The Daily News - _ — — SS Baseball Lesson No. 15.—Being the Art of Sacrificing Ty Drawn for the Daily News by ‘ —- v ————— v W SUPPOSING THAT WHEN T PITCH THE | THATS THE SYSTEM- THATS Ww ERE IS AMANON BALL-“NOU BUNT Now CHASE YOURSELF THEY CAL Yo FirstT— ™ | PERFECT SACRIFIC \J You Die. AT Firs IRST AND YOU WAN ey ; AND BEAT IT ‘To ADVANCE HIM To FIRST, FORCINGME SECOND - INSTEAD OF ee YO THROW THERE — TRYING To KILt. THE, of AND LET THE MAN PaALL-YOU Wwourp as SD SacRiFice&! ; $4 SN — = = 4 = a = e - Liiy TLoLt MR. BORDEN'S a ey meen OLD LAND mr “The News” Classified Ads. | a Distinguished List of Canadian Politicians with Their Wives eaters cee", || ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== ep portant Occasion for oe U —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’ HERE— IN EMPRESS THEATRE = {a Amateur Entertainment TY fan 19)2 Barnett" TERRIBLE FIRES ee AL B E RN l aries in aid of the Sports, to be held Who Compose the Present Do- minicn Regime. — — — ~~ _— JUL Y / st, 1912 includes Mr. Borden, his wife and fet tr rena mae rs rs rs pe Ps ...Opera House... or #800: soap. commencing at 8.30 p. m. =|private secretary, Hon. J, D. WANTED—First class wood turner. Prince | Hazen, Mrs. Hazen and secretary, SUPE E Ash Ader CO, ane Pa A Be eo e e Pair of lots for #80¢ sn il Hon, C. J. Doherty, his daughter PORTER wanted at Savoy Hotel, SECTION FIVE. An aygregation of the best talent and secretary, Hon. L. P. Pelletier neh ; : eee Pete tes , ' jOOD general servant or young girl for N THE Pair of lots on Borden street ever got together on one plat- and wife, Hon. R. H. Popen, under| Contractors Lose Outfits; Settiers| jicn HOuUsEWOTK. EM Ia, A. Stewart, 346 A GREAT SEAPORT IN T advertised for tonight has cash Mae form in the city, including ; secretary of state, and Admiral Their All—Forests Being De-| #!! “venue. 152-154 MAKING! unavoidably been SECTION SEVEN. fleck 30, lot 10, $325 cas? Kingsmill. Hon, G, EK, Foster is voured Wholesale by Conflagra-|{0))!) sash and door man wanted, Apply nck *rince yer "le Mills, eorner Songs, Duets, already in London, tion Raging Unchecked. Sth and Wieser ac ; 148-tf Only When Canada i — WANTED—Girl to do housework for fam Acrobatic Feats, ily of four, or young girl to Icok after Np ee AN ADDER IN wh impek, Tune 26, —— Fires) churn ‘aid adsst intent housed! Stops Growing Will ’ th tas Monday ‘are ealimated toi HAGEL br eee eae ee fe Boxing Exhibitions, 7 done a million dollars’ damage Vcc eae he ey Investors Cease to Instrumental Songs THE CIT’ HALL to property in the vicinity o! Su- Miscellar eous and Solos. perior Junction, on the G, T. P. Make Money on Land Many contractors had their out- On: maine il in spin 6 ’ , : sBRASE- ooms now occupiec J . EOE ES Council Gets Talking About the) fits destroyed. While no. lives Wanderers Club. Apply at Warks Do you think Canada is guing 142- SECTION EIGHT. Block 1, lols 18-19, 81 ea double corner with a view -POSTPONED. House for rent on 7th Ave per month eee The regular moving picture show will be run as ustal . Look out for notice for tomorrow | Jeremiah H. Kugler, and Monday PHONE 317 City Clerk’s Pet — Alderman} were lost many settlers had nar-| Jewelry Store, ' ‘to stop growing soon? No, of TICKETS 75¢ and $1 00 Bullock-Webster Censures Mr.) row escapes. Many of them lost phe aya men Neogene pada A course not. She has only fair'y . Woods, Who Makes Defense./homes and everything. Whole dated M., 8S. & P Co. 101-tf |started. i To be had at Keeley’s Drugstore; a torests are being burned over. o¢~ And as Canada grows so mnal Gray’s Jewelery Store and Some time ago there was intro- a | ForR new centres of population de- members of committee duced into the city clerk’s de- Departures on the George. or Kent . velop. ‘ . vartment of the city hall an ‘ne f sing are » names The place for the investor te | ! va) 9000 | l ; é Ine following are the names ' ° r I é = adder, in other words, a patent; of assengers s¢ xr for the|PIANO for rent. Apply F. D. Keeley’s} make big profits is in some town} I of passenget ailing fo Rete weaie Se0ctr I RT ee ee ~}ladding machine, The machine south on the Prince George this}, ie Ban , or city where development is 11. | en MONEY IS Al L was supplied on approval by the! orning: Orie Phbas chee pote, 640) 8th: 87e.! oft aio; makers, and it seems to have} story, P. Miller, J. 0. FOR LEASE—MclInt ; a ? ae Z chee ae 3 yre Hall; well heated : made good, Tt was used by the | Stewart, Bo Ferry, P; 3. and lighted, J. H. ROGERS. Phone 116.) Take Alberni for Instance e Have the city clerk city treasurer city | Shaw, H. Young, J. A. FOR RENT—Two suites first class house- | ‘ F ll . Ch , ; ; : “ | Banks, F. Wilson, Mary keeping rooms, also store, in new build-| / rr s as certs CO SECURED NO W | purchasing agent and city engi- Sutherland, H. Stirritt, J. R. ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating’ _ mes hit a he beco 1 0 owing eap 1 ; . . Ty Tvl T Stor { conveniences yp 0 i arge s8 ping Centre as Was . neer’s staff for calculations. But] ¥@ Wyck, T. J. tot, d. - Rink, : All nveniences, Apply Tony @ ig Pp F Morse, B. McFarlane, J. P. Christian, 151-tf Ty ‘ ~ : ain . eal ue the Council lately decided to setid| Matthews, C. E. Jones, H. P, Vancouver, Situated on the w roperties or Canadian Northern Transconti- Matthews, Mrs. Flathery, R. H. emermermermermcommsemmarmmarmmermrresre® | ooast of Vancouver Island—some the machine back, The city clerk | Tafel, miss Florence, C. . nental Is in Prosperous Shape the other day protested by letter Ande#son, Mis. A. Beatrice, Mrs. { For Sale l eight to twenty-four h vues Sale Exclusively Financially — Government’s Sriteel ihe apiniot thatouuoll Tracy, George A. Chapman, Mr. { nearer the east than is Van- Section 6 P ° R age s t ’ 23 a oF Fs FO Rad Pd Ph es co ie she _ ° e $35,000.000 in the Bank—All) .)ijijieo in dispensing wiih dhe Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas.| pup sare. couver——Alberni will shortly se rince :- uper L Two 9xiv logging engines,!ihe Jargest boats of the Pacific] Lols 29-30, Block 22, $1,850; 1-3 useful little reptile. This roused |p e Green 391. Govt, Wharf. With 4 large quantity of fogging gear, ita a , Ng ah ied ‘ ‘ , Phon ar Se | wire rope, ete, R. Cunningham| docking alt her «waterfront. cash, bal. @ and 12 months, ; . . Appl . WV the wrath of Alderman Bullock. | ———__===>— en re Ce J ; R | t t 5 , ; oo-tn he Pa Essington, Ose With the Canadian Pacific Rail- Section 7. ea Es a e Webster, who thought the clerk Funde Necessary Covered: Montreal, June 26—All the nlp pate has pap done for the exceeding his privileges in p:o- omen ome steamer rmnsrmentomesreensemensrmsrmadse | Wil} already there, and the Can-| Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, $500 Do you know that there is ng ea of oe ee testing. However, Mr. Woods Personal adian Northern Railway nOshINS each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. better Inestment in the world? ae aa ee ri ae At 7 managed to justify himself in the its racks toward the city as fast - Section 8, BEA | ED ll ise. { od ts th ; Po 9,900,000) eves of the Council so far that a Se eT eR a aT Ot TP as possible, Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, $400/$ 4, population here of | twenty, fruaré 3e y 2 : ; ‘ arr x ‘ve , ’ ve oust le ars hence \ guaranteed by the Dominion to] otion by Alderman Montgomery MARRY—Why remain aloné? The Ideal Alberni will develop within the each; 4-3 cash, bal. 6 and 42 thousand jen yes 8 ie build the seetion from Montreal i Introduction Club leads to happiness} next year in a way that will sur- ’ ‘ pane Increase the value of Prince Rupet > cat that the adder be retained on and home, — Strictly private; highest : ’ Lots 1-2, Biock 16, $900 pair; eAenat oportionately I te Port Arthur is in the bank and satisfactory arrangements for St. Andrew’s Society. character. If you wish first class, de-| prise you all. 4-3 cash, bal. 6 and 42 Panne Vdtvitends if you ile 7 an ara ¢£ ark wie motions ’ , ee : pendable service, address, with stamp, , 5 ela ak a ; “* ash, Dal, ee r C : aay 7,000 men ar at work hurrying payment was allowed to pass. The regular meeting of the St,| Mrs. Wilson, Box’ 1776, Vancouver, Bt Your chance to buy a lot in Lots 12-13, Block 48, $950 pair; rents; profits if you buy ar 7 forward this stretch to comple- Andrew's Society will be held inj ===" —= Alberni is something which you {-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 really er a with not be tion, A splendid hotel is to be;|* —_ —_————____——_-- Z eis i 3 3 7 affor : oe ' 7s my as a cota he inanelil “panics built in ae , the Carpenters’ Hall Friday,|To Restaurant Proprietors, Hotel | ‘ pia Mtord sb overlook, Lot 3%, Block 3, $450; 4-3 cash,|$ {S°headquanters fl you ate Wollr z : June 28th, at 8 p. m. Business Keepers and the Trade e do not ask you to buy be- bal. 6 and 42. for a good investment, | would | eee eee |of importance will be transacted cause of the few reasons we have to show you these, for {instal Notice. i and every member is reque st A By Order of the Assigne. given above. 6 | H . & C Lots 20-21, Block 21, : Bection , All railroad men will meet in Rooming House mitant ; ote at : THE FIXTURES AND CONTENTS But we do want you to get our ue arrison ompany 92.000 nih Del a.) » and 18 ' . t ride , ‘ : : : . : ‘ : new booklet about "Al ba Brokers and Financial Agents months, Hotel Gentral Hall Friday even-|On 8rd Ave., 16 rooms, with fur- 8. D, MACDONALD, Secretary. OF THE ! y0OKlet about Alberni, Tt is i’ #c'alock, | nitare, Party) Having atte “anata handsomely illustrated and will Second Ave. Prince Rupert ( ,e0rge Leek pe ae will soll at #-BARdaien ioe Gath fell you about Alberni in a way Scandinavian dance at Knights . e at once for particuiars, FREE! FREE! FREE! Excha @ * Grill that is convincing, Get it today . 518 8rd Ave. Prince Rupert] of Pythias Hall Saturday Seamiig | —— : } e Lots can now be bought for TENDERS FOR HOSPITAL eee ala June 29tb, Good music, A good JOHN DYBHAVN A big beautiful 88 key Second. Avenue eats Susy terms. Seg Ys nd ADDITION | time for all, 3t Phone 384 319 3rd Ave. electric player piano, worth To Be Sold By re aled tend aa TT £ * PO | -_—--_-—_—_————___—_. Seale e ers rke “Te or for se se ees BADDE * ayer aver “ the , Hospital Addition” wl e paneer ty A ENTION pool players in the ase~ e e F k A Elli the undersigned up to 6 pan, on Wednes ment pool room, Empress Public Auction ran e 1S oraesin dun soln ae ait athal an mne ee : the Prince Rupert General Hos 1, Theatre building. Real Estate Agent At canoe 20 be paid for at union rates y { 1 | Keeld yi and an eight hour day. ou must ca and see st Tae Ara ? On the Spot Prince Rupert - . - ae: Every tender must ‘be accompanied by Refreshing 7 ahaa Rape Dial ee—-District of Queen Without Reserve = : = anne ones payable to the order of the As Delicious, > sharlotte Islands, " , sociation and accepted by a hartere “gem ‘ Edward Morrison offers his business and fixtures for Take notice that I, Willlam Watson, of ; bank Gf Canada for five per cent. of the [ck CREAM aie for $3,000 cash—$2,500 worth of Pool and Billiard the RR oe a Ci. contract ON— CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. amount of tender, whieh will be forfeit V : or, inte 0 apply for a license to pros- 03 ‘ker Mineral eC le successful tenderer refuses or one PP rinturce ced cuparit of Bowling Alloys; $1,600 worth of Miter! for coal aud petroleum on and nde: Friday, June 28, 712 |: eae iunag Divide aasat| Seteikticn hah lak Gamurme! with li KEELEY’S PHARMACY upplies, coast of Grahar : rene ? 9 District. Where located; | m5 Por yar Re MtaE POR tO Gn: 80, § in Island: . iere located; On the west side Plans and specifications mey be see Lease runs for 3 years and 3 months, Commencing at & post planted one. mile At 4:30 p, m inet “ntFance to Goose Bay, Observatory | in the oflice of W, L, Batker. architect 6th St. and 3rd Avo. east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease ‘ ' ' TAKE CT t, ‘rince Rupert, B,C, : apply on the premises at Second Avenue, between Sixth No, 7168, thence east 80 chains, thence Th a iaaina a a ag Gane NOTIC B thst I, Wie T. Kergin, as The lowest oF any tender not neces 5 8, thence wes chains, 2 sale ine SE : SWICK-] tine Roary f ae be * Cer-| sarily accepted, and Seventh Streets any time between 10 o’clock a. m. and thence north 80 chains to the place of EO PREEDGOE SS EUDSWIOR@ | tihcate No. ‘SS0hGB, intend 60 dave fries| ay cea ins Bourd, 8 p. m. commencement, Balke Back Bar, 40 ft., with 2 cate reat etal the Min ng Re WwW. M. WRIGHT ) ; Dated this 22nd day of April, 1012. ep arge »velle siate glas rz , a certificate of improvement} Managing Secreetary, Prince Runert Ge ; WILLIAM WATSON, ve re large bevelled piate : wane ara a vet ate of obtaining a Crown eral Hospital Association Pe aA Pub, June 3, 1912, mirrors and 2 smaller mirrors, | yng further tke etic antes Prince Rupert, B. C,, June 96, 1619, ot ; E 5 : oe ! ‘6 “ te 26, 1012, 6 : — —_—__— 16 drawers and shelving; 36 ft.| under Section 37 must be eommenced yon i = —— : fore. the issue D er , eee Counter. aitd back fixtures; 12] provements” CF SUM Certificate Of ttn | em me mene Counter Stools; Gash Register; Daled this 1st of May, i912, EE —— —IN THE— large Albion Range, 3 ovens; 5 Pub, May 4, 1912, + be BERGIN, COAL NOTICES, @ Section F A RM Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley mt er iagisid” 3 ae td — — ‘ F hs Lots 6 and 7, Block a Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM Oter) ere ema eee TO CONTRACTORS. Skeena Land District-—District of Queen Wine Harbor View. : Curtains, Silverware, Crockery. Chariotte Islands, N Cc ~~IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Glassware, Roll Top Desk, Type- Unloading Steel Pipe. thin one Monee hat i Wi!am Watson, of $15,500.00. 7 Oy ag, , eee City of P. e City of Prince Rupert, B. C., contrac LA Ni) Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS writer, Show Gase. Goffee and Hot y rince Rupert. tor, intend to apply for a lHeense to pros — - ; : ¥ . * Sap ec or © etrole ‘ ‘ easy terms, Water Heater, Cooking Utensils, ealed tenders will be yveceived by th ' or coal and petroleum on @nd under the following deseribed land / I i Ter undersigned up to 5 p. m. Friday, 2 Seribed tands on the west Will Give Terms. f , : ¢ ; : j 5 ay, 2? ) 'Oas in : 4 Kitchenware and host of sundries. | June, for unloading and delivering: a ‘Upmann ai ene Planted 4 mil 5 ? nile Shawatlans Passage 2,500 line 0 ‘i f ‘ D ng | é 25 eal feet of | east of the southeast e roer 208) Lease — N 0 T C ST L N C P NY ml On View Morning of Sale, 11 to1 . epieias oe pipe, ‘proximately 46 tons.|No, 7168, thence south Hi do ate R H () A A D OM A ; | e ations may be seen at office of | west 80 chains, theace north 20 chains Clty Engineer PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. FRANK A. ELLIS, Auctioneer arqiwest or’ any tender not necessarity|commencemont, °'M* %@ the plase of d C Lt a Phones 44 and 847 Hecond St, A. BROOKSBANK, Pated this S¥od MiP a et GC. R. Na en 0., City Purchasing Ageent Pub, June ¥, 1912, wae SECOND AVENUE - " & P 4 a