PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS rr.ixcc r.LTEUT, British Columbia Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue G. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR Transient, per inch Contract, per Inch .. Headers, per line LOCAL ADVERTISING Empires in Evolution . . . The following new books have been added to the pay section of the Prince Rupert Public Library: Fiction "The Lieutenant's Lady" Aldrich, "Look to the Mountain" Cannon. "Violet" Cook. "Coarse Gold" Corle. "The Valley of Decision" Davenport "I Live Again" Deeping. "Angela Du Maurier's Reveryan" Du Maurier. 'The Robe" Douglas. "Norma Ashe" Glaspell. "Hostages" Heyn. "Crescent Carnival" Keyes. "Here is Today" Lawrence. "Heavenly Harmony" Lieferant "The Stranger" Ross. "Beyond Surrender" Sims. 'The Day Must Dawn" Turnbull. Non-Fiction v $1.00 50c 25c Black Face Readers, per line - 40c Business and Professional Cards inserted dally, per month, per inch $2.50 MEMBEfl OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is 'exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Monday. December 21, 1942 EDITORIAL A statement by Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands on the postwar status of the Dutch "kingdom" (empire) is profoundly democratic The plan she outlines would not only greatly advance self-government but would set up in the world one more closely integrated system of collective security which could take its place as part of that broader system which must defend world peace after this war. The Dutch kingdom would become a second Commonwealth of Nations similar to that which has evolved from the British Empire. Qu'een Wlhelmina's statement helps to light two indistinct phases of postwar development. It shows how the principles of the Atlantic Charter can be applied in the Pacific and promises that the benefits of that document will not be limited, as some of its critics have feared, to a favored group of nations. It also illuminates the unfolding pattern of the world beyond the war a pattern, it should be observed, which is already swiftly developing despite timid reluctance in some quarters to look farther than military victory. Should the different characteristics of the French Empire permit a similar development when it is restored to a free France, a large part of the. world would consist of Commonwealths of self-governing peoples regional organizations within what might well be a universal framework. The interests of all these Commonwealths would touch at many points, and their defence problems would overlap. Queen Wilhelmina's statement is not so revolutionary as it may sound to those unfamiliar with Netherlands colonial policy. In the first twentv-five years of Wilhelmina's reign she has ruled the Dutch kinedom for some forty-four years the Hollanders' attitude toward Indonesian natives underwent a fundamental change. The phrase "our brown brother" and the omission of the word "colony" from the revised Constitution in 1922 illustrate the development of Dutch though twenty years ago. This is not to say that Dutch attitudes have kept pace with native demands. But the Dutch have shown a 1 readiness to educate the natives for political leadership and responsibility, and have permitted them to acouire experience in government through councils so organized 1 as to provide important places for native leaders. J Whatever the shortcomings of colonial rule by the white races in the past, a mere relinquishment of control of colonial areas could only lead to something much worse. Yet it is encouracing that two great colonial jowers, Britain and the Netherlands, are alike committed to something more than a return to the status quo after the war. British opinion has long recognized such a return to be impossible. Its pledge of freedom to India and its surrender of extraterritorial rights in China are proof of this. Queen Wilhelmina's statement shows that what is happening in the British Empire is part of a world trend. It helps to assure all peoples that the trend will be well established before this war is over. New Books In Library Here rVtion, Mystery and Novel Vol- umes Received LOTS OF COMPANY Within a radius of 40 miles from New York City Hall reside more than 11,000,000 persons. DESERT HIGHWAY The desert road from Lake Chad in central Africa, northward to Tripoli Is 1.600 miles long. "Saddles for Suitcases" "My Father in China" Burke. "The Book of Small" Carr. "Best Plays of 1M1-42" Mantle. Romance "Heartbreak for Two" Greig. "A Woman Will or Won't" Hauck. "The Street of the City" Hill. Mysteries and Western? "SilverUp's Strike" Brand. 'The Moving Finger Writes" Christie. "The Charred Witness" Coxe. Thirty Days Hath September" Disney and Perry. "The Gift Horse" Gruber. 'The Man from Texas" Gregory. "Hanged for a Sheep" Lockrldge. 'The Tragedy of 2" Queen. LEAFS ARE MOVING UP Toronto Now Only Two roints Behind Boston in Hockey Standing NEW YORK. Dec. 21 Toron to Maple Leafs crept up to within? two points of the leading Boston' Bruins In the National Hockey . League last night when they . smothered the New York Rangers in an 8 to 2 victory as the Bruins j were playing a draw game with the Black Hawks at Chicago. To-. J morrow night the Leafs and Bruins will meet at Boston. i The Detroit Red Wings had a' close 4 to 3 victory over the Carta- , diens at Montreal and drew up to exclusive possession of third place out of their tie with the Black Hawks. i Week - end National Hockey League scores were as follows: SATURDAY Canadiens 1, Rangers 1. Boston 3, Toronto 3. SUNDAY Detroit 4, Canadiens 3. Toronto 8, Rangers 2. " i Boston 4, Chicago 4. The league standings to date: W. D. L. F. A. JP. Boston Toronto Chicago Detroit Canadiens Rangers 11 11 8 8 5 4 4 5 7 6 5 12 12 77 100 66 65 58 58 64 59 63 54 87 97 Canada at War 25 Years A20 Wow... For Speed Comfort and Economy use Gi Metre Lather SHAVING CREAM Perfected after yews of research and experiment, this new Gillette Lather Sharing Cream quickly produces clouds of luxurious, tiny-bubble lather that stays moist on your face speeds shaving leaTes your face feeling soothed and refreshed. Made in Canada of finest ingredients. Ask your dealer for Gillette's High-Speed Lather Cream in the big 3 -ounce n economy tube, only 00Y Muiebr Gillette Safety Raior Co. e(Cau4 UL "In'ioythe Luxury of an All Gillette Shave" 26 24 20 '21 13 10 By The Canadian Press Dec. 19. 1917Heavy snow slowetd up operations on the Western Front. Recognition of Ukrainian Republic by Soviet government is demanded. THKTJXTLY NEWS IIpyDAYf3DEpgilBER 21 ti,2 ffeH Ww FOR -i Canadian Ric Whiskies B. C. Three Star B. C. Special Monogram. B. C. Double Distilled . Amherst Alto Amherst Old B. C. Three Star, 13-oz. Canadian Scofci IVtisiips five Scots - Caledonia Sheriff's Gold Bond Speysidc j. Gn ns Monogram London Dry Stirling London Dry Piper's London Dry Amherst Crystal Dry J while protecting three wound- ed comrades on the night of Fairview Grave Robbed of Holly Incident Over Week-end Leads to Information Being Sworn Out Desecration of a grave in Fair' view Cemetery at the week-end has ' led to prosecution which will be made In city police court. An information had been laid this morning but had not yet - been November 19 and stood off a j served. Part o( the holly tree from whole Japanese detachment until help arrived the next day., MAS - - a vault In the Roman Catholic Section of the cemetery was removed over the week-end. We are proud to announce the arrival of another shipment of "PARIS MAID" SLIPPERS. Ladies', Men' and Children's." Paris .Maid" Slippers carry a steel arch and are built of the finest materials. For style, quality and priced to please every pocket-book. BUY EARLY WHILE STYLES ARE COMPLETE Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes' 16-oz. 25-oz. 40-ox. $1.45 $2.70 $4.15 1.90 3.00 4.65 .... 2.30 3.65 5.40 1.45 2.75 4.20 l 1.95 3.05 4.70 16-oz. 2.00 26-ox. 3.40 3.25 3.55 3.80 40-ox. 4.85 5.15 12-oz. 25-oz. 40-ox. 1.35 2.65 4.00 1.45 2.90 4.15 1.55 3.05 1.40 2.70 4.05 BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. . NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C tfhis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, I Barney .Ross Is I KnYinas Rpst 1 NEW iYORK, Dec. 21 - Corp. Bamey Ross of the Uni- ted States Marines has been named winner of Jie Edward J. Neil .Memorial Trophy as boxing's 'best man of the Vear " Tt.1I-r.PV shaf- arm Jim I Christmas Gifts With an Old Fashioned Flavor Here's the flavor of quality and character brought up to date In new styllrfe and tailoring for your special men's gifts. HANDKERCHIEFS Fine quality linen, plain or fancy. Some Initialed. Boxed, two to six in a box. 50c 10 2.25 TIES Heavy f silks in luxurious colors and patterns a gift boxes. SI nd $1.50 HOSE Choice of all and silk and wool. PUi-i and fancy. 50c 10 S1.00 Fraser and Payne