i PAGE rOUH Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ftp $1.45 for babies' J jr Clias. rl IIUS. Dodimcad Ontomel tometrbt in Charge Wattli, Cluck, Jewelry Repairing, Hand EnrraTlnr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine Culna, Dinnerwate, Glasses, Baggage and Novel lies. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant . IT DAVC TA DI AV CADE1 ill I lid IU ILttI J11LS WITH CHILDREN SHOES ! GENUINE ECONOMY sSaffl You can buy no finer Children's Shoes at these prices fine materials iT oak soles leather lining fcJ5x in all larger .n I M.i and ud sizes sties for misses' sizes Children's feet deserve the protection of correct loot-wear to avoid future troubles. You'll get the proper shoes at the Cut Rate. SHU-CONOMY SHOES BY WRACOE SHOE CO. ARE SOLD IN RUPERT I1Y Cut Rate Shoe Store 2 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT .! Mail orders Promptly Filled IwWiVAViVAV.V.V.V 506 THIRD AVE. W. Across From Oruie's Drug JULIA ARTHUR JUST ARRIVED Beautifully styled Dress Pumps in Crushed Kids, Suedes and Pressed Leathers. Widths from AAA to C. Family shoe store ltD. "77ie Home of Good Shoes" rati rata zwtw ru n si : rami r a r i a i n i i a i i r Bra ;a ra va ' J . 7 here's a chance for you this week 25 off all Furs New shipments twice a week. Prices from $in to $1,100 Your Credit b Good f W. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE .ra?BB mn B'i n mi m at ax BiEr m n. a a n: ui a i b i b? btbibib? Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners f We wish to draw your attention to Hie fact that we :.f . PICK UP AND DELIVER your wearing apparel for dryclcanins and pressing AS REFORE We hare been fortunate in adding more experienced operators ' from the south to ourslaff : AND ARE STILL MAINTAINING 3 DAY SERVICE ON ALL DRYCLEANING Phone 118 or 8 Remembrance Day Is Observed In Pr. Rupert School The annual observance of Re membrance Day was carried out at King tdward School on Tuesday morning when the pupils wearing their poppies assembled in , the auditorium. The program included the ringing of "O Canada." "O God Our Help in Ages Past" and the National Anthem. Alma Knutson re cited "They Shall Not Grow Old' from Binyon's poem "For the fallen," the origin of the name "Remembrance Day." "In Flanders Fields" was recited by Grade VI In unison. Miss E. A. Mercer, principal, gave a brief address on "Emblems of Remembrance," dwelling chiefly on toe Book of Remembrance which has been completed and has been placed In the Memorial Chamber at Ottawa this Remembrance Day. Thousands Of Gyro Money To Civic Centre The Prince Rupert Oyro Club, at Its luncheon yesterday, voted to tum over to the Prince Rupert Civic Centre Association some $4000 of Victory Bonds which are earmarked for the civic centre project. This is in addition to $1000 which was recently repaid to the Oyro Club" by the city, an item that had been borrowed by the city from the club years afo for relief purposes. BREAD RATION UP . STOCKHOLM, Nov. 12 Extra bread ration granted heavy manual workers has been increased by one-quarter of the basic portion. Forestry workers, too, are having their allowance Increased. 2 v i GIVC '",u 116 TW . tin Start enjoying: the most comfortable shaves of your life I Precision-made of steel diamond-tested for hardness, Blue Gillette Blades have the sharpest edges ever honed. . . give smoother, speedier shaves . . . and more of them per blade! They fit better, shave better always. PRECISION. md to fit your Glll.tl. R.tor llf and ld .trap. nd Irrlt.tUn tt muht i bld. n 5 for' 2& TIIB DAILY NEWS THURSDAY, TEA RATIONING has my wire WORRIED Ahrtp ati hr Uplmm't -J-JW Iu- Impm 7 m iWi "Jtt rs kmg". ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. ny DOROTHY GARBUTT, Hostess When things get too dull around here we always have recourse to "Sktppy" and "Dutch.' "Sklppy" Is Hee Mackenile's four months old fox terrier and "Dutch" is an old acquaintance of yours, being the "Y" cat. his full name being "Dutch Harbor." "Dutch" Is very disdainful of "Sklppy" who Is more or less of a newcomer but "8ktppy" loves "Dutch" with aif adoring wholehearted puppy love. "Sklppy s" main object is to chase "Dutch'' all over the place and "Dutch's" idea u to retreat with as much pod and dignity as possible. It : may br jealousy and again it nay i just be feline arrogance of which jt-at.s have plenty. The Air Force dance tonicht has been postponed to Friday night. It is by invitation. I hear that the famous "Pat Bay" R.OA.F. orchestra is to play for the dance. What ! a treat for the dancers! j The YJH.CJV. Canteen Staff Iliuse is going to look very smart with all the pretty new blue and white net curtains Heather Belle - ,!- u S-) busjr making on tbe"Y" j machine these days. Heather Is the nicf little lady -who takes your hard-earned cash from you In ex- I (hangc for your meal at the Cafa- j tcrla. I haven't yet caught up on the 'lumber and variety of the hats jwoni by the Americans. To date I ! ...ivc been Informed not mlstn-fot mcd I hope that there Is a raTipait'n hat, the stiff brimmed on-.brcro type, a forage cap like , our boys wear and a dress up peaked cap and, last but not least, the attractive little number known ao the coal scuttle bonnet made of ca.st iron and decorated with a fetching chin strap guaranteed to gall the kin and wear down the whiskers. Anyhow they're a smart looking lot in whatever headgear adorns them. Don't forget, girls, another Midlands dance tonight same time, same place, same fun. SHE NEEDN'T WORRY IT SHE i USES UPTON'S, IT'S ALWAYS RICH AND TUU-HAVOURED B 11 9 . .v-JmbUbbbbmbbbbbbb1 BBBBBfl lLBBBBBBBB Even with rationing there's no need to drink insipid, wishy.wathy tea. For Upton's ...a blend which includes select "small leaf" teas grown exclusively in Upton's own gardens in Ccjlon ... is to rich and satisfying ... so fine in flavour . . . that it not only makes every cup of tea more satisfying but gitit )dh more (npi ptr nupon. UPTON'S Also Packers of UPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX "THt SOW HNSAIION Of TW NAfJON" BOWLING IN AIRF0RCE EUhtcen Team Lracuc Still (ioinj Stront After Six Weeks Clme Run for Honors Wireless and Duclps are !-aduv, in the standing of the Royal Cano. dian Air Force Bowling Leau which has now been In opera t. i t for sixteen weeks. Tney have ih.r teen victories to their credit. Following up a close second arc Maintenance "A" and Inaunment with twelve wins each. Accounts bring up the rear with only three wins to date. A total of 165 men have participated so far In the league To daa the full eighteen teams of th" league consisting of ninety tnci in all havt turned out each week The highest single game for a team to date Is UM of Maintenance "A." High team scores ao far have been: Instrument - mi Wireless jg22 No. 4 Group "C" ... 3167 Sergeant C. Learns 3U an.il! stands as the highest gam of the Recent high tmUviojoal Iverach . K earns .. But Smith. P. Beatty ... Seabloom ... lienrtmrtf ... Lacrotx fails r Speagle Carsweii Ortvell W. ? Smith. W..P. scores have been as follows: Steward 81? WaUors 713 its TJ5 SmMh, P. W. m-753 Adrian Robertson Iverach Cunningham Benton 733 Tie 716 7W Oil Laaing inaiviaaai averages so tar are as follows:, 117 311 77 309 1J 107 100 IM 193 191 191 101 191 exchanci: PRontci: STOt'KHOLM. Nov. 12 Oi-Den-mark will deliver sugar, preserved eggs, egs-malt tonic and other foodstuffs to Sweden In excliange lor wood products, plii-lron. rolled steel, nvirhmcry and tools. in cold, chilly, changeable hot BOVRH it "touches the spot" TOBA hour later than usual to accommodate more fur.iJ pupils Y L'NTIf. KATfTIta.7BBBa riVTiviinri! iv.... w a v IU,11 COCO w.,...,lwUo imim lRO.M lo A.M. VOTED.THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE ! . . took it great story . . . and tt great cast to produce the first perfect picture! ... , GREER GARSON WALTER PIDGEON IBBBBBBBSak" , I J , W I In Alefro-CoWwyn-Woyer's MRS. MINIVER TERESA WRIGHT DAME MAY VHITTY REGINALD OWEN HENRY TRAVERS RICHARD NEY HENRY WILCOXON "MRS. MINIVER" At 10 a m . 12 23. 2 4. y jf ""'iBBBBBBBBgBBSBBBsssBalV- - r - T SINDAY .MIIlMTi; ROUT. PRESTON In "PARAtlltTl RArfALlOX SCIIOOIS I-TE KINOTO. Okla.. Nov. 12 0 Schools hare are opening one f BBBBrBBL:an . . bmi asm IM MI IOVMLVT IDI i K.i 12 , J empluyvii-m in tut raati ill Swedish tmdr union mrsi hit an a!i-' m.. . y j FRY The Favounte for Over 200 years A. MacKenzie Furniture Lti A (iOOII PEACE TO lit V 12 WAVK CKKST MATTHKSSKS. full mt ' fi KOSH O'DAY HOX SI'KIMJS. Full si 1 12 CRIIJ .MATTKKSSKS. All at Usual Prices j Phone 775 jn W Atmwj 300000000000000000000000004toOOtoOOVOWMUHOOetMi Tor (itiick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SKKYItt PHONE 235 OAY ANIi MUHT 'voooooa ooooooooooonoonooooooo'oooooiioo''MHo(yMMMr Christmas Goods NOW IN STOCK GREETING CARDS WATERMAN'S PENS and PENCILS and SETS YAKDLEYT8 LAVENDER SETS JASMINE, GARDENIA. (AMELIA and ADRIENNE SIITS RACIIELOR SETO KOR MEN WRITING KITS CUTEN SETS SHAVING lUtUSHES CHOCOLATES, PAGE & SHAW PERFUMES and COLOCNES CHRISTMAS CRACKEi;S . TOILET SOAP MLLEnl-l'S HAIR RRUSIIES We would advise an early selection as Clr'i'' mas stocks cannot he duplicated Uii Jcar Ormes 1M Vjii Pioneer Druqit3ts AU " THE KEXAIX STORE PIIOM S l Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 Pm' Hundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 P-" ' 3