Kt DECEMBER 8, 1842 r IT Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Err " HASKMLNT STOKE y Men's, Women's, lU Children's 'V.. oase Slippers, J UthcQuicllCSt lay to a ( oman's Heart Chan. Dodimead Optometrist In Charts Watch, flock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Kncrnfint for line China. Dlnnrrwii (;lat. Hfttcatt and Novelties. MAX HE1LBR0NER Jcuclrr - Diamond Merchant Take My Tip, says Santa "I DO MY SHOPPING AT THE 3 PEOPLES STORES TheyHave Everything" THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE nnnrnT Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific HKCiULAU STEAMKK SKUVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Kalis and Way 1'ort.s; also to Ketchikan, Wran-Kell, Juneau and Skagway wt toni.rcllon at V.ncourer with Onadlsn r.clfic Services I ' rmatlon. Tickets and RescrvaUona from H', L COATI.S, Genrral Atent, Prince Rupert, B.C. a .i:i;BaaiaiMwnl,u,,l,,,,,un" JAnnouncing the Opening of the -l VICTORY 330 Third Avenue West CAFE .r.-B:BiBjiiBrtiiiBXJiriiiri"BI4IiBrBB Announcement Rc trii ttons placed upon us by the Wartime r ' & Trade Board compel us to announce we be unable to put on our "Christmas Special" i'far. Tins practice of sending a small box of smoked b typical of the dominant Industry of Prince Ru-Pr has become increasingly popular and we are v' sorry we shall have to disappoint our many r timers this year. A'tcr the war, we hope we shall again be able tkf this special Christmas offer available to our tt-uiy friends. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage llc KuDert LO- Ltd. Columbia ADVENT OF CBC IN RUPERT "(Continued from page 1) tlgatlon committee to carry on systematically Instead of periodical investigations which, played up, might make it appear that dire and terrible things had happened whereas such things had not happened. ' Mr. Dllworth then discussed some of the problems of radio policy. One of the most important oi mese was tne provision of bal anced and varied programs com patible as far as possible to the tastes of the oeoole. Then there was the need of bringing service to as large a number of people as ! possible including the loneliest trapper in Canada as well as the ? I people of the cities ' such as ' Van couver and Montreal. Among other things, of course, j f the CBC had been charged with 51 bringing service Into Prince Ru- pert. How badly It had measured 5 , up the people of Prince Rupert, of 1 1 I A. , 1 J cuurse, Knew dui ue nopeu uicy were appreciative at the same time of some of the difficulties. As for himself. Mr. Dllworth admitted that he had at first thought that all that would be necessary I to take full radio coverage to British Columbia would be increasing Public Notice j Public notice is hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of ; the City of Prince Rupert that I require the presence of the said electors at the Council Chambers. 'City Hall, , Fulton Street, - Prince PAGE THREE NEWS THE DAILY the power of the transmitter at Vancouver. However, If soon be came evident that that was not the solution. The Corporation had not been Inactive but had given a great deal of thought to the problem of this part of British Col umbia. It had been conciuaea vnai the only way to give proper cov-eraee was to carry programs of the network from point to point with a series of land lines and trans mitters at strategic points. Now a wire was being completed through the Cariboo to Prince George ana in East Kootenay. In Trince Rupert In 1'iince Rupert there still ex-hted'an extremely difficult problem as there was no proper wire facility. It was still impossible lor Prince Rupert to be put on the network. By early next summer It was hoped that this would be corrected and that wire facilities will have been provided between Jasper and Prince Rupert, Then the full broadcasting service of CBC would be brought into Prince Rupert and the people of Piince Rupert could then take part in the "great national pastime of whipping the CBC." For the present, as far as Prince Rupert was concerned, It would have to be satisfied witn we Desi transcriptions that could be brought in. inYr rilffliMilt nrobiem at dldates shaU be as louowr. ' . -meat" was The candid. shall be nominal- -poison." People in writinrAhe writing shall be teU"ctTuSn and W hate certa p programs subacrtbed by two electors of the , municipality as proposer and -"r.. when programs ! onder. and shall be delivered to the tween the date of the notice and Two PAL of the day of MKnina- & S THEY ARE! tj3 All That's New, Gay, 9 8 1 i i .8 HERE Bright, Clever, Amusing for Christmas PLUSH PANDA BEARS Black and whlie with eyes that move. S2.45 rULL TOYS variety. at and QJ QC were appreciated they were seldom acknowledged. Tn Prince Ruoert it was likely continue to be in the future as it had been In the past an Intimate part of the community of Prince Rupert but that it would become a part of the great life pulse of the Dominion by the eventual picking up of programs and views here for direct transmission. It was to be hoped, Mr. Dilworth said in conclusion, that the entry of CBC here would bring a real service to Prince Rupert, linking this city with the rest of Canada so that this community might also play Its part In building up the Canadian frame of mind, opinion and national spirit. Auspicious Occasion In Introducing Mr. Dilworth Mr. McRae referred to the entry of CBC Into Prince Rupert as an ausniclous occasion and major milestone in local progress. Direct radio connection .with the rest of the world was a modern require ment. a communication quite as Important as railway, steamships. highway, telegraphs, etc. Mr. mc-Rae also, paid tribute to the local young men who had founded CFPR. O. R. S. Blackaby Inquired of Mr. Dllworth if It would be possible to blot out a naval wireless interfer ence which was blotting out reception at Prince Rupert Mr. Dilworth said that the matter of interference was one that did not I come directly within his province. juiumki r i ITS&'JSSS Women of Moose each day. The present scneme was to bring in the news from Vancouver by special long distance telephone circuit. This would be a runny costly ana and niuuwiu hazardous" service dui. rv I 1 1 r fx I UUI AjAV 4 the fourteenth day I could i Rupert, B.C., on it only method that Ml7rPC A Kin ?i3f Dectmber' at twelve 'c,OCK be found. Short wave reception iTlLil U Hill !Noon. for the parpose of ejecting' transmis5ion had been Inves- BOYS' STORE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE jersons to represent them ,, but did not seem feasible Aldermen and School Trus- I vtayor. "Qtlp.Uon. of Dr0gram were al- ; :,?es. nil difficult. Mr. Dilworth said, The mode of nomination oi can- Tarylng Are Hostesses To Armed Forces Women of the Moose Hostesses to Armed Forces Under the auspices of the social service committee, Chapter No. 211. Women of the Moose, a very enjoyable evening was given the service men last Sunday night at the United Services Organization. The evening was spent with com munity singing by everybody pres ent after which musical and vocal selections were rendered by local that only one station would be talent Refreshments were served .w. r..nMMi vwinn aU tne more auucun. i""' ,Mri w. j-ieia. in n.r; names: senice suiUble to divergent tastes. i BJUBrBBs1CBBSBBZ.'BJia ' the other leuovi pomt r des- However, residence, and occupation or -L;" JZ I of view should be recognized be- Vresh Local. Raw and 5 in kim 1 1 mHiiiiri Am miiiiwiciiwi w idenUfy such candidate; and in the event of a poll being necessary, men noH wUl be opened on the Seventeenth day of December. 1942 at Hht conUnutng to 8 p.m.. at the Council Chambers, city Hau. Fulton Street. o which every per son is hereby required to take not- Uee and govern htmseK accora-tagly. Given under my hand at Prince Rupert. B C. this 7th day of December, 1942. D. V. SMITH. RETURNING; OFFICER, that was "sweet" He asked tne ra dio public of Pnnce Rupert to be patient for there certainly would be problems here. Criticism, as tolerant as possible of the difficulties, would always be welcome. Sim ple and direct suggestions were always helpful and useful In lng up program service. The CBC hoped that CFPR would 1 'VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 icVTBsmxKiizw m ini mi i wu J. M. S. Loubser D.O. B-A CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Pfocir : BEGINS WEDNESDAY ii I . Of W Little tots will laujh, shout and clap thlr pudey hands and amusing toys that Santa with glee over these jolly has left In truckloads at this popular Christinas toy shop. tv .hat move, sawauck, tatk-and what not-are all here be mijMy happy over hi grand array. And, parents, you'll the values! of a wide and up DOLLS of every site and type. Many Beauties. 39c 10 $8.25 TOY DRUMS Big, bright and noisy. QQp VARIETY STORE r,w MM S ENDS TONIGHT Complete Shows, 7:03, :04. Feature, 7:47, 9:48 "PANAMA IIATTIE" I HERE'S FUN! MUSIC! GAIETY! soiuQUomo JOfinnniinn We suggest that Christmas Shoppers this year be patriotic and buy VICTORY BONDS OR WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES. If you insist on buying Men's Wear, see W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction," Wanted -Raw Furs For Christmas GIFTS To mention a few. of the well- ' known better creations in Perfume and o$kt Articles. Sets to suit all. 2$- JflCH OfiKie SARIU 2 W oacaltTt complete snows ..,, ,, COMEDY. SC ENIC , 00 3:04. 5:08, T12. 9:18 Feature at 1:44, 3:48, 5:52 7:56, 10:00 ii umi mn inn mm Timm lrnrir -it j rr Tin MirnrTrirvtririnirriirinTTnrTXTTT'riiri MP X X A WARTIME X mas HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. OKMIIIXU Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hit "4 4 H tC t5. tfnnprt i 3HLK ! Pasteurized aaaaaajfciBvWiiaoaWMii In Prince Rupert the tne aim aim would wouiajg s 2jjtMABtxi3i,i3istMixsstMtikAMAXsKii)3A . brine vnn to n ik the hoct best oi of ability aouiiy b .. . ... . ...... be to a variety of speech and discussion music that was 'hot and music Revlon Cutex Ashes oi Roses Evening in Paris Lentheric Tweed Yardleys Old English Lavender Adrienne Jasmine Gardenia Ormes Ltd. "Jiic, Pioneer Drutigiats CASH CHEMISTS THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. s For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE g PHONE 235 DAY AND NIC. Ill g