PAGE FOUR V.' I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled BUY . . . Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Encraving VISIT OUR BASLMENT STORE for line China, Uinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler' Diamond Merchant - -s-r t Cut Kate Shoe Store RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . al Your Local Hoteliers. no wash; ready to cook Canadian Fish & Cold Storage IKIMi; IlinCltl lift flKlMSII COLUMBIA W 11 uu lo&e anything, advertise for it. '.W Official Outfitters to Lords" and ",M' Ladies" 50G THIRD AVE. W. Across From Orme's Drug WJVAViV.V.V.V.VrtV.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.'1 W.V.V.V.V.V.-.V.V.V. Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June 8th, 1942 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 6 p.m.. stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 7 ajn, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 aJn., stopping at Terrace. Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smithers. Burns Lake, Van-derhoof, Prince George, Giscome and McBride only. Arrive JASPER Thursday and Saturday 12:25 pjn. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 11 pm. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 6:30 pjn. ' For Full Information, Reservations, etc.. call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines' Used Tools Tool Chest containing the following tools: 1 miniature Iron smoothing plane; 1 iron plane of medium size; 6" square 2 feet square; iron vise for filing saws; V wood chlseL V wood chisel; leven wood bits from to 1"; s8 extension bit, 14"; yA extension bit, 14"; small wedge shaped hammer; cross cut saw; rip saw; brace, small whet stone: try square; plleri 50"'' steel tape; axe; Oster bull dog pipe die stock; 6 feet cross cut saw, claw bar; picks; mattock; carpenter's wrecking bar. We have the goods at Ello's Used Department. Elio's Furniture Store: Third Avenue, next to Daily News. Green 916 Si KIDDIES SHOES I Exclusive Agents For Wraggc Shoe Co. Classmate and Shu-Conomy Shoes Large Selection BOYS and YOUTHS OXFORDS BOYS' and YOUTHS' BOOTS SUSSES' OXFORDS TIES AND STRAPS BOYS' and GIRLS' RUBBER OVERSHOES GUM BOOTS CREPES DRESS SHOES Prices You Can Afford Cut Rate Shoe Store I FIRST AID EQUIPMENT Much .More Is Needed So Appeal Is Heine Tut In To Authorities The situation In regard to first aid facilities against the poastbll-lty of an emergency arising out of an air raid or other cause was discussed last night at a meeting of some, fifty first aiders in the City Hall last night It was decided to urge the necessity of more adequate supplies for first aid purposes. If this is not met in a short time by the authorities, then a local canvass will be held to raise funds to purchase the re quired supplies. V. E. Denning, captain of the Court House first aid team, presided over the meeting last night. Sergeant Major Albert Robinson of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps addressed the meeting after which there was a general MEDICOS MEETING Convention of Canadian Medical Association At Jasper Park JASPER. PARK, June It: With almost nine hundred physician and surgeon delegates to th 73rd annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Association on band, this internationally known mountain resort officially opened its doors on the 1942 season yesterday. It was the largest opening in the history of the Lodge. One of the" principal points of interest to the guests was the golf course and the numbers playing today were quite reminiscent of the Totem Pole golf week. The course is in excellent condition and the Pro. Bill Brinkworth. and his assistant, Leroy Ooldsworthy. have been busy meeting old friends. As usual the flowers in the beds and the Lociie interior THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY JTSE U 'have attracted more than passing mention a Jasper Is especially ' noted for 1U extraordinary beau- J tif ul Canterbury Bells whicn maae (such an impression during the Royal Visit in 1939. i The Lodge will remain open un-i Ul August 31. 'Boilermakers mar jbav bbbbbbbbbbbbF. - I 7 Z ' bbbbbbMLVAX I ' JWA ggggggggwirriw . v N tires in British Column's 6tqi forests an do mom to Up wkrmw fc V. - JL - r onsen IfXPAtrnrmT or lws! The Markets Retail prices current here today are as follows: ItCs B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A: I ar. cartoned, da. .40 For Six Days new teWj : j 41 - Grapefruit. Calif. each .86 Working Plan For British . Col- Lemons, dot 3 to Al umbla Shipyards Is Appnnrcd jtfatrel Orange, dot, Sac to M Bananas, lb. JO The local Boilermakers' Union. Strawberries. 2 baskets Ai at a meeting Sunday night, en-! Apples dord the new plan adopted at a winesaps, box - M conierence 01 snipyara unions in Butter Vancouver last week favoring the six-day instead of seven-day week rlan for the British Columbia! Edward White was lefeted pre-1 First Orade. lb Second Orade, lb. Lard Pure, lb Vegetables " sideot of the Union in succession to Mtirdoeh McKenate with Harry 8 , VwTZV. Anderson as the new vice-presi-! Tr dent NeU Lan was added to-Uie.'JJ; : evecouve. Parsley, bunch Mexican Field Tomatoes, In. HALIBUT ARRIVALS hc toT c B C. Lettuce, head American 9.000 pounds. 17.1c 14c. Canadian 62 000 pounds, 16.Sc and 14c to 171c and 14c. American Eureka. 9,000. 17.1: and He Whias. Canadian Radishes, bunch Onions., bunch Bunrh Carrots. Bunch Turnips, lav I Leeks, bunch Spinach, lb. i Cauliflower, each Ram llflA anal lie AUIn I Cucumbers, aaeh Specials 2 Smith Typewriteii Special 1 Electric Hoover, just like new C Coleman Ga Burners up from S11.80 S17.50 52.50 2f Sprinifillrd Mattreues Ptir AO from $18.50 8 3-piece CheUerfleld in the lateKt styles and colors at Low Prices. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE 1 5LACK 321 Third Avenue . .40 ... .06 Jt lie M ... .Ml . Jt JB to Jt California Oraen Cabbage, b. .19 Rekard. S00. 17e and 14c.,Uf0f0te pe 2 - - M Storm. I -wans. J lbs. . . M t Bwgaad. 8.500, 17.5c and 14c. Pacific. i Cape Race, 5jW8. 17.4c and 14c, , 1 Storage. J. R., 10,000, 17 7e and 14c. Booth. Arctic I. -15.000. 16.9: and 14c. Storage. Ed Upsets, 12,000. 16.8c and 14c. Atlin. C.N.R. Trains For the Ea"$-Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays r 6:00 pjn. Wednsmlays and Fridays' 10:M am. Green Beans, lb. M M If m m M Jt to Jt Meats Fwl. No. 1. lb 23 RoaaUng Chkken, la. M Bacon, side, sliced, scat grade M Second grade, lb Ham. first grade, lb. 40 Picnic Ham. lb. 35 Cottage Rolls, lb .40 RED CROSS CORPS Prince Rupert section No. XI Ifetatchmrnt Prince Rupert. B.C. PART I ORDERS By Mrs. E. M. Miller. Commandant June 16. 142 No. 34 1 TftAUONO Lecture 3000 hrs-3060 hrs. Ail ranks will take lecture by 'vant Andenon on M'i;r Transport Ml! B B ET'.'UH.aiCHi.SI'Bt'lat'tJ M GET YOUR PICNIC GLASS WAKE ; , AND 5 CROCKERY NEEDS J AT THE VARIETY STORE i j The Hyde Transfer I WOOD : : fiel Your Winter : Supply Ntnv 5 ! HYDE I Second Avenue .Phone 580 J CRIME TALE G 0 L D E A L TIIK SBAL OF QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Ked HerrinR In Tomato Sauce Sandwich SprcatN Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Hloater hTLKLI.Y VAI.LKY IHTIHK Arrive Freh i;ery Meek ! We believe in fMlumia It and helping our uiwiver farmers 'frv it once and we feel sure yoe will an; no other Its freshness and quality Is unsurpassed We also feature up nm V1XJETABLL3 whenever Possible. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Hate More CenU" P.O. Hot 575 Phones 1K-H NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZARELLl. PROr "A Home Away From Home" Rate 75c up W Rcioms Hot ti Cold Wier Prince Kuiiert, II C. Phone ZK1 p.O. ix ; I DRAMATIC "Kid Glove Killer" Come Wednesday To Capitol Theatre Here Shedding light on a Utile known phase of police work, scientific crime detection. "Kid Otove Killer." featuring Van lleflln. Marsha Hunt and Lee Bowman, comes to the CapMoi Theatre for Wednesday only of this week. The picture traces the slayers of two men. both newly-elected officials on a reform ticket, through means of modern police crime laboratories and pin sheer crimes upon them. Van Heflin is toe police chemist and Marsha Hunt is bis assistant Hi the unravelling of the two slaytn. Ftost-paesd the picture swing into action Immediately with the discovery of the district attorney'! bedy m a lake. The only clues are square knots used on the binding the body and trares of an unusual ointment In the laboratory these clues are segregated and finally pinned on the slayer who it killed resisting arrest Then the mayor discovers Bowman is linked with the under-world and Bowman plants a bomb in the mayor's ear killing him. Again Heflin and Miss Hunt swing Into action, tracing the bomb clues down to Bowman who. tipped off unwittingly by Miss Hunt, atteeanU to kill lleflln An excellent cast also Include Samuel 8 Hinds. Cliff Clark. Fiddle ulllan. John Lite!. Catherine Lewis and NeUa Walker. e 0 oooooaoooooooooooooooooooa 0 i Announcement f I NOW OPEN I Sunrise : Beauty Salon Violet Mah 1 Above Sunrise Store J Kntranre Sixth Avenue t PIIONi: RLUr. il 5 Prince Rupert, no o oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Advertlae In the tfaHy News 1 CAPITOL -ooi rum, i!!T!17 1 ENDS TnN: " . Complete si, , 7:15. D :" Lleanor Powell, Ann Sothrrn "LAIIY Mi; coon- At 7 36 ! Showing TOMORROW ONLY Soinethlnr New in Mv irr7 Thrilh' Starring Kbt TJ !ur , "Johnny Later pa Van Heflin is "Kid Glove Killer" With MAIIMIA III M At I M, 1:53 5 v AUDI : Ion LitoI in "Who's A Iumrn-News and N Beiint Thurs . for ; I); . CIARY (OOPKU 'Sergeant York' SI-RVItLS 10 Vancouver. Victoria and Ms; polnts, Stcart and N i. Queen CharMle IM nj fall Information. Tktr'.t and Kemvattjm lltANK J SKI.N.VLn Prince It u pert Arrr.t Third At. Thnnt id savoy HOTEL ('arl Zarelli Prop. Phone V O Boi Ml FRASER STREET PKINCK IU ri KT J BC1 PA M lis Porch , w .... - . fat doori ' I ' I Torch r.lnt 6li .; HARDWARE Phone 311 1 l:M 1' lit mAW b,.',i ' ' ' -ib0d r s.'. SpttHV t;.ndero. 0t q 0' M0 iqurt ftL GORDON'S t McBride Sir"