daative Library x _———_—— =| THE DAILY NEWS From South (* pribeppitupert. A a a came irday, 10 a.m. | Formerly T i | y The Prince Rupert Optimist ae wo, 188 Ys - pe VOL. I, . 406 iil PRINCE RUPERT B.C F sl ae SUR a gen “ ee as ‘da Cae ) —— » B.C., Fripay, JUNE ci pt PRICE FIVE CENTS TICAL FIGHT IN THE STATES WAXES WARMER | EMOCRATIC CONVENTION —vasauarsots/ RUPERT'S FAVORITE BOXER _ HAS HOT ALL-NIGHT SESSION =... WINS CHAMPIONSHIP BELT Sacra taAK Los Angeles 6, Portland 2 | American, licens First Ballot Only Begins at Seven O’Clock This Morning---Clark) \)"Yo"s ?: Philadelphia 4. Joe Ba i | cleveland 4, Detroit 3 yley Outboxes Billy Allen at Bassano, Afte Splendidl Seems to Have It So Far Over Wilson---Roosevelt Reiterat- pati: i pu | Sporting Fifteen-Round Contest---New Champion Lightweight 4 ing Willingness to Withdraw---His Platform Outlined--- Pittsburg 3, 8t. Louis 2 Boxer of C 3 ; Re Pittsburg: tame Godt Be ae anada Beats Former Holder of Belt by P Mayor Gaynor’s Chrnces---Called Trump Card of Endurance Plus Splendid Skill With the Piro Chicago 6, Gineinnati 4. (special to Daily News. | Following is the result of tho New York 4, Philadelpina 3. : Baltimore, Md., June 26.— | first ballot: George Now Goes to Stewart. Te get | pets to Daily News. ae oF SRcensen from the lightning and evén the audience h After an all night seseien, at Clark, 483. Phe Prinee Ge gr ad he ONE OF OUR - ae June 27.—Joe i oa Be “garrned a oe oe deeeived with the idea that ais aa . | a . ieee 2 y, Joe OOK ee } ike which at this hour (7 @ m™m. Wilson, 317. rama tat sii ; y schedule t | vat dag bs eae ae hard blows *in an extraordinary one hiwaies Seas ; balloting or citer inate Pee ces = r wette ed é way. His condition was sune The stor as ‘ Friday loti f th Necessary to nominat Jit has , kk Si : uperh rt | mutiaic Giube wie erick ork night, Sfeae” Aiea Hh sul ' 1e last round was fireworks presidentiai nominee had | ever 700. tte Capt Mok er | | on a ai s and he was able to wear through- pure and simple Joe Bayley ! i { At Says > mate : ff; iliar te ; ‘ : fe! only just commenced by the | That there will be a dea ;| that the extens Paha ‘ oe OT ae wresiud the = Jont the match his familiar tan-| whirled in with that keen eyed ane oe * | ightwei mpi r 1y av eur semocratic convention, pro=- in the conventi on the me ent ha ere is ¢ pleled| A. S. B, Lucas Appointed to Su-| ‘ . ee Nid anid. Chee, derhowine Weenie 5 , f | Canada from Billy Allen of his and those damaging, borin longed demonstrations were ination for president is genera d e dor : first class} perintend Engineering and Con-| T mitt ri ing tt ap 5 the supporters of believed Wilsor nd (lar shape | struction Work in Hard on the! oronto before a great crowd adi teptibie an claus eae held by upp ca eee ee eS Dry Dock Contract that filled the arena to ca- heads, terrible as sledge ham- i Champ Clark and Woodrow $|tinue to lead, bul the advocates Mr M. Ty: Bene he G 5 pacity mers, heating down his oppo- ’ Wilson lasting over an hour jof the nominati ! Mayor Ga [ Mies sday land Announcement has just been} nent’s guard. Billy was game to has on Thursda ded] Se yee 1s Just been| When Referee Tommy the last of it, and hardy as they and twenty-five minutes eacn, j nor of ‘ \ ure easing a It was gh | ut he appointment of M1 | Burns at the end of the tan ther but | 3] had ti ae ’ , u icy HT, ne ce , ake them. but he simply had to Nomination speeches, fore a me ’ : ; | 1 hi i c re 1 | schedauicd number of rounds go down before one of Joe's ; . , ‘ | ia ) ds ance ae ship o he engineering | : ible and lengthy, took up th quarters re ¢ i , ~yoreland contract works imme diiety ,| held up his arm for Baytsy searching blows, which sought time from shortly after mid- | candidat. s-il was vy he 2 i | . | a ha Bhd oy the eae ie o4) the decision was greeted with | out the vital spot and sent Bily ' P fis ‘ ex . . dal .~ , . £ . night. Baldwin and Under- | Gayuor is relied : he the Grand 17 f f the te Mr. Matthew Dow, M1 rounds of applause indicat- | ate Unilin ‘ a nn ms ’ nine. Allen was awake and on servalives as the . Lucas \ lake le ylace oO > i wood were also nominated. caer f ca Stirrat, wt ha nailaedh | Ps ing the popularity of the ver- the move before the perilously i who has calls on his time i ee ee ee dict. The only knock down | [near number to the dismal un- ith, sci f spoken one, and gave a good ac- : PREH S THE CITY H L shh Bina PieRaa Mupel d er here and his engineer- bout was in the last round, count of himself in th last E WH A Al st gq rather be idy to pl < experience of the waterfroui when Alle : F BO e s | ia BS teauy ee ne f the waierf i n went to the mat round, but he was outfought and \ i tha las al dates bac » the earliest days of for a count of nine. Inthe | ; 9 sdinat aerdin ea! eu-[survey work there, He is a cap-] first half of the fight Allen | ete ee : PUNCH TIMEPIECE G0 EN T0 ges the | naa v at 1) man | the work to which had the better of it and could Inch) Ea led by the crowd. g @ithan a se f . pal employees{he has been appointed, for hk Allen remains a popular fighter, ‘ . wi ecarin bi acahehian arvios invhis head, Maeal aie land at first almost at will, but Bayley’s fame has taken a : DECISION TO PURCHASE IT AND DISCUSSION REGARDING ITS|() keep them | stealing the! experiency ny an important} Ut the blows did no damage leap: to the. star level. ' EFFECT ON STAFF WASTED MUCH TIME ONCE FOR public purse—for that is really|detail vhich a neweomer| to Bayley, who is hard as tale peranagecer ugg ta ‘HE COUNCIL, BUT WHERE IS THE CLOCK? the talla f this] have to go deeply into maps! _ natle. ; Entereat in Prince Rupert. was f punch clos fers nd calculations: ; es keen all through the training and A What has } e of the “punch|which he took pride a We It is proposed that some 1 dls Seek Aas eee Joe’s Lightning Style. BiLLY ALLEN, preparations for the bout, and the aS tara | ; — ok nee eee WP OO BAyIOy | WiOtOry- 48 DOntig’ feck” Jhatthe City Couneil some | est. ils ¢ ny eated with] In every way the bout was just! g s 3 . ‘ fide d ve exempt COUNCIL SCORES ; talizing smile in spite of Allen’s here. Bayley, though a Victoria ; a oe Ahn hat the time slook | . : ; eh es Ba that same sporty, breezy affair pounding: deliveries. Toward| boy, is looked upon with almost , Aeced f ial! to keep| clock” wv d hi rd eer. oe 3 a | which Joe Bayley invariably|{he end of the tenth round Joe|a@ proprietary interest by Prince : "I we noni ing. the teres : ; ; E nd THE G T P (0) gives when he meets an oppo-jrevealed his usual whirlwind] Rupert fans, as he did such bril- rhe ty ai " feel and show h rhe ioe Te Falstaff’s e ° ° ejnent of similar spirit such as/style with. sudden and vigorous liant work in his exhibitions in EC Re : : ; Billy Allen has proved to be. | effect. His blows rained in like} this city. : ra { f ! ; i ender be | Resolution Is Forwarded to Presi- : —— —— ——— a ee) ao much wage, with é ft dent Chamberlin and to Do=| \ jecting of the Daughters o1| LOCAL JOTTINGS superseded |tion that they fee ‘ er he w minion Authorities at Ottawa} jj. imipire will be heid on Tues=| THOUSANDS clock which | teres thie | Protesting Against Grant of} day, July 2nd, at 3 o'clock in St The G, W, Nickerson Gompany \ | Webster ad-| good to assume a ' Aday } \ | Foreshore Rights. Andrew's Chureh Hall, is moving its offices to the second ° is 8 Certalnie el eae itn ad ai Wneint \‘\ d ree —t floor of the Federal Building. - OF WORKMEN , 7 , \ ditable a pur-{ (an allogethe falas TT aes i 4 eng hy eS Ghasteg ea + - : e the rest ofition that the citw staff worker : ey oe a ny Eh 7 j The Urty of Seaiite, south- ; , vaiting forjonly for pay, then t ibel the | ‘ he other night, th pees called at this port this Labor Shortage on the Great me bylaws ’ While con-|by a “puneh clock ere slaves] [City | protests, against the BVismarnice Railways Now Building ts Tro- ws go in alapen atbetAt tik aay hel niotpa N BIG LINES : \ ents granting an} as ON CONDITION mendous—Much Work Being a } ' \ i 1 { 0 oresiore bi de sultabh the foheue Pao dates wary. tate.” said 0) | privileg s to the GT, P, whathar Delicious ioe cream at Kerley's,).. DNAKSE tee SOR Tae , ding onakel cua ra i ak Che as . | rel fora grant ofa site for Threat Made or Inducement Held Magee ane ee ta ao There is reported to be a con- tionks whan that humorist was the |@. T. P. Laying Steel at Two Miles] federal buildings or not mh Mut by Council That Tele-| ‘ = eo na 7 So ac ate *) siderable shortage of labor in the ee 8d tt a dial from}old Hast India House \ a Day—Fast Work on Other! resolut sets forth that the G.| phones for a Dollar a Month|?! Mowday for Prince Mupert, west for railway construction his gazing on it, witht aaid Lamb: “b Este Lines in Spite of Labor Short-/'1. P. already has more water- May Be Given if Byiaws Stand. Benet gies Se aes work. The three big companies “3 d very wisely,{] go away earls Here Lamb did| age—Steady Progress Made. | tha should kaye and — = % leould use many thousand move Mis ter So ‘the mal himself an iniustice in the eye: | suggests that the government At the City Council meeing on SN er men than they are able to secure. Mholy Jacays leacrihed == thelot the foolish who could not aj Ch Ene Armstrong ofth id better buy a site and proceed] Wednesday it. was reported by LATEST LUXURY Large nuribers of men have been Bslon of thy vn . 1 r. ] y have| deon's Bay Railway arrived]at once with the erection of the tha Teiephone-0o ttee that the wae taken from the east for construc- lores le mot IN the preciate his humor. 1 = . ‘romised federai buildings than|"— PIONS Ronee ek "| ew. eases n CGanadian}tion work, but still a great t Pn geen Puicyt ac eae raft , : : j 5 parture o anadian | tion rk, g The sometimes got to business & itn) W pes the: ob ” Re dieker further with the G, T, Tv proposed reduction of the price Trains. amount of work is being delayed ; Blac in the city. batt tor cite se "th ; mi te nye : ie Ma : p We I ei va |The Mayor expressed hitaseifjof telephones per month to one nee because enough men are not “punet purposes witha a 8 ae th we ‘. i nate sah nl AG the National ‘Trans-|.thor ghily dissatinfled with the] dollar was not to become elfective Toronto, June 27.—A new de-/available. J. 8, Dennis, head of HM upon | tI er eee iia 3 that his], ae Commission, said inp vay 1 which thas@es?. M, hadjon aeecount of the movement on|parture in Gapadian transconti-jihe uatural resources department Tary tat Will have} he said in his latter day ial oo ; } ily technically fulfilled the}foot to have the money bylaws|npental travel was marked vwhenjof the C. P. R., has been in Mon- _ ee CONE The eyes|real “works” were the old DOOKS| Ooha Onta BY Ne as a orms of their agreement over} quashed, The additional revenue|(he Ganadian Pacific Railway; (real making arrangements to se- Nak privileged ones may}of the company to which he had), : d of the ya ' mM the disputed assessment, iade by the phones in excess of}ipain for the coast pulled out of}cure more laborers, and he said Wr the, 4 my Bazing on Iigiven su h devoted labor road Woul« 20. m i Ae ona —__——— cost-of punning the system willl poronto this evening, Attached|thal the company wanted a thou- Whe Offieig v1 puneh bit “There is a great deal of fi Neen ; mT ; sk \ ne] Line-up for Hazelton. be devoted to carrying on thel{o the rear was an observation|sand more in the irrigation dis- mil have WG enon ima mature, wen in aman, 6% "then south ove a 7 thi a os Phe Prince Rupert aggregation] city’s other affairs in defauiv yi) compartment tiprary builet ear, trict. Marks of ina es emitting} "Sam Sticks.” and Judge Halibu & North Uinta on ae “ baseball players, who reeently}moneys from the bylaw provi-}thea latest iuaury on Canadian[ =~ —~--— ee oe And vo , ton was no fool, They are po ( ; viet ar . ae offaccepted a challenge from the] sions, railroads. The car is somewhat Mr. and Mrs. Marsh English tite s\,, ng run, the}students of human nature \ . mae vane? + ‘} : twa} Hazelton team for twa games to —_—_—_—_—_—_—- — longer than the regular standard] left for their home at Balmoral MURS Of g, abbreviate the} think that this “time elo . “19 , ee 8s . ‘mpleted| be played there on July dst, wit! ALARMED TWO VISITORS sleepers and consists of a rear after a week’s visit with friends feorge tits offensive class aistinot of ws ai sip Ee ‘tion on the] leave the 14 o’eleck train to- eer platform capable of holding ten} in town, Makes (i. \dam Bede’) tween punchers and ; na ewe Lea hie will give} morrow f Hazelton with great By the Prince George this|persons. An observation parlor bo rarer hereneererreenrrrrrriney itty mh nid charactur| punchers™ will not eee | ne 5 th Fort] expectations of bringing back} jorning there left for the south} with eighteen chairs and a smok- “For Rent and “For Bale Ring. 4 : the man wholin view and beget @ res : 1 Trunk Pa | ihe scaly he inland team. Thel {two representatives of ‘mportant/ing compartment, The privilege ecards at The Daily News oflice, Post «1, am tools with the} whieh will deteriorate thes u , rhs . Led On the} ne=i] if the Prinee Rupert} fire insurange) boards, who havelof using the car is accorded to MD bica, ‘lock as tho-| vice. Pewee isi st out of}team follows Champion, cateh-jpecn making a careful investi-| holders of seats in the standard Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. BME instona 1 an irksome Lixperience is against the |) Pet ” ta of two miles|er; Job _piteher; Toby, piteh-| gation of conditions in this city|first class sleepers. Phone 4. “Of leaving work initiee. Tt has been tried ¢ ewhe he 1 at the rate er: Earsman, first base; Emblo-| with a View. ta’ POGUCtOr OL Teel | aa arene en re — — i ton, second base; Landes, third] if cireumstances seemed to ware] wean e z vase: Brooks, shortstop; Vanee,}rant the step, They left Prince eee eennereet eet, THE BOYS SAW HIM OFF Ni field: Evans, centre fleld}] Rupert thabatanis disturbed in PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR | g j leld, » score f nv PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO mir G. A. Tracy Leaves Taney for)! an rem hele beau oo RR ee ttt Mayor Manson expects that Aldermen Hilditeh an’ New- a ieee i East After Pleasant me Let Gecrae Do It. of the community as regards the | 1 ae ete eet ouane ae ok : bys }, 8 f Joe Bayley'’s brilliant boxing style se! ; i of Prince Rupert print You will want your piano tuned] storage of inflammable waste! cout i era ones ’ 8 § E IBY emul) s : \ band ola gh , stull and gasotine, They strongly rival in New York after maiden trip, ; \ ’bing his skill in the noble art ‘he G. TP. P, wharf] by a responsible, + iable piano} stufl and sasotine, Phe) gl) a ; ; Bien oe ct 4: Bal Mile the "Patt steam roller is rumbling ove! bine ; nee ” ing bidding}tuner, George Anderson, jiane condemned the Mayor for not Rey, D. W, Ganton and G, D, Robinson save five from tg Nupert’'s own steam roller reappeal ie re a ( aa ah I'racy,}expert from Portland, will be] having his business premises in drownings ™ — ane y <. soans acl’ te Gaull ear aaa Al ate rracy| here about July 4st, Leave or- shape to show a good evamplo) Amaieut dramatic sociely formar a) PRU Rupert, Smal ‘ Bulloeck-Webster suspected of wanting to ce \ the oy ad ie here!ders with Paul Kauffmann’s mu-| to the cily up so serious a seere.! wi ee ee decide to organize association to guard i Nall adder for the Acropolis Hill zoo : " n ihe warmest good] gic store, opposite new post of- Tne visitors were Mr, Perey J. a D Ve a ea a or for first time as clerk fo the bin) Mabel says she's downright shocked to th ha 7 Ho ety ty DOR nTiinnnn 6t | Perry and Mr, James O, Miller, Sa Bis anc anes waa 2 y Anat Penta a ‘ Dick , Nupe hould have a mayor whose busin : y 88) : aan {Y was a rouser, . Mr Milter ae PRApOROF and Mr. a cas ea ! het oe eet mr + Sen ss. ' bad example to the community and Hiss , oN Take home a quart of ice cream) Perry adjuster of Canadian schoo! In old Dullding, e om in town at Savoy, when you go. See Keeley. j Claims Knocking PP reese.,., ware Best re : ree | PODOLEL EOL LOOES |