MONDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1942 i m (The Old Reliable) z k ii ismi:iasi;iixa;KjKi:KiiKiP!:ji;: I RAILWAY I LINKS Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-. gell, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. I COATES, Genwal Aeent, Prince Rupert, B.C. ' K'f5,c6!tsec!cx',,x,c'c,'''i,e''e"ec''s'etc,''S'',,c,-c!, l n A WARTIME X mas We suggest that Christmas Shoppers ff 3 AM this year be patriotic and buy VIC- .1 TORY BONDS OR WAR SAVING jj CERTIFICATES. U If you insist on buying Men's Wear, sec $$ I W. F. STOME 1 ft "Clothes of Distinction" 48 tMAx.s..3.iA,,s..llS..5..A....3lS.s.liA.s..Sl Wanted -Raw Furs riLLIE THE TOILER BlLL.-rOu t SAYlVDU CAN'T GIVE ME MEET MC ORDERS.rVE BEEM IN THE DSVJN- J ARW LOOSER THAM YOU tdvmm at vSHiK seven WV. y Br r HIGHEST MARKET TRICES PAID Representing -HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAY, ' T WAS INDUCTED, the sergeants who will see to it that the girls get to the dance. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT, Hostess ' THE DAILY NEWS I - : Record breaker! Newr Py. easy-shaving Minora Blade rmySSfy economy Wade. O' 1 ItBYl CTOTKBl3.m5ft1TOraiBtBrai- I Received Large Order for Furs Ooldbloom can pay more than anyone eke. See Goldbloom be-fore you sell your furs, then then you're sure to get 30 more than from some buyers. W. GOLDBLOOM im H Christmas week and so much to do and so little time to do it in! Does that complaint sound fam iliar? I shall start with the announcement of two seasonal par- .ies and dances. The Ontario regi ment's sergeants' mess is holding a party and dance Christmas night. They feel there must be a number 3f girls who are strangers in town with nowhere to go on Christmas and they most cordlaily invite them to attend. Those who would like to :ome will leave their names and addresses with Mrs. Garbutt at the 'Y" and she will pass them on to The Grenadiers' sergeants mess is issuing invitations for a New Year's party and dance on Satur day. January 2. They are making oians wen in advance to ensure that plenty of girls will attend and they are going to a lot of trouble to entertain you, so help them out even if it does happen to be Saturday. They tell me it is the only , day they are free to hold a party. As for parties, we had a grand children's Christmas party on Sat urday afternoon. There were about a hundred children and their mothers there. The "Y' gave a program of children's Yilms and the Service Wives' Club supplied the refreshments and souvenirs for the children. There was one horrible moment when we were afraid that Santa had lost his way but Jim Dumeah, officer's cook at H.M.OS. Chatham, found him and showed him where to come and Max Bea-son, ship's cook at H.M.S. Chatham, helped to brush all the snow off old Santa. The old boy was pretty much out of breath with all the rush but he went into his act beautifully. Thanks a lot, Jim and Max. I caught Corporal Douglas Ram say of the Grenadiers in a nostalgic mood the other day. He was thinking of two years ago when he spent a wonderful Christmas with a fam ily in West Indies where he was stationed. I persuaded him to let me use a few extracts from his diary, they are so descriptive of he day he spent with this hospit able family. He says; "I found the house all decorated as befitted the festive occasion, a Christmas tree and snow as the West Indians conceive it -handfuls of cotton batting. After greetings all around we went out to the beautifully decorated table on the cool, vine screened patio. Covers were laid for thirty and the table was complete even to place cards, the table was canopied over with Christmas stream- with mica snow. Real polnsettas and holly, in tall vases, added color. Long red and green candles in brass 6jS holders shed a eoft lustre over the jj silver and snowy llnel, even the salads followed the red and green jj Christmas motif, the soup too was pea or tomato still the Christmas red and green. The food was glori-jj2 ous, rich brown turkey with cranky , berry sauce and a spicy dressing, baked ham done in brown sugar and cloves, fluffy white rice, Irish and sweei potatoes, yaquis and plantains, cooked green bananas and breadfruit, yams, leeks, carrots and golden corn swimming in butter, pickled fruits, fresh fruits, peppers, olives, plmientos, nuts, Jiislns, devilled eggs and appetisers of unknown composition, comb honey and other sweets, hot tea, Iced tea, black coffee, cafe au lalt (I can't stand it, Douglas, It's killing me) I think as we walked home after all this kindnes shown us the words of Jack Jackson, one of our lads, expressed the feelings of us all when he safd: "Gosh, two weeks ago I'd start to get all choked up whenever I saw a Christmas wrapped parcel and start to think of all the folks back home, but now, heck! this has been the swellest Christmas of my life. A "CLOTHES" CALL! wnl un) LT MS'GWG OU ORDERS -IME BEEN IM SIMCEqULV30 BUT AT MHAT HOUR? THAT'S TURKEY SHOOT Keen IS SUCCESSFUL Competition at Event C.N.K. Ranges on 'On Saturday afternoon the Rifle Club of the Canadian National Recreation Association held with the usual success, its annual Christmas turkey shoot at the club ranges. There were eighty-eight entrief and, as in former years, ladies took part in the different events, displaying a high average of skill n competition with the men marksmen; Prize-winners were as follows: Offhand, no elbow rest J. Dougals, 47 out of possible 50. Offhand, elbow rest Corp. Beatty, R.C.A.F., 50. Match No. 2, Seriles 2 Corp. Beatty, R.C.A.P., 50. Match 2, Series 3 Capi. Wnw-son,. Ontario Regiment, 50. Match No- 3, Series 4 Mrs. T. A. McWaters, 50. Match No. 3 ' Ladies Miss E. Rlvett, 49. Luck- Targets-Series 1: High score, G. Coswan; low score, sgt. E. T. Brock. Series 2: High score, Theo. For tune;. loWvScore, Mrs. Arnold. Series 3: High score, Mr. Cope- land. Committee in charge consisted of W. Brass, chairman of Rifle ' Club; Theo. Fortune, Mrs. W. Brass and Ray Fisk. John MacKenzie i Is Laid At Rest Funeral Yesterday of Well Known Local Utilities Man Who Died Suddenly The funeral of the late John R. McKenzie, line foreman for the Northern British Columbia Power Co., who died late last week from e heart attack,, took plce Sunday afternoon from the Grenville Court chapel of the B. C. Undertakes to Fairvlew Cemetery. The rites were under the auspices of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and many friends were in attendance to pay ' their last respects. Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiated and Mrs. Lois Vaughan presided at the organ, to accompany the .. Joymns., which were "Lead, Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me." Pallbearers were J. J. Little, J. N. ers and bells and sprinkled over Forman, T. B. Black, J. W. Tottln ger, J. T. Langridge and William Reid. Those sending flowers were: Aunt Rebecca anlv family Vancouver; Manager and Staff of Northern British Columbia Power Co., Don and Clara McLeod, Mr. vand Mrs. Vic Grant, Balmoral; Mr. and Mrs. E. Easson and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Houston, William Miller, Mrs. Rogers and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. James Clark, Mr, and Mrs. II. A. Duhamel, Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Order, .Daughters of the Empire, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. And so say we all, Jack, The Jamaicans! . . . hospitable, friendly people In an unhospitable, unfriendly world. God bless 'em." It even makes me homesick for the West Indies and I've never been there. c:cB:oiiBiinin:cia:B!B:iB::i!ci Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 I WMJtUSA NINE THIRTY A.M. ) f -t,7" -rsq - in BY WESTOVER DOT IT WAS CENTRAL WAR TIME VVMHAT TIME BELT VAJERE VtiUlM? I P7hlHI I M'lU 1 V-M U IVCJ I'lC i II I I V A f NUW ' IX'I these days. Xmas Concert At Skeena Crossing Dance Will Follow Event This Wed. nesday Evening SKEENA CROSSING, Dec. 21 The annual children's Christmas concert will be held on Wednesday, December 23, at 3 pjn. In the new hall under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wesley. Mr,, and Mrs. Wesley have been WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue TRaTS an IHOUR EARUEf t)U VM1M. iz i-v hw i vim m: ji mi i -tillie jl : mi j v. rw turn ris .-i . iMt i x v .oihci i y.v iri a great help to teachers in many ways, namely with Rev. Bishop Black, Norman F. McEwen and Edward Martin. Since there is no. teacher the concert will have to do without children's recitations and, in place, there will be musical Items, solos-and so on. This event is promising or a good time so all are cordially invited to attend. There will be a dance following to the music of Wesley Brothers and Company. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. V .WE CANNOT GIVE YOU All YOU WANT If your favorite Neilson Chocolate Bar is sometimes not on hand, please don't blame your dealer he is rationed just as you are for certain foods. Why not choose any of the other Neilson Chocolate Bars he has? They are all full of energy-restoring nourishment, so much needed Christmas Tree By Women of Moose ' Delightful Affair by Local Chapter Sunday Afternoon Prince Rupert Chapter No. 211, Women of the Moose', held its an-' nual Christmas Tree and party In the Oddfellows' Hall Sunday afternoon. About fifty children were present to participate in the games and to receive presents from Santa Claus which they all did with much excitement and laughter.' Refreshments were served to the children and their parents by the " library, social service and child care committees. GLAD TIDINGS When Christmas and New Year bells ring out their . message of rejoicing, may your share of happiness be bounteous, and may you "and yours bask in the warming glow of a contented hearthside: fSEAL COVE TRUCKING 'AND TRANSPORTATION CO. Three Two Taxi : John Gurvich Contractor A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD FLACE TO BUY A good selection of Christmas Gifts have arrived although not so numerous as former years such as Coffee Tables, End Tables, Tea Wagons, Tables used for smokers, Secretaire, Tablelette, Jardinere Stands, Tea Tables, Dinette Tables with flip leaf. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue iVbNc If you lose anything, advertise for it.