PAGE TWO TO THE VOTERS of Prince Rupert The city plebiscite, on the question of the appointment of a Oiay M Baa nr. was held at the joint request of the Trades & Labor Coorttil aad the Clamber of Goauneroe. Ninety-five percent of titese easting a vote were in favor of such an appointment being made. The plan at that time was such as to allow complete control of ehric administration by a manager. An elected mayor and mall council would have had nominal power only. We believe tfeat condJUans now demand the utmost efficiency in the operation of civic affairs and, to this end. are in favor of the appointment of an Executive Officer but with this difference: that he be at all times subordinate to the elected council. We t-pei that the Mayor and Council will determine all matters relating to policy, finance, contracts and bylaws. Realities muse be faced. The war effort is making tremendous demands on everyone's time. No member of the city council, frem say walk of life, will have sufficient spare time to properly sh per vise the many overloaded city services. We therefor reaffirm our intention of appointing a capable official .ie attend to the details of the operation of the city's affairs. The tenure of his office will depend on the efficiency of his services. The city in the past has had many competent officials and employees who have given years of satisfactory service without being under contract or agreement of any description. Is It unreasonable to suppose that a superintendent or manager could not be enptejed on the same basis? We leave the answer to your own eoranwn. sense. Vole theStraisht Ratepayers Tieket and Give Watts minniiniaiM rjxsuxiaisua wmiii ii i ii ) ii t - 3 1 P fee m m. M f A Ail I Oil;; the Efficient Support of His Own Group , . .... (Mrs.) N. B. ARNOLD R, E. MORTIMER !? . a. dom nrrcniE I BOB McKAY - i ROD A. MCLEOD . J. E. JACK Ratepayers' Association Candidates for the CoaucU. We suggest you bring a book for the Forces when coming to cast your vote. Mb LADIES WE HAVE RECEIVED A VERY LARGE STOCK OF COATS AH NECKPIECES and FURS 25 off till Chmtmas YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD W. G0LDBL00M (The Old Reliable) G enable Meerschaum the aristocrat of smoking pipes. If he's a smoker, you can find Just the gift to make him happy here, at the Grotto Cigar Store, smoker's headquarters. Choose a gift, at any price you wish, from our line of fine tobaccos, pipes, humidors, and smoker's f; accessories. GROTTO CIGAR STORE Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A good selection of Christmas Gifts have arrived although not so numerous as former years such as Coffee Tables, End Tables, Tea Wagons, Tables used for smokers, Secretaire, Tablelelte, Jardlnere Stands, Tea Tables, Dinette Tables with flip leaf. Phone "5 327 3rd Avenue We have a Fine New Stock of Blouses, Dresses, Lingerie Specializing In Children's Wear Dry Goods and Novelty Shop SI m m 5 i FOR YOUR XMAS GIFTS- Ii i AV AH "BO-ME-HI" OUTAGAIN Popular Publication of Booth Memorial Hizh School Makes Its Appearance "Bo-Me-Htgh." published by tfce toornaUam class of Boeth Memorial High Sekmal. he made its first appearance this term, the pre-CttrisUnas number now being out. This is an extra special number of eight pages, axeeUently produced on a better quality stock than There is much news cancer n in r Funeral Of "Pinky" RoSs f-ast Rites Yesterday Afternoon For Well Known Railwayman Relatives and friends turned out in goodly number at the Grenville ; court empei of B. C. Undertakers I yesterday afternoon for the funeral I fef the kite Brice McGill "Plnkv" Rosa, well known former local rail wayman, whose death occurred Sunday night. Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of Firs Baptist Church, conducted the service and Mrs. Lois Vaughan presided at the organ to accompany the singing of the hymn "Lead Kindly Light." Interment was made in the family plot in Fairview Cemetery Pal; bearers were Barney Turbitt. Hugh Hamilton, A. Atkinson. P. Bate-man. O. E. Phillipson and DavW Milne. There were a number of beautiful floral tributes. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c np 50 Rooms Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 IN THE SI I'KKME COl lT Of KKITIHII I "l.l Mill IN l-KOIIATE In t .Mailer f r "ArtinlnUlrtllon Arl" and In thr Mallrr or Ihi Kolale of t:thrl Miliar) Oi.urrt TAKE NOTICE that by ordw of IIU Honor Judeo Ptfer. local Jtuiirm tA u Supreme Count of BrttMi Columbia. 1 wm on ie clay or Novemtxr A.D. 142 ppolntd MtnimmnCbot of Uie EUt of Ethel Lllltan Oourd formorlr of BelU BeiU. BrKlii Columbia. r. cetwd. who died on or about tii lath day of April 1942. All pCTioru tniiriiim to Ui aakl FMAtt ej required to pay tt aroouM of their indeibldim to me fortfrwrkh and all pemma ImTtng claim acatnat Mi aald EmtikU are rrqulreid to til Item -wtth. oi pruperly vrlfled on or before the 3lHt day of DwMnber A D. 1W3 faUlii wtikti dWrtrltoutlon will be made having regard only to aucb clalnia of which I abali have btn notlfWO. DATED at Prinre Rupert, 13X7. thU 27th day of November 194a. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdnunlMtrator Prince Rupert, B.C I nn: DAILY KKVTS WEDNESDAY. DBCEMBF Letter Box WARNING TO VOTERS Editor. Batty News: WfU you allow me a little space in your eaaatasu to give a few facts for the benefit of the electors in the aomlntj nvsnlclpal electJa. Tlte unwise spending by Use former city councils was daw mainly between the year IMS to 1832 when the City went into the hands of the receiver. Although the aldermen Itad been warned time and time again of the danger kaf kmsmMbc too much ml wry at a tame when tots were the school and Its nuoils. all beine Fak to toe esty for ptetwred in a creditable and verv M" miaiafra, ttiey ka ea presentable manner. The various Wding. If we had had a ckty organisations of the school come in for a faUineaaar of attention. With Mark. Hill as staff advisor. Owynn Holtby is editor-in-chief of Bo-Me-Hi with DoroVy McLeod as managing editor; Vernon Cieoone. news editor: Barbara Moran. liters ary editor:. Hugh Taylor, Junior editor: John Moore, sports editor: Gerry Woodside. clubs editor: Oiga Sather. personal editor: Oladys Foster, Harry Calderwood. Tom Collins and Gordon Dell, reporters: Fred Stevens, photographer: Betty Oretg, business manager: Jack Breen. advertising manager: Molly Frew. Jack Franks. Peter Postuk and Boyo Onrvich. advertising solicitors: Hemaby King, chief reporter; Oeorge Hanklnson. circulation manager, and Zora Vuckovich. Students' Council At Hisrh School Miss May Skinner President For Coming Year and Sidney Alexander, Vice-President Miss May Skinner is the president of the Students' Council of Booth Memorial High School thu year with Sidney Alexander a vice-president and Janet Rochester as secretary. Other elass representatives are Jack Breen. June Berg. Utla Arnsen. Emmy Schild. Harry Menzies. Georgina Rodder-ham. David Murray, Bsasie Lee. Lois Thompson and Morton Skog. ntajtt&er at the weukt 1X4 have happen ad. Neither 'wouht roaoey have beea w led as Jt waa when the seweeage wa put in Section 5 on of aldermen wanttag to kaow abettt eaatneertng than the day's engineer! I wtah to warn the ikiswi of the wolf with a sheepaata. Tots Labor movement is ataapiy the C.C.F. in dtagstse. Keep pontic out of the Council. We have had too savea of that in the past Yen all know that the C C F is in favor of giving the franchise to the Japs and bringing them back to .the coast. Is that why the Vancouver electors have left the COT. candidates at home this year? Only one of them was elected on the Park Board! The Labor platform sounds as if no consideration had been given to the war conditions in this city with lack of material and labor as well. The Labor candidates evidently do net read the newspapers, so they don't kaow that the contractors using the city streets have to put the damaged streets back in Just as good condition as they were. THRO COLLART CHEERY WAR-TIME THOUGHTS ' (hrislmas is the time iobrgel ourlrouUes arid (ojtmemher old ctnes, tldjriends. old ftaffiinesses? Anolhtr thou cheery ight- DEWAR'S OlD SCOTCH WHISKY (3 DISTIllIO, BUNDED AND SOTTUO IN SCOTLAND BY OfWAR This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia CIOVf:iCNMr.NT 1-HJlOK ACT" (snilnn 21) NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that on the 29th day of Deconbrr 1942 next the underotfPned tntend to apply to MM Uquor Control Beard tot conaetrt to traiutfee oL Beer Licence No. S836 lamed in rexot of premlw belrr Prt sA a halldlnc known m Knox Hotel atufc!e on Fin Arenue upon ma, lands dwertbed aa IjoU 13 and 14 of Block 2, Section 1. Man 923. City of Prtnos Rupert, Prince Rupert Lend RgiMtrailon UlMi-lot in Lhe Province m Brttleh Columbia, from Oeurce L Ror, Tniflt of the property of Knox Hotel Compnny Limited. Authorized Anltrnor. of Prince Rupert. BrMUh Col umbia, to Knos Hotel Co. Ltd. of PrUice Rupert. Brlttah Columbia, the tranafrree DATED M Prince Rupert. Brttteh Columbia, this Z8U day of November KNOX HOTEL CO. LTD. by Xfartln LaBelle. directr Dn'e ,t tut.' insertion. Novem:er ;!S 1942, (5 K7 Of Of -ft & & Of "a CJ B c) & B B B B B B B B B Add this "plus" to the pleasure of says Ttfc (litntnut. Un ik i"" VA SAVIM CMTIfK ATH BULL BUG LINO "Bugling is the team wed to describe the challenge laaaed by bull elks to their rivals. YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER! ... the plus of the health-guarding vitamins ami minerals u ac owvakwd in rise food you buy, and which you on save thr ctHfact, scktitiik cooking with put clsxttk fuHge. For !;. afttiftfe that am as rjourisbing as they ate ddkw follow n rt&s of aHcrk fiecuioU cookiag: Uk tWeor as ) mi iasftl sata iMsMaphsa Stn I, e eakfch- re-date dkc lime Are loud rlr- ktt nanrl In hri Unpaid and air 4?r ' L Wggggs -ar- ( Lace trimmed erepa or chlffan dance sets of bras and panties to match. The lace is a quality moat unusual at this special prko. Set, $2.95 Negligees in luxurious ray on satin or rich crepe. Wonderfully full skirts, and charming bodice details. Vour choice of lovely colofa. $7.95 1 ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR 'S3 - , m m mn atmwrv I clriiru hen perntt i' M STOCKINGS The silk that would normal!) make 109 pairs of auk stoetdngs Is required for one parachute With , BftnSiTTTTTTTMrT., till h m u'! mtiUnul AlmllllJt H rl aljlill!l uS aal 1 ' J 1 I B1 WKIOII HALT TCI AnMrWn h ' speesM often im pound ntimate T it-oin how to pirav all be roltrxiiun of lotr - pawnaMag apMaraJ. lnxina easne Mt made and ret Olove silk pan tie and brassiere sets lor those who prefer sleekly tailored ttaderthlnga. Bev-eaal smart styles to aheaae from. Sets, $1.98 aneal Pr :.t Hy ! br or net. .-Mm aggg Gifts it