MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1913 '8 a 0 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Widths From A through t. All sizes. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charts Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and ;ovemcs. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant STEPS to a smart Comfortable Season Go To The CUT RATE SHOE STORE The new alligator and snake and lizard combinations are here. Also suedes, kids and patents. For just the right color combination to match that new fall ensemble. Don't fail to see the new shoes on sale at the Cut Rate Shoe Store now. SHOES FOR BROTHER.-SISTER, MOTHER AND DAD Cut Rate Shoe Store OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled 506 THIRD AVE, W. Across From Orme's Drug SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here Is your chance to try the latest J-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAH t. Cor. Gth and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 913 for Appointments fOO OOOOOOOO0OOOOOOTOOO0O OO0O frCtXhOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO" rfl For IJuick, bale and LomlortaDlc taai bHicviUb PHONE 235 DAY AND NinilT Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pjn., stopping at r all stations. DIESEL CAR for TERRACE Dally except Sunday, 4:15 pjn. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 am., stopping at principal points. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY. 10:30 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pjn. DIESEL CAR from TERRACE, 11:20 a.m.. Dally except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DININO CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full Information, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent . 523 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets '. . .-'at Your Local Butchers. NO'WAlSTE - ready" t(S Cook Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. "KITISIJ COLUMBIA IS MINING NEAR TOWN Albert Boss of rrudhomme Lake Is One of Colorful Old Timers Of These Parts Albert Ross, who hires out boats for fishermen, and picnickers at Prudhomme. Lake, raises flowcrj and vegetables and also finds time to dig into a hillside near his. cabin where he has a mica and platinum prospect, has now reached his eightieth birthday and says if he lives that long, he expects to be around for a few years yet. He looks hale and hearty, is full of llfeand enthusiasm, Is still able to put In a good day's work so doubtless, will be around for a while. Mr. Ross is one of the colorful characters hereabouts and is well VJcnown to people who travel out r . the Skeena lver Highway, par ticularly the visitors to the Prud homme Lake area. He Is an old timer of Prince Rupert, havlne landed here from the Yukon away 5 back in 1907 or so when tlf V clearing of this townsite was com mencme. fourteen years ago ne sustained aeg injury when work-in onfiinlruc.tlon of the North ern British Columbia Power Co. In the Prudhomme Lake area. It wa at that time that he settled at hl present location and has lived there ever since, digging around for minerals, building boats, and cultivating the land. . . . " Mr. Ross has the usual prospec tor's optimism about the hill nea which he believes has good mice and platinum showings. He think' 5 the mineral came there through V volcanic action originally ' The popular old gentleman hat ;,been doing a good business with 'his boats on the lake during the JL . nast summer. He is nroud of the 1 flowers and vegetables which he grows. Mr. Ross does not welcome hunters around his place for he ir personally friendly with the deer and the wild animals. Two deer have been making their horw close to his place all summer and one has become so friendly that it 1 comes up and eats out of hb hand; i i i i B In B MISS LONOTON WINNER Miss Lomton defeated Miss Evy j Rlvett in the final yesterday to 1 win the ladies' single champion-shin of the Canadian National Recreation Association's tennis championship tournament. THE DAILY NEWS IS KILLED OVERSEAS i I Leys Beaumont Loses H" Life In Air Force Raids on Germany Many old friends In Prince Rup- ;ert of, Mrj ."pre. Reginald Beaumont, formerly of this city. wl -Iqarp with much regret that thelf son,' Pilot Officer Leys Beau mont, has been listed as killed on service overseas with the Royal ; Canadian Air Force. He had taken part in raids on Germany during the last three months Including the heavy Cologne attack. Twenty-three years of age. Pilot Officer Beaumont lived. In Prince Rupert for years as a small boy Later the family moved to Van couver ana. Deiore ennsung in May 1940, he attended the Univer sity of British Columbia. During summer vacations, he used to run north as a member of the crew ol the steamer Prince John. Clinic In East SATURDAY National League Boston 4-9. New York 6-0. Brooklyn 8. Philadelphia 3. Chicago at St. Louis, postponed . American League Detroit 0, Cleveland 3. St. Louis at Chicago, postponed. SUNDAY National Leacue Chicago 2-1. 8t. Louis 9-4 '8' Louis cinches National League pennant). Brooklyn 4. Philadelphia 3. Pittsburg 8-7. Cincinnati 7-4. American Ltarue New York 6. Boston 7. Detroit 0, Cleveland 8. Others postponed. We're MOVING T00l On September 30th, your favorite store. THE VARIETY STORE, will be in its new home at 518, 3rd Ave. West, opposite the Capitol Theatre! Everything ha been planned for your added shopping convenience! Wider aisles, good lighting, handsome displays, more sales people, larger stocks of the newest merchandise! Even If you do not wish to make a purchase come in Just to look around. YouH enjoy your visit to our new modern store. We are closing the present store on Saturday,- Sept. 26th, at 9:30 p.m. and will open the new store on Wednesday, Sept, 30th. THE VARIETY STORE i Where Your Dimes are Little Dollars You Receive Greater Values! MUlROllS-Sizc 2"x'l". All Edjfcs Revelled $3.95 Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert v s Complete Shows: 1 00. 3 00, 5:00. 7 00. 9:00 Feature at: 1 20. 3 20, 5 .S3 End Is Popular' KEPT BUSY Turlrr Infants and Children Of Pre-School Ate Prr'tn, Last Meek . Twelve babies were presented for examination and advtce on Thurs-' day afternoon of last week when he first clinic for infants and children of held at the Rupert East Seventh Avenue at Donald Street. Canadian Boys From Coast and Inland Provinces find Lots of Adventure By FRANK LOW (Canadian Press Staff Writer) HALIFAX. Sept M: a-OaUora, in the Royal Canadian Navy are: pre-scnooi ae . ..., w-j. Hall Hall on on w land or DUNK K a cnap mars There wa. for example. Harold Morris of Advo i ta ib i mi b it a i ar..a ib x a b i a i a i a iw ir. bvbi a ra ra b j a r a a i Frank Lowe Jeepertl Ihii picture's not for weeperil From K hitorlly pocltd itogt hit. Pa ' ., '"TTutri I i if ii SSafa-'ATODAY CORVETTES his cabin where he has been dig- expectation U that there will "ner. Yet they keep tailing and ;j glng open trenches into the ground . on numbr whMl fighting despite unnumbered dan- - the second clinic U held thU zmup. . , Thursday. The cllntes are belne. wn n w w ""' 5 conducted by the local public" corvettes that took ne on a two- health unit. (y Auanuc voyage uua sum- n imer. and nere are a irw 1 mei m , who follow the sea-lanes despite - BASEBALL SCORES scorching hea( w screaming bombers and sneaking . .U-boaU " cate, n a. a tousle haired youth barely In hli. 20's who had come into thf" R.C.K. to pay off a few scores with the Oermans. Early n the war. when he was a merchant s e a-man. a torpedo rtpoed his tanker apart, leaving him alive, but , badly hart Rescued from his life .raft, he was taken to England and ; (placed In hospital only to live fcaiB'aiBiBiBiBiBiatBfa'BtBBBFBfBiaiaiavaiBiaiaiaiai through a bombing raid that laid h the building In mint. So He Joined Navy Back to the sea he went, this time aboard another tanker Again a torpedo ripped his craft In two and he and five of his buddies were the only survtvore. After that he Joined the navvy and now liven In a pitching corvette, wanting only to see a submarine crumb before he goes back "and livm civilized life ashore." Other men aboard the corvette, young fellows who never saw alt water before the war. had already "had a "real do" with the Germans That was about a year agn. m the icy waters around Greenland. For 72 hours swarms of U-boaU prrv.pd home their attacks, spotting thn M-a with burning wrec kage, dirty oil xpotches ant! men NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROf. "A Home Away From Home" Itaies Vic up W Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 - aaiarniB7uirBKMfniBrBrBTBg KWONG SANG II ING HOP KEE Chop Suey House Next to King Tal G12 th AVE. WEST a at n M HI mi m m H mi m m n I 111 5 All your patronage welcome M RJ 2 m k rr . i o M ri. .1.1.1. am U JJ.III. M.lll. uuwiuv 2 Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 217 ''.." chf site k I HE MAir AMI STf T&?0 Passing rW "He Did It Anh Meny Melodic, "lj,ht, flt CAPITOL rirngmg to mat anrt raits. But P. k- ; they brought the biggest part f he their convoy through and made take ft., the marauding metal shark pay rack. .(. for their depredation. Irets of TNT Another Scrapper I Winer t.o Of similar calibre were the men that in- in an accompanying ship. Typical wound of their group was Art Manning time in o v of Toronto, a short, dark scrapper ! who wX alt the eorvette Lcvia "We K., when a torpedo splintered her amid, bu' v tairtL hfm fu tvaiaiataiagBrBf arataraiarata' 1 i MttH ANNETTE'S SHOE SALl EXTRAORDINARY To make room fox our New Fall s Ing the Ladle of Prince Rupert of Ladies' Shoes at unheard t K . ' lines of 8 hoe 1 They Include sued r as WllmonU and Baavmonts. St . .' Oxfords rtroiur, T-Strap. Pumpt, Tinp tn Piltes Pumpi and Lattei, In thtdrs ItU i, Brr1 Wine and Green. AH site. Iter. Vsloei 11 UH EXTRAORDINARY SALE, $2.45 SALR WKDXKSDAY. THI KSDAY H and SATl'KDAY 338 THIRD AVENt'E WIST ItK.MImr.R .nnetle Uad, othen ls BiatBiarsrisixsrtarist'tBiJtsissrtKiBJBia a 11 a m m m m V m g t I v T f 7 L - I I ' M mmmmW M Mm 0 M m-mml g ma mj M mmmW W mmmW M Lmm-v f T 1 A mm iWa.UlW iJ iS l-mml M-mt S-W a ' - mmm. aBBK. HOUSEHOLD For Every Day FACIAL TISSUE, box PAPER NAPKIN8, pkjt. of 50 ! PAPER DOILIES, all size. pkR. DRINKINO CUPS, dozen In a pkg. BAKING CUPS. 100 and 150 ' HEAVY WAX PAPER. 100 ft CANAPAR COOKINO PARCHMENT, pkg I SHELF PAPER, new patterns I SURE-SEAL tpleaaant taste) ENVELOPES Linen finish BLUE LINED ENVELOPES, pkg AIR MAIL ENVELOPES, pkg. j FAST MAIL bond, letter tablet, ruled or P" I LOOSE LEAF RECIPE BOOK, complete SCRAP BOOKS I THUMB Ta6k8, 30's. 10c; 100's I DENNISOrjtoUMMED LABELS, all sl BIRTHDAY-CANDLES ... CANDLEIIOLDERS'j'kgs. of. STATION forv11( m iftSlK miti OFFICE Ik X 15tJl lie, I ajCX I I 1