m2 THE DAIL Se 4 “WY NiEWs COAL NOTICRS Rae eee — WIFTEST i SKECT 4nd ) UREST Le cHeenrict-Distrtet 0T WEDDED: TY C8 lake on tb sland AFEST \ Wiliam Wats (ST YOUR LAST OPPORTUNI FOR pert, B m YBa comtiae SECTION ONE SNAPS Twin SOnEW sTEAMERS oes!" ART OF HUSBAND CHOOSING coast of Graham eG Jands on the west UPERT”’ AND “PRINCE GEORGE” wal! men a post planted’ te us Lots 18-19, Block 30, $16,000, $5,500 fash, balanee yr Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Peay’ Southeast corner of Coal toa | THE , 49 oS i Abs as nee MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © am. | weet a0 ene thenoe 80 chain " thon PERO. as ne, PITFALLS OF THE PRE-ENGAGEMENT 6-12-18 months, 7%. These will advance to $20,000 ! hence } — : ‘ rn ‘ prince George Salle for Stewart on Thursdays at 2 a. m. | thence | ust hence north $0 ohalns, ae DESIRABLE ELIGIBLE MAY BE SCARED OFF in 3 months. Are four feet below grade and-on Third rH commenceny e of — “PRINCE JOKN” Daten an fs BE AFRAID OF BEING AN OiD MAID. avenue, evice 10 POR simpson, Naas, ‘Gena Granby Bay and Queen Put WILLI MW ATSe ‘ i rer " We also have a pair on Seeond avy . McBride f weekly 3 ub. June 1919 30) Jecuuse you see van Ane sa ie ; als i i i m Sec dad avenue, near MeBride for PRINCE ALBERT” Skeena Land pist » reader mine,|character, thoughts and habits ps | id District—pj were futile to off ’ $31,000, sailings fOr oeerine J iShert and Vasonaves. way points between | ‘Take notice arate Islands, ae l 7 . to offer you any ad-|her nature will command respect Each d insid i lin rines c i er s {Oo S selection of « eae : cac av s , . ur Ce i ar . 1. equa | skooke crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays the City of Prince | I Bw Watson, off se it ction of a hus-|and love from a man who might ach day inside property is becoming harder to get. passeneet S¢7) ve at 11 & ™., Making connections for Hazelton t i py a liens? e at rr were you already in love.|otherwise be inclined to wait. Don’t hold back and allow the other fellow to make the ; ©troleu 7 Whe r om Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System | the : Pie sel m and inder ny a Woman who is not On Laying Snares. money. . GET IN. Cheap © (The Double Track Route) De a i Island reed ve yet dreams of matrimony Never lay snares for men, but nd all points East, connecting with all roads from the cast of es At & post planted one mite) 20d when the world ; > ge a perwee Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer io 9 if t 1 thes he \ goes criss-|let a girl be her own sweet self, : pacific coms “aaalle Steamship Lines. For all information apply to worth ; est 80 chains, thence indulges in the secret|¢heerful, patient and hopeful an all n east 80 ct 4 , , f peful, > agenoy (0° A. E. MOMASTER, Jeneral Agent, Centre Street ee uth Ain the wees: off ought that a little home of herjtrying to do the work of life ap ) encemen wen byepy X ; ‘ . F ieee ee Dated this 22nd day of 19 lh a would be a veritable]portioned to her with fortitude Phone 387 Second Ave. t aven of res Pub. hr _ se" i LIAM. W ATS iN bra rest. and endurance, and not with —————_— l Skeena Land District—t aS ~ pee not have the priv-|fault finding and dismal sighing, ee Marlotte Island ae saas ee OF offering themselves in| but with courage ¢ "us ' 5: i uke no | age and trust, mak :AMSHIP SERVICE tha ake not at I, Willian Watson, of| Marriag = —_ : ———_ yc. cOAsT STE —— t le Rupert, B.C.” mitra “Hy . ine ran have, and do/ing her whole life one of useful- — i - for a ense lave, in the very riclest sense 28 | i ror pet ; ,} ness. i ie @ and under| hy SAFETY PRINCE RUPERT INN ast "falane the west]; 1) 1) Bhtful privilege of choos-|. In this rapid age there is a panos r nthe planted on the} hi i ory a ihe fer, and they| feverish desire of girls to marr; a ul Claim yo, | SOUld remember that this choice y arring P : we SPEED | , enee : laim No. 7204, : roice,| young. Marriages of young NCES Arata | AND hai ther ence west 80 hich affects their future happi- people of seventeen aud sighteen THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 INE porsobe SERVICE 1 Pea ans f commence. | ! ateria should be ex-|years of age are of frequent oc- Builders’ & li Sheet and Plate Gl ” | | Dated tl ; i | sed very earefully, eMatte sa ive ‘ sia Ba a uilders’ Supplies Sheet and Pla ass = a | AN N E xX ' WILLIAM WATSON, | Early Marri currence, all proving an evidence Plumbers’ Supplies Plate Glass Mirrors ) ; Sophia } | ' ne arly Marriages, of things wanting, and of bodies Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges al S, 5. prencese : t of Queen| A girl does 1 reach perfeet undergrown and minds perverted. Oils | h Tinware UVER, VICTORIA Watson, of| anhood until she attains the} This lessened growth and lack of Varniches Graniteware yANCO TTLE >, contrac-}age of twenty-o to twenty-four| Cullivation, so eorapletely at vari- ty ‘ AND SEA n ) pros- | ae ie gets The ‘‘ Stay Satisfacti ry SATURDAY 9 A.M. i Owned and operated by the hin kk ee ee varm countries twenty-|4nce with every law of nature, Range.’’ 4. @ MINAB, General Agent Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on slan raters eae ars and until these ages/@re due almost altogether to the = a the American and European plan Taahbeet onther ee Pooee te iwhed the thought of mar-|'"aining of injudicious parents, ss ° ‘ i€ . Coal Lease eS Excellently furnished, with f west 80 chains, thence age should be set aside. The}and especially mothers, Of the sisi ke — i ther t ' } ’ : a ee ee eRe t a! ee ae eae ae a } steam heat, electric light, and al! er it hair ' Seacat diy is not fully developed untii resulls of this education in its I ‘ “ . : _ i modern conveniences, being abso on m : cea alt his time. practical applications, it is not SRSSESSESE SESE SES SESS EES ES aU EASTERN | lutely first-class in every respect ‘ i WIL! IAM WATS( When, then, a woman has aeavek: to speak, for are not Pa i } ‘ : reacher s perfect ¢ ; ibe avenues > crowde rit f aa a |f The appointments and service [| Skeena Land pistrict—pistr eect Sale ne {00 Se ee o at te oo li hi —_— ! en ial j . °, MCarcvsore ar Ss arlVv wre SES , A a a are equal to any hotel on the harlotte Islands i alurity and is free froin} “eal re martyr | of arly may 36 A Sty ish and Fashionable Ml XCursions coast oc ‘ : aes We Od disease, either inherited or] tiages, Whose suffering and nis - : i - € ‘ ' f 1 . ’ ee | to apy , alice t ed, she should endeavor to] ery should make every noble giv! i f t} ‘ ying. Gooerinn 1 is jselect from her admivers a man|ecide to patiently rest and wait? by the Ast of Graham Island is perfect as herself in health Do not be afraid of being an Pr ( I gatay pla w f Told me ” 6 Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. ‘s itheast corner of Coa is fully developed in body) “old maid. x : He , ence t 4 t j nd —— —_——_—_—————_—_ “ n ail v : | ntal Limited ? ine She should also, before uniting| Made tects fresh, pure, rich i | i | | H Birks ¢ x i mae ; a : h fe with his. obtain a fulj]¢cream—ice cream at Keeley’s Bo enry w oGIS 3 is Ay 191 ! Pharmacy 3% is required by every iady who wishes to Limited— , Ww AM WATS dge of housekeep and : a appeear to the best advantage on he SOLD TRAINS ———3 | G. A. Sweet, Manager. 3 < ! per principles of govern- | HE street. A study of the styles in our IL- Jewellery Mail Order House jaily f Vancouver | ? ; isla as en 1 fami} 38 LUSTRATED CATALOGUE will convince Geo. E. Tror. 2 vr Seatt k that I, W am Wats ‘ loe attair ‘ . 2, our OUT-OF-TOWN customers of the Mana: shia Bircsise : i e Rup I 4 s a ae evan com- h Pg wisdom of byying their Handbags through . cs 4 | | ] . = rates to all pom to apply b license to physical development be-| -Churet Services - PA our MAIL ORDER SERVICE. We not only Wancouver -:- B.C. Hess and th the United States. Call |— ; .s he age of twenty-tive to} ‘ 3% give you fashion in these bags but we : a sbout it : shan a ght vears | Tee ean ae So a ta eRe guarantee you quality in both workman- gait us tell you ali i 8 sf pla : oa ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 33 ship and material. Our catalogue also x . : 4 : should be avoided with Seay rent eee ase iilustrates many other lines in leather Sy R ers’ Steamship | sons disproportionate ages, Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. ma vods, such as Jewel Cases, Writing Port- 0g" i 4 I t| almost variably they Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. pg folios, Music Rolls, Travelling Bags, Suit Agency | la A 12 wed by much misery. REV, F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR 3% Cases, Pursees and pes Cases. A — i W 4 WATSON Odin ss eee at slice ‘ictbcaiiaaphenases card will bring this catalogue to your ad- fd | Cor, Fraser and Sth. Choice Wines and Cigar - If women Saar & 44 oa THR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Di dreess. Write for it at once. ST : ind nah Olbies ft; thamiielvea cand tha ee PHONE 116 | a eee coer och; : : Ph MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. mw RUPERT'S PALACE OF coMroRT| “ ci aun, off “TSRINE they should avoid}] “SONS Gvery Sunday act | Sessaesgengeys sSESSEDae eenaeneeseetaeaeesereeaee ee I Rupert, § ntrac- | s with men who suffer from ann. end 7.20 p.m. Sunday a o choo! . Pp. m. ca | , DTOS: | health, either acquired or the Bible Class 2.30 p.m. | ul a I and unde 7 SS eS ng ed la 1 tue west} of heredity. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor % BASS COMPANY OF B. C, Ltd ‘ ‘Ora and . = Habit LAND PURCHASE NOTICES LAND PURCHASE NOTICE j ‘ i I planted mile } a abits. | ew as ast ( ase | : and : ere eee nee Skeena Land District—District of Coast) _ The new stee] Passenger Steamers 7168, t east 8 iain »} Next to | health, and very eae ane at chee 2 aeeerente.* Rien tehe Skeena Land Te of Coast, F . , . 8 4 t west 8 ! i , woul Lome . TAKE NO H a é e } th 8 al pla | pecs Mt, would CU bine eae p.m, Sunday Massey, of Vancouver, 8.C., occupation Take notice that I, Sorei D. Bacile, of i ibits The first and fore- CDOS! BE SO0'D.AM, broker, intends to apply for permigs:on Victoria, B. C., occupation labor t ‘ 9 Pp orer, intend lay Ay / j , REV. C. R. SING, B.D. PASTOR to purchase the following described lands: to apply for permission to purchase the e 0 sin” | WILLIAM WATSON hes he one to be re- Sanpanesteseeneemseeiptaiaciaoceah Voramencing = a tt pisnree on the} roliowing described lands: } { | th dread by every cles ; dat arate > oon south bank 0} eena River, above Kayex Commencing at St plante: j ; = ; pearded W h dread by every clean, THE § MAO Ate CITADEL and about thre miles distant, thence south dwar nhatne, ie a portberly eetaion ebone h : ee aay \ a s the use of aleo- Sunday services at 1¢ 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, ene the north end of Hermon Lake, thence j aro ! 4 ely a. m., 3 and 8 p.m. Sun- horth 20 chains, thence following the riv-| north 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, | ah i A um =Wat ofl h rs ie School, 1:30 m er bank in an easterly direction to point! innee south 80 chains, thence east 40 K | i pe 1 a or) :, th a relative. rs Abe cl aee ate of _Comtnen oem, containing 60 acreS/ chains to point of commencement, con- iy 4 ‘ ros- | : i eine > T ae more 0 ess. f taining 320 acres more or less, 1 i de : @ day, Wednesday, Thurs > > mosun S eo Oca te weet arry a man who pos- day’ and Saturday. HBMAY LOE ee kas SOREI DEMETROFF BACILE. | RESNE SNE , ving @ ed CAPT. AND MRS TUTTE EER OOS AIREY: PETA . Elliott, Agent. {BESNER & BESNER, Propkietors 1 : ss visible ns of sup- AFT. Al Aing OMcers Dated 15th April, 1912. Dated April 20 ‘eit » Age : > at @ . wo miles : E iki At Commanding Officers Pub, May 8th, 1912. Pah May 93, 1919. fart Prince Rupert for Vancouver | The New Knox Hotel is run on the Europ t ul Lease RW Tee were Skeena Lanu District—District of Coast By AT APs Bs as follows: ion. iret-class service. All the ai — I r net © ains, thence! anpears do thing. Phere is Range 5 ‘ : mprovementa. ° “Ds . ‘ y salt ; fa mia_apent — _ = TAKE NOTICE that I, Hector Francig| Notice is hereby given that I, J. E. - Wed d 7 FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER! ; : es a: IN THE MATTER OF the Land Registry Mohae, “OF nee iupert, ga" gee seen, tes Oa cme teb occupation Rate, s a} » PRI » RUPER such yerson N 2 MATT ? the stry | ly for permission to purchase the} pector e si ) ednesdays al p.m. la Ay { gi a | act and IN THE MATTER of an applica- to apply. ddaceibed lands: ? to make application to the Deputy Com- 7 =. Sy d “ AM WATSON \ d vho indulge 10} tion for the issue of duplicate Certificates Commencing at @ post planted 5 chains| missioner of Lands and Works at Prince tur ays al 10 a.m. 9 lie »yog| ot Tite In the name of EDWIN G. RUSS-/ east of the south east corner of Lot} Kupert, B. C., for permission to purchase } . g Dlink OF BANTCS | pi for the following lauds—namely, the; ;793, thence east 20 chains, theace south] the following described land, —situated at ieiving at Var Friday evening une } i vho are irrelig-| southwest quarter (S.W. 4) of Section) 49 chains, thence west 20 ehains more or| the head of Alice Arm, i 4 or ' , ; Twenty-three (23), some ee Twelve | jess to the easterly boundary of Lot 2702, Commencing at a post planted alongside at Monday mor respectively > Cor. First Ave “ m Wa : Ss D ane. | {12 Range Five (5), Coast District; the! (hence rii.ca along the eagterly boundary] the northeast corner post of the River- i Hotel Centra and 7th Street j : : 5 } : thing to do} northeast quarter (NE. of Section| or pot 2702, 40 chains more or less to|mouth mineral claim, thence south along Mos y have noring ;Fourteen (14), Township ‘twelve (12),| point of commencement, containing 80) the east Doundary of the Rivermouth min- fafer on the t than these two European and American ; : ha who has a reputation Range rive 8)e. goat oe ae a acres more OF eee a deteity thsean tel aes pen See Bertani ss 4 | heaten. modern convenience I , j Fa , | east quarter q tC ¥ NC Mac. . 0 10) - ihe passenger stearsers y day ‘ i 1 é s nd selfishness, Or] (7), the northwest Maree (N.W. %) of Dated April 21st, 1912. serve, thence north 2,272 plus links along R an #!.00 to $2.60 ner day : post pla two miles : inet ate shift. | Section Elgit (8), the southwest quarter pab. May Sth, 1943, said boundary line, thence west 141 plus mn Peter Bisck Proprietor ist corner oal Lease s la | (SW nit” kiesen Fe tee paiteani skena Land District—District of Coast fan about ave a) “rene mare oF jeans | : ‘ then . ywhs ange ROGERS gent i + 1 w 80 chains, ete ,,|quarter (N.W. 4) of Section Thirteen} gaye NOTICE that M. J, MeNell, of . E. STARK. rhs Phone 116) g \ place of rd with disdain men wh | A183). fownene Chane Dune’ ne velt| prince Rupert, B. -C., occupation contrac: Deen ee mots. c, May 11th, 1942, — a 1 i others and sisters|) , Rianer tor, iutends to apply or ermission to ‘ am - 1 Ay Al ’ nen " DeLee ae ae oon hanee’ ive ta) purchase the following described lands; s WILLIAN | enee and unkindness, rownshla aie ve Noes nite (E Commencing at a post planted at the &./| Skeena Land District—District of Coast. P.O. BOX 84 Gr d H tel . ho are negligent in their] Section . Twenty-three (23), _ nort ‘west B hiare OS Diamar 787, tenes ‘south Va eee tice, inet Lotto MeTavish. of amr) oO. negiig j Section . T chains, thence ‘ancouver, occupation marricd woman PONY E ee an O raee jenog 1 cleanly in their | quarter (Naa and east half (EB. wr north 40 chains, thence west 20 chains,/intends to @ Oh for permission to pur- XPRESS | . LAND LEASES. ‘E. ig) of Section Twenty-eight (28),| 0 Point of cominencement, containing 80) chase the following ora) lands ee cares san a en Cents ae ae eat, UE gk Seaton iy rad OE OF TS cua 4 wens [aot ctu aa fee ae Sane : ~n as c About Strangers, | (33), west hal : John Kirkaldy, Agent.| east corner of Lot 1116, Harvey’s surve: ernst sad Forwar ting Agocte. For | Free Labor Bureau i] nection Skeena Land District—Disiriet of Coast, , stranger | quarter (N.E. %) of Section Thirty- four Dated April 26th, 1912 Coast District, Range V,’ thence ve pe A ator Ca: day or night ™ ce 7th St. Range 5 Neve ivry an utter +1 (34), roeuenigt Twelve (12), Range Five ub. Mey 7th, 1942 : « | Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th < . Ww. Agnew 2 | Districts the northwest quarter} Pub. Mry . . east, thence 60 chains north, thence 98 Are and Pult rs) i ; Take notice ihat I, Augustus W. netneer, | yhose character is not trot. -s of Section Twenty-three (23),/S5kena Land District—District of Coast|chains west, thence 60 chains south t Phone 301 | GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor. ¢ Pr Rupert, B. Gy Cv our Land ET sly owhanin Twelve (12), Range Five (BS. Range 5 post ef commencement, and cootainna —— i acting as agent [Or © ore tories, B. C. iD own and tested, and Hialty | Towns piety and the’ northeast quarter| TAKE NOTICE that M. J. MeNell, of/ 480 acres, more or less. i i ae st hifor permission to lease the y for a home or for} (ye. “y%) of Seetion Thirteen (13),| Prince Rupert, ».C., occupation contrac- LOTTE M’TAVISH. j ‘ apply for permis Ps ; I Southwest (S.W.) quarter of Section| tor, intends to apply for rmission to W. Bohler, Agent, iy’ ° we Mata post planted on the ey simply. No woman with) vay "four (24), Towuship ‘Twelve | purchase the following described lands: . Dated, April 10, 1913. comn ig , ise Harbour} |. A a sraeltl 24a) istrict, all} Commencing at @ post planted at the S, § EWS Domin 0 Baths most F r. powes t district, thence| (he | : eapeet for herself (a * rhe Range Five (6). Coast. District, B. corner of premptlon 767, thence south eaaaeh f Lot 446, Range © vast nt between Lot degrade her higher na-|'"NGSyck \s hereby given that it is my|40 chains, thence east 20 ‘chains, thence i h b point equa: al “ nee easterly : an von | intention to issue, one month after the|Xorth 40 chains, thence west 20 chains,|3keena Land Oe ene of Coast, ‘i Periodicals Newspapers Barber Shop ‘'' | her gs ee a line equa-dis as to marry for other rea~| ie publication ‘hereof, a duplicate of | '0 point of cominencement, containing 86 Ran, ¢ pe |The Most Modern Bar iolwoen the high water mnark of I Nt - than the full aequirement | these Certificates of Title 19. the. above acres more or es. Sea aL orks Sotteg shee, pit, ng, gx use. — Ets -_ neu % » , ; me one > . F im * TOBACCOS FRUITS of Prince ees and the ign “wate . water mark. De if perfect hap- Tithe are issued in the name of Edwin G, , John Kirkaldy, Agent. for permission to purchase the ronowlag pin. Below Kaien Island Club _ hs And Watson Island on Lake |“ ' | Russell and dated the g8th day of July. Dated Apri etd 1912 ee eats hk 4 heat eae ae n Islan nee east to high water ‘ / 1905, and the 3rd day of November, 7 y s 5 ra . SEQOND AE. WASHINGTON BLK. vay we aterly. and southe ny 0S \ft eading all these objec-| respectively, ang numbered 4nd gs. Skeena Land District—Digtrict of Coast Cee eae OF SOU SO Es) SODear oF Lot ' ma ; t ) om ‘ P . ; : water mark to point ‘ ying girls willl right,} tO east by Lot 41314, thence south 20 — : menceti AND MPANY ? a sy ty nut) Pub May nh wie To, or Thvinice Rupert watt waza t Wrieh chains more or less to southeast corner of A Barbeau i ARBOUR I "loa Bui how ais BO ag : ; to apply for permission to purchase tho| Lot 4131, Shanes ae ae to arte. . 2 . W new, Agent ’ “ea?” following described lands: east corner of Lo , nee sou Deiage, THE IROQUOIS Rigustus, Wy. Agnew, Am rer te notvdéthoatt, if)" commencing at tbe noth, east, corner | chaina, mance, ot te tains, more, ae e, Coal and Stor " ba 1013 el is not difieut } of Lot 5127, thence east chains; theace | & : , Weliable ind Storage G, 19ne ut ees 1 that the men . - south 20 chains more or less to the nor-|Chains to place of commencement, con- essenger Service POOL and District—Distrlet of Cowat, \ careful i | ti 3 th boundary of Lot 2285, thence west 20] taining 160 acres more or less, ” hangt , ! ave reputations chains more or less to the east boundary , hem ha putat ertise in h I he east bound HILDA KING. ' e that 1, jstus W. Agnew, | wh o as of Lot 5127; thence north 20 chains more lao Vivian ab neta " N English and Amevican Billiards I Rupert civil eng yon re, high standing. Then, if pe -| or less to the point of commencement, and Dated Lakelse Valiey, April 19th, 1912. 68 t OO eae Harbour Land ae Ba ob. containing 40 ‘acres more or less Pub. May 15, 1012 735 3rd Ave, Twelve Tables Second AVE. | a as agent fo ria, B. Go, in inkness always ba | - iC WRIGHT, ya nly for ma 40 Lease “ : hypeerisy and deceit) ae * Wright, Agent, fescribed 2 ne ne ; howing Dated Apr gent, 104 Skeena Land District—-Distvigt of Goast, | at planted on the j he woman sit = Pub. April ange | wee water mark l of Wort reek her every day true |) Skecna Land Tusertisaiieimant of Coast,} Take notice thet irred R. Wright, of } t dis at the oe uth of O1 west hers . ’ ange 5. Prince Rupert, occupation surveyor, in- i it Lake Wateright, me “ly and — Take notice that Ethel King, of Montreal,| tends to apply for permission to pur- i . water mark thence OTe e YT eee occupation spinater, intends M0, apply for chase ihe ro al ae TonoeTDe panes: en bigs W the \ i >» 3 , 3 *ROM HOME TO HOME." isiorly follow E an of the mortieast CO ee: peribed lads: wee Me FOHOWME Ae-| | mheast corner of Lot ii, aoence. cast .? t 446, Range 9, roar ence | SaaS Commenclag | at A post plenied at the 3b chains, tence sous ae cnains more or nh to high wate! ark, 4 ee southwest corner of Lot 65, thence north; !ess to Lakeise e, ence on, tne southerly following | nigh | ii Phone 379 55 chains more or less to south by Lot{shore to southeast Lot 491, thence’ north } Weer mark to point of COMM NY. GO6 3rd Ave, 3067, thence west 7 chains more of less|20 chains to place of commencement, con- | wa ipOISE HARBOUR LANL ’ TRY US FOR to east by Lot 4135, thence south 55} taining 35 acres more or less, | PeUIMITED Avent. | chains, thence east 7 chains more or less ALFRED B, ‘WRIGHT, an | ; Augusius W. Agnew, 468 j tu place of commencement, containing 40 saitin® pion Wee abeh Arent. q : 1 ou ia ° acres more or less, A od Sid. Syk r sed Ag. 1012 \" e Gla BTHEL KING. Pub, May 15, 1042, en ers i Sheece-pniet of m6 Graniteware, iinware, UrOcKkery, UlaSs- nv blowin aac } ” . » Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver keens Land Pang or asuaw. ih a Sanne ? Daled Lakelae valley, april ‘Poin, 1049, | xcel] hat 1, Au :gustus gnew, ° u ay Skeena Land District — istrict of Coast | ent Cafe, Moderate Prices. 00 a hao civil, engineer, war aware Sheena Land Districte-Distriet of coast, pe P v I Pender S B.C + { cise, Har C., In Take notice that Madge Kohl, of Mon- sone ~er i a — i ictoria, . “ shi i 0} Glasgow, occu ¥ on Tr 8 i treet West - - Vancouver, for’ Pp ie to ieese the Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits treal, occupation to pure Intends . ap-} intends to apply permission to pur- : ibed. lane . piy for parmisaion, | to purchase the follow-! chase the fo Rites " sdeccibed lands: Phone 8500. eT nae planted on the SATURDAY SPECIAL ing described lands «| no gmmencing a 8 post planted 12 chains Fi “2: int on Pork 1, thence a . » Sets $10 U Commencing at a post plantea at the}sorth and about 30 ¢ ains east of the Coast district, | then Pull Dinner Sets Pp southeast corner of Lot 994, thence west} southeast corner of Lot 5688, thence north : ‘ mark, thence wester! 40 chains more or jess to east boundary} 20 chains, thence west chains more wing low walt aT neraat wf Lot 4477, thence south 16.7 chains toj/or less to east by Lot doad, thence south west of the soushwoat “a or horth by Lot 4120, thence east 40 chains,|20 chains to north by Lot’ 4134, thence dia 46, Nange oak, thence CARRIG thence jorth 14.7 chains to point of com:|east 30 chains more or less to place of G Q eneral Electric Company, imite si to bigh Wace! moatnerly. and mencement, containing 60 geres more or conunencement, containing 0 acres more or less. Electrical Potors, Minin Now 45 8 and Contracting Macbinery Apparatus of every: description Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 water i 1 of com OUR stus W ivi? € ment, WKND COMPANY, Agnew, Agent Always Right We Deliver MapOr en. Dated Lakelse Valley, ‘april Mane 1019, Pub, May 15, 1012, JOHN M'VICAR, J. MeVicar t ted Lakalse aver, April Sune a Pab. May 15, 1042,