it i 1 l Jj J I 1 i 4l WM Expert OPTICAL SERVICE TiL 1 V SAVE .... . TOP ft v Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT MAX' HEiLBRONER Yes Mom, SLEEPERS PYJAMAS SNOW SUITS UNDERWEAR VESTS HOSIERY PANTIES PARKAS COATS Mail Orders Promptly Filled. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of JTIIIRD. AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 For FOR with PERFORMANCE in Your I'm Warm! In People's Store Warm Children's Night Wear Complete stock and varied slection of children's warm winter sleeping wear. Keep them comfortable. Sleepers in sizs 2 to 8 and Pyjamas in sizes 2 to 14. As usual prices that you'll find generally mean a saving. Prince Rupert" 1942 VICTORY Home. I All Our Friends i the Compliments i of the Season. oi - ii n. & torn storage BRITISH COLUMBIANS Easy Kelvinator for better washing. for refrigeration. Singer RCA Victor for sewing and sav- for Radio Performing, ancc. Put Your Money on the Sure Winners Guaranteed Better 4 VALUE, SERVICE AND SATISFACTION All Winners at oMlaeMm.Jjd 8' Here's Wishing ELit tf . lv r- i tanaman nsn P PRINCE; RUPERT CnAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Cbarte Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Iland Engraving LEADERS LEAVE r PAQ2 roxm THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, Januauy Prime Minister Winston Churchill Is shown as he emerged, with Prime Minister W L, Mackenzie King, from a special nueeting of the War Committee of the Canadian Cabinet. Mr. Churchill attended the meeting within two hours of hisarrlval in the .capital. Photo, Public- Information. Whifflets From The Waterfront Censorship restrictions which were clamped down on Christmas Eve on press mention of coastwise steamship movements have been cancelled, It was announced today by the authorities, newspapers again - being given permission to mentioq the names of ships and times 6f arrival and departure. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, returned to port at 2:30. this morning from Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1;30 this afternoon in continuation of her voyage to Vancouver. The vessel, which is now making much better time, was here northbound from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday. BELGIANS AT WORK Women Spurn German Rule Prefer Freedom in Britain By WILLIAM STEWART Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Jan. 6: Quietly, hundreds of women among 24,000 Belgians who left their homes rather than submit to Nazi "protection" and domination have made themselves useful in wartime Britain. They have moved voluntarily and without fuss Into jobs in the textile, metal and other essential industries. Others have Joined the British women's services. Many have established themselves In Army sewing centres. Those who discovered they were not competent for work helpful to the war effort promptly took training courses for whatever tasks they believed themselves best-suited. A large number of the Belgian refugees were sea and fisher-folk from Belgium's coastal areas and instinctively .they settled,,, in British seaport towns. Belgian women took on the work of looking out for their welfare. Canteens; dispensaries and libraries have been established and Belgian nurses who escaped with troops from Belgium and France have found use for the valuable services. Some have become visiting nurses, performing Red Cross work among their own people or at international hospital and refugee centres. A Belgian staff has been trained for a home for tubercular patients to be opened soon with.' 50 beds. A Belgianstaffed "Vetlalp" . keeps its doors,;'open tof refugeebf jfony naUonalifyf'a'rrlvirinp.Bland. The rfrgfvetictpliie-ceived from"Canadaf the? United States and other parts 6f the world. The organization, controlled exclusively by women, also employs Belgian seamstresses who make clothing with material given by people abroad. Thousands of garments have been distributed to bombed - out families, expectant mother and the generally needy. WAR CONFERENCE Brave Women In Own Homes Looking After Children In Wartime Britain Real' Job Health Minister Says WHITEHAVEN, Eng., Jan. 6: tfc Health Minister Ernest Brown, in an address stressing the im-i portance of the health front, paid tribute to the women of British who are doing the "quiet unspec tacular work of this war." "Don't let us forget, either, the women who do wslr work in their own homes," the-minister said. "In thousands of small towns and vil lages these householders are hold lng strong points in our defence system by -looking .after" children from cities and war workers trans ferred under the schemes for dis persal of vital war industries. This widespread dispersal adds i lot to the strength of the island and it j would not be possible buLfor these women." j ' , j WHAT! ON NEW 'YEAR'S DAY I EDINBURGH, Jan. 6: O It was a dour day, for folks' here "when their. magistrates decided lo ban the sale of liquor on. New Year's Day because of small stocks and depleted staffs. , Women a?so have their own sec- tlon in the Anglo-Belgian Labor ! Exchange set up to find jobs for, Belgian workers. A woman is at the head of Belgian cultural; activities under the wing of the Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Education. There are exhibitions of the work of Belgian artists and weeklv con. certs and lectures for members of the Belgian colonies in Britain. Charity performances and broadcasts for the troops also are arranged. riKiiiB'ii.n IIIBIMIKIKI Ladies! WATCH OUR WINDOWS for Bargain before Mock takin? Selling for iss than half price GOLDHLOOM "The Old Iteliable" CENTRAL HOTEL First Class Accommodations EUROPEAN OU AMERICAN PLAN Baths By Appointment C. El BLACK, prop. When You Want r GOOD TAXI SERVICE tall 235 Taxi Proprietor O, Klldal GREAT AIR FILM HERE "Target For Tonight" Is Outstanding Offering Which All Should See. ; V A picture of documentary character recording, t.he answer of the Royal Air Force to Adolf Hitler's Luftwaffe, "Target for Tonight," showing the planning and actual execution of an actual and effective bombing raid on an important military object in Germany is featured on the current program at the Capitol Theatre. Those who saw it yesterday were greatly Impressed and the advice of one who saw the picture before it came to Prince Rupert is to oy all means see it. Climax of the film, which is a graphic and candid delineation of Britisn fight.nst character and power, are tho scenes taken by Royal Air Force cameraman during the course of bombing operations over a Ger- man city identified as Freihausen The illumination of the earth be low as the bomber's cargo hits the target of oil tanks is spectacular. The nonchalance and coolheaded- ness of Britain's fighting men of the air in actual combat Is something upon which everyone seeing the film commjents. The feature play of this program at the Capitol is "South of Suez," an exciting drama arising out of African diamond mining intrigue. The action starts' in Africa and moves to London. The cast includes George Brent, Bren-da Marshall. George Tobias, Lee Patrick, James Stephenson and Eric Blore. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Jan. 6, 1917: British troops successfully raided German positions southeast of Arras under cover of heavy bombardment; penetrated to enemy's third de-lence lines. Heavy fighting devel oped along the Sereth River in Rumania. I ! UNIVERSAL COTTON 1 Cotton is being planteu and picked somewhere in the world every day of the year. I ' I NATURE'S ICE-ROX Alexander the Great filled trenches with snow l cool wine ' for hls soldiers- I W X I U rTTir'T?n t 2 J. II. DULuLiV r I Inrnmotficf 1 (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) 1 ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Chatlie has many years' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOK Sixth Street Phone 649 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Wait. Something New for (he Holiday Season ri THREE (JOLI)SEAL Sandwich I Spreads "SPICED SALMON" I "SMOKED SALMON"' "BLOATER" g Made by the packers of the y well known "OOLDSEAL" 5 Brand Fancy Sockeye Salmon . ENDING TONIGHT 'Authentic: , ... The KJU. 1B aoum of in Action! ... m . a . -i n.iti lot - STARTING WEDNESDAY FOR 2 DAYS What was the fatal . . . . . weakness pi ALSO: Mcrric Melodic and World News hu, r 1 MolA7 Vflar Laijlcb llCYY i Cal Dance Is Enjoyed About Two Hundred Persons M-tended Affair At Aerie Hall Last Night One of the happy New Year's Eve dances in Prince Rupert was hat of the Eagles' Lodge in the Aerie Hall on Fifth Avenue. About two hundred persons were In attendance and dancing was In full swing from 10 p.m. until 5 an. with fine music by Bruce Wilson's Orchestra. Andy Ronald was a menial master of ceremonies and kept things moving happily. At, midnight delicious refreshments were served. Other members of the committee in charge were Huzhj Ferguson. William Hutson, S. G,( Ayres and Frank Ellison. ; BOUNCED AT 82 MANCHESTER. Jan. 6: Eighty-two year old Frances Devonshire suffered hardly a scratch when she Jumped from a first floor bedroom during a blackout after fire broke out in her home. It's wonderful what a little classified advertising may do tor you. Most people read the clawN fled ads. ftfl STANLEY W.COLTON D.C, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 6(0 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop.. Phone 37 P.O. Boi 5(1 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Wanted --Raw Furs HEATERS Brick lined. ( USE OLD PHOXE BoORsI LONDON, Jan. 6 p, residence? will have cu- ., .. i j i uiu veiepnone aire ' ;r:- f other year. The Per or: nas aeciaea me l42 .;rc oe ai5inouiea on.y j subscribers. LONG VACATION In most of Latin Ar r: school year begins m Apr' and ends In November luwik tun mo bKUd on a fin IfiJrli T.kl.f II it l i M faTt tkert, it b not Aspirin. Steamers leave P""- E " tor Vancsu"-' Twice Weekly Queen Charlotte Man Fortnightly Full Information. TiiW and Reservations FRANK J, SK1NM& Prince Rupert Atrnt Third Ave. . rhone 59 HIGHEST MARKET 'RICES I'AID Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPLY Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert BC A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" COLD WEATHER NEEDS: BLANKETS White and tfrcyf all wool. FLANNELETTE SHEETS Lartie sire. I BBBRBBHHmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmB' i m 1 PHONE 775 COAL! Ms combrfnf to (now prpper I tears wivm Real' Complete Shows at 7:00. 9:15 Georgf Bf si 327 nun" AVt rch .! ttlft m i, - ti re every ton of coal thai is to us from the mine M proper hcat-producuii ties. We're particular rWu' the kind of coal we tuy . m. mavi certain that our customers "J pleased. Place your ora wn-n h Dlcasco - " 11 I J serve you. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL PHONE Philpott fiS Evitt & Co. VU Ltd. ,