I, MARCH 24 194?. W I 111 T&nrt the dav the JflLHKbv PEPPY WAV - enjoy jBpl Vou htc' Thcre rnoihIn,IJll,'l WMmlng, qBV'ii hai brcaK-'l or itroptinji uUli-gTMiM Jig -atjfOJMto mn lbJr offriRhl" Yon VKV Jr--J q Ion of Thiamin (Vitamin every BPV S3 ' Ql jkef Oan ii n excellent ourc of j T; .:::". '"d ol ih ViumMi HComplct.one ? fl n'-r" of Quaker Oatt coniaim an awns Quaker Out if thrifty, too' fiimh U-ichin lccrin. ui a by the iiX'ii fr Van- I K. V :.r wiled by the I A. . MKn on her re-in Victoria. I zone 01 Til UI1ST I .tit I 1 I able wtatoi party n(. 1 1 juui.i Mini- rommerenl Htel Bruce Mickle- . of fotir tubles. "i the h I Marsh Edwin Bond ding i city to I ; B. I I ion ; lust and , ;a.st 4, '28, 26. 22. Y Election phone or Black 619 UK THE TOILER Cotu HOtEL ARRIVALS Prince Itupcrt B. Carruthers. Fort Barrett Pypcr and H. Stout. Port Clem -tents; 8. Person, A. Currle, N. Miz and Mn. Crtoble. Vancou- iuu. iuf n.- a Mr.i.u.. " " " Engagement Mrs. Stella E. Doney announces engagement of her niece, Mis Bemke Otoria Marsh, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor of Victoria, B.C.. to Mr. W. Bond, son of Mrs. A. J. of Vancouver. B.C. The wed will take place April 4. E. Ormheim returned to the on the Catata yeaierday morning from a week-end biMlness trip KlUmaat. Angus Currte. manager of the C. Packers cannery and reaoc- plant at Pacotl. which has closed down after having been engaged in canning of herring, N. Masaone, accountant, arrived in the city on the Camosun evening from the Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed this (afternoon on the Catala for tfhhcuhcetneh tJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday, Commercial Hotel. Oddfellows' Scotch Dance. AprU by invitation. Lutheran Tea, Meirapole, March Hill CO Tea. Mr. Platen, March S.O.N. Dance March 27. 102nd. rW. A. To, Legion, April Queen Mary Tea, Mr. Parkin, April 6. L.O.B-A. Spring Sale, April 8. St. Peter's Juniors Tea. Mr. Croxford. April 8. Valhalla 'Dance, Mctrbpote Hall. April 10. United Church Spring Sale. April 16. Eastern Star Dance, April 17. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 23. Dance, Seal Cove Hall, May 1. Red Cross Tea. June 3. Live just time to dres for I f i SAV, THS V" DE516M S APPRO PRIATE THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. A. Davidson will aall by the Cumosun tonight for Massett. Mii M. Dalzell will sail by the .Camosun tonight lor Massett. Mn. W. F. Fuyer and son, Oor-don. wHl sail by the Camosun tonight for Massett. CetU Brind, manager of the Im-jperiaJ Oil C.. returned to the city on the Cumosun la evening from a bs!ni.s trip to Queen Charlotte City. Prov iK a) Constable and Mrs. Waltt : Midfllrioi. arrived in the -lty t.ii Uir C;uno,iin last evening from Ma'.vt. They are on their j way to Ternuee to which point' Cnrtable Middleton has been j transferred. CUssinE FOR SALE FOR SALE Singer sewing mach ine, good condition, old tablet, chairs, gramophone. 318 Sixth Street aftor 3:30. (72 FOR SALE Twenty Barred Rocks. Mytnc hens. Phone Slue 1S5 after stx 1641 Sixth Ave. East. (72 HOUSE FOR SALE 2 lots, fenced In; six rooms and bathroom, full-steed bawtMcit with new furnace; 1042 Ninth Ave Baat. Can be looked over any time. Phone Red 509. (72) FOR SALE Marquette Dukck engine, completely overhauled. Simplex rtegs, wrist pins, etc., amounting to $27. Cheap. Phone FOR SALE Lota 21 and 22. Block 16. Section 1. on Third Avenue, in good business district, $2000 each. II. 0. Helgerson Lid. (72 FOR SALE Large stock of doors, windows. Mirrors in -ail sizes. Kitchen Chairs, ChcaterflefcU, Cabin Stove. Phone Black 324. FOR SALE Boat "Dundas." length 33 ft., fully equipped halibut ! gear. Snap for cash. Apply! 1141 Beach Place. 741 FOR SALE McClary kitchen range. 6-toole; practicaUy new Apply Stf Ninth Ave. West Phone Blue 78. FOR SALB Victor 8 -tube radio. eonsol model. $17.30. Also rug. 9x12. $16. Phone Blue an. 70 FOR SALE Hot poin t vacuum Cleaner and attachment. Bargain. Phone Blue 610. (74) FOR SALE 1931 Pontiac coach. good tires. Phone Blue 788. FOR SALE Radio, In good con dition. Phone Blue 217. (71) FmrRENT FOR RBNT Large bedroom, suit able for 2 or 3 men. Phone Green 491. 72 SMALL HOUSES TO RENT $2.50 to $3.50 monthly. Wotrid Ml in good condition. In MaswU, B.C. Apply Harry Wetmon, 272 East ,34th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. (tfi .t . .... ' WANTED WANTED Girl for general housekeeping. Must have some knowledge of cooking. Phone Blue 936. (70) WANTED To rent, two roomed suite or one large housekeeping room. Apply Box 233, Dally New. (70) WANTED Young man Tor day work, apply Chris Mill Bakery. (tf) A "SWEEPING" VICTORY! THAT'S THE IDEA, MUMay j r mi lli t SJSP. I I I A McBride Grocery is reopened under new management. 1 73 Mrs. CJareiwe MartlnJUTived in the city on the Camosun Vast evening from Massett and will be here for the next ten days. HOW TO OPEN BJflOE. THAT CLOSES EfUOEl UP AT NIGHT Put S -purpose Va-tro-nol tip each nostril . . . (1) It shrinks swollen mem-branca; (2) Soothes Irritation: (3) Helps floth nasal passages, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL i The regular meeting of the Dsep Sea Fishermen!; Union will be held Tuesday March 24, 7:30 pjn. Members requested to attend this meeting. J. E. Provost sailed by the Catala this afternoon for Vancouver. Mr. O. Dunn will sail by the Camosun tonight on Ms return to his home in Queen Charlotte City. Adam Pyper, Poet dements hotel proprietor, arrived in the city on the Camosun last evening from the Queen Charlotte Islands for a brief business visit. He will return to Port OtemenU tonight. Major T. W. Sutherland of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps will be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gym Club tomor row. He will speak on the subject of democracy in relation to pres enf day world affairs. iv tin: m ricrair. rorKT nr hkiimi (fMAHRu in montrr. In (lie Matter of the "Administration Art-Ami In the Matter of the IMate of John llva, I)e-eaed TARE NOTICE Um by order of til' Wosor. W T. rinher made on the 16th' day of Starch. A D 1942. 1 ti appointed Executor of the encart of John Flvs. aewasBd. and all parties having rlalirw asfisjt ttee astsd essjaae- are fcereoy re-urad to fumtah saane. property rert-tML te Bsc on or ISore She lHua cut Aarfl. A. D. 942. sm sU wtles ed to the rte ore required Vo tlv manusH of theSr taoetitedneas to ae tsrHmmh. BATED at Prtaps nanevt. B.C. tWs itoi my c Usroh. A. D. 1942 OLAT rVINDSEN Etwnitor AJioe Arm. B. C. J. M. S. Loubser n.c. n-. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace IUock Phone C40 TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL MEN'S SUITS Ladies' and Gents' SO !).-, Spring Suits ut and up M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Or. 9C0 Men's Fine Wool I ni pitted X Made - lo - Measure SUITS at I -wholesale prices, S 1(1.00 up. Latest Models. Larpe Selec- tion. See Me Evenings, X Rooms 71, Central Hotel, Agt. Cafe Reopened jj The U & I Cafe, Waterfront, Is now open, under same l management. ! CARD OF THANKS To our customers and friends we wish to thank you for all the trade and favors extended towards us during our last 35 years residence here. Although we would have liked to thank you all per-1 sonaliy, the shortness of the evacuation notice made this Impossible. To anyone who has any claims against us pleas nqtify the Royal Bank, Prince Rupert. Also will those persons having accounts owing to us please oblige by set- tling at the same bank. H. K. YAMANAKA Yamanaka Grocery. The city council (City Commissioner D. J. Matheson) was in session this morning to give introductory considerations to a bylaw providing for the transfer of prop erty in the Rushbrooks Heights area to Wartime Housing Ltd. in Tim srria:.MK cockt or iikitikii coi.cmhia In the Matter of the -.tdralni'tratUn Act" And In the Matter of Jni Jacob An4erMn othrreW known an Jen I'. AnrterMtii and Jack Andcrn, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that bj Order of Hai Honor Judge Fisher Hated the 13th day of Marcn 1942 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of tfc fate Jns Jacob Anderson ottMrwtae known as Jtta P. Anderson and Jack Anderson, formerly of Premier. British Columbia, wtao died on or bout the 17tb day of January 1942. All .persons baring claims acalmt cre mid estate are required to forward them to me on or before AprU 30to 1942 properly verified and all peraons tnoeMed to the said estate are required to pay to tne the amount of Uetr IrnteotedpeM forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this ltth day of Uareti A. D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B.C l The Grocers of Prince Rupert, in Response to the Government's Pica, Announce One Delivery A Day OTADTIVn AtAI)f!I .. . in icwii3c tu wic w'cIIIIC:fl1' m jirc'4j jc"jii3crvciruuuery gasoline and mechanical supplies vital to the success of Canada's War Effort, the following delivery schedule is announced: MORNINGS: West of McRridc Street delivery closes at 10 a.m. AFTERNOONS: East of MclJride Street delivery closes at 2 p.m. Orders after these hours delivered next day. Thursday delivery closes at 10 a.m. for both dvrectiuux. SAVE THIS NOTICE FOR FUTUItE REFERENCE Linzey & Ingram Mussallem's Economy Midway Grocery Store Enterprise Fruit Co. Thrift Cash & Carry Tom Lee & Son Ranee and Hardy DcJong's Cash & Carry Ovcrwaitea When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 13 TAXI Service 24-Hour Service Wanted -Raw NOTICE In compliance with the government order pertaining lo delivery, we hereby give notice of our new schedule effective immediately: Morning Delivery east of McBride. Afternoon Delivery west of McBride. For the benefit of our meat customers we are alternating this service each month. Kindly inquire for our circular for further particulars. SUNRISE COMPANY LIMITED Representing HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY Ship U J.F. ORMHEIM. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 815 LATEST IN at Regular Rates Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID OUR LIBRARY BY WESTOVER "The Desperate Pursuit" Bel! "The Secret Weapon" Newman "The Hills Beyond" Wolfe 'The Dragon's Teeth" Sinclair "Dragon Seed" ..: Buck "Pied Piper" Shute "Landmarks" Morris "The Fortunate Lady" Swmnerton' "Madman's Bluff" Steel "Sometimes Spring Is Late" ...... Ayres "The Eagles Gather" Caldwell "Masters Ticket" Brassbounder' "Road to Revelation" Lofts "Flotsam" . Remarque "The Sword of Fate" Wheatley "Fandance at Cockcrow" Goodman a, , Read them all and a hundred others, Rental Library Section f 2 COULDNTlf YCVD TRY OM a I OH, IT'S TOO LON6I i 1,3 N,E DRESS 1F WERE A T-ft-tia'SAY' TRV IT pjl HOUSE AXaS AFIRE jtjtf? NOU "STANDI MS ON " "ZfvJ-,Ml M 5rTfH?An A CHAIR WiHEM " j jy 1 t IX THE Kl'PRCMC rOC KT OF BRITISH (OI.IMISIA IN rROBATE In the Matter of the "Administration Act" And In the Matter of the Estate of William rharle llajner. Itrreased. TAKE NOTICE thst toy Order of His Honor Judge Ftaber dated the 18Ui day of March 1942 I vas appointed Administrator cf the Estate of the late WUllam Cbarles Harper, formerly of Prince Rupert, Britten Columbia, who died on or about the 4th day of November A. D. 1941. All persons baring dainu against the aaU Estate are required to forward them to me on or before AprU 30th 1943 property verified and all persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the I amount cf their Indebtedness to nve forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this lath day of March AX. 1942. SORAIAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. J. H. BULGER Optometrist (Opposite Post Office) j. ror easier uarus A and Novelties t I t, v tile VARIETY STORE Furniture I 4 KITCHEN . RANGES In very Rood1 shape, for wood and v .S Q O 0( coal; from t 12 UNTAINTED CHESTS OF 1 DRAWERS Priced .S70. from ' up 9 3IATTRESSES Priced Sn.'O at J 6 RECONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS at very reasonable prices. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue BCLKLEY VALLEY IlLTTEft Arjrives Fresh Every Wek 1 We believe In featuring it and helping our up-rrver farmers. Try It once and we feel sure you will want no other, it's freshness and J quality is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river S VEGETABLES whenever pos-sible. ; MUSSALLEM'S J Economy Store -Where Dollars Have More CenU" P.O. Kox 573 Phones 18O0 .AWW.VAWAWAVWiV 'tC4 I.-. 1 ''