cur r Classified Ads. FOR saw: E fur sale or rent. 4 rooms, ground, 1 mile from sta-:ore and post office Write: Muilcn. Hatelton. B.C. 142 FOH BALE 22-long rifle, telescope v cartridge belt and hunt-k ufe. $15. Apply Box 294. . News. (HO) r SALE- 5 ruwwd house, 1640 i Ave E ten mlnutei Irora RUirage. Phone Oreen 407. 0 p.m. iMJ) i .:! PALE 1940 model 7-tube ra-40. Aloe Studio couch. rum. card UMe, standi rtg , Apply 117. Pigott Aw. 1143) r jr. KALE 2 beds. 2 dressers and hot plate, other hou- r wntlals. intone Red 964. U49) : SALE- 8toobker Ownman-: jxrfect condition, ttrea wry J $1000. Apply Doras ti Co. i 143 i M SALE -KHetati range com- :e with oil burner and gnu. ongoleuma. buffet. Piano . Oreen 8T5. 14l SALE -4 room house. 2 lots. j.7 town, good garden. FSir- ued J2.500, UnfurnUhwi 2S0Q. preferred. 24 Sth Ave. E. (199) n SALE 41 ft. cabin launch. xl living accomodation, 40 fiiRtne in good condition, t 30 ft hull suitable for troll-14 h p. engine Apply Mens Boat Yards, Seal Cove. (142) n-'lt SALE Wood and coal range, nmst like new. Phone Red 198. (139) 1 AYINO BuslnsM for sale or rent, avmablc. Terms If taken at :e P. O. Box 67. Terrace. B.C. 142) PCR SALE Piano. Splendid eon-H-n Phone Blue 84. Cameron's Jewelry Store. M TOR SALE Fin ten room house. u'V finished, concrete basement. : r od location, harbor view. Price ( reasonable. McClymont Agencle. tun : FOR SALE Rooming house business. Vacant store in connection. Apply B.C. Clothiers. Phone Black 324. 1 . FOR SALE 3 Sisters Cafe, tf In-; terested call or write H. A. Nelson. P. O. Box 957. Prince Ruo- ert (tf) FOrTsalE 9th Ave. W- 6 room house, fully modern: 3 bedrooms, basement. $1,700 cash, $500.00 balance. $30.00 per month. 5th Ave. W., 4 room house, fully modern, good basement. $1,500.00, $750.00 cash balance monthly. 9th Ave. W., 8 room house, fully modern. $1,200.00 cash or $1.-500.00, $500.00 cash, balance $30 per month. Collart & McCaffcry Ltd., Third Avenue, rem News. (14D- corner. VILLI E THE TOILER WANTED WANTED - Experienced female stenographer for Dominion Government Office. Salary 175 per month plus cost of living bonus. Apply Manager. Unemployment Insurance Com mission, Prince Rupert. (tf) WANTED Boat and gill net for season. Apply Box 283. Daily WANTED-Dishwasher rees. 3 Siattrs Cafe. LOST and LOST Around 11th Ave. E. FOR KENT H44) WANTED Elderly lady to care for children. Room and board; no washing or Ironing. Phone 741. (140) wanted Room and board cr room only for young lady. Centrally located. Phone 11. (tf) WANTED Furnished apartment or house to rent. Apply Box 0 Dally News. (141) WANTED Magazine urgently needed by Y.M.C.A. for members of the forces. Leave magazines at McRae Bros. (142) BACHELOR wants to rent fur nlshed housekeeping rooms or shack. Apply Box 292, Dally News. (139) WANTED U. 8. Government em ployee getting married, must have furnished home, apartment or room for summer months. Phone 340. daytime. 043) to RENT Nice room for 2 share with breakfast and lunch. Apply 203, 9 Ave. East. 1 141) BLACKHEADS m! moi. W ' o .rol vot from r lf ;ShV (tW-"7 kUclh.44 wlU U Metlakatla Couple A The Rupert Bakery announces that it will not take any orders af- ! ter 6 o'clock and on Thursday after 1 o'clock. (139) i Alfred Street, wallet containing j Judge W. E. FtSher left on last' night's train for Burns Lake to 1 conduct a session of County Court. Mr. Rayner of the Rayner Con struction Company left on last night's train for his headquarters in Toronto. Mrs. Jesse Bridden of Massett is a visitor in the city, naving ar- j rived this morning from Queen j Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Clarence Martin of Massett : arrived In the city this morning' from the Queen Charlotte Islands for a visit to the city. j W. A. Templeton, Inspector of electric meters, Is a visitor in the ;lty on official business, having arrived Sunday night from Vancouver . ! Mrs. P. Hughan of Alyansh on the Naas River is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the north this momlng. Smart afternoon dresses In sheers, Imported linens, gay prints and crepes at "Star's," opposite the Commodore. (140) money and important papers, j Mr$- j $20 reward. Finaer piease wrue rivKi j P.O. Box 996. 1 Ml Dorcas Prcvost Becomes Bride of Robert Nelson Jr. At " j cathedral Ceremony Miss Dorcas Prevost and Robert Nelson Jr.. both of Metlakatla, were nrriM bv Very Rev. James B. 'Gibson, the dean. In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral saiuroay evening Mrs. Frf"da Lcighton was matron of honor and John Ryan was groomsman. Little Miss Ruth Nelson was flower girl j A. Donnell, pastor of First United Church, was a PMner this afternoon for a trip to Van- Rev. W S. Cooper of Greenville on the Naas River arrived in the city this morning from the north. being on his way to the Skeena, River for a visit. Capt. and Mrs. Dalrymple left; on last evening's train for Jasper j 35S If i . - .ao SAVINGS SUMS EACH auv mm with lOOSi CHANGE AT YOUR GROCER'S Dr. L W. Kergin left on last evening's train for Jasper Park to attend conventions of the Canadian and British Columbia Medical Associations. Dr. C. II Hankin-son of this city is already at Jasper In his capacity as president of the British Columbia Medical IhheuHcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. IUll 60 Tea June 17. St. Peter's Tea, Mrs. J. W. Moore-house, June 18. 102nd. Tea, June 20. where capt. pairympfe ww auena . strawberry garden party. United the Canadian Medical Association Manse. June 24. Convention. J Mrs. Harry Blackburn arrived in the city Sunday nlnt from Vancouver, being here to loin Mr. Blackburn who recently took over management of the Commercial Hotel. Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's 5th Avenue West, June 85. Presbyterian Tea, Mitchell. July 8. Mrs. J. R. Presbyterian rummage sale. Aug. 'ust 22. Mrs. Hugh McDonald, wife of the-1 JL road superintendent tor Atlin dls-( Anglican, rummage sale, Septem-trtct with headquarters at Stewart, iDer 24. arrived In the city this morning . ,. from the north for a brief visit. catholic Bazaar. October 7 and 8.1 Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Peterson and daughter, from Ketchikan, were passengers leaving on last night's train for Toronto where Dr. Peterson will attend the Ro- ana t rv mnh rvmwitkm. Henderson and son ar-the city this morning ' from Alyansh on their way to Surf Inlet where they will spend the! ! summer with Mrs. Henderson s fa ! ther. Dr. Henderson. Lieut. Orme Stuart, well known u "5 f fL.JrSuircd ? local naval officer, after serving for almost a couple of years in British and European waters, is now stationed out of an eastern port on this continent, according ; to word reielved in the city. j MASSETT CHILD'S FUNERAL ! Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, officiated this afternoon at .the funeral of Medrlck Colllson, mm i n , J i two-year old child of Massett. wno Married patUrClay Idled here a few days ago. Organist I was Alfred Adams. Frcsh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 MEN'S SUITS Ladies and Cents Spring Suits Military Badges and Inslenlas M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 rhone Or. 960 .FROM BAD TO WORSE iv the siTKKMn roriiT or iikitimi (Ol.t'MIIIA IX lltt)IlTi: In tbf .Mailer of llir "AilininMratiixi M t" Slid la I hi- Mailer of the r.M.itr of lUxIrrlrk Milun, uthprnlv known a ltxl Mr-lpaii. , TAKE NOTICE tbaS. by OnkT ot HH Itooour Judge PUdvr. Local Judge at the Supreme Court ct Brtttata Ooiumbta, I was cn tbe lUh dwv ct June AX). 1942 appoUrted Atxntetra(ar of Hue &ate ci Roderick MsLean ktKiwii as Rod McLean formerly oi Prtnre Rupert. British Columbia, deceased, who died on orabout tbe 26th day at April 143. AH person Indebted forttowtth and all peroons havtag claims agalitst the xokl Estate are required to fUe trtera wMh me properly vertTled on or before the 1Kb day of July A. D. 19U (auing which dteMbutiori wU) be made having regard only to such oUJms of Moh I ahaB tere been nou-fled. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. ttUa Utih day of June AD. 192. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. N Till'. MTKKMK COI KT OK IIKITIMI (Ol.rMIIIA IN PHOIt ATI". Inijhe Msller of the Ailinlnllrntln Art" ana In the Miller of Hie Klte of 4sme MrNauclilon M H n nl. leTttel. TAKE NOTICE ha hy'Ordor of His Honour Judge FUhar. IMtl Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 10th day of June AX). 1942 appotstetl Ariraintet rater wtoh he Will ftuiwxnd lit the Estate of James McNaiughton Munnls oi Prince Rupert. British Columbia, dooeasod. wTm died on or about ithe 19th day of February 1942. All persons Indebted to the said Et are required to pay the amount of Wietr Indebtedness to me forthwith and All persons having claims agalnet the aald Estate are requested to file them with me prrfierty verified on or . ... .... ,. . - i r T, ,1 r 1011 itwc y " Iixvure falling wltkih dlstrlbuon will be made having regard only to euoh claims of . of which I rtwll nave been notfled. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 1 Uth day of June A D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. I n lVV uniAJDIDs HfNj rtl I " i -- 1 .V v --VaV l 1 I I LA LH i . I f J 1 II' . V 7 VITmkkMiTlfi VJPOUR AMWi 'tilaWV , THIS w I ; I--! TaaN " ii: i iv i'i l i jo m. 11 r 11 1 v j r vi - am 1 vx .1 1 1 m 11 1 1 1 ' vVTiix' 1 1 i. mm. 1 vu. ..mmmmw v ' I ! . Viar with the , held of these values ' ' Hersi a meneyaving opportunity Ssj' I that i headline newi! Sleek up nowf hfS9JmVmt!4b!Jj . I - Peaches Plum Jam Choice Halves. "i E0 Empress Pure. QQo 15- oz. tins AOt 4-lb. tin MMaMMMHaawaMaManaaiaaMaBaaMBM Pure Lard Tomato Juice m.u 2 fr 25c 5c ears Corn Flakes StST":.... 2fr25C KeHog. 3p25c Chocolate Eclairs Graham Wafers Red Arrow. "fl p Each Red Arrow. OOp Mb Package , rr All Allen s 1 onee rr , i New stock. on p fretcnup Per lb OXJ 12-oz. LgJ g p bottle Aylmer Pork and lieans "71 c Aylmer Soups. 16- oz. forocp tins 0 Tomato or Vegetable. O for O'Jc No more Pork and Beans Available 10-oz. tins 0 tf mm 1 1 aa aaa aaaaaaa mmmm Macaroni Mushroom Soup Sks 3fa25c f; 3to25c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Large Lettuce 2 heads 15c New Cabbage Green Heads. Lb Canteloupes Firm and Ripe . . AMALGAMATED BUILDING WORKERS OF CANADA Prince Rupert, B.C. .METROl'OLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday In the month at 2 pan. Unit No. 1: Shipwrights, Joiners. Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 2: Painters, Paper-Jiangers and Decorators. Secretary: Phone niHe 113, r.O. Box 1115 J. M. S. Loubser I).C B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 Mrs. Elmer Thompson was a passenger on last night's train for 1 Smlthers. BY WESTOVER ST OUT Of THE GARDEN AM LET THE , HENS BACK tM . LESS DAMPOE sTp Qwm? 'ikap'" nri lg j flppl 7c 2 for 35c New Cooking Onions r 5c - New Potatoes fir -. 5c Hothouse Tomatoes n 23c LINZEY & INGRAM LTD. 2 PHONES 585 5SG FIRST AID NEEDS I , k-j. ra GAUZE BANDAGES, 1" x 10 yards 15c GAUZE BANDAGES, 4" x 10 yards 35c ABSORBENT COTTON, 1 oz 15c ABSORBENT TOTTOiN, 16 ozs $1.00 GAUZE, 1 yard 20c GAUZE, 5 yards 75c ABSORBENT LINT, package 25c BANDAIDS, Plain or Mercurochrome 25c ADHESIVE TAPE, J" x 2i yards 15c ADHESIVE TAPE, 3" x 5 yards 70c TANNIC ACID JELLY, for Burns 50c TINCTURE OF IODINE, 2 ozs 25c Also FIRST AID KITS FOR THE HOME 10c, S5c, 2.25 and $3.25 Ormeslld. fifi Pioneer Dru.qt3ts THE HEXALL STOKE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Hi' , EiDAV. JUKE 16. HU AM CARD OF THANKS uii our friend for their f x;)reion of fympathy and ibutes and specially those ;,uUd In our time of sor-we exUnd our most sincere f , 1 Sc.'tt and Mrs. E. M. cad FamMy. H D. M. Monro leaves tnnljht (at Quern Charlotte City. p Ay Wood leaves tonight for Advrrti ir In The Dally News. Announcement National Cash Register representatives-win be In Prince Rupert from Wednesday to Saturday of this week for the purpose of salej and service. Constable J. W. Todd, transfer-ed from Smilhers to Telegraph Creek In the provincial police service, arrived In the city from the Interior on Saturday evening train. He Is being Joined here by Mrs. Todd, who ha been visH-Ing at Stewart, and together they will proceed north. LOCALS I IN.. an '.ii I r 4. 1 it; i , 1 'Mi 4 5I 1 1,