i PA02 rOOTS THE D7vTLY NEWS CUM?! " 1 ' 1 r OK SALE i Gordon Sz Anderson for Peb- .ruary furniture specials. 10 down FOR SALE- Qneix-o eater. cheap, balance over 12 months. Phrxve Gn-en ML MT' roR SALEttning ard bedroom ' M'- IL B Rochester will sail to-eiies, table a!orTOW afternoon on the Catala frisidaire. ary aiKl ehiurs. 839 evenings. U7 GNAP 70R CASH Twin cylinder Fairbanks Morse 20 h.p. dlesel engine eesipleie with compres- sor enfbie. compressor and tank, propeflar and shaft and fuel tanks, aH In good condition, S650. Apply Bos 210 Dally New. (47j . , FOR SALE-Large stock of doors in all sizes with complete fit- tih?s; 150 windows. 36 wash basins with fittings; two-lrch soil pipe and large stock of iron pipes. Phone Rack 34, B t. PurniUire. i tf . j FOR SALE Owner must scl Seven-cjom hote, Ambrose Av- enue: two storey, four bedroom I fully modern. New septic tanfc. Two tots. In excellent shape. Small cabin included. Ar . i taxes around $50. Good Income from rent. Price $2700 cash or . $2900 on terms with $1500 down, 1 balance as rent. IL G. Helger- son Ltd. (50) i FOR SALE A few bundles of old! newspapers, cheap. Apply Dally '. News. (tf) HOUSE FOR SALE J 1000 cah; $1200 terms. Apply 215 Fourth ; Avenue East. (45) FOR RENT WORKING MAN has housekeep- tog apartment to share with une or more persons who are per-''manently emptoyed in city. Ap-l- ply Box 211, Daily News. 48 1 WANTED WANTED Stenographer. Perman- ent position! Phone 664. 450) WANTED To rent by couple, house by March 15; $20 to $25. ' Apply Box 214, Daily News. WANTED Janitor for business building, part time. $30 monthly. Apply Box 213. Dally News. WANTED Nlghtwatchman for Prince Rupert Hotel WANTED Capable yo'ing woman, i experienced preferred, fjr boarding house. Must be neat' and fart worker. Apply Box' 204, Daily News. j FOUND FOUND Black female puppy with four white feet. Phone Red 623. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room or Just room, Mrs. Beattie. 646 Taylor St., Green 830. REWARD REWARD of $5 for informtion Reading to securing small apartment or house by March 1. Box 215, Dally News. i Ail Canadian Union . Amalgurnatcd Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 M EET1NGS Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m, of Each Month. METROPOLK IIALL Phone Red 4C9 P.O. Box 577 Steamers leave Prince Ituperl for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 p.m. Duo Vancouver Monday ao, Queen Charlotte Inlands Leaving Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Kupert igent Third Ave. rhone 96Z ;l r rn i r n I ! lulald Sperfcl meeting C-C.F. Club, Feb., St Members plc&sc attend lorta. ZiHa Sherman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sherman, had the misfortune to Injure her ankle quite seriously In the basketball game tm Friday night with the visiting Smllhers girls' team. Mrs. Sam Jurmain and young son, Larry, will leave on tonight's train 0n their return to Mont Joli, Quebec, after a visit here with ilrs, jurmain's parents. Mr and Mrs. p. c. Miller. I I J i HOTEL ARRIVALS t Prince Kupert Mr. and Mrs. IL Shinarn, All-) ford Bay; Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid ind Don Sadler, Port Essington; K. B. Carruthers, Fort Barrett; Sgt F. Reich. Sat. W. Beaton. Mr. , and Mrs. Tom Salveen and Mr. and Mrs, J. Smlch, city; C. Ms-, KenzJe. Victoria; R. Moore, Smith-! ers; Mrs. L. Martin, Prince Oeorge; Leo Carey. R. Maualnc, George IL Muero and Charles R. Watt, Vancouver; W. M. MoU, New Westminster. Central G. Speller, O. Olsen. F. Edward-6n and T. Dixon, 'Extew; Fred M. Rudge, A.. Fenton, Vancouver; J. i Asplnnal, Victoria; A. Kine, city; R. W. Westworg, BiUmor; R. Wilson, Edmonton. JCST WATER LONDON, Feb. 23: O, Carafes are so scarce that some exclusixe May fair restaurants serve drinking water in gin bottles. JhHcuhcetnentJ All advertisements In this ! column will be charged for a full month at 25c & word. Vardens' Play, Feb. 27. Welsh Tea, Mrs. Armstrong 5th East Feb. 28. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel-lowsfc Hall, March 2. pddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance., Mar. 7. Admission 50c. Re- ircshments. Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12. S.Q.N. Dance March 13. St. Patrick's Tea. Catholic Hall, ' Marth ' 17. . Pr&byTeriaVTearM March 18. Little Norway Tea, Mrs. Munthc's. March 19. S.O.N. Dance March 27. 1.0.BA. Spring Sale, April 8, St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 23. Advertise In The Dally News. JX THE SI I'REMfc roi'HT OF HRITIMI ('Of. I'M MA IN I'llOltm: Jill tlir Matter of I he MilmlnMratlon Art- and In ill Mallrr of tli tXatr of Harold KornHIm Mirnrtn, ollirrHl-e known llurald Swanxtn ant Harold ftwanoon, HrrfUMKt, t ! ; TAKE NOTICE that by Ordr or Ills HAnbr Judge' IWi, Itxnl Judge tt the 3uptmi Court ot BrHWi OolumbU, I wan on the 29th Oar of January AD. 1943 uppoUiind AdmlniHtnator tJt the ttW ot lUrald Kumrliut 6vmWn, othenvl known m Ha raid 6wnon, and llarold Swtxunn. DuoeaMd, torairr ij or ih City or Prince Ruprt, -ho died ot or .bout the 28lta 6aj at OrVr 1941. AU penn UuMKied to wie mna ttMM ar mquirrd to tt the amount ot tttelr ttidtxMLnem to me forthwith and all perantui hanna clalm aralrt tins sold rxtai are requlml to iui ineoi V.1W nv ixrax-rlr verified in or bfure (ho IMh dar of March 1B42 tailing which dUtMhuUon will be made haunt regard only to udli claim of wncn i aii&u irui'.ir been cwtlfled. DATED at PrUm Rupert, BjT. thlj mo cay or rawuary 1942. NORMAN A WATT OUU'lm Adinl<saXrr Princ Rupert, B.C, iMasonic Rites Were Accorded Funeral of Late James Munnls Held Yesterday Afternoon With Many Friends Gathering To Iay Final KesperU A Masonic funeral was given the late James McNaughton Munnls, well known pioneer of the city, ex-serviceman and for years lineman of the municipal telephone system, yesterday afternoon. In addition to members of the Masonic craft, who paraded from the Temple, numerous friends gath ered at the chapel of the B. C Undertakers to pay final tribute of esteem and respect to the memory of deceased. Also present were members of the Oddfellows Lodge and the Canadian Legion Rites of the Masonic order were performed by J. W. Pottinger, wor-Jihipful master of Tsimpsean Lodge, of which deceased was a member, other officers of the lodge assisting. A. C. Small presided at the organ to accompany the hymn which was "Abide With Me." Interment was made In the Masonic section of Fainriew Cemetery The Last Post" was sounded by Busier William Ranee as the casket was lowered to the final resting place. Pallbearers were M. XL Stephens, IL MeLeod, S. E. Parker. Arthur Brooksbank James H. Thompson and S, V Cox The Markets Eggs B.C. Fresh Extras. Grade A: Large, cartoned; doz. 42 Local, new laid; doz. 45 Fruit Anjou Pears, doz. .40 and .50 Emperor Grapes, lb 25 Rhubarb, 2 lbs 3i Grapefruit, Calif 6 for .25 Large. 3 for 55 Lemons, doz. .35 to .45 Navel Oranges, doz. M to .60 Bananas, lb. 17 Apples Rome Beauties, box 3.00 Delicious, fancy wrapped, box 355 Yellow Newtons, box 355 Lard Pure, lb 50 Apples Rome Beauties, box 3j00 Delicious, fancy wrapped, box 3.00 Yellow Newtons, box 355 Butter First Grade, lb .42 Second Orade. lb. .40 Lard '.Pure, lb. , 50 Vegetables B. C. Potatoes. 7 lb .. 55 Sweet Potatoes, lb. .11 B. C. Onions, lb m I Garlic, Imported, lb. 50 Parsley, bunch, .10 Mexican Tomatoes, lb. 30 California Lettuce, head 10 to .13 New Green Cabbage, lb. .06 Parsnips, 6 lb. 55 Utah Celery, lb .15 Carrots, 7 lb. . 55 Carrots, Calif., bunch .11 Interior Turnips, 7 lb 55 California Sprouts, 2 lb. 5 Brocolli, bunch 55 Spinach, lb 17 Cauliflower, each, 25 and 55 J ueets, o jd. . .za Hubbard Squash, lb. Sfl Meats Fowc?xb-i: in. . 53 Roasting Chicken, lb. 58 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .55 Second grade, lb .50 Ham, first grade, lb 40 Picnic Ham. lb 55 Cottage Rolls, lb 40 Pork, shoulder, lb, 55 Pork Chops, lb 42 Pork, loin, lb 55 Pork, leg, lb. 55 Pork, dry salt, lb 50 Veal, loin, lb 55 Veal Chops, lb, 30c and 55 1 oiiuutuvi, lu, 1 Beef, pot roast, .20 and 55 Beef Steak, lb. 55 and .40 Lamb, leg. lb 55 Lamb Chops, lb. 35c and .40 Lamb shoulder, .25 and 50 is tub nrpitKMR rorar or kkitixii lOLIMKti IN' 1'KOltSTB In ihr Maltrr ul tr ".VdiiilnMratbin Art" mod In llir Mattrr of the ltate ot John lutlil iraorr Unraord TAKE NOTICE that far OrcW of HU Honor, W. E. ruhfr. made on the 28Ui day of 9nuary, A. D. IS 42. J waa ap. pointed Zxeaawr of the rotat of Jcjrm uavui rtaMT, danl, and all parti harlox claims wraJnst the said Bttaxe are Lrrrlrj rrquimt to furmsli mate properly rcrlfled. to me on or torture uie- aroucm ujr of March, A D. 1942, mm! all Jxu-Otfi Indebted to Uie ftate are iwiMlred to pay th Mnount of their IndebtedneM to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Kupert, B C . this 30th day tit January, A.D. 1842. OXVrN McKAY STEVENS Trlnce riupert D C Eiecutor, CORPS COMMANDER Etv. mf i tbbsssss1 BM Grae. . . M N.. . s their d.tuci:-. t- : two y j.! .- ovf -...- Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday -S5 Cardena I SO p.m. Thursday SS. Prince George r 11:15 pm Friday 8S. Princeat Adelaide 10 pjra. S5 Venture 1:M pja. February 12 and 23 SS. Prtncen Norah pjn. Fropi Vancouver Sunday SM. Cardena pja. Wednesday SS. Prtaee Ruprt M:M a.m. Friday &&. Prtneaw Adelaide pjn. 85. Venture p.rc. February 8 and 1 SS. Princess Xorafe am For Stewart and Premier Sunday S Cardena 8 pm Wednesday 6 Prince Rupert 3:00 p m From Stewart and Premier Tuesday BS Cardena u n. Thursday 8S Prince Rupert j prr. For Xaa Klver and Port Simpson Sunday S5. Cardena 8 00 j :r From Naa Klver and Pt. Simpson Tuesday SJS. Cardena or Ocean Fail Thursday- S. Prince Rupert . 11:15 p rn Friday SS. Prtneets Adelaide 10.00 p rri From Ocean Falls Wednesday S.R Prinre (MAZDA! I tamps j STANLEY V.COLTON D.C, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block rhone CIS savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone J7 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET Prince Kupert WELCOMED HOME M N. Uiati Ex-Service Man I Dead In Rupert Antony Brahan. a recent arrival In the city, passed away t&u morning in the Prinre Rupert General Hospital, after a WW Ul-nen. He was forty-five jvara of ae and served In Canada tor a yenr to the last war with the 152nd Battalion, a prairie C-V.lt, TRAINS For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays s p m From the East-Tuesdays Thursday and E,'.urc.y jj 0IE j: Cafe Reopening j-j The V & I Cafe, Waterfront, will reopen March 1, under same management. ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SIIOK Itri'AIRING nr.PAKTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charee. As Charlie has many jears experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. T. ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AM) WORKING ROOTS. LING . TAILOR Sixth Street phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam Wliile You Walt. J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and CENTS' Beat i.laterlali, Workmananlp Second Ave, two doors from Broadcasting Station Specializing In AUTOMOTIVE Major Motor Overhaul. and Rear Axle Ken-air. Christianity i i M,1 to, . ,V ' " w r i Dill ii mil anil " . Color Zl llyV.r ?,m,.,,ctu . I),,co t,r lu!ux Refinishins, M"1 T Matcliinj; Service. txrs.i 1 uveWitha Persistent Goodwill, Hacked Ily ScIlOol 1 Faith and Courage. Exhorted J Ily Presbyterian Factor 'LlIMch The need of the world today for apphed Christianity Christian living was dwelt upon by Rev. A. F Macftween in his morning sermon at First Preabyterian Onsweh yesterday. As it was In sport. In war. in bust new and other enter-prises, it was necessary toe the, hurch to assume the lnttMttve .ind not wait until the fonfes of- evil assaulted the church, asserted he pastor. There wtM be resist-1 unce and rebuff but, Urrbued with faith and courage, perenient ! yoodwill could not but bring re-1 ults not only in evangelism but in personal relations, community, tiaUonal and International rsT- faira. Possibiy K the enurcti had! assumed the tastUttre ttfnrf1 vmm avn tlww mlatit Kjiva a different situation today Haw- ever, nothing could be done about I 1 1 me pasC something could, how- ever, be dene abostt the future. Burnaby Rosery Company K.K. No. 2, New Westminster Offer for Sale Throuah Their Agent. MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP Itroolutunk 11 lk. Third Avr. Rose Bushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mr Smith has prices and sample All orders ind (vidua::, inomrd snd tagired ORDER NOW! iiuitd nr h. ..i Mi v; ul J diK.' at. . Kl- U.!. I'M Ul.lf PACIFIC! lrradiatrd T IS VITAL T, UTORT DRKssmat: Mrs. XiUi, La : Phone R!k. 8.t . ' , Clranlnt izi h tw o com I 'OR SiU Large Viitei- t cT trr CENTRAL p. Trappers: Bni.. 011 .1 . M i ic bp Uav '. 411.: dv., ;t' - w mil f Fresh I-ocalEr PaslcuriifiJ VALENTIN I riioM c iiiobs iuir rRin1 rtf smiii 1 1 1 1 1 nil. i.f viii IIATF j r..r ' -a H0MEAD' HOMf Kates & rhone 281 oooooooooooooooooo&oooooooooococ " o g For Quick, Safe anil Comfortable T I PHONE 235 HAY AM) NIGHT 0000003 oooooooooooooo-ooooooooooooooocsoocwff Special Offer In . . . MEN'S SUITS Our Extra Pair of Pants Free continues until further notke. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Rot 975 rhone fir. o Wanted - Raw Furs Representing HUDSON'S BAY C0MW Ship to J, E. OR.MIIEIM, Cow Hay. Prince Ituprrl. Itf Start the Year Right My 5 Saving Our ;; coupons :: for Useful Household Items. ;. Call m and let ua explain I thta plan to you. I: MUSSALLEM'S :! Economy Store J' I "Where Dollars Have More V onu" : I P.O. Uox 573 Phones 18, 19 .V.V.V.-.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V I REPAIRS Tunc.rn. riniri. ii...ii.it.... i-..i, nIinin? Sliprimr n,..,.. ...,.i i.m i ii.mmcnf. Rupert Motors PHONE 5fi Distrihutors of Chrysler Proilucts FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PltONj'J RKD sl1