THE DATLY NEWS TPISDAY. SEPTEMBER . Jkj flOB T7TO Baseball Scores I SATURDAY atiaaj Lrara at. Loai J CSneinnaU X. Bnwkijm Hew Tort 7. American Learae Cleveland 2-3. - Loaia -4. " Philadelphia 4, Boaton A. Krr York -, WajfamgHW DeMI . omims x SUNDAY Natfcmat Leatae Brooklyn 9-2, Hew Tort Boaton 13-7. PhUadeJphi CUnco 9-9. Pitutaif -. St. Look 1. Cincinnati 2. American Learne Nw York 11-15. Wajhinftan fc Detroit 2, Ctueaco 0. PJsiladespJtla 7 Boatoav- MONDAY National Learae Ptttsterr 11 St. LooH f-t. ClBclnMtt 3-3, Chicago 1-4- : W York 5-4 Philadelphia 3-41. , Baseball Standings 87 72 59 72 54 71 I 1 iiroooyn ii-a, wwon , American Learae J Ktv York -3, PtiUanelpbsa S-t. Boteo' 9. Wajttngton 7. Detract 5-4). St. Looi 3-3. . National Lrarue j w. l. m. Brsoklro -l - fit Laa& kl m New Yd;fc H J9S Ctoetanatl . ' 9 W Piitabarg U m ATI Chleaajo M 77 .49 BorfOO S SI .44 Philadelphia M i 371 American Learue New Yk 9 .674 Boston 84 $4 J99 St. Look 9S -K2 Cleveland 99 69 -59 Detroit . .- Chicago Washington Philadelphia .482 .450 .432 50 92 2S& savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Pbaoe 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE BCTEBT New and Used FURNITURE 1 Sundstrand Adding Machine, in perfect shape. Very low price. 1 El&etric Grill, just like nffi. 30 Bedsteads and Springs .$8.00 20 New End Tables in the latest styles. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way . points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Itupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. i t 1 V v 1. Question: WHO 3IUST PAY? Amutr: All persons in receipt of incomes ow $660 single or $1200 married. 2. Question: WHAT FORMS DO YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT? Answer: Unlets you ire single, without dependents, and not nuking payments for allowable personi! siring (Item JD), you should file Form TD-1 with your employer. Otherwise he mas deduct the imounts provided by the Table of Tax Deductions fojja single person without dependents or "personal savings. v'' j If or more of your income comes from salary or wages, you roust file your 1942 Income Return by 39th September 19-43. If your income is not over $f,90, including not over $100 from investments, you will me Form T I -Special; otherwise you will me Form T.l. 3. Question: WHEN AM) HOW IS YOUR TAX COLLECTED? Answer: Your employer is required by lew to make deductions from vour silary or wares on account of your 1942 ux during the period September 1942 to Autust 194). Each deduc tion must be the amount provided by the official Table of Tax Deductions lor your current rate of pay, and family status and per sonal sarin cs as declared on Form TD-1 (Item 2 above). The Table is designed to collect about 90 of the ux on your salary or wages, leaving a balance of not more than 10, in most cases, (t4us ux on vour other income, if any) to be paid with your Income Return to be filed; in September 1943. If your salary or wages are less than fi of your income, you must pay tax on your other income by compulsory instalments. (See Part II below). 4. Question: WHAT CONSTITUTES TAXABLE INCOME? Amurr: Your income is made up of your full salary or wages before any deductions whatsoever, plus living allowances, gratuities or bonuses (including cost of living bonus) and the value of any board, living quarters or sup plies, etc, given you by your employer. It also includes such receipts as interest and dividends, rents (after taxes, repairs, etc), royalties and annuities. From vour total income you deduct payments (up to $)00) into certain types of employees superannuation or pension funds, charitable donations up to lOVe ot your income, and medical expenses over 5 of your income (maximum $400 single, $600 married, plus $100 lor each dependent up to tour;, to iina the amount of your taxable income. 5. Question: HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? Answer: (A) Normal Tax (whichever rate is applicable is applied to the full amount of if your uxaue dollar). THE NEW INCOME TAX PART I - As it Affects SALARY AND WAGE EARNERS A booklet entitletl "YOUR 1912 INCOME TAX will be available shortly at office of Inspector of Income Tax. DaS Ysad's 1. PAYMENTS You must pay your 1942 income tax by quarterly instalments beginning on the fifteenth day of October 1942. Remittance Form T. 7-B Individuals, to be sent in with your payments, may be secured from from the fine to the fest f . r J ttX10come Detwcxv ev jbu 0 1 ' ' 1 with uxaU,iiwJtKftfe lXMw with taxable MKme 7W (2) Mirriwi (or equivalent starts) -with uxabie inemy 4w $1200 7 (J) Depeadcnts ux credit for edi it (B) Gratluatcil Tax (1) Q fern M44) af uaaUr lac i NaTss. )t an ant t 190 )i oa nest 590 37aaaest 1909 41 aa aext 1590 41 aa ant 1199 S9 aa atat )999 (2) Usteiti (ar crtdit IM9 (J) Dfflaiat tw to $M $1 a aac i Ijm 64 m it' 7 61 aa ant ItjiSf 7faaatM tjm 71 aa aMt saM am aa cscm am iltMM sutm) In ar tefc ! (C) Surtax ( oa invenwt income over , $1100 without extnspiioas. . a kw NXTTES . (1) la aa cm m you nsairai ta par a ntt tax (Ltw aftts- ciadtt far dpcadau) vkica waaU radace yaar UtMc iacame bdaw H9 angle ar $1290 mirtW. (2) If a wife hat mmtmtJ income v- $, ta both she and arr hmbiaa we tixabk as ssafk penoas, bat aay awwiiat a wife rrwj doe not asVct her babiyi's ngbt to be tisW a a BMrriad person. A mirrieJ wemin it tttaJ m a tingie pera aaJcr 4 ill csrcvaMUaccs eiorpt only when hrr income U Uu ttun 1(60. (D) Tax Cmlil for Personal Savings You may dtduct from the savings portioa of your ux (Item 6) 1942 payments oa account of e (1) aa approved employees (or trade unWn) superannuation, retirement or pension fund; (2) premiums a life insurance policiei Uued prior to 2)rd June 1942 (if issued after that date atk your in- , m. , turance company or Inspector of IacomeTax); (J) annuity or savings policies not post-ponable ..'without substantial Iosj or forfeiture; and (4) principal payments on a mortgage or agreement of sale, existing prior to 2)rd june, 1942, oa one residential property; provided (a) they do not exceed the savings portion and (b) receipts are produced for the payments when filing your Income Return. j (E) National Defence Tax This tax does not apply after 3 lit August, 1942. The deductions made during January to August 1942 apply at a piy-ment on account of your 1942 tax. fi. (Waron: HOW MUCH OF YOUR ' TAX IS SAVINGS? Amutr: f li SInrle the letter of (a) Yi the total ot .your formal ax, ' y Graduated Tax ind Surtax; or ' V (b) 1 of your taxable income (mail- ; . r .. " mum $190) plus 1 for each . dependent (maximum $100 far each). (2)"? (or equivalent status) the ' ( letter of --, (a) Ka the total of your Normal Tax, f Graduated Tax and Surtax; or V, (b) 10 of your taxable income (maxi- 'j mum $lW0),phis 1 for each de pendent (maximum $100 for : each). S You will get back the savings portion of your tax which you actually pay, plus 2 in terest, after the war. 7. 'EXAMPLES OF AMOUNTS PAYABLE ON 1912 EARNED INCOME (after allowing for National Defence Tax actually deducted Jan.-Aug. 1942) HNOtX-KO DffSXDeia MAailD--NO DEft-XDEKTS MAtD 1 Dlf 1-HDt.VTS nn T.lcuo III T. (Jb! T"fi'" rli1. laceMC Stvaa B Om.t Arm Owi sit wn rar-VWry? . 2 500 707.13 iW.U Sit Ah 317. 46 378.13 ltO.73 3000 9I1.W 6S4.40 7W.W 484.40 39S.06 260.16 3500 1,111.06 Wl.06 1007,73 657.73 M8.40 391.40 4 000 t 407.73 1.087.73 1.XM.06 831.06 1,041.73 561.73 S'OT) 1 W4.67 1.494.67 1.711.33 1. 211.33 1.3.fO 922.00 PART II - As it Affects PERSONS OTHER THAN SALARY and WACK EARNERS ' (Sach as business or professional men, investors, and perfons on cointnlgIon) Inspectors of Income Tax some time in September 2. RETURNS You file your 1942 Income Return on Form T.l, on or before the thirtieth day of April 19.43. Note: Items 1, 4, ) ami C of Part I also apply. IF YOU ARE AN E31PLOYER paying any person on a daily, weekly, monthly or any other, basis, it is your responsibility to deduct Income Tax instalments from the salaries or wages you pay, commencing wiUt the first pay period beginning In September,, and send the amounts deducted to yojir Inspector of Income Tax within one week frojn the pay-day. There are teverc pcnulficsjor failure lo deduct or remit. If yon are In doubt as to your obligations to deduct,. communicate with your Inspector of Income Tax'titSicr. CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE 4 iHH T 'fVl h 'A If DOMINION OF CANADA - DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE INCOME TAX DIVISION COLIN GIBSON, MlnliUt of Nilhifl Kiunu C FRASER ELLIOTT, l.T. 3