PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE r Chas. Dodimcatl Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Has ease and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant SETTING THE 1942 STYLE PACE Rupert Peoples Store . In .Mannish Tailoicd Suits we "take the cake" so to speak. L'vcry Suit hand-tailored by one of Canada's leading fashion miniifac-turers. For the well-dressed lady, whose taste calls for the Dressmaker Style Suit, we dare you to just look at ours. Your good taste will do the rest. Rupert Peoples Store I 0UU COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND ... I GOOD SERVICE I We ask your co-operation. Our country wjuc.sls us to conserve gasoline. Wc are also advised that wc shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of 1 prompt service we ask you to place all coal orders at least ONE DAY BEFOUL' DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you 4- will enable us to route our deliveries in the most economical .a. manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OK 117 Spring Filled Mattresses Just received from the manufacturer-the famous Bautyrest opring-filled Mattresses, all sizes. Pillows, 'Felt Mattresses Beds, Slumber King Springs. Folding Cots and Converto Lounges Also we have received Lion brand Luggage -Suitcases, Trunks; Gladstone Fortnight Cases. Overnight Cases. Sleeping Bags Tents Pack Sacks. Packboards, Dunnage Bags, Blankets. Window Shades Large stock of Floor Coverings. Inlaid Linoleums. Concoleum Rugs. Axmlnster Carpets. Mats of all sizes, for your home rc- EnteeStSR ches,rlicl.d Suites. Bedroom Suites. Dinette Enterprise Ranges ,,- for burning coal or wood. WE INVITE YOF TO VISIT OUK USED FURNITURE DFPT, izp sni assM y&i s arssa aft other a, Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. PHONE GREEN 91D BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... raf. YourJul!,,. NOlAVAllE limmb Canadian Fish & Cold Storage BRITISH COLUMBIA Welcome To New Rector KeT. Mr. Atkinson of limns Lake Mores to Smltliers AnglU can Church. SMITHERS, March ... 21: A re v W D New York 29 2 Toronto 27 3 Boston 25 6 Chicago 22 3 Detroit 19 4 Montreal .... 18 3 Brooklyn .... 16 3 L F A Pts 17 177 143 18 163 136 17 160 118 23 145 155 25 140 147 27 134 173 29 133 175 60 57 THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY. MAT"" ri, M,. CHAMBER OF MINES Annual .Mectin; at Smitliers Stewart Campbell President. SMITHER, ..Ui.u(l1.. , March 24 Honorary President Hon. Her- ... V . Marriage Of 'ALASKA IS Local Airman; pii SrT On Saturday erentng at the manse of First Presbyterian Church, Rev A. F. MacSween of- ' f tela ting. Miss Edna Forbes of The 4Mtr Winnipeg Winnipeg became oceanic the wic bride unue ui of welcome the new. rector of the of the officers for the past year and Miss Joan Hawkins of Vic ""6"wii wiiurcu. .Mr. AiKinson ana w eieci-oincers lor tne com- torla. comes to Smlthcrs from Burns ing year's work. j . Lake to succeed Rev. J. E. Blrchall There was not a very large at- n,. who is leavlne Immediately tntakn tendanr hut munv'miiMi f I nn Vilimu jClIt U11YL.I a ChUrCh at Mirror. Alhortn Inforwf tn mtrmr. nr.ntr.r. me evening was pleasantly were discussed, spent with games and music and It was decided to try and ad- the guests enjoyed a fine banquet vertise the base metal resources . ... ..... AArtt sv.-l iU i m prepared for the occasion Mr. Atkinson was warmly welcomed by his new parishioners but all were sorry to par; with Rev. and Mrs. Blrchall who have established themselves so firmly in the community. ThJi.- many friends In Smlthers and through the Bulkley Vallev rearetted to (hear that they had decided to leave this district for a new field. Final Hockey Standing of Omlneea minlriz district so as tr. aMmm i i i...i...ti . "I ha T jbn Silver tv " propel M-t... oen Ascomo. minister of mines. , for some time, ruu been ran Honorary Vlce-PresWenu - Olof ferred to Oanges. Vancouver Is-Hanson, M.P E. T. Kenney. Ml., laiv) ! 56 ! A. and M. M. Connelly. MJA. i Constable Peter Cartwru,ht o( 47 PresMenU-Stewart F. Campbell. Terrace U Joining the Royal Ca 42, Vice-President-Angus McLean, nadlan Air Force at Mie end l 39 Secretary-Treasurer-L. H. Ken- the 1 month and will b aucrw ded I nl "I ' at T"8 by Constable Waiter uireuutr-u. r. Aieasner. iter- tMiiitan im. kmh Tonight's train, due to arrive bert Leach. John Wilson from the East at 11 o'clock. ws Ewen. Axel Blmstead. O reported this mornine tn h nn iv i c v.h. r n tune. I ami T w n.. " UIUHII, -Wild C.eesc Calling," With Henry Fonda and Joan Bennett, Coming Here. " , . , , ccptlon In honor of Rev. Mr. au Omlneca nrinrht nritish rnlnmhii tji i v A' thundering drama 'or thcterc&t . j Fw I luuuis nuvmiwiiMl auK . r - kinson was held In the Anglican Chamber of'Mm. held its annual Rmnum of tho nnral Canadian . northwest. Stewart Edward . White's Hall on Friday evening. About meeting in the Village Hall on Air Force. Witnesses of the cere-'dventure Myel "Wf,d OcWCAlN seventy persons were present to Friday evening to hear the report monv were Mrs. A. F MmBwcen ln " com 10 lhe Kfccti of the i . . l . . . ... . . j-.. .111 iliiul.. 1. I - t r - .J . a isapiMA iirenuc tins weunesaay and Thursday. Henry rondo, as a two-fisted lumberjack, and Joan Dennett, as a dance hall queen, have the leading roles In the story of two people flehtlnc together Sold By City & . a great new priinl- I nie rum follows trie proarcNs or the drifting lumberjack who h on ... gripped njju by aj wanderlust. umiucriinv, Searching ocmvmiiSj v uiustb ititmiiK iiiuuMiics o this area and to northern British nrrt Avenue near the Commercial fpr his friend. Warren William, he Columbia generally. This policy Ilotl lot 9. block 9, section I, has meets and marries Joan llcnnttt. will be put into effect Immediate- 30,(1 by the city to Henry a dancer In a tough waterfront ly. j Suey and Pat Chow for WO. It saloon Their adventures enroute It was felt that the local news- wa announced this morning by to Alaska are heightened by the papers throughout northern Brit- City Commissioner D. J. Mathe-. realisation that Joan in.1 Wimn ish Columbia should be more alive son- to these resources and never rer cease cease to draw attention 'to the of lead, zinc and copper of fSS Om- UHLC llmllHCd Ona Murium and Barton Mae- meca and Prince Rupert mining OA 1 Lan' ,n P'1 ' adaptet to dutrict- ! Here Announced1 tr typ. compete In the election of officers that1 ithe featured taiL fouowed the results were as fol lows: Police Changes are former sweethearts. Artitd the wilds of Alaska, the picture builds swiftly to a smashing climax. Constable William Cuttle. who'DA,LY NEW8 WANT 08 UHINO has been with the city police herel KE8ULTS PHONE 8 1- L. Mc- Constable J. W. Downey of the' II. Case- police boat at Ocean Falls, goes to' Busrtnger Mawctt to succeed Constable Mid-' dleton Bird's Eye View of Berlin AS the R.C.A.F. bomber pilot swings his plane around I A. over Berlin, he sees clearly the details of his target below him through a windshield of plastic matcrial-'Lucitc". For this moment of "chickens .coming home to roost", a crew of bright faced Canadian lads became avengers of the skies, an infant Canadian aircraft industry grew up'" overnight, and a product of Industrial Chemistry went to war. ''Lucite" is one of a group of many new materials generally referred to as Plastics. It is transparent as crystal, but is only half the weight of glass. But-vital in aircraft use-it will not shatter like glass. "Butacitc" for safety-glass manufacture, and "PlaskW Rcstn Glue for the fabrication of plywood for aeroplane manufacture, arc two other' important Plastics vital to our warcfTort. i . lor pmt jtan b,ort the uar Gt-I. uai itro,lydng VUitkt t r,ou, lypt, ,9 ,Wir. Tbty u tnt hit ,b product, , w uJtlj-gUtu loolhbrmb hanJI,,, tomht, radio d trtmt and tccrnoritu tw I'Utlht rt rtndtrmr jtomn ' "rtki ,n Ih cuutt oj iht Vniltd Naltotii. .Hr. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED CAP1T01 " KNS TOMTIT 1, Compleie t. Itobt. Montiomer-Bergman, m HtAfiK IN lf AV v at 7 4ii Starts Wwlmsday Stewart Dduard v,t ' Attlon-lconuiice y f Hie North West WILD GEESE CALLING with HKNKY F()m JOAN in;TT at 1:4. 3 45 f v Atltlftl "HAPPY I- s "ri.OKIDA, I.WIjof I'I.0WIKs! WOULD M is 1,1 -- - EASTER NOVELTIES L(j(JS 5c In s DECORATED SHELL KOG .. :55c, 7- s EGGS FILLED WITH CHOCOLATES 7.K-. l.-,'i, : ; AUlUAlUUim Willi JUDEK . MOTORCYCLE WITH SIDE-GAR MOULDED AEROPLANE .... POP-EYE RO AT WITH RIDER STAKDINC , MIT ... KM: TWIN RAUiii t K Wc will keep any purchase until Wanted, Wc will wrap for mailing any purchase, Jfj dancer DrtAqptJts THE HEX ALL STORK rilOM.H f SU I Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 pm. Sundays and Holidays from 12 2 p.m. and 7 9 Canadian National Railways Stcami'r.s Uavc Prince Rupert Tor Yanniturr Thursday, Il ls p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and I Saturday. 11 15 pn.. calling at Ocean Fftlk anl Prince Ruert to Ketchikan -Wednesday. 11 pjn . 1 To Stewart-FYlday. 3 jun. Trains Leave Prime Rupert Tor the Last Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Ci Fur full litforiHatiuu, reervatlin, !., call n it. s. (irek;, city i'assiN(!i:r a(ii:m 58 Third Aicmic I'lione 2(;0 I'fimc KfP"' AcnU for Trans-Canada Air Mih-.s A. MacKenzie, Furniture Ltd. A (iOOII PLACE TO HIIY Fl..lsl,,d in wamutJJViffiin.. overcuais nna muics dresses: two sliding doots 1 enn be plated In the bottom! moth ncpgf .anO. tilted balls This is art lirirlcd ,rodlictj and e may be 1 procufe furUrer hh)lttfiiUi fnr iLl tirni:rlit . . . Price' Unasstvhil)Ietl $1.!).") J . Assemblnl I'llDNK 77.- 327 IIIIKR AVKNtt - ... ,m.v uiiu viiiiiitirillDie liAl i3i"" PHONE 235 ooaoaoaoooooooooooaoooiaoooaoooooooooooooooooooo,,:"w