"tY TUESDAY. JtTY 3 THE DAILY NEWS page roc?. CLOSE CALL OX THE EGYPTIAN FRONT Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ( has. ilodirncad Ofrfvaxtrnt is Cbarte IViUb Clork, Jewelry Repair ist. Hand Eacrartnf VISIT QUE BASEMENT STORE f Fie Ckiex, Dinner-are. Gtewc. Bsie as miwkv MAX HEILBRONER JeeJcr Diamond Merchant J RUPERT $ PEOPLES STORE I SWEAFtRS Mi.j Oreer-, Prcc3pt;T tukl j RUPERT PEOPLES STORE $ la the lleart l Print e Rupert" J THIED AVE-Next U HeObronei'i Phone BLUE HI ft USED FURNITURE Range for cf.-x. or wood. Kitchen Cabinet. Dining Room Suite. Dressers. Chesterfield, Odd Chairs. Pack Board. Tent 14 Kit. Wardrobe Trunk, Radios, Victor Gramophone. Records. Books, etc.. etc. TOOLS: Doable Bitted Axes. Single Bitted Axes, Sedge Hammers. Picks. Pipe Wrench, Wrecking Bar, Bit Brace. Anger BUs, Plumb and Level. Surveyor's Tape. Hand Saws, Cross-cut Saws. Sat- Set, Tool cheat. Garden Hedge Shears, Barrow Wheels, Screen Door-. Household Seale, Wall Lamps. Lanterns. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: King Soprano Saxophone. C Melody Saxophone. Gibson Mandolin 'like newt. Violin, Guitar. We're Not Brazsin? RUT We do fee: ratner stock up by the fact that we die choice of the im Wool iter of Canada ALL STYLES AND COLORS Name die style because we have it. Lone or short cardigans, pull overs and twin seta Rose. beice. son tan. yellow, ail bines, red and many other war.xi colors. 0n salurday .V;ht News Green IK CANVAS or HOPSACK SANDALS Footwear I'honc Red 321 ELIO USED DEFT. TIJ1ED AVENUE, Next to Daily PLAY SHOES Keep Cool and Comfortable in a pair of All colors in Dutchy and Tunnel Wedje Heels, PUtfortn Soles. We carry a full line of Children's Shoes Fashion Next to Dollar Store BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your iocal Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT (Qt (jrj, BRITISH COLUMBIA 2 i - ill J i a b " r- . t r: : .:; r adolphe menjou m 1 lO, J duruig , A r IX- e - Orr. . GEORGE MONTGOMERY JflM O topers r...d :r-s !asi aid n s - Tr. ; -:- ljIM OttrniS Nif.l Broei J .SZ 5 . diced from Cain.. PlU Silutl . Sara Altcood TO ' JLt ' " agw -IlMmltal SI - - ... . 1 N UKK N 30NTMUKIM0CAM g I B B I 1 I I Ull 1 - ' - A 1 II I Canada's Lanadas War War Chiefs Unets new role jzzt- 1 rpnUr Artrrw Starred m TMI (at toon" AH About tt" I' Part f ntl Hart MAJ.-GEN. G. R. PEARKES Commander 1st Canadian Division (By Ross Munro, Canadian Press War Correspondent ) They say Mai-Gen, G. R. Pearkes, commander of a Canadian infantry division overseas, is one of the coolest1 and most nerveless men in the army. His military record of the First Great War he won the Victoria Cross, Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross and Crox de Guerre is conclusive proof. But there is a little story they ten about the general that smash tank attacks by proper de-happened not so long ago. He was t pterin nl and surprise, sitting m the meas at Divisional Gen. Pmrkes insists on havmc Headquarters with his otiicers. An 'young officers on hss staff and at air raid was in progress Suddenly his headquarters there are of n-a bomb screamed down towards cers in their 3's holding important the mesa. Every officer bat one m'.apposnUMnt. the room flattened out on the floor . The troops find the general hard or roUed under tables. The bomb sod gruff at ttmea. but they wovM exploded nearby and no damage never challenge his fatroeas. He wa done. The chagrined of fleers drives tbm in training but they climbed to their seats to find the respect his lodgment general sttn sitting placidly in his1 The general is a "bug" on phy-chair, grinning at them. 'sical ntneas. Hardening exercises One ol the features of General are frequent in the division, with Pearke;- division is the loyalty of- the commander oartirtMtinc ban- fleers and men have for their com- if. Cn rerent manoeuvres, dlvt-mander. It is not only his great lonai headquarters has always been fighting record of the last war set up In the open air, never in a which produces this. It is because j comfortable house, be still has the dynamic energy ; a native of Wallord, Eng.. Gen. and fighting spirit which made Fearkes came to Canada in 196. him so famous. He was a. permanent force soldter A talL rugged soldier, he is 54 in peacetime. His chief diversion to now with grey hair and a short ridln- to the hounds and every clipped moustache, in conversation Sunday finds bra oat with hunts-he to outspoken and rigorous. "I men of southern England. . propose to attack," 11 a phrase he uses with relish whet? beV munching a divisional QfJfrtudTc on man-leorres. iiis xorteas a tactician to de- ploying infantry. He to a firm be- never that infantry and guns can HELPS FAILM HORSES S iht pastunag of farm b-irsea curing the heavy work season en abkM h-n to do more work than they otherwise could. " If Oingrr Rogr.i appears in a nrw son of role in "ftoxle Hart." coming to the screen of Use Ghpiioi Theatre here oa Wednesday and Thursday of thai was. Instead of aweet young thing, ate has a part which to definitely on the Set in the roartosg days of Chi eago when a pretty gtri could d no wrong, the story of "ttoxle Hart" starts with the finding of the body of a nwrasred man in an apartment. The murderer con teases Mt a report rinds trial a seen oa she Thereupon, an amsapt is made to exoknt Ust situation for LssUHi.ll i nsarpoaaa aad the climax Is an smsUng comrt trial. Mtos Rogers has the Utle rote while Georze Montatanery u the yostog reoorter and Adolphe Men )ou is a shyater lawyer. A talented featured east tnctede Lynne Over man. Nigel BflsM, Phil aUvera. Sara AUgood. WWiaa PYauiey Spring Brtnaton. Ted North and Hetene Reynolda A satire on nfe fifteen years ago in the "WMr Cttv." the picture to replete with action. NAZI BAKBAHrTY LONDON. July OV-A Pottoh gb-l has been sentenced to death for "assaulting her German em ployer who swaps! bar face." a Stockholm report says. PREDICTS THIRD WAR fcTOCKJiOLM. Julv M: 9 A ftiil fight between Germany and ulTrjt-'maMory of the world." Is predicted by IVr Engdahl. blind ivisa-reaident -ot the Svedish Nazi party. This fight he describe ! he "third and greatest world war." Whifflets From The Waterfront With Or. H N Brork!rby and his assistant. Miss Norma Roger. in the vitamin reseaixh depart meat already gone Dr BE Hailey will be the an mesnbrr of the scientific staff of the Pacifir Plaatries Kapeianentai Station to leave for Vancouver foUowrag the final decision to move she enure station to the southern city. Lf Swain win follow and Dr. Heal M Carter and Mass Phyllis Hill -Tout secretary, win move the aomiaia-trattue end about the middle of August Dr. O. C. Young and R P Sidaway win probably be about the last lncsnbers of the staff to leave. mckeye flstung to holding up quite weM oa the flaeena and Naa. Riven although the season is getting along. The rati are moving in towards the spawning ground with the raaaU that there U bettor fishing in the inside waters aVsnlng at the Kaas River to also showing some improvement. SOjOOO pinto hating been taken In that area yesterday The gill net s versa for the Skecaa. according to Una morning's report, to thirty sockeye and M pfnfcs and on the Naas River fifty sockeye and 1M pinks. BBBBBBBBBBBBBammBBBBl aSsSSW I aaSBB I SSBSBBBBaSsW BBBBBB HPBjBjBjjaa. -BBBBBaBBBMBataW alsssaWi M Tassna assP BvXygU t;-x;: . H TO.VIMIT A Cmr'ie ! - 7 tl "ILL liiu Till) Mf.HT At : h VIOI.ATi:! qtOTA lw IIONOK .MKS OIIMti lllf? i-. wife of Briui: utrr. has been s(( St John of Jeru savo HOTEL Carl Zarelll Prop. rtione p.t). Bat HI FRASKR STRFKT PRINCE Kl'PEKT a,a:grge',ui'B i i 1 1 S Knameluarc Spc if Larte Double IWllfr (atf Saucepan and IVaih IU'-for only 1 Ihe VARIETY S10RK SB (BIBIBIBtB. S NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAKK1XI P!v r -A Home Asy from l'" Itatrt 75c up W Rooms Hot Si Wff frlnre Ituoert. ItC Phone 111 PO. rwt 1 I Buy from B.C. I'TRNITL and SAVE High tirade UllKSTflJ; MELDS. RftuUr Pil' st-' Brand New. Sl Now NEW STOVES, W'ooJ nJ Coat. Rrtular J1C0. gjQ5 Now STUDIO BEDS. Vrry Spw"'' Bran,! New. 42,51) Now v , t'sea, 1 only CIIESTI KH'' In Rood 2D shape All kinds of other ,,d' At Very low Prlf" B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue