Thursday. JA:rjAHY a, 1012. im IFIAVOUR SEALED PUOFIM 'KEEPS CITY OP PRINCE hnPEI! T Tenders will be received by the Undersigned uo- to Saturday the nth mstf for the" sa:c of nronertv jrnown as tho Clapo Block on Lots and 10, Block 18, Section 1. j The highest or any tender not. necessarily accepted, J8) CITY CLERK. thhcuHcetneh tJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a .word. Oddfellows Fortnightly Scotch pance. January 10. Admission 50c. Cathedral Evening Branch Tea, Legion Hall, Jan. 17. Proceeds for I War work. Presbyterian Burn s' Banquet, Kan. 23. Queen Mary Tea January 31. Advertise in the Dally News. J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station i We Also Carry BELMONT CO. r; Ladles' and Gents' Suits nr Tnnni f e In Mi ctir I Ml T. LEE, Tailor' P P. O. Box 975 Phone Or. 9C0 CENTRAL HOTEL K- First Class Accommodations EUROPEAN OP. AMERICAN PLAN Baths By Appointment C. E. BLACK. Prop. WEEK OF TONIGHT, (TIIURS.) COMMENCING AT 8 P.M. in FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPEAKER: Adjutant E. A. lirunsdon of the Salvation Army. You are invited to attend these special Prayer Meetings. A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd "A (lOOn PLACE TO BUY" COLD WEATHER NEEDS: BLANKETS White and grey; all wool. FLANNELETTE SHEETS Larue size. HEATERS Brick lined. PHONE 775 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable 2 PHONE 13 21-Hour Service ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Ca. TIIIKI) AVENUE AND FIRST' STREET Specializing in Fruit and Vegetables Ybu arc cordially welcome to inspect our store. We will demonstrate our new produce. i "OELNOR" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES II ? riHlNE 313 THE PRICE 'WAV DOWN HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince- Rupert' t J E Amundsen, Sgt. Collins, George Leer, E. Smith; E. W. Wright and Ross H. Barons, Van-i-ouver; A. W. Sadler and J. Harvey, Victoria; F. C. Adams, Esquimau ant F: Reich. Sgt. and Mrs, V. G. Smith, F. Peters and C. F. Leslie, Prince Rupert; Thos. J. Gowan, Saskatoon. DUTCH "DUMB INSOLENCE" LONDON, Jan. 8: Oi The "secret weapon" of Dutch workers, who dislike the idea of producing for the ttazls, is feigne'd' stupidity. It Is reported a "eradual lessening of the intelligence of workers and foremen is gravely Interfering with German production plans." IHXCIAN OPTIMISM GLASGOW, Jan. 8: Q News smuggled from Belgium says while the waistline of the middle-aged man has shrunk an average lnch-and-a-half under German rule the Belgians are so confident of Allied victory they expect it sooner than Britons, KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peplett Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The tuiffllngr thine klmut low blood count ii that you can weigh Uut Kfl much 4 you evf r did vn look txwlthr and itrong.- yet you ran feel aa if you had lead in your Ufri, doy tired and pepleta. Low Llood count means you bavent got enough red blood corpuscle. It la their titai iob to carry life-giving oxygen from your lunga throughout your body. And jutt aj it takes oxygen to explode gasoline In your car and make the power to turn thewhetJs, so you must have plenty of oxygen to explode the energy In your body and give you going power. Get Dr. Williams Pink Tills today. They are world-noted for the help they give in Increasing the number and strength of red corpuicles. Then with your blood count up, you'll feel like bounding up the stairs as if' you were floating on air. Ask yaur dniririst for Dr. Williams I'lnk Fills today. - PRAYER 327 THIRD AVE. at Regular Rates v. IllEK uixivciii mem .a ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. Sorenson wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter,. Anne, to Harold Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hampton of New Westminster. The marriage will take place shortly. CARD bFTHANKS We wish to convey our thanks for the mfany tokens of sympathy and flora) tributes given during our recent bereavement j CAPT REG. GREEN AND j FAMILY. ! ; . own FOR SALE JUST Received, a large stock of men's work pants and fine dress pants at very reasonable prices, in all sizes-. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Third Avenue. FOR SALE Annette's All Fur Coats at half price. Shoes, all colors and sizes, $1.95 per pair. (8) FOR SALE Stove with oil burner, in good condition. Phone Red 234... . - . , Jl0R RJ2i!L ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue 805. WANTED WANTED Trolling boat, 32-34 ft., not over five years old, in good condition, and a snap for cash. Write Box 190. Daily .News: (9) WANTED Furnished apartment or light housekeeping rooms or board and room for respectable couple. ..Apply Box 192 Dally News. WANTED Experienced stenogra pher, shorthand required. Apply in handwriting stating qualifications. Apply Box 194 Daily News. WANTED One boarder, $45.00 per month. Mrs. E. Jackson, 851 Ninth Ave. West. Phone Green 596. (6) WANTED for newspaper shop, apprentice, preferably with some experience. Apply Dally News. (tf) WANTED Woman who will at-t tend sick man. Apply Elio's Furniture Store. (tf WANTED Baby carriage. Apply Box 193, Daily News. (10) HELP WANTED HELP Wanted. Central Hotel. JLOST STRAYED from 186 First Ave. E:, chocolate' brown female Cocker Spaniel' pup; Answers to name "Queenle." FOUND FOUND On 5th Avenue by hos pital, Brown Sweater with black spots. Owner can have same by. calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (0) SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Trlnce Rupert THE DAILY NEWS PA' LOCAL NEWS NOTES Si O; Ni meeting- tonight. Mr; Duncan1 McKenzie' Is sailing tonight on Jhe Prince Rupert for a-.trip to Vancouver George Brown is sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver' and Victoria on leave from his naval duties here. John Dybhavn, who has been in Ottawa to attend the annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, is expected to return to the city from1 the East on tonight's train. AA.R.P. Wardens (Civil Protec tlon Comlmittee) Meeting in Ca nadlan Legion, Friday, 8 p.m. Full attendance of all registered police wardens and others who wish to register is requested, to consider latest regulations. (7) Tonight's train, due from the East, at 11. o'clock, was reported this morning to be four hours late which would bring it in at 3 ajn. The train is late in arriving on this territory owing to cold weather on the prairies. William Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nelson, formerly of this city and now of Victoria, was married in Victoria last night. The groom has for some time been with the Royal Canadian Air Force. The regular monthly meeting, of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital is scheduled for tomorrow night but will be postponed to give the managing secretary an opportunity to complete his financial statement for the past year. MARRIAGE OF AIRMAN Sgt. Collins, Who Escaped From Crash, Wedded to Miss Elsie Ingledew. Sgt. Trevor Henry Collins of the Royal Canadian Air Force, who parachuted to safety from a plane which crashed near here on Sunday afternoon last, carrying the other two men In the machine to their deaths, was married at 7 o'clock last evening at the Deanery j to Miss Elsie Ingledew. It was aj quiet ceremony with ver7 Itev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrews Anglican Cathedra!, officiating. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ingledew of Esquimalt, was given in marriage by. her mother and was attended by Mrs. Fred Cameron as matron-of-honor. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Collins of New Westminster. Th groomsman was Sergeant George Aley. Following the ceremony, the occasion, was suitably celebrated with a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, 337 Eighth Avenue East. Entertainment By Kitselas Workers Splendid Program Presented at Gathering on Friday Evening Last. KITSELAS, Jan. 8: Last Friday evening the Christian Band of Workers of Kitselas held a .fine tea meeting which was featured by the presentation of an excel lent program which opened with the singing of "O God Our Help in Ages Past," , followed by an ad dress by the president, Silas W. Bevan. Chief Mark McKay gave an interesting address on the lib tory of Father William Duncan who came to Port Simpson ninety six years ago. Another speaker was Albert McKenzle, first vice-president of the Christian, Band. Other items onHhe program in cluded duet by Beatrice and Pris ellla Bevan; songiby Roy Bolton, John Cecil, Fred Mackenzie, Frank Alexcce, Flora Bevan and Flora Bolton; solo by Mrs. Joseph Hud son; duet by Laura Hudson and Beatrice Bevan; duet by Mrs. S, U. Bevam and Ben Seymour, and religious play by three children S, W. Bevan read from the Scripture and the proceedings conclud ed with the national anthem Captain S. II. Bevan acted as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wood are sailing tonight on the Prince George for a vacation trip to Van couver and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. Dora Felsenthal was a passenger on last evening's train for Pittsburg where she will spend several months visiting with a daughter. Archie Thompson, who spent Christmas leave with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thompson, Graham Avenue, is taking his officers' training course at Gordon Head, near Victoria. Miss Gladys Gammon, after having spent the Christmas and New-Year season here visiting with her parents, Inspector and Mrs. Ernest Gammon,, will sail by the Prince George tonight on her return to Kamloops. Incorporation under the Societies Act of the Bella Coola Community Club Is announced: In the current issue of the B. C. Gazette. It will take over and operate the property known as the Townsite Hall at Bella Coola. Owing to the activities in connection with, the observance of the Week of Prayer, the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association, which would ordinarily have been held on Monday of this week, was cancelled. MEETING OF NAVY WOMEN Local Auxiliary Was Active Mrs. C. II. Elklns President. The annual' meeting of the Naw Auxiliary was held last evening with Mrs. C. H. Elkins. president. in the- chair. The annual reports snowed a very successful vear. The election of officers for 1942 resulted as follows: President Mrs. C. IL Elkins. Vice-President Mrs. J. A. Smith Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. W W. C. O'Neill. Convenor of Knitting Mrs. J. Simpson. The following work was done during the year: 127' pairs of socks, 38 pairs of mitts, 1 pair of rifle- mitts, 36 helmets, 2 chest protectors. Mrs. James SimDson. ronvennr of knitting, expressed appreciation to all the ladies who helped to knit during the year. During the year 111 parcels were sent out to boys at Halifax. Esauimalfc and Prince Rupert. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. PHONS 93. Get It At the I j Variety Store I 33ft Third Aim ll'oct 1 DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatani Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing NEW ROYAL-HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot Sz Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 649 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. AIR FORCE ! MEN MARRY Double Wedding. Solemnized Yesterday Afternoon at First United' Church Manse. A double wedding took place i early yesterday afternoon at the! manse of First United Church, I Rev. James A. Donnell officiating. I In one marriage Miss Barbara I Jane Thompson, daughter of Mr. J and Mrs; George Thompson of Regina, became the bride of Ross Borden Knowles, son of Mr. and j Mrs. John Sheridan Knowles, also j of Regina. In the other Miss Lehua Lavina Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ! Robert Gordon of Vancouver, was united in marriage to Victor Gorman Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith of Vancouver. The couple in one wedding attended the couple in the other in each case. Both grooms are mechanics sta tioned here with the Royal Cana-i dian Air Force. i Novel Party and Dance Is Enjoyed At Port Essington POP.T ESSINGTON. Jan. 8: A. W. Stewart and members of his Raven tribe entertained the community of Port Essington with a. novel party and dance in the Essington Band Hall on Monday nignt, the event lasting from early evening until after midnight and being much enjoyed by the many persons who attended; To open the proceedings members of the tribe entertained the guests with an. exhibition of their raven dance and Indian songs after-which Chief Lewis Starr took charge as master of ceremonies. Games 'and dancing were then enjoyed with excellent music by an orchestra consisting of H. Spalding, director and saxaphonlst; F. Brown, drummer, and Howard Starr, pianist. Before midnight delicious refreshments were served, the blessing being asked by the missionary, Roy B. Vanmctter. Then there were speeches by Ben Brown, William Brooks, Mrs. Joseph Roberts and A. W. Stewart, all of whom extended the compliments of the season to' all the people of the community. Nurnburg, Germany: loner the capital of toyland, used to market almost a million dozen- dolls- a year. Wanted -Raw n til5 V FRYS COCOA Prices lower than before the War Quality unchanged You'll find dozens of new. interesting ways to make extra - inviting cocoa and chocolate desserts in "Chocolate Around1 The Clock" the new, modern helpful Recipe Book. For your Free copy, send to Fry-Cadbury Ltd., Mont-reaL Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing;-IIUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR COUGHS and COLDS Ormes Bronchial Syrup: For heavy, tight and chesty colds; 8 ozs. .... 50c Ormes Horehound and Honey: Pleasant, soothing, easy to take. Children like it; 8 ozs. 50c Ormes Vitamin Capsules: A, B, D and G Tonic Appetizer Builder; 50 caps $1.25 Ormes Halibut Oil Capsules: Natural Vitamin A and D; 50 caps 75c 100 caps $1.25 Ormes Halibut Oil: In convenient dropper bottle; i oz , 50c 1 oz , $1.00 Ormes ltd. Tjiie. Pioneer DrtM&tots THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 83 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays uni Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.