PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 t, Expert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUR 50 Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charee Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Entravlnr. BASEMENT STOKE for line Liuna. Glasses, Itaggace and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant JWrtftW.WAWAW.WAWi' i Rupert Peoples Store Clearance The very latest in hair styles: Waves . . . Pompadours . . . Bangs . . . PinrCurl Waves Sale Now On! MANY ITEMS REDUCED And Morel Hurry Down to The Peoples Store Sale ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Ninht I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE f "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" .J THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroncr's Phone BLUE 907 , HacKijooooaH3oaooooaooaooooooooooooocKioooooooiKJOOOooo a a o If our Hair Is Becoming V ou Should Be Coming To Ni 01 Us! . . . Roils . . .rin Cuils. FACIALS For that schoolgirl complexion. MANICURES For the lady that desires lovely hands. SCALP-TREATMENTS To put lustre into hair that Is dryed out from the summer sun. PERMANENTS Machine . and machlnclcss. All oil permanent for that soft natural look. Also the short Victory bob. Let one of our three competent operators make you more beautiful BUDDY KEMP ELSIE KLOHN KAY SCOTT The Modern Beauty Shoppe Corner 3rd Avenue and Glh Street TRIP EAST DESCRIBED (Continued from page 1) East where one can see a Canada whose whole thought and work appears to be the war effort. There every Industrial plant given over entirely these days to the production of the sinews of war, great factories doubled1 attcf'tfebled in production capacity .to turn out planes, guns, tanks, shells and the diverse other things that 150 to wards the equipping of the fighting democracies for their battle against the tyrants. Appreciation "And as I saw for the first time those rolling prairies, those great In her great expanse the P fine things, the historic things. iwoooho0OOGO0O0OOhooo0O0 Bamford and R. C. St. Clair A. MacKenzie Furniture lid. ' A GOOD PLACE TO BUY g Cedar Chests Beautifully finished with Walnut Inlaid Veneers with Copper Band, protection against moths. AH at different prices. PHONE 775 327 3rd AVE. WEST BUY ... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . al Your ,Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA as mentioned. Canada at War 25 Years Ago August 20, 1917:- Italians attacked along 30-mlle front and carried Austrian first line froml Plava to the sea. French captured important German positions over 11-mlle front near Verdun, and held western heights of Alsne i. mi" ii SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tlckeli and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 THIS FILM I IS TORRID! Tyrone Tower Heads Cast in Fiery -Son of Fury" at Capitol Theatre Spanning three continents and seven seas, "Son of Fury," coming as the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end. Is the fiery, action packed story of a man who batt the world for his birthright. Starring Tyrone Powe-r in. the title role, the fllmlzattnn of Edison mining fields of northern Ontario, I Aiarshans 5t0ry "Benjamin Blake those wonderful pastoral regions repiete with adventure and tern with their agricultural potential!- peslU0lls romance. a notable cas tics, those architectural achieve-1 includes Gene Tlerney as an allur ments of the eastern cities Can- i!ada ' Inn nftHttA rrtrl flAAMA fionrf Are a 1 ut(j tiavng wuw -afca,a Tyrone's villainous uncle. France that associate themselves with a nsh .sweetheart and young Roddj . comfort, and ease, a way of living McDowall as the youthful Benja I I that we have come to take for 'min Blake. Other well knowr M granted, I could not restrain the, members of the t cast are Johr S, Inner question have we appre-; Carradlnc. Elsa Lanchester. Harp dated what we have in this great Davenport, Kay Johnson and Dud J I Dominion, have we not accepted ley Dlgges. too much as a matter of course The story Is laid In the early things that other nations have lSWs and depicts th adventure long coveted and which they would pf a nameless urchin who rises I nnm uln tmm nc? T n'nnHfr nni'urpm tht hnmmp ' nnsltlon of a If we aire willing to go all out in stable boy to become the, ruler of a Canada's defences for In my opln- Sooth S?a paradise and. who final- ." ion it i9rtiftn hf a case oi all lv deserts jnis paraaise u caim Ij out and that I right soon. We areLhlsnamg, . fighting a foe whose efficiency! . - whose grim determination, wnoasjr tfi,wiprHtce rUocp. Oyro Club ability to endure, are his principal M : egdlar monthly buslnes- weapons. In natural resources we seMlon at lu WCekly luncheon have nothing that our enemy has yesterday. Past president O. A. I I not got. We have had losses to be: , ww in the chair ln tn(, sure serious losses we have had ; aKspnce 0I Prc-sldent O. L. Rorle dark days and we will have more.! Have we the will to win, even if It Involves sacrifices which few of us have yet felt but which, If we are to win, we must soon be resolutely facing. "Have we started to fight the enemy yet or are we still fighting ourselves? Are not little, personal things the idea of one putting it over the other-to change our It waa decided to hold a stag party on the night of August 29 as a farewell to Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. for years a prominent and popular member of the club, who is leaving the city, the affair to tak- place at the home of Dr. R. O. j Large. A letter was received from one of the members, J. H. Bulger. who Is making good progress at the unwillingness I Tranqullle Sanitarium and Is ex-j ways the persist- pected to be home before so very ence oi clinging to ine oia easy long. Business ai me luncneon ways are these things not ham-J yesterday was of a routine nature perlng the war effort of many nf ' rr- us. today? "We went to Ottawa to attend a manpower conference. I still remember words of the minister who opened the conference 'the situation you must know as well as I do is serious possibly more I prlcus than he know' he hinted I S grimly. That is how they feel at S Ottawa about It. At Ottawa they g ought to know. Possibly the older, o the more mature of us da sense 5 the seriousness of the position- not in a local way, not ln a pro-1 vlnclal way but ln a national way. President George Mitchell occu-1 pled the chair and guests were, Steve Farrls of Ketchikan, William I 5 Stapleton of Vancouver, C. H. Orme g of Victoria, visiting Rotarlans, and g Gordon Huff of the Royal Cana-g dian Air Force. a The winner of the Queen's Fund g raffle was Dr. R. C. Bamford. The o fact that It was the birthday of savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 5(1 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Ruy from B.C. FURNITURE and SAVE High Grade CHESTER-FIELDS. Regular Prke $223. Brand' New. $145 NEW Coal. Now shape STOVES, Wood and Regular $160. Qj) STUDIO BEDS. Very Special. Brand New. CIO CTft Now tlMltlU Used, 1 only CHESTERFIELD in good Q90 AH kinds of other goods At Very Low Prices B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue PHONE PLEDGES RUSSIAN FLEET LONDON. Aug. 20 Admiral 1 KuzneUof. Russian People's Com missar for the Navy, in a Navy Dav message to the British Ad-1 mlralty, said, "Our fleet will noti cease to struggle until the enemy Is finally smashed." I . r-na ; KG O L D BJ . t I s E A L V-T' Now... For Speed Comfort and Economy use Lather SHAVING CREAM Perfected after vein of reitucb tod experiment, this new Gillette Lather Sharing Cream auickly produces clouds ot luxurious, tinr-bubble lather that stars moist on your face speeds sharing leaves your face feeling soothed and refreshed. Made in Canada of finest iogrcdients. Ask your dealer lor Gillette's High-Speed Lather Cream in the big 3-ounce 00( economy tube, only 00T Mdbr Gillttts Safety Raior Co. of Caosda Ltd. "fnoy the Lvxvry of an All Gillette Shave" THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sock eye Salmon Fancy Red Herrinjr in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon ' Bloater saa DUE TO WAR CONDITIONS Canada will now on, have to depend as never before on the output of her mines to fill the ever Increasing demands for coal. Much ot tills will have to be from Alberta mines, but this will be difficult If not Impossible If consumers wait, as ln the past, for cold weather before taking delivery. t Do your part in helping to avoid a serious situation, by filling your bin NOW and keeping It FULL. Stocks of Foothills Alberta, Dulkley Valley and Comox now on hand. PHILPdTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE 052 L. HP iuwHif 1 i; and Printed 35c, any f Up to 8 exposure Enlargement Coupon with every roll Reprints 4c each Professional Work, Fmt Service Enclose coin with roll and mall to: MEYERS STUDIOS 812 Granville St. Vanconer iWnon nwivvet not in- mm ENDINfi TONIGHT at 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 A. J. Cronin'a "HATTER'S CASTLE" Complete Shows: 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 BEGINS FRIDAY KOU 2 DAYS KoariniTt Komantic, Kobust Adventure Story! At 1:52, 3 25, 5 28. 7.31, 9:31 IPERMAN In "ARCTIC GIANT" W lMlins Developed CAPITOLI SUNDAY MIDNITE ' AN(!i:LS OV:it HROADU AY f. COUPONS ( . rr utill available with ejfi cah pulcliare In nur, . We would appreciate to hat , "fw ruttoment drop in ir.l l let us eiplai Oils gift pu( J 1 to them. :!J MUSSALLF M'S Economy Store Where f4Uti JJavt V. n CenU P.O lint $7 J Hmno It II When You Want a Reliable. Comfnrtabl Dei. nlU H PHONE 1 3 tl-Mour Srrtlre at Kegulat Kale OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOCOtOOOOOOOoOOr j For (imcli, Safe and Comforlahle TAXI .SERVICE I PHONE 235 DAY AND Nil. Ill Canadian Pacific Transcontinrntnl Tran-Atlantic Trans.I'acifie RKC.ULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Kctrltjknn, Wran Kell, Juneau and Skngwny Direct CoiinectlotM at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Serif Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. I- COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, BC FURNITURE ChcHtcrlleld Suites. Dinette Suites, Bedroom Su-'' Chests, Tea Wagons. Living Room Tables, Coffcn T-. Tables, Radio Tables. Occasional Chairs. Smoking Stand -Hampers, Mirrors. Medicine Cabinets. FLOOR COVERING Battleship Linoleum, Inlaid Linoleum. Printed Linoleum r i leum Linoleum, Congoleum Rugs all slies, Seamless Ax ' T Carpets all sizes. Underfelt CarpcU, Nonsllp Bath hU Bedroom Mats. BEI)I)IN(S Point Blankets. Orey Blankets. White Blankets, Bedlhro: c . fortcrs, Chenille Bedspreads, Sheets, Pillows. Window e: WHITE WOOD FURNITURE Chests of Drawers, Book Shelves. Hall Tree, Night Tab'.: ' -Stools, Ladder Stool, Folding Steps, step Ladder, Ccillns -r Folding Ironing Boards, Sleeve Boards, Chairs, Eastcrsi Ha' wood, Kitchen Tables, Dropleaf Tables. CA.MP FURNITURE Folding Camp Cots, Folding Chairs, 0x8 Tent, Pack Sank P;;k Boards, Yukon Eiderdown, Sleeping Robes, Mountaineer Do- Filled Sleeping Robes, Hikers' Sleeping Bags (wool filled) WE HAVE THE GOODS Elio's Furniture Store THIRD -AVENUE, Next la Dally News J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone GIO Grttn !! ttur.3;:icBiBr-iit: p NATIONAL 5 Messenger Service Call It . . We Haul We never lse Phone Red 3'J2