjjl ' BY WESTOVER MAYBE SHE WAS TRYING TO MAKE VOO TEALOUS BUT iHfc 1SMT M0VJ-SHE5 SUCCEEDING 1 "WW2? a 0 k 'ririlBTITHTlT luj ii iii ii txn iHiiii ii j ii : i CIVIC CENTRE I I CARNIVAL VICTORY QUEEN I Cast Your Votes For Your Queen MISS ETHEL KNUTSON Sons of Norway. MISS OPAL OLSEN Royal Canadian Navy. MISS EILEEN HAMBLIN Canadian Army Forces. MISS PHIL MURRAY Royal Canadian Alrforce. MISS MARGARET GREIO United Services. MISS HAZEL TOOMBS Junior Chamber of Commerce. CARNIVAL TIME AUG. 31 to SEPT. 4 WE PAY CASH For Old Phono graph Records NO STRINGS NOTHING TO BUY NO WAITING Bring your old records to us no matter how poor j men tuauuiuii anu we win pay you 5 CENTS FOR EACH 10 INCH RECORD 8 CENTS FOR EACH 12 INCH RECORD NOTE: Laminated records (paper core) are not acceptedthese include Regal, Harmony, Velvet, Edison, Columbia (except C series) and a few others. All other makes Victor, Bluebird, Decca, Brunswick are good for cash. This offer may be withdrawn at any time, so GET BUSY CASH IN NOW ! Take Your Old Records To 111 SIHr MCr I I I I m u m Bii.uiBjiiiia3iii!Tijraii3 wri-rnni i-trm n c? mi us miml urnmrnrEiBMisHmmmmEmrfo Films Developed and Printed 35c, any size Up to 8 exposures Enlargement Coupon with every roll Reprints 4c each Professional Work, Fast Service Enclose coin with roll and mall to: MEYERS STUDIOS 812 Granville St. Vancouver - NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From nome Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY NEWS WANT ADD. BUYING IN VANCOUVER For Neat and Attractive Homes Write, Wire or Phone Campbell & Pound Ltd. 2931 West Broadway Vancouver, B.C. MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERMANENT Against Hazards of Bombing and Other Disabilities Through the Largest Organization of Its kind in the World"1 .... The Mutual Benellt Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay you from $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for as long as your earnings stop due to sickness or accident and will pay it continually from one day to the end of life. Bombing and war hazard disability at no extra cost. 24-hour complete coverage on or off the Job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-55. Find out If you can qualify to take advantage of tills remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out the coupon today It will bring you complete details. OVER 100 MILLIONS PAID IN CLAIMS Put In the Mall NOW This Offer for a limited time only Box 549 c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Name .. I I Address , - I I Home Occupation - I P