1 vt TUBER. 12. 1M2 amoruid GRAPES M)I LL ALICANTE .09 Per Ton cr Car load K&tein & Co. LTD. Krefrr St., i( Ol VUt, UC ..-i rWk with Net and Used flNITURE 1 Adding n jwrfect ! v price. EfiSju ' r ustlike $8.00 :pg r ' Tables in tSelit If-. Qurniture Co. fHK BLACK Bktri Avenue 324 RN3E RUPERT 1V DOCK 2 SHIPYARD I Jl lLDKItS AM) Hrasi Castings snd Acetylene Wrldlnr si:: ON SAWMILL MACHINERY of Oai Lnrlncs and Overhauled Ivailable with each fcliaie in our store. 5 appreciate to have omen dron In snd plal this tltt nlan iALLEM'S i my tore )o,.ZTi Havo More : Ccnu- 5 t'i Phones 11.19 ? "VICES TO Victoria and Way- thwart and North.? rlotte Islands. formation. Tickets iiekervalloni K j, RKINMI'ir Rupert Agent Phone 6I LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. A MeeUng Ladles liovjUmr Im Tues S-ptVj5t?Jr VM "pin. Vancouver and Victoria. I Florence. 4213) Or. L. W. Kergtn is Bailing tonight for t trip to Vancouver. Vernon liowc sailed this for Vaneowtr. Mn. H. p. Gtastey left last night for a trip to Vancouver. Col- E. J. Ryan was a passenger leaving last nlt for Vaneoaver. Mr. Prank Dibb will be leaving I The Junior Bsetton of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has informed Municipal Chapter, Im- J. M. S. Loubser n.C ba. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROr. "A Home Away Prom Home" Kates 7Sc up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Waier Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Ko 196 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 M. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT i m rm nriiiTHiti " " ! S NATIONAL 5 Messenger bervicea Call It . . , We Haul It We never cloe Phone Red 392 p mmmtmJMaamsMUKmsmxuxmt w p m B B e rata raxata rim ttntwai.ti trfvr! civr. illT. am hop ki:e Chop Suey 613 7th AVE. WEST Onen Tori a v for Iluslnrss under new manaeement All your patronare welcome Phone Red 217 in !i:ii:ia:ii;::i QRffnafra I FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY NEWS WANT ADD. f Passengers leaving this morn ing for Vancouver Included L.' J. Weldon. O. R. Gibson. E. A. Swan-son. Dr. and Mn. II. Weber and V. N. Rowe. WW of the Dlbb Printing Co. Mrs. Saunders and family will be r filming later. Reports of the recent Dominion conference of junior chambers of commerce held in Windsor. Ontario, were referred to at the meet-in of the Junior Section of the next Monday evening for a trip to i Prince Rupert Chamber of Com mence last night. ; !ASt a St iumgms wain, ouc vo arrive Peter's Sunday School and irom we isasi ai o:j. was reporwa Bible Class uill he mUnr thf (this momlHg to be on ttme. ;Sanday at 11:00 ajn. A special ln- i RECIPES vxCV- vttatton is eat eddne b.flSI?B.Cjsfo i irttation is extended to all High j Morris Bridges has arrived la .School Students to attend the the city from Vancouver to Join atbie Clasn. which will be con-the aroounttng department of the ducted bjr Canon Jtaabjbrook ' Northern British Columbia Power i - ' Co. KU wife will be arriving later. LMk the raonthiy: meeting 'of the Junior Section of the Prince Mrs. Oeorge Harris, who has Rupert 'Chancer of . Commerce last been spending a month here visit- night from Prime Minister Lyon ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie King and Olof Hanson, John Connery. left erdfi i.p. for , filtrena. acknowledged train, returning to ar Borne m represenaams that had been3 un.Miu. . . "i muuipcE. maae requesting tow cosi msur- anee for men In the services and Six sisters from St. Anne's Acad- cost of living bonuses for their de-emy In Victoria were bete yestcr- pendents. Thee matters were bp-day on the way to Horjr Cross. Ing carefully considered. Alaska, where they will be engaged In teaching. Thoy were Sisters The Junior Section of the Prince Mary Roue, Mary of the Inant Rupert Chamber of Commerce last Jesus. Mary Joseph. Maty Isaac night decided to write to Miss (Job. Msry Philllppa and Mary Hud Toombs, who was the or- gaafeatlon's candidate in the re-1 oent CWe Centre earnlval queen contest acknowledging her efforts in the contest. Feeling was ex pressed that BMfBbert of the Cham iperlal Order. Daughters of theber themselves had not accorded Empire, that It will be ready to be 'represented at a meeting the Chapter proposes to call to dis-Irusx the possibility of air raid ; shelters being established in Prince ! Rupert It is proposed to agitate for construction of such shelters here, making representation to 'me (jovernment along this line. the support that might have been expected of them. The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was held last night in the city council chamber. President Alf , Rivett was In the chair and there was a fair attendance of members. The next meeting on October 9 will be the annual dinner when officers uill be elected and Installed. Special arrangements will be made for this gathering by a committee consisting of Ted Smith and Colin McCarthy and the In stallation of officers wtll be conducted by Past President Gordon German. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 T1MIVIK su.i: X116H Scaled -tnutero wlU be rtortvfd by Uh- Duttrtot rM(r. Pmx later tihtti now an ttw W. Hf oil Or;: -r. l4l. tor tt pHrohww of Lle w XtiMT'bu NWH RAwr, to 1.058 000 IWt of nr. Oxtar auxl Slirucr. . mival of n4r. I Furtfier rrtttfiCntWKaiW Por- rrr, Viauxf. BflL DHArlat Pur- n.rr. PruW Bnaxrt. B.C., Rner a. VI AtomnilSV. Ouu Full. BC. ih:imut.mi:nt or ri iu.ir wokks Nutkr U rontrrtr Ti.intAci: oi.it't: nriunMis RFl.r TENDERS. mkrwd "TMdrr tor Trmtw Oowwmvem Bull(Miig." will be tvcvlvad bj t4v MJnlr cC Public Work tor te rrwaaon Lnd com-plollon of CotMtebto House. Acktl-inn to l-up and 0mpr. PkuM. iqwctnonitSonB. ooiatimA. and tkmui of KMUtar nwjr be ami on and r tlw 1Mb ctMT of BratMiUbrr 1842. iwi fiuithM' lnSormHtkn obtadnrd at u.. Dmxtiirat of Public Worts. Par lhuimiL BulKUns. and at the crfHcea of ckvrmmnt AgU at &nltlwr and Prmc Rupert, B.C. oan dp (nmntna iwu uh tHYrnm of a odnR jto w lam i10 vhtdh irtll be refuill on rwwini of Kh phuat. c to IP1 condl- Uon. wKMn owe mooui aror of trmdera. . EH, h twi0r mux toe aooonupmura u, i aocnptrd ba chni on a chart. rrd bank of OUU, maae pujmoie n HonouiWe tt ct Piitolla Work., for tr un of Bewn Hundred DoUartf (1700.1. which aball be forfeited if the Pir venaerwa nnt into conteaot wvau aum uj" n... will not t ooniiWerrd uneiM WllBl' aUpwd iod out on e Serw. and notel . m enw TeovAerg nM l ta the ; tand. of i j X noon on vT The to or any tm6r not wet. ry aore-d. DIXON CMilaf Qnclnr. rTirtmen1 of Pitbllc Works. parWnw Iiulldiiis. Viotoria, B.C IH2 DAILY NET7S Local Couple Are Married In Vancouver The marriage took place on Wed inesdayjpf this week at the home Edr Saanders, who left Prince . M S" Muldrew. in Vancouver of Mta Rpert a year or so afeo for Van- v mmvm -am w. . , .u.lPheme Flnley. daughter of Mr. an C Flnley t thta city. next er Wednesday to rejoin the and Gordon Praser. son of Mrs. J. D. Praser. also of this city. Attendants of the couple were Miss Evie Rivett and Robert Praser. CARD OF THANKS The Rupert Bakery wishes to thank the Fire Department for the prompt manner In which they answered the call and put -out the fire. Reporting for the Civic Centre Association of Prince . Rupert. C. O. Ham told the meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night that there had been no further developments In connection with the civic centre project since the federal government had suggested that application for a pri ority permit be deferred for six months. tfhhcuhcetne'HtJ Ml advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran CFPR. Hour, Monday, 6:45, Oddfellows Ball, Sept. 25 by invitation from members only. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and 8. Catholic Hall St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 12. SOFTBALL SUNDAY Acropolis Hill 2 p.mv 19th Held R.C.A. (Terrace, B.C.) vs. K.C.A.P. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for man will-. Ing to share. 718 Fraser Street (158) LOST LOST Trolling licence and gas book from boat Venus. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. (2190) LOST Pair of Glasses. Finder please leave at Dally News. Reward. (210) LOST Ronson lighter, naval crest, engravings. Finder please return to Dally News Office. Reward. (212) FOR RENT ROOM to rent for a young man willing to share. Phone 543 after 6 pjn. PERSONAL YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Exam-inr, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest In Canada. No Agents. NEWS FROM EDMONTON Losing their footing on a ledge of ount Serrall near Banff on Sunday morning, Prof. Harry Randan Webb, 42, associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Alberta, and Bruce Barton, 20, provincial forest ranger, fell two thousand feet to their deaths. Two other men In the party Fred McPherson of the civil engineering staff of the university, and Alixtalr Ross, an engineering student at the university clung to the face of the mountain as their two companions fell. The party was engaged in Investigating the source of mountain streams. The bodies were brought to Edmonton and the funeral took place here on Wednesday. With all the fanfare of a circus the great carnival in aid of war services has been in progress in) Edaaonton throughout this week The opening on Monday was con-' ducted by Lieut. Col. E. Brown area commandant, before a crowd of four thousand persons. Harold Weir is chairman of the commit-; tee in cnarge witn o trier membe-s being M McCannell. E. Litchfield. Thomas Tasker, Sid Lancaster and Harold Wright. Various dubs and organizations are a wasting in connection with the event. The gymkhana display held on Monday of this week at the Edmonton Exhibition ground was one of the most spectacular affairs of its kind in years. More than five thousand persons, including high ranking service officers and many hundreds of Canadian and Aus- Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. Hadden, at t(puAn dijplay. Sept 17. TERRACE MAN I PASSES AWAY Edward Langfield Dies in Prince Rupert General Hospital Edward Archibald Langfield of Terrace, who was brought to the dtv three or four weeks ago for treatment In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, died this morn ing. His son. who came into the city to visit him, returned to Terrace yesterday afternoon. Mr. Langfield came to Terrace a few months a.po from Saskatchewan. Classified Ads. FOK SALE WANTED FOR SALE-Player Piano. Box 347 WANTED Experienced stenog Dally News. Of) I rapher for part time-work. Ap- nlT Unemnloyment Insurance Commission, No. AF1. (212) WOMAN for housework; two hours dally. Phone 55Z (214) Y.W.OA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. .TEACHERS 'wanted for 'several small schools near Prince Rupert Also High School teachers required for Terrace. Apply B. Thorstelnsson, Inspector of Schools, Prince Rupert, or Phone 571 or Red 562. (214) WANTED Two or three house keeping rooms immediately. Phone 52. (214) WANTED Person to work in grocery store and drive car male or female. Apply Unemployment In su ranee Commission, No. 677. ROOM Wanted, with or without board for two young men. Apply Box 343 Dally News. (216) WANTED Housekeeping room Immediately. Phone Green 913, (214) TWO Naval Petty Officers would like room and board In respect able home. Apply Box 346, Dailj News. (214) WANTED Loan of $1000 to $1500, nayablewith tnterest and bonus, Best. ofseculty. Box 344 Dally News. uuj HOUSEKEEPER wanted for two adults. Start at $30. Phone Black 85. (tf) WANTED 2 or 3 room modern furnished apartment by Oct. Apply Box 343, Dally News. (212) MUST have house or apartment. Permanent. Phons Red 271. (205 CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th Avenue and Young Street) Morning Worship 11:00 am.: THE HEAVENLY VISION" Sunday School 12:15. Evening Worship 7:10 pjn., "THE MARRED PICTURE" Weekly Program Monday Evening, 7:15, CXJJ.T. Wednesday Evening, 8:00, Prayer Meeting. Friday Evening, 8:00, B.YP.U. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me." Rev. C. A. Wright Pastor. First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, BA. Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith Choir Leader Timely Recipes DILL PICKLES SUXDAT. SEPT. 13 11:00 ajn Morning Worship. 12:15 pjny Sunday School. 7:30 pjiL Evening Worship. Strangers and Servicemen f cordially welcome. , cups i 1 pint vinegar and 2 gallons boiling water. Allow to cool to room temperature and pour over cucumbers. Cover with a plate and weight so that brine completely cover cucumbers. Let stand 10 days to two weeks or until active fermen- In the bottom of a crock, place tatlon has stopped. (When scum a layer of dill. Flu the crock to forms it snould be removed). Pack within 3 Inches of the top with pickles in sterilized Jars, adding a washed cucumbers of from 3 to 4 ; little dill to each Jar. Boll brine Inches In length. Add another j 5 minutes, cool and pour over layer of dilL Prepare a brine using pickles. Seal and store in a cool 1 pound salt 'approximately 2' ii place. 9 NEW ARRIVALS -IN- Ladies' Low Heel Lines & These include: Pigtex Sabot Straps, in Red, Black and Brown. Pigtex Ties, Military Oxfords and Brogues, in both Black and Brown. Fashioned for both style and comfort at Popular Prices. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" Fii ma iazMiatn itmzxmzMZM'sazaramTMmza.zammmm Mrs. and Miss Prince Rupert, You are Cordially Invited I Announcing The Reopening of the VOGUE SHOP Besner Block v Under New Management (Mrs. H. King) With Complete Line of NEW FALL GOODS COATS, SUITS, HATS, DRESSES, LINGERIE, HOSE, Etc m ... 5 t ; if" i i