paoe rora r i Exptrl OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optornetrbt in Cnarte Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine Cliina. Dinnerware. Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond .Merchant "mm A PLAYBOY" 3h Mothers, you've been patient a long time. You've asked us to secure a boys' department comparable with the large city stores. We now feel with pride that you'll find a stock in our store that is just that. Try us! I Rupert Men s & 217 SIXTH ! Across From Helgervm Keal Estate THE STORE FOR I) A II AND LAI) " i r. o '1 Jo ..o Jo N 5 O o a o o AND MY .MOM GETS JO o ALL MY CLOTHES AT I 0 a The O o Rupert o o Men's and Boys' o o o o o Store Jto BOYS' SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BOYS CAPS SHORT PANT SUITS LONG PANT SUITS SPORT JACKET'S HOY?' PANTS BOYS' OVERALLS I jj j f Boys' Store .VI :l ST Green 91fi Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June 8th, 1912 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 p.m., stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 7 aja. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 10:3fl ajn. stopping at Terrtee, Pacific. Hazelton. New Hazelton. Smlthers, Burns Lake. Van-derhoof, Prince George: Gtecome and MeBride only. Arrive JASPER Thursday and Saturday 12:25 pjn. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY. 11 pm. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. 6:30 pjn. For Full Information, Reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone 2S0 prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines JUST ARRIVED - A shipment of Luggage: Trunks, Suit Cases of all sizes, Twin Sets, Folding Carriages, Congoleum Rugs, Bedroom Suites, Convertible Lounges, Unpainted Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Medicine Cabinets, Unpainted Dresners, Iron Boards, Tea Wagons, Baby High Chairs, Baby Swings, Baby Harness. Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, net to Daily New. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ntlNCE RUPERT Lt(l. BK,T,S COLUMBIA ReSevt Asthma ind Hiy Fever Qnekl with KELLOGG'S 0000000000000000000000000a Announcement NOW OPEN Sunrise Beauty Salon Violet Mah Above Sunme Store Entrance Sixth Avenue PHONE BLUE 94J Prince Rupert, B.C. 00000000000000000000000000 Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized .MILK 1 1 VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 j Specials I JUST ARRIVED A new shipment of STUDIO COUCHES. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, in all the new colors and patterns. Priced from 42.50 c 1 BOAT STOVE, at S6.50 2 KITCHEN SINKS 'like new. qcj jjrv each O.DU 2 Dor. SPRINO FILLED MAT-TRESSES, from S18.50 L, Also a large stock of various sized HEATERS B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. THE DAILY NEWS T35!,TSDAY ii i, , JUJE ... -waBaaBWHsaBBBaBBaBmsBBBBMBiBgj flt&4tr... utgyty tXe&M, Bitty even swoys ne point frees ... In the land of bfue shadows and while gardinlatl . . . BETTY GRABLE lT"Nn U ATlinr JACK.OAKIE fSANDS iff 7eciiLC0&l T10M1J lITCHllCOKUIIl HUT C1LIEIT 1110 IlIIll w IlllTOimatnaliiillmlm A lOlk CtNtUtT.lOX MCtUM TOIIAV and THURSDAY Complete Shows I. S. 5. 7. 9 WARNING! Instructions Re Sugar Ration Cards Sugar Ration Application Cards ..Just Be Filled in and Handed to A.R.P. Wardens When They Call on the Evening of June 25th Between 6 and 10 p.m. PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS 1. ONLY ONE SURNAME TO EACH CARD. (All members of a family can be listed on one Card if they have the same surname). 2. PRINT NAMES IN IlLOCK LETTERS. (This is important). 3. USE INK. Shower Held I Last Evening Miss Kay Damjanac Is Honored at Delightful Affair A miscellaneous ahower wb flyer, liit night in the home of Mrs. Hugo Kraupner. with hoateaae Mrs Kraapner and Mrs. V. Smith, m honor of the bride-elect. MJ Kay Darajanac The reception room va appro-prjrtely decorated with pink and white streamers and piajk and white stocks. The beautifully decorated gift basket wm presented by Misses 11am Kraopoer and OUda Oaaapaa;. Instead of the usual fames five ro!l of natural color fUm were shown after which a number of piano selection were rendered by Miss Mary Pustak. Following the opening of the lorely gifts and a word of thanks or Miss Daalanac a buffet luncheon was served by Mrs. Kraupner and Mrs. Smith. The foeats present were:. Mrs. J. Joy. Mrs. D. Stevenson. Mrs. E. Morrow, Mrs. R. Stannard. Mleses Ilsa Kraupner. OUda Campagnola. Olaja ZeUaco. Mary Puttak. Dorothea FTaten Irene Battryn. Pearl Menxies. HALIBUT ARRIVALS American 103300 pounds. 15c and 14c and 151c and 103.600 pounds, 15.1c and lie to 15.6c and 14c. American Attaus. MjOto. 16c and 14c. Storage. Lansing. 18,000. 15c and ltc. Storage. Condor. 17,500, 15c and 14e, Storage. Zerambo. 15,000. 15.1c and 14c. Booth. Canadian Ankar A, 17.000. 15.6c and 14c. Booth. Morris H, lfcMQ. lS2c and 14c. S'orage. Ingrid H, 19,000. 15Je and 14c. Atlin. Fenella, lljwa. 153c and 14c. Pacific. AnnabeHc. 5.000. 15.1c and 14c. Booth. Mother II., 11.000. 15.6c and 14-.. Atlin. Advance II, 11.000, 15.4c and 14c, Storage. Dickie Boy. 4.W0. 153c and 14c. Booth Tramp. 14509, 15.1c and Me. Storage. SWEDISH HOUSING Sweden has appropriated 50.000.- 000 kronor "about 112.500.00a for housing loans and subsidies. FOOTBALL j FANCIES What's the odds on the Domln- j ton Day finalists being Signals and 1 Seal Cove or have the Navy any-1 thing to say in the matter? I If there Is a prise given for toe moat gentlemanly player in the league, whatsay HQder of 8ignab for the nnntrtaUon? Jhamy is one of the quietest players around these parts, also by the way one of the moat improved. H Is always in the thick of the battto playing the shirt oft his back. Lynch .of FoatrJera la playing a very good game at centre forward. Some of hat touches are very nice to watch bat he aaama to have left his ahootkng lU in hta kit-bac at the batracka. So-Chartte MbVaoght isn't henpecked what? That promlaad visit from the boya from the interior and a return trip to the land of apple ':, looks good to some of the boy and. as a result, some of the gane-, are being played very close. Did Major Low get disgusted a: the game with the Navy? Anyway he hasn't been seen at a game since. Perhaps that goal the sailors sneaked in on the Sigs did them a good torn aa they have played bang np ball since. Some reputation that the Signals' defence has built up for trwmserves only two goals scored against them since the season began! OBSERVER Terrace Theatre ; Is Going Up Soon TERRACE. June 2 C M Adam recently of Stewart, has pur haser local property and plans to establish his home at Ternoe. Mr Adam has completed arrangements tc provide Terrace with what ha been in the nature of a ton fe-want and he will build a thratr. in the centre of the villa re or Lakeiae Avenue not far from thr Orange Hall. The structure will rx 5t by S feet in' Its dimension and win be modern in all respect particular attention is to be directed to the acoustic properties of the building. ! Interviewed yesterday Mr. Adam 1 expressed as very well oleaaed with Terrace and the district He considers there is a de:ldedly ood future for the district and he wa. particularly well pleased with the gardens and orchards and thr wnall but thriving (arms that he has seen. It is your responsibility to make sure that your Application Card is handed to A.R.P. Warden. If you cannot be at home when War-den calls arrange with your neighbour to do it for you. CARDS MUST HE READY WHEN THE WARDEN CALLS. WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD "f-.. CAPITOL iP ! "sMaVlaHr vitvesprKisnjgeiBjgji PROGRAM SUNDAY MI UNITE AT i: IS Gcorte llrrnt. Ann Sheridan, Charlie Hutiln . j "HONEYMOON FOR THUIX seeae TIIK SKAL OF QUALITY 0 10 mm I L D Sockcyc Salmon Fancy Ked I S I E in Tomato Hcrrinj? Sauce I A Sandwich Spiced Salmon Spread I L Smoked Hlontcr Salmon EHeaHBS ON ins r- Andy Clyde in feature at ritiso.v p.trui e T.e r'Ti.v.irf- . publiration bv . : VS Penltentur-. v ! , NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zahki i r l i? r "A Hume Away finm Home" Hates 75c op SO Kutm Hot At i ' Wi'-t Prlnte Itnpert, HI' Thone Ml r J. Rci IX SERVICES TO Vancouver. Victoria and Wax poind, Stewart and Nnr'.h. tueen Charlotte Islands full Information. IlrkeH and Jteerratlon FRANK J. SKINNIIt Prince It u pert Ateni Third Ave. Phone SCI AMALGAMATED mjILDINC WORKERS UP CANADA Prince Rupert, ill' METROI'Ol.K HALL Meetings every fourth S:;r .a;- In the month at 2 r Unit No. 1. Shipwright, J - Uoat Duildera and Caulk"-' Unll No. 2: Painters, Taper hangers and Decotaf o:,; Secretary: Phone III" "Ji P.O. Ito i 1115 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Thone 37 P.O. u 5' ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT