THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE #UPERT PUBLISHING CO, I TD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. REAL ESTATE TRANS‘ENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—56 cents per inch. Contiract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaliL7, 50c per month, or 35.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries--Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YORK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SBATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LonDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunl: Building, Trafalgar Square. SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. see DaILY EDITION. REMOVE A BAD IMPRESSION. Visitors to Prince Rupert are usually very favorably im- pressed with the city. Very rightly they admire the result in street and buiiding develepment, of the indomitable character of the people who have pioneered Prince Rupert. But a different impression was made by our city upon two visitors who, arriv- ing by the Prince George, made a_ thorough investigation of Prince Rupert’s conditions from a fire protection and prevention point of view. While they give Prince Rupert credit for an up to date enough and most efficient fire brigade, they pass lightly over that as a remedy only too necessary in view of the condi- tions they have found in the city which they declare simply invite a conflagration that will sweep out the best part of dur business section. Closely crowded frame buildings of dry lumber, several of which they say ought to be condemned and remoyed, back yards piled high with waste paper, excelsior wood fibre ‘packing (almost the most inflammable material known), and gasoline in tanks and led through tubes, they discovered wherevér they searched, Even the Mayor’s business premises on Third avenue they declared amongst the mosi offending, and apart from the aspect of fire risk, they mentioned the aspect of sanifation as vitally important. Tiiese visitors, experienced in sizing up similar and comparative conditions in Canadian cities were far more forcible on the subject than this article. They have gained an exceedingly bad impression of onr city, which it is up te Prince Rupert to remove. If the Mayor sets a bad example need the citizens necessariiy follow it? May fire losses in Cansda amounted to $2,251,815, accord- ing to estimate of the Monetary Times. For the first. nine months of the year the total is over $10,500,000—an inerease of about $3,400,000 over the corresponding period of 1911. A. fire waste of $25,000,000 or over looms in sight for 1912 as a whole, says Canadian Finance. Is Prince Rupert to run the frightiul risk of contributing to the grand total of the cest of Canada’s carelessness when just a little concentrated tidiness would so greatly reduce the danger? SHORTCOMINGS OF CONVENTIONS. The present Republican convention i doubtless the last which the party bosses will rule under present day methods. The party boss has been in control of conventions for many years. The people have revolted from his domination and have insisted upon state primaries in some places. it is interesting to note that the battle at Chicago was mainly between delegates chosen by the bosses at party conventions and the delegates chosen at the primaries. The party bosses are in control now, but the will of the peopie must prevail eventually. In the next Republican convention without doubt the delegates nominated by primaries will be in the big majority. The convention method is undemocratic. An unserupulous United States president by the convention method could so fortify himslf in office as to make himself practically impregnable and could keep on getting conventions forever. Taft is not popular in the United States. If there had been nation wide primaries he would have no chance of election. Had there been no pri- maries at all he would have been chosen without difficulty. He is not a scientific manipulator or a politician. If he can fortify himself in office against the wishes of the people the power of the unscrupulous office holder seeking re-election would be alraost without limit. The convention system of selecting candidates across the line has fallen down everywhere. It gives the greatest oppor- tunifies to the manipulator, the boss and the wire puller. Gon- ditions in this country are somewhat different and the evils of ‘he system that are so apparent across the line are not so appar- ent in Canada, However, the opportunity is here and it will be a matter of time only before the evils will be reproduced.—Cal- gary Albertan. ri 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 28 completed, will rank with the Raikhway crossings will be abol- the who involving a total of sey- eral million dollars. THE DALLY NEWS. AT EXTREMES to Known Cases of Deep Plung+ ing in Subdivisions—Central Property Always Good. There is no question that real estate speculation has gone to purchased i extremes in some parts. It is} qom understood that in some cases] ,,, join the fleet which makes its the banks are curtailing. accom- neadquarters modation to commercial custom- Central property in the cities will no doubt hold iis value, but operations in outside subdivisions are reckoned to lave reached ex- travagant proportions.—Canadian Finance. For row boats and launclies telephone 320 green. Davis boat house. VANCOUVER'S York, It will eost $1,400,000, The official announcement re- garding the award was made re- NEW BOARD OF centiy, Work is commencing im- mediately. The building, when best stations on the continent. In accordance with the agree- in the downtown section to re- lieve the congestion of traffic. ished and overhead bridges built, STEAM TRAWLER ON A LONG TRIP Banks Curtailing Accommodation] Grontes Left Clyde One Hundred and Seven Days Ago, Victoria—Will Fish on This Coast. Luited King- ‘ is expected ers who are believed to have heen} shortly from the Glyde The Or- carried away by the movement. (os ag called:at San Diego a week ago and should by nearing the end of her long voy- age ago in company of Captain Kerr and coaling stations en route via the Straits tes is considered trawler, iron-screw ketch- rigged vessel of 76 tons nel register, Classed 100 A-1 at Lloyds. She was built by NEW STATION Cochrane & Cooper at Beverly in , 1895 has been used ——— of the Yorkshire C. P. R. Depot, to Cost $1,400,000, | flee! Will Be Erected by Well Known| mensions are: Length 1411.5 feet; Firm——Work Now in Hand—/beam 21 feet; and depth 411.5 ft. Several Millions in: Features. The vessel is engined with triple 5) expansion The new C, P. R. station at}eylinders, 13 inches, Vancouver is to be built byland 34 Waterhouse, Church & Kerr, New] 24 machinery with in diameter, inch stroke, ‘FISHERIES ment arrived at with the city, the| Advisory Body Proposed for the compary will also build a tunnel Dominion to Regulate Fishing Matters—Three Members from British Columbia. (Special to Daily News.) LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that John M, Buchanan, of Atlin, B. C,, oceupation teamster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at & post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4450, Range V, Coast District, .bence 40 chains north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east 40 chains more or less to northwest post of Lot 597, thence souih along west line of Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or less to place of commenceipent end containing 160 acres more or less, J. M, BUCHANAN, George M. Shirley, Agent. Dated May 30th, 1912, Pub, June 13, 1042 Skeena Lang District—-District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that Caroline Johnson, of Vancouver, B, C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at @ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence 60 chains north to southeast corner of Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along Lot 3062, thence north 20 chains along Lot 3062, thence 40 chains west along Lot 8065 to point of commencement, coutain- ing 560 acres more or less, CAROLINE JOHNSON, W. J. Goodwin, Agent. Dated May 20th, 1012. Pub, June 18, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that Willlam Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation capitalist, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the west bank of the Hocsall River, about one mile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains, more or less to bank of Hocsall River, thence southerly following river bank to point of commencement, to con- tain 40 acres more or less, WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, Datei May 25th, 1912. Pub. June 3, 1912. WATER NOTICE. For a License to Teke and Use Water. Notice is hereby given that Lakelse De- velopment Co,, Lid.. of 4 Haddon Bldg., Vancouver, will apply for a license to take and use 400 cuble feet per second of water out of Williams Creek, which flows in a westerly direction through Southeast Lakelse Valley and empties into Lakelse Lake near North End. he water will be diverted at a point 3 miles above the bridge and will be used for irrigation and power purposes on the land described as Lakelse Valley between Skeena River and Lakelse Lake. This notice was posted on the ground on the 6th day of May, 1912. The appli- cation will be filed in the ofMfce of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Building, Victoria, B. C LAKELSE VALLEY DEVELOPMENT co., LTD. By W. R. Flewin, Agont. Pub. May 18, 1912. pointment of fisheries is under the consid- Take notice that Samuel A. Peterson of the City of Prince Rupert, tn the Province of British Columbia, has purenered the trade, essets and good will of the Pony Express, formerly belongin to J. : : ; : A, The modern, high ciass place|eralion of the Fisheries depart -| Rootjes’and Fred’ Peterson of the Clty of for billiards and pool, Seale’s,| ment. Third avenue. tf posed —_— eluding Sold in bulk by quart or pint,}!lumbia, delicious, refreshing hot weather necessity, ice cream at Keeley's. The board would be com-| of canners, and salmon fisheries, sentatives Prince Rupert and now owns and runs , the said business under the name of the in-| PONY EXPRESS on his own behalf, and | that the said Samuel A. Peterson is the sole owner and proprietor of said busi- ne SAMUEL A, PETERSON. By His Solicitors, Willlams & Marson. Vhree different sizes of wood hoists, Alberts Block W. L. BARKER ARCHITECT Silversides Bro Phéne 89 The up-to-date House Decor Second Ave. H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Latley MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenne. 809 2nd Ave, Auditors for Gity of Prinee Rupert STUART & STEWART Aecountants Phone No. 280/2nd Street tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing. & Paper-Hanging | Our Specialties WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS | TATE Phone 156 Gp Prince Rupert Be OF BOWE OS 4 i viateietetibieritieecnn ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. All dental | peretions skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthecics admini Alex.M.Manson 8.a., W.E.Williama,p.a., L.L.D of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. katchewan and Al- berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC. WM. S. HALL, L.D.38., D. DLS. DENTIST. Crown aiid Bridge Work a Specialty. ministered for the painless ex- flices WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P.O, BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., ILON., ENG 819 8rd Avenue Phone 384 JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insuranee $s. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th paey of May, A. D. 1912. [- — ——— as Oe os es ice oetag ; | a ~——. LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise meee ce Largest Stock | Lowest Prices in Northern B.C. , im ooo ~i I~ oe oredr | Read The Daily News And Get All the News Fall trade. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 50% Lumsd«n Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so write, if interested, Making a Flat World Round When Columbus set out to reach India by sailing westward, he met with opposition and ridicule. He believed the earth to be round. Wise men held that it was flat—that Columbus was mad —and that he’d fall off somewhere if he departed from established beliefs. But Columbus’ belief found him a continent and made him blessed of memory. The Business World is flat to some men Their profit-bearing shores of Opportunity stretch only so far as their grandfathers trod. apathy have set them confines which they may not pass. Custom,: superstition and For instance, they believe the business year is a flat one— not an all-year round of trade, with East joining West, with Spring merging into Autumn—but just two distinct seasons, with sawed-off edges gaping into space. They confine their activities to a Spring trade and“ to a To them there is no intervening continent with stores of waiting wealth. Their world is flat. They have not explored the mid-year months of Summer trade, June, July and August are never-never land. Surely this conception of Summer as a “dull” season is as fallacious as the delusion that the earth was flat. People have just as much money in the hot weather and spend quite as freely as in Spring and Fall. Granted that they are not buying skates and snow shovels in August, yet they are buying staple articles, Furthermore, they have an eye on luxuries and comforts they are counting upon purchasing in the Fall. The modern Columbus has discovered this Summer trade—this golden West lying between the known Departing from established habit, many have made their energies and their Advertis- ing an all-year-round proposition. Keeping up Advertising during the Summer months not only links your Spring and Fall, but produces rich har- vests from the Summer months themselves. continents of old beliefs. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE _ PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT —ww Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec, ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCANDINANIAN Society) Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 Srd Ave. SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- wegians are welcome, Your Success-Mete Regard your B.N.A. Savings Bank Book as a sort of meter which records plainly your progress toward prosperity, There are hundreds of these Bank of Britis fickenon Bock: Prncetuoe ie? | Worth Americ success-:neters in the homes around you. Is there one in | your home? If not we will gladly provide one. 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,( Prince Rupert Branc Ms S. LONG, Manager. Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lt ! Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Soat lumber a specialty. Delivery " made at short notice. c Our prices are as low as any. Call on us kefore ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Sixth Ave.-—-Best Buy in ( Lots 7 and 8, Block #2, Section 7 avenue, $700 each; % cash, 6 af months, or $650 each cash *H. DOUGLAS 335 Third Ave. P. O. Box P (Opposite Post Office) be Prince Rupert Dailies, FRESH MILK & CREAM Dal Guaranteed Pie No Shipped Stuff Phone@ —THE— nr LINDSAY'S “’stoxace” |Weetholme Lumber G, T. P. Transfer Agents —LIMITED— Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. —__-_-_ OFFICE~H. B. Rochester. Centre St, Phone 68. ° ; Lumber and Moulding SMITH & MALLETT 2 waikn ava. All Kinds of Building Supplies Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sihimaneilenttio : Sheet Metal Work Firet A Ph ° on Phone itt ar 2nd Ave. bet. 7th aiaebe ae — NOW.... IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS e ; H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert ruit . ENSINEERS AND MACHINISTS Up-to-Date Equipment, Work and oneanel Phone Biue 259 - P, o. Box 967 That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to display our large stock of beautiful om fs ture and some of our upholstery, see drapery, eto. our show windowe at the Big Furniture Store. Linoleums, G'uves and games on the Gth «eet side; Crockery and kiicuwen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. F. W. HART CORNER 6TH ST. AND 2ND Ave. PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0,|°—=======ssmomsaonly COALY Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain IF YOU WANT TO SE The finest Range ever produc in Canada call at Fred Stor Hardware and inspect the Ne Chancellor, You will say that is the best you have ever seq and it is just as good as it look TORK ELL ] TOVE Seeds, New Wellington. Cul. Best a Mall Orders Promptly Attended to aire ore = Fompily Attended to | Phese 116 Rogers & ~ Agents International Stock Food:- —ALL KINDS OF FRED— Prices Right, Engine Work and General Repairing, Shop, Gow Bay LL | For Kitsumkalum or Lakemm write or call on the ; Agents for imperial Gacciine Motors. Terrace Land TERRACE, 8B. C.