The situation as regards overnight room accommo t SATimDAY.'BEPTEMBER !2 PAQB TWO THE DAILY NEWS B1SJU-1- THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. H. F PULLEN. PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion - -25 Classified Advertisement, wT word, per lnerten .02 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per Year. $509; Half Year. $3.50; One Month, 60c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Tewn Subscribers by Mall. $3.00 a Year. MEMBER OF Tilt CANADIAN TM: tot (XnfcdUji Press It cxdutTFlT entitled to use for publication of all n 6ptch credited to It or to th Associated Prew In ttds paper J aUo Uat tucu cewi puoii&ueo mere in. All i-lffht nf nuMlrt4nn of nl DAILY EDITION ssa Saturday. September 12, 1M2 EDITORIAL The Premier's Speech . . . The sneech of Prime Minister William Lvon Mack BOWLING IS r UNDERWAY; Five Pin Sranq Gets I'nder Way J i Xest Mendar The 1942-43 cowling season is well under way and league bowling is once again starting. At a meeting held recently by the Men's Five Pin Bowiinj League plans were made for the ensuing season. The officers elected were: President. Cy Kellett. Secretary-Treasurer, Harry Lee. The five pin bowling night will again be on Mondays. The games he rtLaved in two heats. I It was decided to distribute the prize money thus: First team. $25. Second team, SIS. Third team, $10. High Average. $5. High single game. $3. High three games $3. There will also be a trophy don- enzie King could not be described as inspiring for Kingiatbv wiua F. Stone. There were many teams entered speeches never are. It was factual, however, and some pf llZ Si n but 17, 11 in Idealistic lone. Al leasv n rang whii tne Muwuiy ui ten teams have paid their en- a man convinced himself of the unquestioned worthiness trance fee to date, of the cause. It was a speech that might draw jeers from Team rotting off their games the cynical who may be numbered among the fifth "gt mt?ry v Dry Dock umnists in the freedom of democracy. .,..,,. ,' Painter, rcjip signallers vs. It was a forthright review of three years of war, sav-Mors. stones clothiers vs. featured by no undue optimism but plainly,uggestive of Monarch. r.ccs. vs. Dry Dock a long and hard task ahead towards a sole tolerable con-'ju-stan. Burn shamrock vs. c elusion complete and utter defeat of the enemy. ! Those who heard the speecn may not nave Deen greatly encouraged but they should be more resolved. It was a plain Mackenzie King speech, thought-provoking if not inspiring. Mr. Mackenzie King could never be called a spellbinder but he is never lacking in quiet idealism and the ability to make altruistic definition of a cause. Comeback In Advertising . . . NEWS FOR MIDLANDS i 1 Approximately two tons of 1 scrap rubber was gathered In one' day at Cobourg in the course of' a drive for scrap rubber. Advertising in Britain in the first two years of war The town council of Port Hope was sprimielv nfiWfprl pcrwvinllv hv thf shnrtnerp nf has ask" 'or resignation of paper and the discouragement of all unnecessary expen- jS&l uiiure ana activities not uireciiy associaieu wun ine war. Df co-operation and initiative on Of these, undoubtedly the first item had the most the part of the town police force. serious effect on advertising. The paper shortage has caused the complete or almost complete disapnearance Th"tt. lady school teach- , of the Montreal district visited t l- j- m. i i ers of some advertising media. The newspapers voluntarily lhA Vn.. r,ntl rntt,, in cut their sizes 50 at the outbreak of and by percent war the course of a five hundred mile now are down to less than a ouarter of their pre-war con- bicycle trip, having taken to pedal- j sumption and no single publication can exceed the fair 1Ins ln vlew 01 gasoline and quota allotted to it. . "ZnTTto'T? In? 1 It has been strictly self-regulation. The newspaper atut tinmaTt dayl is free to make what use it wll of its firmly controlled The young ladies were Miss Mar-allowance with the exception of restrictions On the pro- garet Perowne, Miss Pat Hayberryi portion of advertising to total contents. (Such a rule and Buth sdweMy. exists in Canada under postal regulations.) Undoubtedly, it was this restriction on the size of their publications by media which resulted in a decline in British advertising rather than a desire by advertisers to reduce the space they used. This is evident in the number of British firms which continue to advertise even though rates are up 70 percent in some cases, and because the volume of advertising is actually increasing. The decline In olume of nress advertising in Britain' conforms remarkably close to the decline in total news- Hje pra,es J?d K11" r,v.;f :v, the prairies. They have never look- print consumption. , .1. y. The decline in volume of press advertising in Britain crops been more abundant There' period, July to October, 1941, was approximately-50 per as talk -on the train of the possi-i cent, as compared with the same period of 1938. bmty ot lhe crP eotng to waste .Aut' in ," ith 1940, adverting rMA hJ?3T'5 unuMi provincial anu .suuuroan newspapers increasea BeTYice men wouid weicome har-more than 20 percent during the last six months of 1941. vest leave and would wiijingiy Substantial increases in appropriations in several helP! seeing the prairies in all classifications were made during the first quarter of 1942. ,ihelr gMen gkr brousht to mind TVmc RmVicli ,U'0Y.cay.a tnncA .?fl, nmr w,cfM'. a harvest poem by our own Mrs. tions and much discouragement, set an example for the poet and world in their steadfast faith in the power of advertis-'esses. i r ing under all conditions. The advertiser who feels he can afford to cease or curtail advertising should learn first what happened to those who tried it. Room Accommodation . . . ACTIVITIES OF Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARI11TTT, IlMte HACK ON JOB Back again after three weeks on Prince Rupert's talented one of our Senior Host- reproduce it with her per mission. THE SONG OF THE WHEAT Murmuring, waving, bending "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus!" saying. "Glory be to God on high!" Lo, the earth her bounty giveth As the Lord, who ever llveth, dation for transient visitors to Prince Rupert, of whom Rolling, roiling, onward ever, there are more than ever now due to increased business Uke flowing restless river, and population, continues acute. We hear of considerable s!8hln8J,th fuU Jc?fd-inconvenience and in some cases hardship on this account. But e g0iden prawfuieth With no hotel, rooms available, people have to walk the "Holy. Holy, Holy- Lord, streets all nujht or sleep in a chair, if they can find the' chair. With tie fall and winter coming,, it will be all the Bread aod-in robes of glory, more uncomf , . i stable. S , . , " , ,. . ... iUJSJS Gleams the nations dally food. US?' CertainlyTmore hotel accommodation is required in tne voice of minions rtnging- the city but it taKeK time to erect noteis, particularly un-. "sanctus, sanctus, sanctus" sing der conditions' such as these when regulations in regard to building ai tight and materials are scarce. Organizations and citizens must be prepared to do all they can to assist in meeting the situationEvery idea to more efficiently use all available shelter should be carefully considered. Well, we are getting the boom we all wished for. How do you like it? Ing To the Olver of all Oood! The Hostess, TALKED ON BUS GRANTHAM, Eng., Sept. 12: 0. Careless talk cost Mrs. Dorothy Linklater the equivalent of $100, She was charged with having disclosed secret Information to an airman during a bus Journey, V1 2 ADA Letter Box SOME OTHER THINGS Editor, Dally News: I have only a few minutes in which to acknowledge the letter from "A Canadian" in the News. It gives me great pleasure to note that there is one person ln I Rupert who Is not asleep or too ousy accumulating dollars Oat this person Is so modest Now, this letter Just reminds tne of several things just like that iATIONAL REGISTRATION F WOMEN IN CANADA Sept. 14 to Sept. 19, 1942 THOSE WHO MUST REGISTER AU females bora between January lt. 3918 and December 3 1st, im, tn-clusiv, who are not now la possession of Unemployment Insurance Card Form 411 or 413 (DJustratwi Ulow). Also all tboeo who iu aucH crd in their possession but who ar not employed In Insurable employment. WHERE YOU MUST REGISTER You must regHster at your nearest Selective Service Office (lor marly the local Employment & Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission), or a location set up for your convenience.' li you reside In a rural area, you register at your nearest Post Office. THE DATE OF REGISTRATION You may register at any time between Monday, September 14th, and Saturday, September 19th, 1942. THOSE WHO NEED NOT REGISTER Inmates of Institutions such as hospitals and mental hospitals and members of religious orders. Those in possession of either of the two Unemployment Insurance Cards Form 411 or 413 (Illustrated) rA vvbo are now employed in insurable employment. NOTE: li you are now unemployed, you will bo requirod to register. II you have an Insurance book number or registration certificate U.I.C. 411 or 413 which you got when you were previously employed, bring It with you when registering. ELLIOTT M. LITTLE Director National Selective Service NOTICE! Registration of Women in Prince Rupert Area In order to avoid congestion women are requested to register alphabetically by surname as follows: A to C on Tuesday I) to G on Wednesday II to L on Thursday M to I' on Friday Q to T on Saturday U to Z on Monday, Sept. '21 Registration hours will be from 9 a.m. to 9 pjn. In Iural Area according to Poet Office hours. RegUter at LOCAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 3rd Avenue and Cth Street out I shall mention only a few of them, which may not seem related unless you think. 1 There was the CPU., the P.O,E. and the Canadian Northern. Then during the last war Vancouver i stele our Grand Trunk Pacific j Railway. Now Vancouver, that 'great euy ot suoer-Datrlots. Is again out to skin the North once more. And fancy paying an Income tax on S6G0, SUCKER. HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour ssa M ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowooooooooooco For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SKHVICfc PHONE 235 g UM AND NIGHT -ooirf OOOOa OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOKOOOXOOWOKOOOOOOW A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD I'LACE TO HUV LINOLEUM FOR ALL YOUR FI)0RS Battleship Brown Molr Inlaid, all colors; Inlaid Lin :c -Printed Linoleum; Congoleum; Peltol; Rugs ln Congolcum i---1 Linoleum, all sizes. I'HONE 775 7 3rd AVE. VVEST SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here 1 your chance to try the latest 8-INCH rEATHEHBOU PERMANENT. AU ends tapered with mB lialrd'a Hair fihapcr. Individual styling to cult your fraturti- Sunrisc Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor. Cth and Fulton Above Sunrln Btort Phone lllue 913 for Appointments