(Across From Ormes) ! L .............. ........ tow -r....4.4. THINK THIS OVER If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canada do you imagine you'd be given the honour and privilege of buying any kind of Bonds? You would not! Then go all out to defeat the enemy with your money and Buy the new VICTORY BONDS Albert & McCaffery Ltd, PHONES 116 OR 117 PRINCE RUPFRT Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday. 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct 63 -PRINCESS NORAH- Feb. 12th. 23rd, March 5th. 16th, 26th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway Feb. 8th. 19th, March 1st. 12th, 22nd. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service. xx, . 'A .,if"rmUon' Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATtS, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Bnann Victory Loan Campaign Come On Prince Rupert $600,000 FROM 1800 SUBSCRIBERS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA a 1 thin the slight frame of young .twin. And it was easy to under- Und why when he told how hU X parents disappeared beneath the J vubbie that was once their home. J Both lads asked that: their full names be not disclosed for fear reprisals would be taken against t Peter's family, still in Belgium. His .kusaian tatner. a naturalized Ca- nadian. who fought with the Ca- nadian army in the First Great , uok nis family to Belgium -iiht years ago "on a visit-it was the same with Irwin's . areata. His father, an ironwork-i who was born in Harriston, nt.. took his Belgian bride to live .11 surgeon Falls, then to Buffalo. Finally the, too, went "to visit" the mother's homeland where war .ojnd the two families livlne s& prosperous neighbors In a town' near Brussels. They tried to fiec lth other refugees, but were; turned back by the Germans for hum they were forced to work. If you don't work you starve," Peter said simply, shrugging hij shoulders. Both anxious to be spokesman, the lads collaborated in telling how trie uerman troops, "always polite as part of their propaganda to gain support of the people." had "bought everything there was to buy. Clothing, shoes, food, wines and all other supplies disappeared In six months. After that "everything Just flopped." People Starving The result is, the youths agreed, that "people are slowly starving." All foods are scarce, "especially the things on which the working people iive bread and potatoes." WeU, it really Isn't "bread Peter explained. "More like put ty, interjected Irwin. Even that sort of bread can't be obtained If you don't work for 1 the Germans, turning put shell or other war needs. Here young Irwin told of his own little sabotage campaign. As he worked 'in ' a shell factory he "condemned tlu' good sheMrand certified, th user i less fciicy al perfect,' K ' f I Tha'i wasohiy hls'privateHain- ! paign. Outside the factory ht Joined Irwin and other youths In cutting telegraph wires, slashing tires on German cars, distributing underground" antl - German nespap2rs. helping form secret societies whose members swore to continue sabotage. Workers Scarce "Because of the difficulty of or- ganizln? Belgian labor the Oer- 4&t PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY, FEBnr I i t Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch. Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enxravinc Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China j (linrierware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JF.ntl.Ki: DIAMOND MERCHANT mm '..v.v.v.v.v.w.V EXPERT FITTING FOR EVERY MAN Ij jj J 11 1 ti i rr ) : iTio ininns tie s "Hard To Fit" Foot troubles disappear when you are fitted at Cut Rate. Made to the most rigid factory specifications and scientifically fitted by experts, Cut Rate shoes solve the tired, hurting feet problem completely. At the same time you enjoy the latest styles. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS "DISTINCTIVE" MEN'S SHOES .Made of the Finest quality Leathers From the Leading Tanneries. CUT RATE SHOE STORE 506 THIRD AVE. W. Young Canadians MAY "EVEN I SCORE" WITH ; NAZKiUARD I Escaped From Continent to Ens land They Tell of German Treatment in Occupied Country. By D. E. BURR ITT Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON. Feb. 23: Two C nadian youths who as bovs we taken by their parents to Be.g;.:; have reached England after a tlon-likc escape from Germ-. occupied territory through w:.. they wander- ed six months. jljSons of the j; Canadian fa-cithers who jIlTiarried Bei-Jj -un wompn I fter the First ! fll.k ITOt. MIL related a 'e of daring advent u r e which carried hem throueh 1 x imDrtson- D. E. BUHHiTT jments one m a concentration camp. Once they feared they Vt would be shot. Often they were hungry. Sometimes lost, often cold. More than once they bluff-J ed their way past sullen German guards and sentries. The trail of freedom led through rivers and J over mountains. When finally , they landed in England they were ;! I clothed mostly in what had been l ' given to them. "Bui it was worth everything we had to endure." said 21-year-old ! Peter, a thlrk-srt hlnnrf British. There TOUGHENING UP THE W.A.A.K. r-xra weak Many have been killed.- said Peter. Ihen he shrugged again .n iesianation. 'Thv went thece vol- t who once delivered meat for his untartly to try to earn a Uvtna father in several southern Alberta : and then when they found what ns and in Lethbridge. "Now i it was like they wanted to come we are going to be allowed to join ine Canadian army . . "Yes." interrupted Irwin, his 21-jear-old treckled-faced companion, -and perhaps we will get a thance to even the score with those brutes." Parents Disappeared Bitterness and revence burned back. But you can't do that son of thing with the Germans. B:. i.;. Women's Aux iliary Air Frce Tae ga-s must be ab.f u ute it and dish it out. too. Here you see one member giving a demon tratlon with an Instructor. The man was all set to throttle big vfcttm. but now the tables are being turned. workers to go to Germany with a promise ol icueioai wea. ix.- gians say IMAM have gcuc m Germany, omy to find themselves posted ai areas bomeed by the MILITARY CONCERT Another F.ntertalriment in Con-nrction With Victory Loan Campaitn Held Last Night A second military concert in connection l 1' with the Victory lKUKy Ujai Loan Despite all their Hardships the peoote'i morale is aood. the bow rl" mM. unamy - J -Th.. r. " . H0., :.. m we ipiioi mem t re with ' ' " talent frnm tha said lrwm. "Just like our Canadian Alr ry, """T"''' people. But they were dtoappoint- "J11"' lTwl to ed when the BrltUh didn't Invade aP?TJll W" rPUb ia ,rtn. to a tor nce which practic- "People'used to whUper to one TtVtrZTZ another perhaps well have th- 0tJ RTl twUn En little tommies vtait us this aprlrw " .. DUl Pproprl- and they will throw out the Oer- L!T, J arei ,u" t mans.' But they never came am? ZJ?L " the people felt bd for a while Station again hao charte But they are feeling better again ?jrf P"un and acted as ma--because they know thevH come L' crrmonl sooner or later. And shall be with them." perhaps we Mail Schedule For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays . 5 From the East- iVMAtt n .in pin Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 pjn For Vancouver . Tuesday 12:30 p.m. rjjalre J UJIl. For Queen Charlotte Islands- February 10 and 24 .... 9:00 n.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands- February 9 and 23 a m For Alaska- Wednesday 2:00 p.m. February 8 and 19 a.m. I'romXAUska Jik m EIRE'S PLANS FOR PULP tire timber. An official said there tt'n n nnulhltlti, nt - mans have been campaigning for ing a plant from Canada, , " inciuaea vocal m- k by Coco. Jack Qulnn. Royal CanadUn Air Force; am xa phone aotoa. Corp Kirlcby, R.Cj.P.; vocal oloa by Leading Telegrapher Lewis Bond-Dei nard. Royal Canadian Navy; piano duels by Leading Airuraftamen Do we 11 and Hilton, R.C.A.F; monotogues and Up dancing by Chief Petty Officer Bob Hope, RON ; bagpipe solos by Sergeant Pilot Boyd. R.CAJV; iwal Koloa by Private Robert Armour. United States Army, ana vocal solos by Aircraftsman I. Le An especial feature .of the j Aiiud 1U " P- proaram was the eelint n, . k tion by Ronald Brldgett of "Sons February 12 and 23 pm. ot S0umndvnC0UT"" Mra- mam Brasa It this city WPrfn?iia; 1th b MUs Moore. Wednesday in-nn 10:00 a m. aho Pflnce Rupert To . . .... rrway P-m- atmosphere a member of each of .8.!"l,:. aJn- thTXices-navy. army S Sundajt : 7 p.m. Wednesday 2 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday a.m. A F Thursday 8:00 p.m. For Alice Arm, Xaas River and Port Simpo Sunday From Alice Arm. Xaas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday a.m. For Ocean Falls-Thursday 10:15 pm Friday 9 n.m. at all, From Ocean Fall force stood on the ataae. Mr Brldgett responded to an encore by giving Ihere Is No Death. ' There were selections by the R.C. orchestra and accompanists were Mrs. J. 8. niaelt and Mm Frances Maore. T P.m. V. . bijvsku, HiTiog rnnce ttuperi credit lor me line showing it had already made in Vic toy Loan subscriptions, urged further support. He told of countries he had seen whlch had been the victims of aggressors. He hoped to Ood that there in"e would wouuw r never be similar ex- Wednesday 10:00 ajn. rrM, perlenccs here No effort of civil ians to prevent such an eventuality could be too great, it required the best efforts of all in every way poaslblc to see that the Instruments of war were made available for the fighting forces. If the rest of Canada did aa well as Prince Rupert was doing, Uie fighting forces would have little to fear. Several short, moving plctuie scenes appropriate to the war with particular reference to the Victory Loan campaign were projected. DUBLIN. Feb. 23: O Because . ,re a drawln8 r a Vlc- shlpplng restrictions have curtail- 1,00(1 ,n conntln the ed importations of paper a mill g,e a,e' Th wtnnr nc" near here Dlans to exDeriment m TaU). Carfari who is using the tvia the ..... i . Dond as a basis m huv mnr uianuunuic oi duid irom ...w.v. Advertise m The Dally Ncwa. Phone KB, Whifflets From The Waterfront Jum twenty-four hours behind schedule on account of having i.id heavy freights for waypoinU. LT!i..n steamer Venture, Cap. Lome Godfrey, arrived In port at 7 . 'dock Saturday night from the u:h sailing at 10:45 p.m. on rr reiurn to Vancouver and way- oinis. t'n. ir, .steamer C'ataia arrived in port at 4 o'cloc t ; irom the south ,( am. for Stewart thern poInU win back here torn southbound. I On a regular v couver via the Islands. Union s:. Capt. James W.tr. at 2: this mo, at midnight ton her return aout:. route. DAILY NEWS WA'.T RESULTS. K 3s2a?sannaBaHHB9iBBjiBjBjgBBBgiBBfliBaasBjHHBaHiaB9B2 Nffl'MV'VV'IRVPVgEavKTiH 'M. J rM L.-4 sj.l .nTpfMp Jrl WBK TflaHKgflglgflMlgflgBr 'cEfll if 50UTH SB4g Vivjj ITKHE OVERMAN . PHILIP SEED I at 1 40 3 40 40 5 5 40 40 1 40 U 4, EXTRA EXTRA MARCH TODAY 1 DO, '.! CO OF TIME i. x '.r tj C ARTOON and TtKS. I o svbtnt- I .... ".VIW)RS WITH MI.NCS - NOVELTY CAP1TOI s iamoui rtavui imiiim The New with the Diagonal Slashes It flit every flcure I'f became the new PUiooil Slathes open or c! meet figure ieo,uirrmb and permit the brrast U adjuol iUelf comlortifr In the cup. Tearoe while. Slies 32 to It Annette's Ladies' Wear When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. I)ependblt TAXI Service PHONE 13 2MIour Service at Regular Hates FKimUAUY FUKNITUUK SALK 3- Plecc Chesterfield Sultcrcg. $145 4- Plece Bedroom Sulte-.R1i. n.t Sale price 4-Plece Bedroom 8ultc8ale price 4.PIWC Bedroom Suite-Sale price Z1. All-Enamel Enterprise Range-Bale urlce 6-Plecc Dinette Suite-Sale price Better 22? 5eamlCM Axmlnter RugT'o'xU-Sale p. Setter oZ ml I' Amlntet V' Setter Better Oul Quality Utl Seamless AXml,ut Bx0-Sa,e Pr Axmlnstcr Rug. 0'9"x9'-Sale pr 1IIMX' 7II.HI au.iK) ,tUY NOVV-SAVK SIONEV AT Elio's Furniture Store m l,mt) WW PHONn OMCf 11)