v ! i PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE i ' ilk ft 1 ops Among Smart Sport Clothes They'll be the rjets of your wardrobe ... the knockout sports and casual styles that we're featuring for the smart well-dressed miss. New styled corduroy Jerkins and sport jackets, skirts, blouses and all the accessories thaj you see in the latest fashion reviews. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Third' Ave. West Advertise in the Dally News. i THINK THIS OVER C1IAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Itaggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER v JEWELEK DIAMOND MERCHANT FIVE PINS LASTNIGHT Armour's, Lawn Bowlers, Chinese! Youth and Keddy Kilowatts Winners Last Night. Armour's, Lawn Bowlers, Chinese Youth Association and Reddy Kilowatts were winners last night in the Five Pin Bowling League. Steel Workers, Albert & McCaf-fery, Royal Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Corns of Signals were the losers respectively. Scores were two games to one In each case. Individual scores: Armours 12 3 Alger 163 169 192 DeJong 155 200 137 Brind 173 195 2J1 Smith 153 200 188 Asemlssen 237 168 301 Handicap 36 36 36 Totals 917 968 1125 Steel Workers J. Cymbal 201 185 216 P. Carr 164 170 252 B. MacLean 240 145 141 B. dreig 199 148 173 Hetherington 178 175 217 handicap 7 7 7 Totals 989 830 1007 Lawn Bowlers ance 125 110 110 aul 217 244 165! ,an Berkel 145 165 121 ? 4cMeek.n 173 226 242 1 Javis 251 180 193 handicap 97 07 97 Totals 1008 1025 925 Albert & .McCaffery -ill Bach .'. 145 211 193 om. Hart 145 112 145 ;peed 163 172 244 1. Moser 207 226 171 Tully 182 166 224 1 Totals 847 887 977 Chinese Youth Association .larry Lee 158 148 126 rone Lee 180 201 153 Cam Lee 185 202 186 Tank Fong 216 239 196 3ob Lew 233 195 170 .andicap 25 25 25 Totals 997 1010 916 Air Force Jrake - 151 193 166 rVWte 229 100 185 Handley 152 133 261 Crapper .' 160 298 163 :opp 162 181 211 landicap 72 72 72 Totals 956 981 1C83 Reddy Kilowatts Kinslor 267 212 202 Shenton 139 151 144 Tully 223 218 186 Comadina 172 203 181 Xellett 275 238 232 Totals 1079 1022 945 Signals Lawford 195 166 153 Brock 152 139 183 Sarginson 176 173 262 Lanskail 124 163 189 Yelland 190 136 233 Handicap 53 58 58 Totals 895 840 1134 If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canada do you imagine you'd be given the honour and privilege of buying any kind of Bonds? You would not! Then go all out to defeat the enemy with your money and Buy the new VICTORY BONDS Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 Better Quality SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS Sizes 4'6"x7'0"-Sale price, each . .VM s zes ow'-saie price, each Sizes Q'-xlOVV-Sale price, each Suit Sizes 9'xl2' Sale price, each !"!""ZZZ"Z!"Z 872 15 UV AND SAVE AT Elio's Furniture Store TlilKI) AVENUE PII0NE GKEEX 00 00 no ."o CRIBBAGE LSCLOSE Keen Contest for Leadership In League Standing. Prince Rupert Cribbage League results last night were as follows: Falcons, 1.2; Operators, 6. Eagles, 10; Old Empress, 8. Pioneers, 7; Savoy Hotel, 11. Smiles Cafe, 11, Canadian Legion, 7. For Against Pts. Smiles Cafe 61 47 6: Falcons 60 48 6C Old Empress 59 49 53 Eagles 58 50 58 Operators 50 58 50 Canadian Legion 49 59 49 Savoy Hotel 49 59 49 Pioneers 46 62 46 Hockey Standings W D L F A Pts, New York .... 24 1 13 146 116 491 Toronto 22 4 12 121 94 43 1 Boston 21 5 12 118 84 47 j Chicago 20 3 14 116 102 431 Brooklyn 13 1 24 102 123 27, Detroit 12 3 23 100 112 27 1 Montreal .... 11 2 25 93 145 24 GIRL SKATER INJURED SMITHERS, Feb. 17: Little Miss Betty Leach suffered a bad sprain of her right wrist when she collided with another skater on the local rink on Thursday evening. She was attended by Dr. Greene after first aid had been administered by A. B. Washbern and A. Dando. She will miss .rr balance of the skating for tinls winter. THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY. CONFERENCE FOR YOUTH Importance of Organization in War Crisis Emphasized. Plans for organizing a conference of Prince Rupert youth were discussed at last night's meeting of the youth committee held n the Carpenters' Hall. Representatives were present from the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the United Church Young People's Society. Such a conference, It was felt, was virtually needed In view of the menace of war which has now come directly to Prince Rupct. The conference will give all youth groups, trade unions and similar organizations a chance to lay down a united program for action In the present crisis. The youth conference will also elect delegates from Prince Rupert to the Provincial Youth Conference in Vancouver this Easter and will formally set up the Prince Rupert Youth CounciL Letters are being sent out calling for the co-operation of all organizations. Plans for a social Saturday evening at the home of the secretary were announced by Mrs. Blakeysoclal convener. Registration of Women Advocated Should lie Survejru .As Well As .Men for Selective Service Declares Mrs. Roosevelt J NEW YORK, Feb. 17 There should be naf :nal restoration in DOESyourNOSE C10G AT NIGHT? DO THIS Put 3-purpose Vs-trtvnol up each nostril . .11) It ahrinks woUen membrane; (J) Soothes Irritation; S) Helps flush nasal passages, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VICKS VA TRO PIOL TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtm; 8. D. Johnston Oo.l Vancouver Grandvlew .15 Bralorne - 7.75 Cariboo Quarts 1.50 Hedley Mascot .35 Pend Ortelle ,. 1.40 Pioneer 1.50 Premier , .53 Privateer .' M Reno .. .18 Sheep Creek .75 Oils Calmont .14 C. & E irn Home .. 2.40 Royal Canadian .06 Toronto Beattie .75 Central Pat 1.00 Cons. Smelters 37.75 Hardroek 45 Kerr Addison 356 Little Long Lac 1.17 Madsen Red Lake M McKenale Red Lake .77 Moneta , M Pickle Crow 1.99 Preston Est Dome 2,45 San Antonio 1J1 Sherrltt Gordon 80 the United States of women as wc'.- as rr.T for scltvtivc service, de :!ared Mix F. auk:i:i D. Roosevelt in : peakjr ' here qcten 's FINE CUT BRAND OF THE A-SEVEN RANCH a7 Founded by the late A. E. Cross in 1835, the A-Seven Ranch near Nanton, Alberta, is famous to this day for the hioh-flrade grass-fed beef cattle which the ranch raises and ships all over Canada. . 1 o i.w fii,;i ur 1 r 111 m , , r. ...... . f Glassware Specials ? 2 vullft' oa,u u,,u wimioriai)ic taai bKllVHti See Our Windows RAILWAY I LINES raBjrT wnwjrA fHU T.AV4. fc go to the PHONE 235 f VAK1KTV STORE ? g day and night 8 ooooooa 000000000000000 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Transpacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S3 "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 p.m. To' Vancouver Direct SS "PRINCESS NORAH" Feb. 12th, 23rd, March 5th, 10th, 26th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Feb. 8th, 19th, March 1st, 12th, 22nd; Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services FrftTrrmrrSl!.,7.ck!Vi a,ul """vatlons from iv W. 1 L. LOAH.S, GENERAL AGENT, I'KINCK RUPERT, IJ.C. I'KINCE KLTDItT GARB0 AS COMEDIAN Noted Screen Actress Plays Neiv Type of Part in "Two-Fared Woman." i Oreta Qarbo Is seen in a dual comedy role in "Two Faced j man" which comes as the feature offering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here on Wednesday night only of this week. Mclvyn Douglas U her leading man. In her part Miss Oarbo makes the transition from a simple, unworldly ski Instructress at a winter resort to a glamorous and sophisticated woman who pits her wits and beauty against a rival in order to hold her husband, Mel-vyn Douglas. The plot has Douglas marrying Miss Oarbo, as t h e ski irutruc- 1 treas, then falling for the charms 1 of a lady playwright In the per-1 son of Constance Bennett. In hci endeavour to keep track of her errant husband, Miss Oarbo masquerades as her "twin sister" and it U in this role that she sings. Jitterbugs doits a bathing suit for the first time on the screen and otherwise reveals a Oarbo that movie-goers have not known before. The supporting east Include Roland Young. Robert Sterling. Ann Sothern and Ruth Gordon. is tiu: m ti:i:m. 01 kt or iikuihh loi.t.Mint in mount: JI11 llir Maltrr ui hr -AdmloUlralloa Ad" and In Itir Matter f I In' latr of llareld Kornrllu ,Mnulrii, olhrmtx known at llarald aiiun anil Harold Xnoii. I in 1 TAKE NOTICE Uval by Onttr of Ilia j Honor Judfr rVtwr. Um Judf U Urn I Supcrma Oourt ot BrlUMx CMueabM. I . oruthc tfc ttr at January All ; vju ffntotta AdmlntMtrMor ot Um Fv-; ot 1arald KornHlua ernndaM. ftii-rwt knoam aa Haraid Suvwon Kiwi Harold BmtMon. lvrtd. formally erf Ue Cttjr ot Prutct Rufrt. wtto (llrd on or about Ww VU lUf at Ot vilwr 1941. All pvrautM llKWHrd Uj Ik- aaakd aaualr are rtqulrrd to pay Uir MH"um ot Umu UxtXrtlnra lu im r r-4ivtUi and all peraona hain rlabaa aKitwt Ibr oatd BMi arc mulrcl n. tUr um iuMto nm prcwrl rerUird ai or Wore Uw ISih day ot Marc 1042 rattrnc -Meri dlMtntanajrin rt h immU Havlna; rrard only to audi rlalau at vbab I ahall tmt brn noUftod. DATEO at Prttarc Ituprft. B C thia iOita (Wy ot rXmaary 1941 KOIUtAN A. WATT OffMal ArtmlnMra4ur PTHxa nurrrt DC IN TIIK U'K:.MK till KT III' IIKU lll HUMIIM IV IMIIIUTi; In Ihr Maltrr of Ihr "Admlnl.lfalUq .ut- Anri In hf Mattrr of thr llatr 0( lurft-ii Strndrn tldrcaard (tlthrralM kmian a. Jorph . tMrgaard) dnrnH, lntrtatr-. TAKE NOTICE ta4 by (fiW of Ilia Honor. W E nhrr. nattf cm Um 3AU day ot January, a D. 1942. I waa ap. pouKd AdmtnaMnator t h ui ot Jorgf-n 8mim OV-iatard (otaVriat knoan aa Jtmh a (ViMuMt and all paMra havtnc ckuu MUrwH 1 aald aaa trr rurrby "-rjulrrd to , f Uintah mmtk. pcjarly rrrtftnt to nv on or (War itwasui tUj at IVbruary AD. 1942. and all parUm livWyd to Uia mlMt arc tmulmt tn n Ik. i amount erf 1M1 traiMMM , me fortfiwuti DATEO at rrttwr Duprrt. B. C tAU "to day of January, A. D. 1942, NORMAN A. WATT OffloUl AdmtnlMTUi-. Print Rurxct. BC IN TIIK M I KI Mi: I III ICT til IIHITIMI (tniMitM in mourn; III Ihr Mallrr of h- "AdmliiMralloii Art" and In th, Matlrr nt U,r K.lalr of Jahn IUld Irar lirrratrd Honor. W E. rwwr. made on th 2AUi - ..i 1 waa -p- , rZl:r.r'X"i,r 01 Wm! of JotT " utittuwtj. ami ail pa rum 1?" lm" Mrant U. Mld fM, re hrtriry refutm! to fumuh aamr Property Tfrinrd. to me on or 4Wore the aeotmd day of kUroh, AD. 1942. and ,.ir-H Z.. T .r are amount or their lnfJie to m foruiwiu,. DATED at Prtnre tHipcrt. nc UUa 30Uj day of January AD 1942 MELVIN Me KAY STEVENS rrlnce Hubert, nc Etecutnr. Advertise In The Dally News, TIIK SPX'ONI) rnonc 88 Victory Loan Is Your Chance to Help and avc! MONEY TALKS! Help Prince Itupcrt to .Quickly Over-Suhcrihc and We Can Talk. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage t0. Ltd. "MUSH COLUMI1IA i CAPlTOi Last Times Ttmhh rnmnal. ah ",H Haw t III. Colbert, lUlan Ahnnf h " liOI'i ...... on 1 iMKK" iat 7 39 anil c j( TOMORROW OXtf Her first ui. . , . Nlnotchka" t1ce as hUa),.,:; Oarbo plays tw.: she skis, she a : rhumbas Greta Garbo IN - "Two Faced Woman" Wit:. MIXVYN )()lf;ii. CONSTANCE HI NNett , KOI.ANI) YOI NO at 1:34, 3 34 1 9 34 AUo "AHT Of SKIING -Ql'lZZ KIDS WOULD news Coming. Thurs., Fri., Sat Direct from 1 ' . . week run at 1 v : eouver . I? year's 10 tj . :lass! "How Green Was My Valley" .ViCfORY) O BONDS Strainers Irate I'rlnri IfJj (or VsnrotiTffi Calais evrrv T ll p..T Due Vancouver T" t:J am, Cardena every F Jj? !:J p.m. Due Vanconyrr M ' Uurm fhirlotte Ml nil t'uM Informstlon, Tklr aKJ tlUaaafllifl4t FHANK J, 8KINNW. Trlnce Ituprrt Areat Third Ave. fhon W TWO COTTAfiKS i on sam: Urge Tublic Hall Tor Kent, CENTRAL HOTEL THE SKAL OF QUA LIT Y 1 Sockcyc Salmon Fancy Red Hcrrinjr in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spread Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon nioater