THE DAILY NEWS PAQE TWO NOTICE RE PAYMENT OF INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS Tax Deduction at the Source In accordance with the provisions of Section 92 of the Income War Tax Act, deduction at the source at the rate of 7 must be made from any amount liable to be paid on or after 1st September, 1942, to an inJhiJual resident of Canada (other than to a person described in sub-section 12 of the said Section) representing 1. Interest on a fully registered bond. debenture or other similar obligation. 2. Dividend in respect of any share of stock. The full amount so deducted must be remitted to the Inspector of Income Tax within. one week from the interest or dividend due date. Remittance Forms TD-2, to be used when remitting amounts deducted at source, may be obtained from any Inspector of Income Tax. "Jhete are penalties for failure to deduct or remit, tiffi Hon. Colin GnsoN, " ' ilixiittr of Rational Eertnue Dominion of Canada Department of National Revenue INCOME TAX DIVISION C Ft ASF K ElUOTT, CommittkiMr oj lucmt lu Step Into Fall With l.RTT SHOES I.T. F2 We can think of no better way to spruce up for fall than to order s pair of Hartts Scotch Grain, Calf or Kid Shoes In the. finest fitting lasts made In Canada. Try a pair and be convinced. HARTTS FOR QUALITY "MOSCO" WONDER CORN CURE Family shoe store ltD, "The Home of Good Shoes THERMOS BOTTLES Due to shortages and priorities our supply of GENUINE THERMOS BOTTLES was stopped. We are pleased to say we have just received a new shipment and can now fill your requirements. ! Genuine Thermos Bottles, 15 oz $1.25 Lunch Kits 90c Pass Holders (spaces for 8 cards) 75c Pocket Purses (with zippers) 75c & $1.50 Ormes Lid. XII E KEXAIX STORE PHONES 81 AM) 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays fom 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. CONTROL OF MANPOWER Continued From Page One MMntll need. New measures liwiuld effect all but the "very otd. the very young and the dwwa among us." The new government policy on manpower would be administered wltliMtt fear or favor rflgaraieas Lr eelor. creed or race. btmtv Deraon maat retard his or her service In the light t Its es sentiality. ConactouwMWi of danger, tae Prime Minister was conllden- would Increase Ibe raadUwas oi all Jo accept direction of services the services of boUi men aim women, both young and old. Government UelermlneU The government was determin ed Mr. Klna declared, to mate Lure that the best and most effl uent use was being made ol tnc sArriiM of all men and women in ome nart of war services the armed forces, the war India tries or essential activity. The Prime Minister admitted the essentiality of maintaining the health" and efficiency of the peo- nle who were engaged In the war effort. There was the urgent need of jarmed forogs but there was a wo need of ships., tanks, guns ana shells. . : 1 II. trln nh. Trie government. i"- ' served, had immense powers to control and direct the efforts of men and women. It wa8Besarj to understand what tasks men tnd women were m: m I 'I most sweded for Jn wartime tor special raatrton of wmen W fighting forces, for the main- would be made. Etasdoyees would Itenance of navy, army and air be asked to make returns on ad-forte tor the making of machines dJtlons and deductions to their and munitions, for the provision yiaiis since aptu i. of cloUUng food and shelter, for Shifting Manpower Uw care of the sick, for fire pro- The Prime Minister then protection, for transportation. iceeded to ouUine plans for the Then there was the important shifting of men and women from question of keeping the aarvlces non-essential to essential Indus in batece. to fteMe. what proper- ;ie and she conservation of mar Uon of maanowar was tqtfl4 In power lor direct war activities. The eafa cJasTlTw was when tteaeiit dldd Out Dwattneat of Selective Service non-eseeaUal civilian activities come in. - I must be met with a minimum us, Mr. Mackenzie King then turn- of manpower and materials, ed the question of compulsion.; Plans were also being naade for Control and direction need UPt, lb relief of women from doraw.-he believed, be wholly .sJaory.i lie duties in order to enter war Upon those who were willing to ; service. serve. eMpuWon xulP no oe nman'. To those who was not willing, however. - It could and rank! be a noted. Voluntary meth ods were, however weve&by by tar the most satisfactory, lnvonftc an bMnense saving in what was known as "red tape." In time of war. compulsion was more necessary, however, than in time of peace. It muai be ascertained, th? sriiiw xflnuw continued, how many men an women were available and what their capacities were. There must be accurate Information on this point. The 1940 registration had been of much valve. There there had been thr recently newly taken records of the unemployment Insurance commission. These were being combined and the department was keeping on the lnionnaUon A COTTON COMINfi QarwudMMl is stepping up acreage from KW U 100.000 In an effort- to supply Australian ar needs. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAKE1XI. PKOr Home Away Krum Hume" lUtu 5c tip Rooms Hot A Cold Water ITlnre Itupert. IC. ftmnr 1 P.O. Hoi JSfi vHBt vn La B KLLBLBB VI& ' EBBiBVa 'HsS BBBSm Thisadverl rrr-nt , not nub'"-Control Board or by tlx- ' You can now buy War Savings Certificates ... an investment guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada ... at all Post Offices, Banks, Trust Companies $5 FOR $4 $10 FOR $8 $25 FOR $20 INTEREST AT 3 TAX FREE REDEEMABLE REGISTERED THURSDAY. AUQtJST 20 l',j b the I quor Wilt1 i.'J K.t on