PAOZ 77TC THE DAltr NEWS DAILY EDITION BIRMINGHAM Finest range in Men's Dress Shoes at their price on the market If ym have net bad the pleasure of wearing "13 Ir-rningham" Shoes you are naeang me of the best bets poaible. Solid leather throughout Finest fit-fin g lasts and styled to the minute. Priced $6.50 to $8.50 Family shoe store ltD. 'The Home of Good Shoes" EDITORIAL THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLOMBIA PsbXihttJ Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rapert Dilry News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F PULLEN. PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per Use. per insertion j Ciiiiilled Advertteestenta, per word, per insertion Ml SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ssbsertptton Rates m CWy Per Year, J5j9: Half Year, J2.5; One Month, 56c; One Week. 12c. Oat-of-Town Subscriber by Mail, $3jM a Year. MEM MR Of THE QNIDIIN TKCS TO nxTVtn rm u azta&itij tasntoi to mt for Bpt'.cnim crecnea uxcrutbt Aamoateo Pros a Decisive Battles mjT .It TUESDAY. JULY 28, 142 It may be that historians. Borincr avor tlw roMnio Of World War II. wiH find that tho atmnup rf 1Q10 mkn' battles among nations may be won or lost loner nffpr thn't The widow of a prospector has inherited $491,-000. Evidently one man found the pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow. NAZIS BAN BERET LONDON, July 28: 0!- Informal tion reaching London if that the Oermans hav banned the 'wearing of the Basque beret by Frenchmen in Lorraine because It la pon-aldered "pro-French." LONDON, July 28: OS Fines totalling $92,425 were" lm Dosed on RED SOX WINNERS Bavtoa Defeats Cleveland In Oely Iit Leatve Game 1 NSW WKC. Jo 36 Only At Esterman and Egginton. Ltd. and t Loula Esterman. a director of the I company, for supplying hosiery f and fancy goods In excess of their X nuota. i? American League TAXI Service the anajo. wterdaa. This was an American League came in , which the Barton Red Sox and jcievetand Indians are battling for j runau-na aosataaa. The Red Sox j wa 8 to and m asw oae full same hfd of the rfffirtv and tweree-aad-a-hatf wanes behind tne pacemrtrtnt New York Yan-kees. In the ataitami Leaaae tne iBraatryn Dadaera new nave an j eight suae toad. Thee scheduled , National Waaui aames wer? pu- poned yesterday. The teaaase rmnsaaas to date: National League W. L. l Brooklyn - 70S St Loans 36 4 CineauiaU ........ M 44 .532 New York 46 -526 CtMcaco 44 SI .474 Pittatanj 44 SO .457 11 H AO M 4 42 5 45 St. haaa at 47 Detroit 4 58 4 4 4t 3 40 BUILD .MEROY SHIPS .095 ta MO X& .475 .426 388 388 Bamnx Jary 38 0 Saaa-rrich in Uabon naw are fltntag oat . -serehantassn with the name of Carttaa I., wlbeb am flr two nags. pvan aa tin ta the International Red Cross. aa ruAca e mntMntMi V .n-nr.i ttw.vw -j.. ... .1 . ium ubu wat lorat aar um oi a .... v..w tuti,lm.j . aw-i, nunc i-. ji miiiih i -. i.,,... . the most critical of the war, did not in faet prode its ZLlLT decisive battle. They may even agree that the battle that on war work, have paased $22.35 a insured the defeat of the Axis was not owe in which the united Nations tnumphed but one in which the potentially most powerful was caught fast asleep. For as Sir Edward Creasy chose the battle of Saratoga instead of Yorktown for his "Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," published in 1851 and now a classic, so it should turn out that the Japanese treachery at Pearl Harbor guaranteed the defeat of the Axis. It was the fact that Benedict Arnold's defeat of Bureovne at Sara BURNETT'S GIN Because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRY-(ttanreet. eoed) Gin, yoo can add or leave oot sweetness, when mixing drinks, rod swtt every indirfdusl taste. Be wis host jerre Burnett's. PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Kecular Kates shooting has ceased. The battles won along the Marneli Nf)W TWP TNW were lost again by stages from Versailles, through Man-; , t i,Vfrr iU illLl UiflLi nil. f 11 w-i a m M - T churia, Ethiopia, the. Rhineland and Spain. The lessons':: of that tragic moril retreashjuld help us to win total victory nexi lime. i- j PtfASE SAVE THE BOTTIC! Canada ndf gtat s! Sv ad beffits. Yowr Sofvoye Commin wffl collect. Ttu &a in.- . -.. dupiaie --. rw !. . - '."or-jfrtii Board r r -jk (j -nma-. of Briuti CoJ mt ji. TOTS NOT FORnOTTK j'Jeet of mercy antns to carry car- uotttXSH. aiy M: 0-To beio koa to war riaonen and aaffer-ia the abofUce of chUdam i ins popototiona. toy CH Eeienee waram in rail. . !oaa orarmciaJ tamt areaa haat BRmsir wages up htm ad to mtim (rain vojmon, Jary X: ai official that for the ftrat in thia war the avetace earn- aaWaaed taaaer to their ALL IRON MEN Tribal dances MoBambtaae hours. of toga brought r ranee into the American war for indepeit- "dies and gents suits naval officers ucuvc iimi rey consiuerea ueClSlVC 0 Tailored to Measure How long the United States would have remained a nonbelligerent party in World War II wjere it not for Pearl Harbor is anybody's jruess. Perhaps not long. But it might have been a long time before the country would fidve oeveiopeu even as much emotional drive as surged info being within a few hours on December 7. But for decisiveness Pearl Harbor may have to share honors with that almost equally amazing thrust ! that Hitler ordered against Russia in his midsummer madness of 1WL Or shall we go back a little farther and ask whq(would be making the decisions irk Europe todar if 'the British people, had not stood out alone against the German air might through a terrible year? , In a global war thgre may be a number of decisive battles the results of drfynne of which could affect all the rest. Looking over Creasy's list, one is struck by the' thought that the world's concept of decisive battles has been limited to epics of violence. There wa. Marathon,1 Arbela, Metaurus, Chalons, Tours, HastingsDrake's victory in the English Channel, Waterloo and its preroftuis-' . 1 . . if n T-o T .1 11 ,.1,1, .it, noiaiKdi. met; are me nine mac sun 100K prettv important, out of the fifteen Creasy offers. But they and all the rest were battles of destruction. as were the so-called decisive battles of World War J,j worn frtiirrVif nlnn 4-V. 1 f n I 1fi1 I 1 4mn .....v.. s, iittiuc in xvL'i aiviix -JC anil Hiin. What the world knows today is that the . really decisive l. ail I a m FIT GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES 318 Sth STREET, Behind Royal Bank - w natirea of last for M UNIFORMS is r wmt1Kimts aj aadT If A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 40 CONGOLEUM RUGS, all aim 20 LINOLEUM RUGS, all aires Also a large stock of Linoleum, Congoletim, Motr Inlaid and Moulded Inlaid Just arrived. SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS PHONE 775 327 3rd AVENUE When Yoo Want a Reliable. Comfortable. Depi-ndable Give us an order rlfcht away for the amount of coal you expect to need neit aeason. Thia will enable us to meet your requirements now or aa aupplles arrive. It Is important that you should lay in your coal supply this summer aa It is almost certain that the dealers will not be able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO BUY YOUR COAL EARLY (It is also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Dellyeryj 4 Albert k McCaffery Ltd. j PHONES 116 OR 117 1 4i 4.; LINK WITH RELATIVES OnUr-Rrn Centenarian In Victoria KfIU Incidents of Pioneer Life in East B C F MORIARTY Csasskan fmi Saatt Writer VWTXJflaA Jaty 38: A Canadian Pvwas sooey deacrtbtwy her Itast btrfsnaay casehratian has opened Jte hippy prospect for Mrs. Jason Hamu Port of beanna: tram Ontario ratattves wfce lost ; track of her half a century o . "I'd like to go back there." she 'said aatfaaly wheal told that Mr ; A J PM. 497 Woorwtah Street. Oweiph Oncawto. had read the! , story and aased mr hee aeerewi artan as he- haahand's ant. "Oram? Pnat. a ahe to a4re-ttanawr) iMaasen by tfce , Slaef Staperior. nanses and otfeer pa-jtlents in Moant St J4y' Reane for tne Aaed here smm hnt a M wearv freoi ail taw eartteawat of rtf birthday aaety waea aV e- -rrer called Her aaa and anwt- lldren aatheeed ahat aee aa jid a barn Then rwer. arodJMT aad a I M4I.' New Trk- Premier T D. PattaUo of BrtUah lOotaaaaa waatt he was 11 yeata bid aad uaed to rat hsa a4her at WoniaaiBek. "When Twaa aaarfted to Mr there four yarn and then went to Part Arthur Ptre years later we mored to Tletorta " ibriaae " -"" iM a 6 8 0 O O o o o o o o o o o ANNOUNCEMENT MODERN TAILOR NOW OPEN 0i(Mvxmuww 1 i was a aa reenter We to Wlaaisea la 1891. Uved Son Work at SS Mrs. Paara hashaad died 10 lae baa ane saa. who ra Sa aeaaTef day a a car pester. Another son died same raM aco. "He aerrr nearer rfnan the shook af imttxt his wife yoartf asa in the Pamt EUice daaaier here on May 26 r-he aaai. An overloaded :mw car niHiia umwni vm aoaar retnWaaj in loaa of &i lire gj "Oraany" recalled tavoaent of 21 the American Crrll War when she Had hi Wattrtowa. N Y and Jersey City "Then there were the Fenian Raids in Oanada. I was iivinc in OaaaAoqee and when the boys went away all the women tried. But the Fenians did not come far eawoah and the boys didn't have to fight them Mra. Poat remembered Confederation and said that she had seen Sir John A. Maedonald on several oecatJoni. "We were Con-aervatrrea." ahe aaid. "twt ( kn a Canada became a nation we 'didn't care who ran thtnes I'm . a Canadian and stways shall be " I She did not think that modern i girls ware drfferent from those of her day. "In the old days some gma oeed sesarthrnt Hke lipstick route I dtaflTf . . . and nevef latrlm untH a year or ao be fore I lost ay aiaht frre years ago I was a Meehods and netrr B9kd. danced or played cards Dancing la food exerriae. I euem. but I never learned." Mrs Boat eonentded the interview with the remark: "I honor any girl who pota on the Canadian uniform.'' WHO GETS MONSTER? INVBRWree, Scotland July 28: W The qaeation ia. 'doe the Loch Ness Monster go with the estate?" Aayway. Balmacaan Estate. Inverness, whew 50.000 acres Include Loch Neas. home of the fa-mew "monster." la to be sold, and the monstrr. !f rUJ) about will have a new owner J. M. S. Loubser D.O. B.A. CHIROPRACTOR , Wallace Block phone 10 aaaaaaaaasaaaaaanaM-. Msmasaasa. Fresh Ical Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 8J7 TtnseoAY j'. BUYING IN VANCOUVER For Neat and Attractive Homes Write, Wire or Phone Campbell & Pound Lid. 2931 West Broadway Vancouver jj Canadian National Railw ays TR.4INS FOR TTH: EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE Rl'rr.BT MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 pJJl , aU ; ; ; t leeai alaUoaa. arrivinc JASPEH Weeneada)-. i Sanday. 7 am WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 1:S0 am. Hopping a ; Paetflc. HaaeHon. New lUzelton. Saatthera. Burr l r derhoof Prime George, Olseeme and Mtlrnde , J.VSPER Tharaday and Saterday 12:2S pm INCOflNO TRAINS WILL ARRIVE: PRINCE Rir7 TWESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY. II pm. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. 6:50 pm Ate OandKtened Steeptng and Dtntoc Can on in Meaday I 00 pm . Wedneaday and Friday 10 JO a' only on other Ualna from Prtnce Ruper' For FuM lAeemaUon. ReserraUena, etc.. eai) - r- 'j It, S. GREIO, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 33 Third Atrnae Pbone taa rriare Ek AcenU for TraiuCaaasa Air Line SHORT CUT TO VICTORY'. LADIES' Here 1 your eh nee to try the .y : FEATHER BOH PERMANENT All ends taper1 u r Batrd's II4r Snaaer. Individaal atyttof to salt y Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET 3IAII Cor. Cth and Falton Aaore Sanrite Store Phone Blae 913 for Appointments r t r i if if u i f i i f i f i i 9 1 i f i i r NEW POCKET BOOKS Just Published PUZZLE FOR PLAYERS Mystery Patri i HAVE IUB CARCASE Mystery Dorot v DAMON RUNYON FAVORITES Short Stories. THE POCKET BNTKRTAINHR Fun and-Games, n tr-t r utmti AIIiUrtill 1 II Prfee Fiction Sine ! 1 m DEFENSE WILL NOT WIN THE WAR S Importfl.n I. .Hiding ... Lt-Col. W ' Only 39c Each Collect POCKET ROOKS at 39c carh Complete Stock carried at MM Ml A VW Mm mm mm m ml mi si-r yv"" i I - s i i I I I MM I III Ml, m s 7 Jl . waaaaaaaaa X THE SEAL OF a 0UALITY ! Sockeyc Snlmon Fancy Red Hcrrinj? in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spread Soiced T Smoked Salmon Bloater f aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AdvertUt In Th Daily Ntwi. Tmmaa. I SERVICKS TO Vancouver, Victoria and "l points, stewsri u Queen Chsrlolte Full Informstlon.Tlfk'" and Kesrrvaii--FRANK y SKlNNf' PrlnAO llnncrt A('n( , Third Ave. 1 .hon