PAOT POCK E2 DAILY NEWS Engagement Make the most of your Tea.. LOCAL NEWS NOTES m IILADA TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Mr. and M' M Mr Mrs. Sowarc ;: .r. K-tch:ka.i. last night for V.uiiotivtr. ataiBimaeaiaiBiciiiiiaj - kwovg sang iiing - nor kit. I Chop Suey : C15 :th AVH. WEST m - Open Today for Kasinewt - under nrw management' AH your patronage welcome " l'hne Ked ?1" imiBiBiiuttaiariiDfEiBi NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAKKLU PHOr "A Home Away Prom Home" Kales 7 np 50 Roams Hot & Cold Water Prinee Kupert, K.C. Phone 281 P.O. Boi 19 V. R V .t-iVi;.:' ..l Vancouver '.. a pas-nirfr -ht !ir a trip to "Build B-C. Payroll" Milk For Bomb Shelter ATTENTION PROSPECTORS! WANTED Lf w a if I I At a preparedness meeting in Vancouver the other day it was recommended that each household-1 er have a supply of certain essen tial foods in case of bombing. One of tese is canned milk. The point of oar story Is that one resident ordered a ease of Pacific MUk. Another brand was delivered and refused. The householder says this is no time to experiment while the Dest is still available. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Parked -Bi:B"-a.-BfBrarriBfiBra Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 6 pm, stopping at all local stations. Diesel Car lor Terrace leaves dally except Sunday. 4:15 pm. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 16 M ajL. stopping at Terrace. Pacific. Hasetton. New Haaetton. Smlthers, Barns Lake. VanOrhoof. Prinee Oeorge. Otosome and McBride only. INCOMING TH.IINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY 11 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY 6 30 pjn. Diesel Car from Terrace 1115 am. daily except Sunday. Air conditioned SLEEPING and DINING CARS on trains leaving Monday 8: p.m.. Wednesday and Friday 10:30 ajn. For full information, reservations, etc.. call or write R. S. GKEIG. City Paenjrr Aeent 528 Third Avr Phone 260. Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Strategic Metal Prospects Tungsten Tin Chromium Antimony Manganese Mercury ALSO Prospects containing Base and ij Precious Metals The Consolidated 'Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Limited Mines Department Trail, RC. 215 St. James St. W., Montreal VcIIowknifc, N.W.T. V- and Mrs. D. Slater left last far Vancouver. . -ht for ouver. trip to Mi- NeH Cameron retained to the city yesterday aftsraean from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. l Tonight's train, doe ip arrive from the Hast at 11 otofcek, was reported this aMraing to be oq time. Capt. W. ft. M. OaUmn retaeaed u the city Sunday atgfct from Victoria where he has Been takbve. a course of instruction. Air Force And Navy Women Mertific Hrid en FrWajr Afternoon Wkh (imd-Attendance The Royal Canadian Air Fare and Nary Women's Auxiliary met on Friday in the Family Loauaje at the -T Bat The president. Mrs. Rhodes, was In the chair. Mrs Gordon Huff won the raffle after which Mrs. Price and Mrs. ( lark served tea to the ladle. N w members were welcomed but there are many more yet Who r.ave riK attended. WEDDED ON SATURDAY; Mm Anrm Louise Boucher Becomes P.rMe of Petty Offtrer Georr Mlrhrn b. Anorew-s UKnearai was aae setting for a very pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock when Mtot Annis LovJae BoueJser, Edwin Macfaen. RCJU.YJt. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Macaea, Rary. Dean Osama officiated The bride ware a maker suit with brown Cal- ri and corsage of swertneart roses and white heather, Mrs. M. E. Davles. sister of the bridegroom, was the bride's only; attendant and wore a dull gold crepe afternoon dress with accessories and corsage of and gold .French marigolds white heather. and The bride's mother was dressed in navy redingote with black ar mories and corsage of American Beauty roam and white heather. Wtyford O. Laurie was pest man. nollonrinff the ceremony a receo- UoVwas held at the home of Air. and Mrs. G. W. Thompson, Sixth Avenue East, for immediate friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Macheir will reside in Prince Rupert. "OOVr.KVMr.HT I I Q l OK ACT" SUr ot A ffHrmll tor riij to Nottoe to taMby ( on ttx lOUi dar at Hr-Jumatrr. AX). 1 Uie undenmuI taumitn o to Uoucr Control Bound for eotvwnt to ,s Ba. llmo Mo. S730 und in rracd erf oreotlM btoc at Utt mnm known ttie Cortj- OMSroW Hotel sIUmHc at lte oomf 'it ftrat Avenue nd Ebth tr. in tt CHf t mnoe Rupert. Province of Br Hdi OotunSrtK. ufmn tt taiuts tfwnb Ml a. Tvtfa TMHmvi 1 13 1 and rVurtrK' 114) In Bknk Nine (Ui on on (1) Map 023. Prinee Bupnrt Umi (dfWMUan DMrld. dun Alexander Pradtnaunr of Pnime Rvswt, Brltiah CotuflSMk. to Piincr Hotnl Unit! bt TruaScn. DATBO t PrlDce Hopt. BXJ. this 1r day at August AD. 1M1 VMHCm HOTH. UUITEO. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for foil month at 25c a word. Little Norway Tea, nept. 12. Oddfellows' UaU. Sept. 25 by Invitation from members only. oafi.-.i'- Buy Oetebr: ? a:l 8 CahKc Hall. 1 Pe e Bazaar Nov. 12. CARD OF THANKS I wUl to thank all Mr nneers Mr - T. It Warned Mt mat ntght. friends who viatted him durtoc his a trip to Tinmvir. Htoeas far their acts o( rtiurncat him and for the beaatiful floral Mr aai Mrs. W. H. 'MB ue'toiuM vim thank. w ta the ' lit thm amrMMa r a MpffriMd who ao klndy donated V-MitUMU. lafceir e?a II la Wn)v mrwtaM ifRS, UNOSR and FAMILY FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. chairs. Phone Green CM. FOR SALE Kitchen coal M. Burnett LOST- ! an. LOST tf and tank, kitchen set. 34 Sher-broeke Ave. Mack We. ( FOR SALS 'Three-noted electric stove wtth 75u watt electric FOR SALE Cheap. Blue rag. ate by 12. good condition. Apply 4 Fifth Avenue West. 3a FOR SALE Monarch range with oil burner. Phone Orees 41 me Beach Place. (MB) FOR SALE Kitchen range, cheap CU Fifth Avenue West (Mi) ROOM ANT) HOARD BOARD and Room for man will-in to share. 711 Fraaer Street PERSONAL LADIES Home Journal. Renrear'nt- tog Western Canada's largest subscription Agency. Phone Oreen 9. (Mil ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar ANYONE found harboring black A Boucher, of Calgary, became Cocked Spaniel with idenUfica-the bride of PeUy Officer George tkm tags wOl be prosecuted. & Fawn Baincoat Phone Red (Mt Peter Lien preaMtd at fee organ ; LOST Trolltog bcence and gas book from boat Venas. Finder please return to Daily News. Reward. 2l BLACKHEADS brown ) d.muj 4 tmpptt fcr tku hmnu vmt. U v mtl OH tw "ra"K mmt tt Hlu pm4 trtm mf tnt Mr and Mrs. anil Petersen wish to announce the encasement of their only daughter. Artrl. to Ben A. Maguire. RC NVR.. of Win ton. BIRTH NOTICE to Mm T. a Sytea (nee Una Ylcfters) at Sherwood. Not tingham, England, a daughter. September 5, 1943. Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALK Chesterfield and two WANTED WANTED Elderly woman general housework, after pjn. heater. Can be seen at Mitchell WANTED One ft Castle show. Third Ave. East. SMt FOR SALE itM Mercury coups sexton, like new. with essetleat Urea, leas than ttjMS miles. Can be. seen at US Fifth AwbbsI West, Owwx 3s4) WANTED To rent, ' rooms for young ciUMren. Fvvnlshed S4, OaBy for Phone MS (Mt) WANTED Loan of to Matt, paynMe with Interest and lam Best of security. Bog 44 Baft News. CMS) to taJ mm one or law couple. Kb WANTED - AppiicaUoas Will be received for position of Assistant Bmptoyamnrt aai ClalBai Offtorr for Uneiauiuftaaiil - Bataii Commission. Salary klJMt par annua, ptas east of Uvteg bonus of flS.46 per month. Appty Manager. UC prince Rupert (SM) i aX)OBBKaaVai Tialsd tor tsm adults. Phone Rtoek 9k tf) TO RCVr-Oaraga. Stock HH WANTED OU1 for grocery Personal letters to No AN Unemployment Office. ftf) WANTED 3 or S room ' Apply WANTO Hrf. Apply O. Dally by Oet 1 Boyi pvtoi Office. CMS) TWO Bli tiBHt Booms and Board. I or light housekeeping aecommo-I datton for man. wife and two ! small children about Sept 15th ! Quiet suction preferred. We are 1 quiet psopto and non drinkeri ' Phone Orland at Oreen 1M dur-Ing day. Mt WANTED Driver. Apply Unemployment TiMBrainf Comsnias- ston. ttf MU8T have house or apartment Permanent Phone Bed 371. (306. what is G0-ZINTER? Tlie best U beef go2ir)!r B0VKIL, and when a little EOVRIL gozinter soup, stew or gravy, the meal is much more tasty and flavorful ber aue of the BOVRIL that pozinter them. Used School Books 3 Only "World Oeopraphy" (Canadian Schoost), 4 only Mastering Our Environment," each 6 Orrty 'Reading Approach to French," each 4 Only ".English Grammar for Secondary Schools, each 2 Only ."Clvllteatton In Europe," each 3 Only "School Algebra." each 3 Only "Conies et Recite," each 2 Only "Canadian High School Bookkeeping,'' each I 2 Only "Literature Recitals." each j. 6 Only "Modem CompoaUon, each 3. z only mtman Shorthand," each 1 Only "Sans Famille" 3 Only "Junior Electricity," each CSc . CSc tic . 40c 11.10 . KOc . SSe SOc SOc CSc 3Sc Elio's Furniture Store Used furniture Green 916 Third Avenue, Nest to the Dally News "e Let ''Si 0m FAMILY vont through hard times once. It taught us thnt ymi rati't kfp your lmlftiilrnre without foresight and facrificc. We huirnrd hat veroulii do Hjthout when we Itad to. 5ni ve know that a real nreUcg mean morr than jiiMt compul-orj- Mning. It means all the War Su iiih Stamps and Or-tificuttM we can lay our hands on. They're Mtfe. And they're an !nurt incut ecty Canadian ehoulil male. Why? Hecuto they help equip our fighting men to protect everything we've got. And because, tM, they par back $3.00 for every $1.00 wc put aide now. We'vegot touin tluswarnoniultrr what it cofitn and we've got to preparo against tlio time when the Imivk come home. Bmy Wmr Smtttttf Stamp rmm tlnitt'j-.t, hmmmm, Mat ttfUr ,... , 4 Mffawdl nwwi, tuhm .,. asui utkfr ivtmil Mnmw. Cmtifttmlrt mar U imrrltml fmr (wwntil ,. , - u tlrnumimmtimn mf fi, $19. $! fn-m I'Xi, Trl t mtmfmmirt ami fi-t l-r. , SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here Is your chance to try the VX FKATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends Upered fa Ualrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your f Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLLT 5IAII Cor. Cth and Fulton Above SnnrUe Store Phone Illue 913 for Appointment BIBlBiarBfBtBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBtBlBIBIB.B B I fi Mrs. and Miss Prince KtiHirt, Von are Cordially Invited Announcing The Reopening of the VOGUE SHOP Hesncr Itlock I - Under Now Maimjeiit rs. H K ' , .. With CottiJto1i!ri; of NEW FALL GOODS COATS, SUITS, HATS, DRESSl LINGERIE, HOSE, Etc. BiBBBIBIBtBIBIBIBiBIBIBfllBiBIBill 1 J