A. ' ;-hraa ;iad been eatab-i "i Ddi oy the enemy liM Army notch firm at while in the IUlUc the .f a Nasi u-txwt and hlR RAID Stirrup EQUIPMENT Pumps Arrive fr Use It. 1", Warden .More Volunteer Needed Of '.'.ii:' new equipment for j A.i Raid Protection or-ii ha arrived In the city now being distributed the wardens for use In . emergency. The newly ar-rquipment includes stirrup twenty right Are Put To Death At Lille tor Sabotage and Other Offences VICHY. July 23: 0! German luihoritie imnounte that twenty-llnV persons have been exefcuted m Iitllr on conviction of sabotage. ic .;Vn of weapons and commu- l.".Me activity. Most of them were (nine workers In the Lille rcclon. fw;) were sentenced to llfo lm- r oiimcnt nt Doual for stealing fatlon cards. TEACHER APPOINTED 'Announcement Is made at the pltv Hall of the appointment of It" Nellie Moses to the teaching M'if of Borden Street School, Mrs poses lias been teaching for tho lout year or so at Inverness, w Bush Fire Along ' Highway Put Out Highway Construction Camp Was Menaced I'or a Time Yesterday j Afternoon by Names ' A highway corutcuotion camp at : Diana Creek beyond Cloyah IVy waa threatened for a while yesler- j day afternoon by a bush fire which, however, was extlncotahed j by the Forest Branch with the co-operation of Fire Chief II. T.J Lock who went out with one of) tbe A. R. P Pumps. IS SUNK ! IN GULF CxsliilghU and whistles. need of further volunteer i4s 0f Mexican Cargo Vessel n t :i for the A. R. P. orguntsa- iiasaca br Knemr Action Is tmi haiiaed. In view of the Announced it Li felt that thoe who1 u-v assigned functions for MEXICO CITY. July 88: An-waj service should take part otflfr Mexican ship has been sunk r.r Jorm of civilian protection the Oulf of Mexico by a Ntaal U-boat. It is the cargo vessel Oax-u ' ii -iders who have air rakl !LC& whJch was attacked and sent v '.: i equipment Inventories to uie bottom a few hours after ! jx..sseslon which have not leaving Corpus Christ!. Texas, be n umed In are being asked riilrtv-four surviving members of i' these toe placed in vnc c crew nave n landed at a h. .r nrea wardens with- Texas twrt and six are stilt miss u r delay. EXECUTIONS ing This makes 422 Allied ships lost so fur since United States entered the war. OF FRENCH Seaman Salvaged KENTON, England, July - ! p p. 1 Able Seaman Jack .Rusty) Steel, JTynt ngllt kcot kept his his promise promise to w bring his II-1 bJiH a ancec three pairs or suk wowing i lYlOrC uCVere ns a weaaing cm. narrow squeeze. When wnen H.M.8. 11 Wild whu Swan was , Local TemperatureY mm Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 1:58 ajn. 22.8 feet Maximum 71 14:48 pjn. 2L2 feet Minimum C4 Low 8:34 ajn. 02 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER 20:49 p.m. 4.1 feet VCit XXXI N" 173 PRINCE Rl'PERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ill-Fated Expedition Aired In House ROSTOV HAS NOW FALLEN fovlfC Admit I-oss o( Important City -Resistance. However, I Continues i .MOSCOW. July 2 (CD Hie Germans are liming Into the nmlhriu ( auratus over widened bridgehead anus (he Hon River south of Tsimlyansk and through Novochcerkassk and Rostov In the gravest moment of the rntlrr war for the Soviet. The Itrd Star newspaper says that the Germans are hurling loiees Into the f'cht fur Cauca sus many umes superior- io Mho of (he defenders. The Ger-mans are said to have made new crossing of the Don Hirer In the Umlyan.k sector. V. July 3S: Tbe liaa-v. f iimnund acknowtaage t Rostov, important city .nouih ul the Don River. .:.i!!- tell to the meroy ort Nazi prruir fioan three en. no'th ind rapUuliiUon It ( tf ,nu' wiUun eisht months .."iv has txi'n in the hands enemy. The German drive ; tmurd Ui a, point twenty Momow claimed that :'ff wave "( awtochW ai Mi. sotrli Don mi had .;;i.-! bmk although fur- CUARD SKIES ON WEST COAST T:.s .jrat...j.-.3 massle of a Bc!;r : .i poi. wc tw2"d n Canada x Pai . -fie C'"X 4 ready b".a.-t awa? u the (j- - h " ; .rn.y r- Ai t-.."-.if: defeases have been vaMiy improved on the Eat COa-t and the men who man thr gun., are ready for any eventuality Because of the deafening noise which accompanies the rapid fire of these guns Ut cease fire order la given the trigger man by a yank of the rope which the adtdier On the extreme left holds In hta hand. This gun and others like It are manufactured In Canada. BULLETINS NlDi; HOUY FOUNT) VANCOt VUt Pijlice art pres-sing an Investigation into the death of a woman whose nude body was found in an east-end hold last night. The woman is Stltl unidentified. The body was found with a gag in the mouth. DOWN OVIIlt MALTA VALI2TTA Another doien Asis planes have been brought down during a bombing attack on Malta. KKVOLT CONTINtlKS LONDON Widespread revolt against Nail rule continues in Yugoslavia, Greece, Rumania, Albania and Poland. It is esli mated that 300,000 patriots, are engaged In active resistance, keeping an Axis army of a million men tied down. NOItTII OF AUSTRALIA MFLltOUItNi: Port Darwin was attacked again by air raiders but little damage was done. Allied planes raided lluna on New Guinea and Kupan on Timor. Allied and Japanese land forces have clashed between lluna and Port Moresby, INSTRUCTOR RLSHiNS V. F. Seal has resigned as training instructor at the Booth 'Memorial High School here. He is joining the staff of Boeing Aircraft Silk Stockings 1 4 , nnV u-h n returning 7"" to Britain .",-, y nghtmg "" bmke out In the nor- storage. qto i;' n7;; Vi months foreign service, wrn sector o u. Seymour 65000( 15c " . 4 ,,., n tho tno i mein ironi yesieruuy T storaae Jack managed to snatch up . . . forces 1."!0, stockings before abandoning sm,,, ; but Ulc trcnd 4 I Yes. his fiance. Joyce Brook, wore a pair when she tripped to the altar in this Middlesex town alter Jack had recovered In hospital. Mrs. Jesse Brlddcn, after an absenco from tho Queen Charlotto Islands of two months visiting In Vancouver and Prince Rupert, leaves tonight on her return to her home at Massett, 4- CAHtO, July 28: T Severe 4- of the fighting was not re- 4- ported. Tho British attack 4 was launched Sunday night and ricrt-p fighting wivs ac- !4- companled by heavy artillery 4- duels. As a result of the at- t tack ground fighting in- creased. 4- 71 r Slabbing Affray . UjuIiuCpurt Harold Ryan, Indian, Pleads Cullty To Assault Upon Two Other Natives at Sunnyside J Harold Ryan, Indian fisherman. I was fined a total of $175, with op-Uon of five months' Imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate W. D Vance in city police court yesterday afternoon as an outcome of an early morning stabbing atfray at Sunnyside cannery on Saturday. Ryan ran amok with a knife andv attacked two other Indians. I Henry Dennis and Murdoch Oreen. 'Oreen required thirty-two stitches In the injury he sustained In side and arm while Dennis also received rather extensive arm Injuries. Ryan pleaded guilty to two counts of stabbing in addition to a charge of having liquor in his possession. Hamburg Attack Is Hardest Yet Official Statement Lxpected Soon From Rrriin in Regard To Casualties Which Were High vROME, July 28: The Rome radio says that the Royal Air Force raid on Hamburg Sunday was the heaviest that German metropolis had yet had in this war. An announcement is expected from Berlin in regard to casualties which are admitted to have been "very high." HALIBUT SALES Summary American 140,000 pounds, and 14c to 15.7c and 14c. Canadian None. America Kanaga, " 52,000, 15c 15.7e 15e and 14c. and J4c. and 14c. LATEST RECRUITS Recent enlistments in the Canadian Army at Prince Rupert Include John carmlchael McCubbln. storekeeper, Prince Rupert; Nlcol Hamilton, taxi driver. Prince Rupert, and R. L. McGregor, cook, Wells. NAZIS MAKE ?1 DISORDER BIG ATTACK vlri Over Fifty German Planes Concentrate on West Midlands Town, Causing Casualties And Damage .LONDON, July 28: From 50 to 70 planes of the Luftwaffe concentrated in a raid on a west Midlands city by moonlight last night, dropping incendiary and high loie bombs. There were casualties and damage was done. Light enemy planes wersbeought down. The city was the ind as-trial centre of Birmingham. Homes and shops were hardest hit in Birmingham and a post office and residential areas were hit in a nearby locality. Enemy planes also appeared over counties near Iondon and gave the metropolis its first night alarm since June X Incendiary bombs were dropped but no bombs were dropped by enemy planes which were also over Northern L'ngland and Ireland. The Royal Air Force remained at home last night. Fell Into Ditch; Dies of Exposure I. S. O Regan, Vancouver Man, Victim of Unfortunate Accident ! VANCOUVER, July 38: xporare suffered tditt lying help less for twenty-four hours m a bog in nearby Burnaby. He died two days after a search party found him lying in tbe mud of a iiteh which he had apparently at-'empted to jump. DLFICS NAZIS DOVER, Eng., July 28: W Jharles Edwin Beaufoy, 73-year old former chief constable of this 'front-line" town who was blinded by a shell-burst, asserted that 'not until hell freezes over will ny Jerry keep me out of Dover." He's learning A. K. P. work the a-ay the blind do It. ForCanada 5 HOUSE - . . OTTAWA. July 28 N-Hon. , , J. L. Ralston, minister of na- ', tlonal defence, tokl the House j of Commons last night that , ; 4' a battalion of Canadian para- v troops nad been authorized 4' and that training would be 4' started soon. TODAYS (Owrlory 1. D. STOCKS JotuMton Co.) Vancouver Qrandvlew .12 Bralorne 6.10 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Hedley Mascot .18 Pend Oreille . Nil Pioneer 1.28 Premier .43 Privateer - Nil Rno .03 Sheep Creek . .63 Oils Cahnont . .13 C. & E. Nil Home 2.22 Royal Canadian .02 Toronto i Beattle .59! Central Pat. .75 Cons. Smelters 3350 Hardroek M Kerr Addison 3.90 Little Long Lac .80 McLeod Oockshutt 1.15 Madsen Red Lake - A2V2 McKenzie Red Lake 5 Moneta .25 ,iarW, Claw ,i' .umabg Preston Bast Dome 159 San Antonio Sherritt Gordon . 150 .62 GROWING INDUSTRY Nearly 200490 persons worked in petroleum and natural gas activities in the United States in 1939. FIND HUGE SKELETON MOSCOW. July 23: 0 The skeleton of a prehistoric animal twice the size of an elephant has been discovered near Khazakstan by a Soviet scientist, M. Arlov. It stands nearly 17 feet tall and its skull measures four feet. SOVIET TANK-DESTROYER IX ACTION A Red army tank destroyer Is shown In action smashing Nazi tank attack in a war-wrecked town somewhere In Russia. One man alms and fires the heavy long-barrelled anti-tank rifle while another man hands him the ammunition. Prime Minbter Dubs Opposition "Mob- During Stormy Debate On Hong Kong GENERAL RETIRED OTTAWA. July 28 (CP) Hon. J. L. Ralston, in the House of Commons last night, said that the retirement from service of Major General E. J. C. Schmld-lin, quartermaster-general In the Canadian Army, was partly due to adverse criticism of Schmid-lin's department in the Duff Commission report on the dispatch of troops to Hong Kong. Col. Ralston said that Lieut. Col. E. If. Spearing, in charge of movement control, had a bo retired as a result of delay which resulted in the Hong Kong expedition' leaving Canada without mechanical equipment. OTTAWA, July 28: C A tumult of shouting, In which Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King dereribed Opposition members as a "mob"' and defied them to silence him, marked the end of the morning stage of the Hong Kong debate in the House of Commons yesterday. The incident came Just before the noon ad journment and, at the time, Mr. Mackenzie King and Conservative Leader R. B. Hanson were both on their feet at the same time, waving arms , and shouting, their voices, being drowned in calls for order. At the resumption of the ses-AkHUMr.- King .-wUhdrevtAsa? erence to the Opposition as a mob. THOUGHTFUL ABOUT WAR Replies to Questionnaire Reveal Deep Interest in Vital Matters LONDON, July 28 O) If the opinion of a cross-section of members of the Women's Guild ofthe Empire Is a criterlonAthen It may be truthfully said that British wo- , men are doing a lot of thinking v about the war and are far from I Isatlsfled. I Shocked at the sudden fall of Tobruk, officials of the Guild, founded by Mrs. Flora Drummond, widely-known as "General" Drummond during the old suffragette I days In Britain, dispatched five questions to 1500 or the 50.000 women on the organization's marling list to find out the peopled' reaction. Those polled Includedtitled women, doctors, purses, social workers, housewives -factory work-.r ! wo s aoavDUSLness women. 1? survey of the replies showed that- Elghty per cent thought the office of the minister of defence should be separate from the office of the prime minister; Seventy-six per cent thought British people should be informed of the true position regarding shipping losses and production; Ninety-six percent asked for information of the loss in production due to strikes and faulty administration; Ninety-four percent demanded assurance that before a second front is started the armed forces will be properly equipped, thus avoiding a defeat similar to Tobruk: Ninety-six per cent thought members of Parliament should be given frank and full answers to questions In the Commons. The answers represented 40 par liamentary divisions whose members will be Informed of the precise results. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 pjn., was reported this afternoon to be thirty minutes m.