Jetty " La F tary F THE Daly NEWS Prince at “40215 PRINCE Site lias igi a \UPERT, B.C.. Ss —= ., SATURDAY, JUNE 29. 1912. — asian iin PRICE Five C os ENTS R ATHLETES ALL EAGER FOR DOMINION DAY Snir OUR YOUNG ATHLETES 3 : ES iain Sr ti —- COAL CITY biLit of Prizes and Trovhies phies Ever B Pepipoosnis si Rayer! - --Cups on View in B er Before Offered ; nee \ttracti usiness Cent in Prince | Nea : ee o Geonde--Vaocraror Visi Are CONVENTION Estimates Made of C da’s Wea bea on WJ 1tors ny : 3 ana a’ W . : Spirit Shown for Sport SENSATION ve Traffic oa nee a? Diamonds, and the Whole of New York er 1 n Oe rk Delegates | ural Casi Coors ee Resort af oe e Centre for Western C at- anada noes Es | satlel prorat piele of-jmen’s race an { prizes | age ‘ over 30 — | RST vents, By {si, $40 silver and weal! Dit t Running bros ‘ya RAILW | Jphy Bs this ' ae > Longine’s bates ae { &Y MEN MEET Desert Harmon and ibe Bedswnest that bias oa metch box. » ena g Ormanization for m Body for Clark, Who rE in a} . ; ‘ ae ye i ' a : , NOPLO ty } sofend in jupert agi Hop, step and of Railroad Emplo utual Benefit Over Wilson by Nearly. OS eo n Griffiths, M. P., r sth prwre! ‘ . silver . ud jump-—ts iployees Started ‘ | a y stated, after ¢ ey, aoe Prince | oa bby HE) shay military brushes | , Special British Columt x ra visil to l tha bo tupert practically holds | . aving set. , | ( ‘ al to Daily News | jminera! é ibia, that “the tt y today to the e : ds| benefitting by Lani & Standing | Md Jone, a! wealth is as yet ie coal trade ontrol of} ernme yy the Dominior ports. lina {we broad janip—tes . 2g After i nuiched, the zreat ; un- cl of the Pacifie ne nt bonus to see 1 BOV- 4 | ; atch: 2nd, travell g 3 1 ‘ aoal feld-t¢ ae est known ose to Prince Mupert. 4 lablishment of the 1 ure the es- a nivdal :| igh jump {at fis a abs Rie; | iron ore, ¢ ji g dormant— Of bituminous eoal industry on the pray and. steel 4 onale ishing rndidate , copper, & ineAe: 8 a chal: thare-is “topo ue 3 2 nr. ey) donated by Prince Rupert | es ‘itloo silver—all this 3 gold and Canada 73,500,000,0( there is in] The eastern iron ¢ ee git a ware): 2nd, fishing bupe in id-| miner and lis waiting the anthracite, iad Ont, 10 tons; of| fnbtivare ave ct and steel manu- pe yaks— Es donat ‘| by Prince Ri toe \G ile , } ‘ lis (Sat-] and the prospector.” sub-bitumi 000,000 tons, and have deriv > the only ones wh i, Sa en upert Hardw ey velfib| B. C. C 5 ninous coal ¢ rived any be © Q ; Res Pulling tt var a ve fil ies . Coal Has Future {00,990,000,000 ¢ and. lignit ~ | but by making tk enefit so far, acs , . behate ‘Idonat 1 sh {st 17 ce 356 Chose who fear the . ennen “hl PD ons—ae Seed tis Cidsiian oeek ie bonus apply to ig yais—Ls ' nated by Geos ; A 1 on the mart e inroads of | Departmen: of the’ Dominion} YoU! es ohly induceme A ad, weole 1} 2nd, shaving ‘ = . Vas hay market for cos meh ’ Mines nion d be given B ‘ ement ble: ll set ti he| Have their fears val wili Deposit cas vad iron industri . C. to establi i Highe 1a wi i ora ar set at r i its are distri | idustries on tk ish i yals—! ' ed | ae ayerige-——* glia e faet that the wor are by follows: Marit istributed as|°Y°" coal ‘xi re coast wher- 3) Ltéen W. H. Wark ‘ dese g, half of whict orld’s. ship- 500,000,000 | itime provinces, 3,-| #2Mtities ¢ exists in sufficient # ' I i Water E ‘ | |the Pacific Oceat we traverse| the central we all bituminous: ity. This end of the right qual ae : ieee ene. ‘lly 75,000.0 1, consumes an=| Rock al plains and the eastern|®® is points to Prince R . j Iyer] ower boats, distar J sie 75.000,000 tons ' - ky Mountains, 30 astern | ‘ the Groundboec e Rupert i. ; | ) (annual cup bat ance be ; Presbyterian Servi . i ae at over $250,000 ih) coal|tons of Hitdimintis 000,000,000} Hear our sity g coal field is so — = Or llars; 2 St, prism | hvices. his Japan fur fat) f », Ofltons of ¢ yus, 400,009 Sire = ! fawel- ; 2nd, she a : he furnishes §& of anthracite ¢ ’ ,000 7 ‘| ee _ ing dish a ure \ awe ons and caeinalia annage 000,000 nae a +g 100,000,- Groundhog District. pili— Ai i oats, distance i ns. Br na eae 000,000] aud lig of sub-bit : The re y |-1st, binoen! : : ( rijish Col ’ og} aud lignite; . Pp Bo SER ne etn ep = Ww ePritce Ru om $B) p) Mr. x watched] stole off brides and benedie nice 1 oth, W. J. Sargeni, Mi hi i Herne pork Disltn- | and Mrs. A. G. se of the e »le off to sweet IOUS .eslie Laing, Mrs. Sibar ss. Ginn, tb | Fost | 1e@ eX- ' solitude g, Mrs. Sibé : Ndlea vt by Fa United er Were rhe Prine ea A. Kelly - Sibarey, Rober Pinship. lrytebiver ; in Matrimony at a Quiet } d. bridegrooms.|qu‘te ¢ ince Rupert is geiti i. AC ily, Mr. and Mrs Anke ert ‘a i and Simple Cerem i ler sappointed a honeymoon s viing 4 Mrs. Y. Cameron, E . Greenway, i 7 e ony in Firs Last . ship I 1 S ‘ ’ EK. H. Patt DAiwiray js aptist Church, V dys : f merry . trip she made ; aes $. Camozzi, C, W te vOrson, “ar le | , Vancouver. | : aad om ap-|had another trio of eee she n re ery id Maat is 1s Vv. Clifford Mr ; \Fimeeus = ea voungi brideg oO ian e Mrs. " 7 a y ; ° ae lain alle » a“ 0 ‘ Big oS ng | bri lenenindn a AarGiael pride s and ners Rain in the S$ houn, M. Alex ambie, C. W. Ca’. mn rhe} be} wedding of Miss M 1 to} ashore |} gh these slipped Sool Weath outh and} Ww. G exandra, M, Deeg H (ey st en abe seg. {one of Pr a — of good will, s fore Prince Ruper Ped) Prin er in Contrast t . G, MeMorris, W. 8 5 eee pert aE LR, | P Pree Bo ~ i rinee Hhupt et 's rena eiansad 2 eR RS > yaar generally wise to the RS rt Bol Cc o9 Rupert’s Fine, Sum oO) Harris, Mrs M. T. Btickney, L. Be Neckar sie re and most popular sechow! | 3 3 eS eir arrival, onditions of Late. ’ mery| Mr. and Mra: I A L Williscrott, NA hep ( teal 4 ors, to Mr, Ap G. Fost tle BASEBALL S $ i a “a i js Barry, Mrs we tor ie sowery, Henry Mrs... in Rte timer of this aed are 3 3 REE VI With sixty-two abi he ote A oon Thompson, M hata pa a ; fos ity is a talib Lod a I | \ S nesseacvcosverevecvcososeoerres |i mat All gers, including her h n passeu- | Nicholl, Mr ane C:, A.. Mos ehh M arris,; Was a ver Seer 1 mooners ' appy honey-| ter , Mr, and Mrs, a. G. F fi | cenlve ery quiet and ig: Natio » seven seal y-|ter, J. D. Wi somata aie OS- Reece a. a and ceremony, The wel hy a. lig ‘ ri : ae ; y R F travelers, and oe class} shall, De 7 se Charles Mar.- aii, Bi Dhes at ine istemnized in the |! ne vas © Lie oy { i V (lass passengers ; -four third |Diek Murry re ennis Duchesnay key ie aod has Chureh at V It First ay! a uu t O-a.) au tons of freight ns a eed 120 tiie hn Charles Trench R. Bo gmcouver by (ae pas mee | i} ile SRE steamed 4 , the Prince R ae atc re? anit Men: anes Al) it Ra tor, ¢ (Nag SBS * | Youn eamed i i Rupert | Little oe Mrs. George boa i ce, mc ages ao rward hy . ol i ee Range This Morn pleasant ee - today pPreth. 1 ee ab and Mrs. D. H Sear sine) ren le or & Ge meorica — ae ge ¥ ? ‘ / evoBlhy ; Bie? r. and Mrs aa Phe Man z to ‘ here; Where they spent ‘i hee ; N ) . i — ing Name of are Forg- was raining ong trip north,| Yama. d Mrs, Miller, Mr, fe insea-|moon, Mr ; ae. ee | ae ; at t Cheque BR Agent to| Vancouver wi ery eaol in ; si ae , at — 1e by ‘eile a crows of preside ra . ee 7 , i a a ah there, which 2 the steamer le!’ -— e : rossperstby 3 i {he ? chreiber resia ‘ { te nee Rupert's « s a scoritrast Let Geo a Laps i ‘ied New es ae . Mr, Foster purehmiser i _ a W ESTHO LME ae Judge Voung th of ne , oe fine wen git You will pape? * ma ses ane tis bride before 4 S } morning is til p 1s ate, Following is eer vill want yo ; - heya e iit be lane m 2 fore having Kuper! I } e Dune an Gameron, alias paxsenger lis eng is the Rupert’s by a respon y ur plano tuned lami w Wasi | they are certain!y Coast pera Mo | A. MeKeehnie ne na t ponsible, reliable pi hes), : stiilmejall the ¢@ ally assayed 0 ‘ an } USE Mine e, was sentenced W. Y. Gox, H. K..G uner. George Anders >» piano eet it \Treatel good will which 1} i three year : tolM. Gri i. K. Gordan i B nderson in il« » tre-|Rupert Yo whieh Primes 3 rs at New West M. Griswold, Mr yw, Joha expert from Portl : piano 4 Let iririsial in} the cam so cordially se ee lfor forgery Ck ninster|bard, Mrs, J K. aud Mrs. Hib_| bere about July and, will be 7 _ iNet a6 Been Ms I a § om |e uilt gas i waar pleadel Pischeor Me ; ee Frank ders with Fs abet Leave or- e lon. jc ‘al f oh n ay lithe ee » charge of forg Dove » Mr.’ and Mra, Js) #. sic stor suffmann’s mu ) t ( Choic mince RUDOF : e name of ’ gine yen, Mr. and Mrs ie store, opposite new % a 1 16 Kedkey's. On eat liquors and cigars as ipert’s leading hotel— : | ehe 7 rehate Gi, McNab tn a/¢nson, Fred to ata D. Wilk.| fee. pposite new post of- 3 7 be MONDAY, JULY 1st, 1912 }eceded in eas: ih Me “s N, Tallmadge : ma ond: re. ren « , oa | 2 otha cee 7 s a ie grocer 41 2 - ’ r .and Mrs F SURaanARanA RRA tove oO ; 3 rocers more, I En Mrs. aa BNE ip WELL KNOWN MEDICSL MAN ——— oat Re ae les Fischer on a 1 N . anne, A. Heino, Mis yp re were over one hundred i avenue, © ce alate seroft, Mr Ke =| Chinese ‘ : ror NINE RUP narersereet: Pp, A, steamer Prins] rested ou the a ar-|crefl, T.. EB. H aie N, Willis-| Mary ze , on board the Princess Ri ' Ma here has jus ee bea ridin e steamer Prine ’. Holling, Miss or sterday, billed wr : MINUTES AG nee t arrived | upert on her last tri Prince N.| River canneries 1d to Skeena hee 0 M \W, Kergin with} was broug ast trip south ana ; es. ths . XK ‘faa ne OL. W. Kore ; db “a \ by nee Ue bash from Sonamreae i | spective h * / a= — 2 out e dams i Pa Riel por! vied Train af rival aml | , ( he 4 eoUVvel i as no defense, ns, He made . pe! ony ' 10 be offerin eo keen. . errr it leaves that ik at Popules Prices ct eS R AS ea ae PRINCE RUPERT i ee dowes g Barney Johnston the position ; . n home here and i} 5 Sacred aN THIS TIME y) \ thy Hi s lo the Pirk G , le posiliol ty : { re ed Song Service Organi: r YEAR ‘4 igi Of Dovnimion Dea Pe asiun | inaie ry Mis sf NEW SONGS NEW ChOPURES Phere will be no morning tart a, nization of outdoor | I x Derkee y athletid triumpts ince Kuper NE ay ‘aa rare ice of the Bi an & solve SLATLOG, yvaseball te ; 5 bh ‘ ot tle ia Now records in ight. ae amine" a f Dr. W. fT. bere NEW ° pea Intyre Hall a Church in Me- Alderman N eam proposed and SS » blastin ; r 1 C0 » of mont! a all tomorrow, t ; oan 1 Newton pr Ss tails i irospewity eerie the dry (lock we bn ; mi ins to1M rw SEPAR\E , evening at 7:22 a Bie in the ditch takes baek arent Taree to “turn to counci =| can 2 MOC Saye tae rinee Rupert ; 3 he hos iv RAUB 2 RFORMANCES will be given by Mr 8 of song Culverts. and on yaa neil unless Hi!- ia) ) P vor of piee me ; rstern cities al siste $s sens avie 8- ar ; ‘taining W : : aay vi “event, in of rice mie) he the sotidisied 3 | nad os abe d by the choir and *} ae Charlie Vaughan, E ~ ai question comes up i 4 idly") phebty spite of Nick’ bolt bachel OPULAT u Zintire Lower talent. ocal five mile walking ‘s mFS. Sas tietchell and A. Az Up in couneil, % ot aie vy protest, Floo 2a 7 Baletny 15¢; i) ae Bay Sit oa tine ae pee” Day A. Azalli entered for \ \lice B., Wed rhomas dren ! ie. Made fro ety of fire , dissatisfed wi ve . de. m fr re hall ; with wage a r goed Phone Cree so4, Govt, Wharf.” Saas 1 ames Ht ream—ice oe pure, rich Mr, ae M vale ist. ives, decide to walk out a eel Pharmacy. mn at Keeley’s to New York on C. D, Newton announee i 4 d the east. intention to take trip - : siviesibcdecidthals Ea Ties (3 : AEN rs