personal Representative of Presl-dtnt Roosevelt Call for Second front Before Leaving ,Morow (TV-KINO. Sept 28 Wendell! v...ikip. personal emlsnrr of' Franklin D. . . j - iv " ' irom Moaeow k ununi-', '.r",:iWavell ,. declared .... that Jarxin . w i.i i i i uenenuiawmo unutnR i ,.ir arrived in W.trn ,t,rday. Chiang ha. can- IV" "I".. r -V SB Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 4:03 ml 18.5 feet 16:04 pjn. 193 feet ' Maximum 54 ... Low 10:05 ajn. 7.4 feet Minimum 53 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 22:49 p-m. 5.4 feet WIT XXXI No 225 1'HINCE Itl'I'ERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1912' PRICE' FIVE CENTS mm ivmkv. For Volga City is Fiercer WILLKIE IN CHINA NOW; t: tour of inspection to meet o.r.o WlUkie who will be d with the need of aid to .km; In Moacow before .ti ro. WiUkte called for vr Allied action" in rop-j( .via Hi- made a personal Oi. ope'ilnx or a second 'f:r AlUea nov. Premier lin was in rare good hu- banquet In the Kremlin a , toaat . to Z n ReltL 7. ! mei Russia wouw hold out. . m(Rht bul Icept for possible low of prestige. .. kie. In Alaska w T "l MMi JOHNSON' r ....... . d S. Johnoon, famous c .m Press war correspond- c wtio has seen considerable tiv Europe and Britain iu .start of the war and is v; iut limed at Winnipeg as aitcudent of the bureau ' is at present making a cif Pacific Coast and Alaslp, C ; s He is at present in A: Ka Johnson flew north last w : k with a party consisting of O uy Clark, military writer ( . ic Toronto Star, and Nor-Joncs. photographer of the T. onto Star, which was here;' at nd of the week In a Royal c Hun Air Force plane. 'Also k hi' party was Flight Llcut- ( . ' Bert Canivln2s. nubile re laL'ins officer of the if Air Force. HA! HA! DISCOVERED Tiv EnRlUh novelist of crime, Jnpph Shearing' Is Mrs. Gabrl- fllo Long, popularly known as Mariorle Bowcn" and "George R. Preedy." DECLARES JAPAN NOT SO STRONG Cannot Open Another Offensive-Famous Soldier Expresses Confidence In War's Outcome NEW DELHI, India. Sept. 2 - iifTicwing me war situation yes J t w v ; na ll niCIUUVIIIl . . . , r . iucn any TftfW nflAnaWVA TTlA Tl ivinnca il wiaa wv uucium; ttKaillBV India. China and Australia at-the aame time. Oreat Britain, the United State and 8oTlet Ruslaa would fight It out to the flnUh. Wavell asserted in expreaatng confidence at to the final outcome. There would be a second frgFtfj the famou general declared, although when and where, of course, he could not aay. that-would not alter the situation. uenerai waveu reierrea 10 ine Importance of the Battle of the Atlantic. Allied shipping losces had been heavy but the Allies were winning the Battle of the Atlantic. Hr intended. Wavell said, to re-Burma not because it had bcf. British territory but In order reestablish communication C'hma, NEW SUB IS LOST IlrilUh Admiralty Makes Announcement Regard 11-M.S. Thorne LONDON. Sept. 28: The Ad-" .i.'y j 1 1 ounces the loss of one T newest submarines. ILM.S. . : A communique said she w..'' lung overdue and must be r,.dcred lost Bulletins darwin no.Mni:i again PORT DARWIN Fifty-three Japanese planes, flying at an elevation of 20,000 feet, attacked Port Darwin but their aim was bad and the most of the bombs landed in the buh. Some minor damage was caused by explosions, RIimKNTROP SPEAKS IW.Itl.l.V Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop said that Russia had lost 11,000,000 : soldiers so far In the war. The Soviet's manpower, food supplies and raw materials were neaiing exhaustion. The battle for Stalingrad was a battle for liberation, he said. Great Britain would be repaid for every bomb she dropped on Germany. BATTI.i: OF I'.GYPT CAIRO The battle on the North African deseit front continues inactive except In the air where Allied bombers ron-tlnuc attacks on Axis communication lines, air fields and bases. Tobruk was again bombed yesterday. CARDINALS CINCH PENNANT ST. LOUIS St. Louis Canlln-1,1.1 n ilouble-hcader from Chicago Cubs yesterday and duelled the 1912 National League pennant. They will meet New York Yankees In the World Scries. mo Jon in n. s. Fishing In Nova Scotia is a bis buslness-no less than 1,036 fisheries' wharves dot the coast. PUSHING -m - mm - Somewhere in northern Canada, this picture was made showing a portion of the highway now being completed by pushing through virgin forets. This highway, an important part of North America's defence against the Japanese, stretches from Alaska through Canada to the United States Across it men and materials could be sped to the north. Threat of a Japanese attack on Siberia makes the swift completion of the highway still more important. ATLIN CASE i- AT ASSIZES ? Trial of William Murray Scolt On Murder Charge Called and Adjourned Until Tills Evening The trial of WUHam Murray 600U. c-harged wlLht the ;mn rdcr of John Clee at Spruce Creek In the Atlin district on August 5. was called before Mr. Justice Harold Robertson at the Supreme Court Assises here this morning and was adjourned until this evening pending the arrival In the city of witnesses for both crown and defence. Taking of evidence will get under way tonight or tomorrow morning On the case being called. T. W. Brown, crown counsel, announced that accused had no counsel. His Lordship thereupon appointed W. O. Fulton as counsel for the defence. Mr. Brown then advised the court that the witnesses had not yet arrived, suggesting an ad journment until this evening which was granted. The following additional Jurors have been summoned for service at this Assise: Henry M. Wismer. Walter John Balllnger. Godfrey a Brochu. D. C. Stuart. Even Even-nn Henrv Albert Breen. Alex ander MacKenzlc. Robert Denis I Britain. There was no conflrma-Lahllf. Everett Oliver Walker, Ition from other sources). James Leonard Hall. Edwardl James Malontu'. Peter Walter Peterson. Adam iMatheson Bcrtrand. Jack Wells. Walter Edward Dodds. Neal Lewis Jonesi Lawrence Gentry, Theodore Johnson, Ernest Mathew Sharpc. Oskar Ludwlg Nllscn, Her bert Harold Marten and wunam Frederick Stone. B.C. LEADS FOR SHIPS Marine Construction on This Coast Ahead of Rest of Canada OTTAWA, Sept. 28: (CP) The Canadian shipbuilding Industry this week will deliver Into service the fifty-first ten-thousand ton cargo ship, all but one of them having been completed this year, Hon. Clarence I). Howe, minister of munitions and supply, announced today. Favored by Ideal climatic conditions permitting year-round launchlngs, British Columbia yards have led the way, Mr. Howe said. Mrs. J. H. Engelke sailed Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver, HIGHWAY TO ALASKA 1 . m- rM f-jm m va ggggggggggggu American t Hostages I BERNE, Sept. 28: 0 The Oermans have seized some three hundred Americans In occupied, France as potential hostages it was learned here today, hla move which added tension tw the Laval govern- ment in Vichy. The news caused no surprise since Am- ericans In occupied zones are liable to internment by the Nazis. CONVOY IS ATTACKED Claim Made by German High Command Not Confirmed 1 In Other ((uarters I ., . 1 BERLIN. Sept. 23: -The Ger- man High Command, claimed to- day that German submarines had sunk three transport vesseU and destroyer in an attack. In the North Atlantic on & troop and i supply convoy enroute to Great HALIBUT SALES Summary American. 187.000," 15.2c and 13c to 16.1c and 13c. Canadia n None. American Pacific. 40,000. 15.7c and 13c, 1 Booth. Lttuya, 19,000, 15.2c and 13c, Storage. Tongass, 27,000, 16.1c and 13c, Royal. Bonanza, 43,000, 15.9c and 13c, 1 Atlin. Constitution, 58,000, 16c and 13c, Pacific. Queen Elizabeth Recovering From Bronchial Attack LONDON. Sept. 28:--0.ueen Elizabeth Is recovering from an attack of acute bronchitis, it Is announced from Buckingham Palace, but It will be some three weeks before she is able to resume her normal engagements. SALMON OUTPUT British Columbia's 38 salmon canneries In 1941 had a combined value of more than $14,641,000. FLEW OVER . ATLANTIC I J Taitner of -Harry Hawkes in Epic Ocean Flight Twenty-two Years Ago Dies in Victoria VICTORIA, Sept. 28 Comman der Kenneth MacKenzie Grieve, .who - lnMay 1810 .flew acxos. he Atlantic Ocean with the fate Harry Hawkes. is dead In Victoria. Grieve was Hawke's navigator. They were frsrfii rtrm-n In thp ocean GOO miles short of Ireland after hopping! from Newfoundland but were rescued. buildW IN 13 DAYS Another Remarkable Record Made By Henry Kaiser at Portland PORTLAND. Sept. 28: Another shipbuilding speed record has been enry ' Kaiser at Port- Mer , h ghad hef , and d af. lcr Kcei iaing- CARRIER LAUNCHED New Lexington Takes to Water at Massachusetts Port Year Ahead of Schedule QUINCY. Massachusetts, Sept. 28: The great new United States 'aircraft carrier Lexington, replac- ing the first carrier of the same name which was lost at the Battle of the Coral Sea, was launched at iQulncy Saturday a year ahead of schedule. I Juror Rebuked By Judge Here Warned to Keep His Hat Off While King's Court is In Session On the Jury being excused from this morning until this evening at the present session of the Supreme Court Assizes, the presiding judge, Mr. Harold Robertson, spied one of the Jurors In the public section putting on his rial ana nung oui before" the court had been formally adjourned. The Juror was hailed to the presence of His Lordship who reminded him that it was t King's court and that, as long .as It was In session, one's head1 should be bared, BOMBS HIT JAPANESE Australian and American Planes Active In Southwest Pacific '. I MELBOURNE. Sent. 28 Austra lian and American bombers includ- (ng flying fortresses continue -ac- tive against the Japanese In the couth Pacific with attacks onf enemy bases in New Guinea, the Solomons and elsewhere. A Japanese transport is reported sunk off New Guinea. jls NAVY IS nn A ICl?r rKAlOEllJl , j Clement Atlee Speaks of Canadian War Effort OTTAWA. Sept. 28 - In a na- tlonal network broadcast last night. Rt. Hon. Clement Atlee, visiting Canada, praised Canada's t .war effort, particularly that of the 'Royal Canadian navy. He made special reference to HM.C&. Ot- tawa, the loss of which was much to be regretted, and HAI.CJS. As- sinlbolne. which recently sank a German submarine. ( Speaking of a second front, Mr. Atlee said this was something that must be carefully considered. He warned against Axis propaganda which sought to suggest that the ther Allies might not be doing all they could for Russia. Such propa- ganua was ouviouaiy ueaisucu wj disturb relations between . tne Allies. The Dominions secretary said iliatp-Allled - leaders- did -not- need o be "prodded" to open a second front because most of them are already working on plans for an offensive. KISKAIS I ATTACKED I United States Army and Roy; Canadian Air Force Planes Hit Japs In Aleutians WASHLNGTON, D.C. Sept. 28: (CP) The United States Navy announced today that a strong force of United States Army bombers and pursuit planes, accompanied by Royal Canadian Air Force planes, attacked Japanese shore installations and ships at Kiska in the Aleutlons on Friday, damaging an enemy ' transport, shooting down a seaplane fighter and destroying six other planes on the water, also strafing two submarines. MUST LOCK CARS NOW Petty Thievery From Tarked Vehicles Here Now Going On With petty thieving on the increase, motorists in Prince Rupert may not leave their cars un locked on the streets In the old carefree way. One motorist re cently had two rugs removed from his car In a residential area and later had his car key taken out of the dashboard. Acquittal In Theft Case At Local Assizes Philip Gun-a-'Noot, Interior na - tlve was aCqUitted at the Supreme court Assizes here at the end of ne u.eejt on ' one count of theft from a dwelling and another of straight theft. The case arose at Kltwanga among natives, The crown prosecutor was T. W. Brown and W. O. Fulton acted In Gun-a-Noot's defence. RUSSIAN DEFENCE STIRRING Position at Besieged Stalingrad Ii Much the Same Reds Assume . Initiative 1 MOSCOW. Sept. 28 Russia's defence continues to stir the world. The position at besieged Stalingrad much the same. New tank and artillery reinforcements have been brought up. The Red Army is actually beginning to assume the in- lt,atIve at 501,1,5 points. heer weight ofvthe Nazi assault resulted In a slight pene tration of the Russians defence, lines at Stalingrad yesterday but this was neutralized while the Rusf'an counter-offensive to' the n.orthwest of the city gained fur- ther momentum. Hand hand and bayonet to bavnet within the streets of the industrial city, the ferocity of flSht at Stalingrad has be- w'"c z1 nan eTer, exceeding even tnat of Verd in the First ?rat War 0x16 thousand German tommy gunners were either wiped out or captured In one engage- meni ";uiar importance is auacnea 10 the Russian movement to the normwest or we city, the strategy oi which is undoubtedly to cut off 11 v 1 r liLl a ! inc torce wiuim me cuy. rresh Cerman shock troops rushed to the front by transport plane poured into Stalingrad In," an effort to clinch a victory, dls pilches' said today, but the Red Army, fighting from window to window, from roof top to roof top and in the streets, held the city in the thirty-fifth day of bloody assault. Northwest of the city the Russians were still blunting the Oer-Iman drive and unloosing an offensive of their own in the effort to jslow down the more direct Nazi attack upon the city. In one sector a laree Soviet unit 'killed two thousand Germans lri two days, the midday communiqus ' said. ' A Pravda correspondent reported that the fighting for Stalingrad was "growing even fiercer and bloodier" and said the whole city "is In a couvulsion from the Incessant explosions of bombs and shells." Fierce fighting of the last .twenty-four hours with the Ger- 1 1 1 1L. .1... mails lunging hiuj uie city lruia several different points, has resulted In a zigzag front with the Germans slightly advanced in some sectors and the Russians es tablished in new positions to the west In others, one dispatch said. Frontline dispatches estimate that 36,000 Germans are battling, for positions inside the city and say that they are being reinforced steadily in an attempt to overwhelm the defenders who rely on the bomb-battered communications of the Volga. The Germans themselves claimed today that several more districts had fallen to Nazi troops and that the northern section of the city had been penetrated while other areas were being mopped up house by house. Gains for the Russians on all other fronts are reported. MOPPING UP MADAGASCAR I British Forces Tass Tananarive To Make Juncture South of Capital LONDON, Sept. 28: British forces, following up on the occupation of Tananarive, have moved eastward from the Madagascar capital to make Juncture with other forces from the northeast In a movement to take over control ot the complete Island.