i VS I la Lei1 A M who -wrlti he .uid freshness1 Pat iric month out pure and x. i it ha been ,j her mother for :IFIC MILK . - . , 1. . --ifimriMri . . IIIKIM. II lit Pper'' to r. : ..n the souther., a is, carrying s: Sarins; pint of euhcernehtJ jrertomfnu in this w.j be changed for a hMHAonD at 5c a wora. Monday, Ridley Home X Fall Formal member only. depth for beauty The human epidermis entU of Ilve'layers of akin. EAHLV INHABITANTS .Reptiles were the first four footed animals to roam the earth. t Send Your Copy Early t THE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK OF FUR COATS or New Stotk rorhtnt In ante a week f all kinds ever presented in Prince Rupert ii-?ount PAl HOT nnilI Third Avenue uh uvulwuv Prince Rupert ::i::a:i:nsUHsUBnsUsnnnnumiHaia l'aaaaaa HE. SEAL OF QUALITY iSockeyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato. Sauce pndwich Spreads kpiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater a, r 1 . ---1 1 s WIKTY STORE I your dimes are little dollars r I tuHy knocks more U runre ui,.,, vnll .i,nn U at the L : t: 1MEB1 :!LmTBIxaj r- WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods.., B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue J. M. S. Loubser D.a, u. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 64 FOR QUICK RESULTrf TRY A NIVS WANT ADD. FOK SALE FOR 8ALE Trolling boat "Conny" 34' by 9', Fishermen's FioaU. (226) A 3030 Winchester, 94 model, octagonal barrel, excellent condi tion, trapper's rifle, three boxes! shells, learner case. 932 casn. Apply Room 2. St EJmo HoteL after 5. (225) rJ FOR SALE Three-quarter bed, tea g wagon, congoleum rug, kitchen 2 table and four chairs. Mrs. Eve, 5 1022 First Ave. West. (2261 RANGE for sale, steel six holes and reservoir. 416 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR SALE complete nousenoia FOR SALE Two beds. Black 511. (225) FOR SALE Player Piano. Box, 347 Dally News. (tf) HOUSE FOR SALE $2000 Cash. $2100 Terms. Apply 215 4th Avenue East. (226) FOR SALE New 16ft. sail ana rowboat. Phone Red 614. (228) PERSONAL GET "JET HOT STOVE WUSH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" steel stoves. Wont blacken. Storea ell "Jet." RED Book per year $3.00, Mayfalr $2 00. Reader's Digest and Chate lalne or MacLean's magazine $3.00. La Survlvance $2.00. Phone Green 59. Subscription Agencies Ltd. 226) in mm lurwzMim irnxuiuzmz t S NATIONAL KOOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. 195 WANTED WAITRESS wanted. Apply Central Hotel. 227 1 WANTED To rent house or apartment. Phone Red 789. 227 NAVAL Officer desires room, apartment or house for self and wife, quiet locale, permanent Apply Box 359 Dally News. 239 WANTED Driver, girl or man, for grocery store, steady employment. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission. AF6. 225i furniture for modern 5-roomed j WANTED Housekeeper, 2 house, also gas washing mach-! $30 month. Phone 264. ine. tenor banjo. Contact Max t .v wnAsrfavfnt WANTED Two or three furnished 30 2 o'clock. 226) FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel Setter pups. Thoroughbred breed.. $7:50 each. Dlack 378, ( ,. , (226) HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. Phone Green 491. , adults, (tf) or unfurnished rooms. Perman- 1 cm. appiy uox joo, uaiiy ixews. (226) WANTED Experienced stenog rapher for old established wholesale house. Apply No. AF 5 Unemployment Insurance Office. (tf) MUST have house or apartment. Permanent. Phone Red 271. (224) BOOKS and MAGAZINES) BOOKS The Decameron. 500 pages of meaty tales of love. Illustrated. Only $1.00 postpaid. Free catalogue, Art and unusual books. Whatnot Bookshop, 3551,". Yonge Street, Toronto. (229) MISSIONARY EK1CSON Lelf Erlcson1 introduced Christianity to Greenland about 1000. COUPONS, ! are still available with each jjj caih purchase inonr 'tofe. 1W irnnlfl rt nnrsarl'l ts in linvs S new customers drop in and Ij Irt ii ATnlil lhl rlfi nlin r- t --- ' - " r to them. 2 Messenger Service mussallem's u can it ... we Haul it i S Economy Store J, 2 ve never close "wnere Dollars Have More j, Phone Red 392 J ? p.o. box n?DtVhn.. imi ? Co-Op Ranee & Hardy Linzey & Ingram Overwaitea Ltd. Mussallem's Tom Lee & Son AX OLD CUSTOM Nefertiti, queen of Ejypt 3,000 years ago, painted her fingernails and toe-nails red. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE .657 m m Lawnmowers SHARPENED AND OVERHAULED i First Class Work g PHONE RED 884 Delivering j, i ii min i ni l ii mi !'! in iiai SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Anent t Third Ave. Phone 688 EE 0 riPTEMBER. 28, 1612 y E3 D70LY. NEWS BIRTH NOTICE Solid BX Payrolls LOCAL NEWS NOTES Born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Erlkn,' Saturday, September 24 r at the Prlnee Rupert General Hospital, H a daughter. Jack Plint left Saturday nlghf , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skmne and SPECIAL NOTICE for a trip to Vancouver. daush'.er Sharon Ann wli , have UTILITY BEESWAX been In Vancouver on vara'.m Beeswax Is used jn the nkiiui fixture Mrs. Joseph Steggard is leaving returned to '.he c: y th mc:-?.inr of at least 400 artlekss. vwrjt iot a trip to Vancouver. ND - C atholic llalkl 3t pc- October 18. Gr r B.i7aar. Oct. 2t.; 5f5str r Ea aar. Nor. 12. J ffvoy SOT E L rl ZarellL; Prop. yfH P.O. Box 5H fF&ASEU STREET PRINCE KUPf'.RT Local news contributions ahould be in the Dally News office by 10 a.m. on the day following the event prefer- ably the night before, a let- terbox la the door beta 4 there to receive ooov. Local ) news not In by 10 ajn. runs we ruic or not being pub- Ilahrd. We prefer to have news contributions typewritten neatly and double spaced, If possible. However, legible .writing will do. l.l KXllsTltV APT MITHK frtlfWt (,( THIr o. IIMT'I la IjiI Mtlilnrn (IS). Itwic THtr (It, Krrtloti Our (I). Clljr of Mure llBprrt, In the lYiHlnrr h llrWUh fVfaaMa. Map Ml). WH0UCA8 auafactory proof ot low of fce abor Cartlflcaia of TttW 1 .u J ts tfce DMff of WMMatn Thpmaa Krr-to brm HM tn Una crffW natter k ftvcfi T nhall u rtVf rs- ptwHm ef an. nan from thr data at r ptfWhMtSan brm. kawa, Provtatooaf CntmnMr of TUr In Mm of mm teat OaitUlcat. nn la tw nwanllB wOM obJaoUoo bp sbmo to DATED ai hr Lnd SWIaUl OSttot. Mnt Rt-f. BC . Ulla IStfc 4af of VUiBVr. A D DEPUTY RSOWTRASi Of TTTLHB TIMID K l : VJIa rnSni will b iwlTad b m saobiuc of 1mh at Vlotona. BC. ik latar tban II o clock Iq tfar kirr-rwun en U lti day of Ootottt. IMS. Ibr Mm pxrarau of Uranor XJteM. to out iMWUO fac of ajMuor. hamlark. tmLa nr-i an -arwafUMtad an tlw aHarv of KMUnat Ana. I Ranc IV. Om4 Imnt DtaLrlot. , Two S) jraara vtM bp aOoaad for nnml of tuntwr l rXirthx- parttmlai of the Chlrf rtfcrr. Vldorav. BC, or Dlatnct Por-W. Prtnor RuprK. BC i i i i liiiiirnitiiniii'irnmiiiiiiiin MSspoldbloom Has 5 Kcturncd With S Mr. W. Slater left on Saturday nlfht lor a trip te Vancouver. Provincial Cenateble Ernes' Bradley left Saturday night for a trtp to Vancouver on escort duty C. H. Orme left Saturday night, for a trip to Victoria. He w..k be away for three weeks. F. 8. Rose, Canadian National Railways regional auditor from1 Winnipeg, ldt on Saturday night for Vancouver. Liout. Oeoife Bedell of the Mid lands left Saturday night for a brief trip to Vancouver on sick leave. Mck Christopher left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver on business In connection with the new Klllas & Christopher business and apartment block project on Third Avenue across from the Post Office. prOANTUITfc53 H THAT THATWULMlKr.il WILL MAKC-UP ' The Ionic effect in uearing I the$e Sailingi ereaUt afetU n lnr confidence. K 'i.Hfll,WB O. A. McMillan, superintei.den- of Canadian National Steam.ship , I Ltd., is here on business in con- C. O. Ham returned to the city Ueetton ulth the local dry dock last night frtim a two weeks' com-' having arrived this morning from bined busing and holiday trip to Vancouver, lie was accompanied by Mrs. Ham. A. C. Abbott, well known local railway conductor, left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Vancouver. Leslie Vipond returned to the city last week from Ottawa where he attended the Dominion convention of the Canadian Congress (of Labor. George Henderson, who also attended .the convention, l.s returning by way of Vancouver and will be back this Friday. Col. E. J. Ryan and D. A. Hamilton of Vancouver, who have been here for the past few days in the coarse of one of their periodica! trips to inspect Ryan Construction Co. contract work, are eavin: Geoffrey WooUen, district or- this afternoon for Terrace and ex-gantaer oX the forthcoming Third' peet to leave Thursday night on Vtctory Loan campaign, will bet their return to Vanoouver. the speaker this Wednesday at the '. regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro dub. Harold Crompton, who has been relieving here for the past three Jack Scott of the Vancouver News-Herald, who has been on a tour of military .establishments in the north on behalf of his paper. arrived in the city from the in weeks as local agent for Union terior on Saturday nlght'J train Steamships Ltd., win return to- and proceeded in the evening to morrow evening to Vancouver. Vancouver. Classified Ads. ree ue MRY SCHEDULE Effective Tkursday October ursi Per Week Saturdays All orders must be in by 4 PM the day before delivery. PLEASE co-operate by placing your orders complete as early as possible. Your Cooperation will enable us to prolong our delivery service TO YOU- THE GROCERS of PRINCE RUPERT Sunrise Co. Ltd. Alberta Market Mid Way Sav-Mor DeJongs Thrift This schedule was drawn up in co-operation with the Wartime Prices and Trade Board HANG THIS NOTICE UP FOR REFERENCE HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. loc 2 'oz. 25c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS .... 1 oz. 20c 2 oz. 35c FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 oz. 25c 2 oz. 45c CASTOR OIL 4 oz. 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA' 2 oz. 25c 8 oz. 90c CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 50c EPSOM SALTS, tins ........... 4 oz. 10c ' V . 16 z- 25c B0RACIC ACID; tins 7.7.'.. '2 oz. 15c 4 oz. 25c SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins ....... 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd, Viut Pioneer DruqjpisU THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 p.m.