I TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1942 riloM: I--. yours For a Smarter Fall Vssuniing, of course, your Fall Shoes come from The Cut Rate Shoe Store May We Sussent: Don't tall to see the newly arrived Full Shoes now on Sale at the Cut Rale Shoe Store. The smartest array of Women's Shoes the market affords. Many of these styles would not be available In Prlnc Rupert except for the fact that the Cut Rate goes direct to the Eastern market to buy. All widths and slses. Cut Rate Shoe Store OI'I N NIGHT KATl'KDAYj Moil orders I'rumplly Filled laut in li.iir t)les: Wave . . , idours . . . llano . . . Tin-Curl Waves 506 TIIIKI) AVE. W. Acrois From Ornie'i Drue A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. i A GOOD PLACE TO HUY 1 r.onaJM for ALL YOUR KLOOKS our i:iv!i Moir Inlaid, all colors: Inlaid Linoleum: MXCSf ;ouuOOO econuiw concilium. Feltul. Hugs in Congoleum and Hair Is Not Should Be C'miirw To Ut! 327 3rd AVE. WEST 6000000060-00000000000000000000000000 K..l ; . .fin Cuils. OiA schoolgirl complexion. M-jUic lady that desires lovely hands. i i.Ai.MRKT8 To put lustre into hair that Is dryed m tlie iummer sun. - ISMiicliine and machlnelem. All oil pcrmanents U natural look. Also the short Victory bob. I ' "tie orour three competent operators make ' you more beautiful Ml DIIV KEMP :UY Sole I! NO WASTI5 ELSIE KLOIIN Fillets Xt mm. u lour Local imtc hers. KAY SCOTT The Modern Beauty Shoppe UPERT BRAND r. . - - READY TO COOK lanadian Fish & Cold Storage Tlie Navy appearance I hp? . $ J TTTnTnmm'n A ' ii! GIN : V n. n t a n EXTRA DRY (unswect- I, y I ened) Gin, you can add r .I or leave out sweet- i IK ncss, when mixing h m flrintf and cuir pt r- 1 individual taste. t I! I I H vciKf hntt IBF?. 1 i 11 - ------ . tr-u ti i V .. RK I PHASE SAVE THE BOTTIEI Ccmodg ntedt glatil Save all botttat. Your Salvao Commltlea vill collect. i mnn i not publlshM i i . ,"' t'T rA Liquor Control IkArd or by uie Ckn-ernment of COUPONS are still available with each cash purchase In our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and let us explai this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Corner 3rd Avenue and 6lh Street Economy Store ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaooooooooooooo! "Where Dollars Have More ( j Cents Z r.o. itoi 575 Thones 18-19 J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR W.i Hire Mlork IMione 611 KM r M I'M CM IWEM fM CM KMXMM1 NATIONAL H Messenger Services Call It . . . We Haul It We never close . Phone Red 392 in MSKmi M:i:i:a:i:M:sxSM:i.M.i:M?j;.MJ Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY. I'llONE 657 TWF. m ATT.v MOTB 'S TZZlY Jfl A A M Borland 4-6, 6-4, 7-5, ;I05t the game by default to Seal - - Rltn,v aMrt, , ,h. nnmj rally by the pick-up. team nearly won them the game but. with the tying run on base, the Seal Cove team set the pick-ups down In order and eked out a narrow 3 to 2 victory. Line-ups: Pick-ups Dodge ss, Moline lb. Aubrey 2b, Slmundsen cf, Acorn If. Whlttakcr c. Barkwell 3b, Rosen rf. Nlgro p. Seal Cove Allan cf. Speagle lb, Lauden If. CLeary ss, McGlade 3b, Kutcher 2b, Durante rf, Beggs and Taylor c. Benson p. w uunuu r. ivr ill . i. Thy-wu, takTpL this I f.tt J. Seal Cove team " juration's annual championship' 6o as not to disappoint the fans lou. ' . . IT" a Klcn,y c.on' I a p.k-up team played the Seal " ' . . . , Cve team and gave them the best t?1Vurand ?" P battle they have had this year,:wlth twcnty mlnutes usJnsl 'he Seal Cove boys Just managing on cco . . to edge them out 3 to 2. A seventh1 e mlxed double8 flnal was a iso piayea ounaay, uorp. nysiop and Mrs. El; ic Murray winning 6-3, 6-2 over A. M. Borland and Miss Longton. In a semi-final of the ladies' singles Mrs. West defeated Miss Longton 10 to 8 in the first set and Miss Longton won over Mrs. West 6 to 4 in the second, leaving the third and deciding set yet to be played. Finals of the ladles' singles and doubles have yet to be played. ALL-STARS .edge. WIN GAME Interesting Match Was Played On Labor Day The Prince Rupert All-Stars defeated the Army All-Stars 5 to 2 In baseball before a fair-sized crowd at Acropolis Hill on Labor Day. It was anybody's ball game for the first six innings with the Ru pert team taking the lead In the first inning when Heatherington scored one run. For the next three innings it was a case of three up and three down but in- the fifth I Inning the Army scored twice on hit and a couple of errors Th' Civilian" tied It up In the sixth then took the lead with two Yun in the eighth and added another in the nlnlh for the 5 to 2 victory ! MacKenzie. on the mound fo Jhc Civilians, and. Johnstone, fo the Army, waged a pitching duel with MacKenzie having a slight This ends the baseball season 'which has been" a good one from he fans' point of view. Line-ups Prince Rupert All-Stars O leatheiington. lb; J. Heathertng-or 3b: Wendell. 2b: Bury. r. lowc. rf: Simundson. cf. Lewis. So la Kcnzlc. p: Lamie. If. Army All-Stars Barkwell. 3; Moline. lb: Milllgan. 2b: Gaiimg-iousc c: Johnston, p: Dodge, ss Rosen, If. Whlttaker. cf; Acorn, rf HYDROGEN PEROXIDE EPSOM SALTS, tins .... H&BQB!HellWMM8Rm FOR BETTER SHAVES IS BLUB GILLETTE BLADES CHECK! THEY LEAVE YOUR FACE LOOKING AND FEELIHG ITS BEST AND DON'T FORGET BIDE ' GILLETTE BLADES LAST JONGER..SAVE MONEY ' For the smoothest shaves of your life, try . precision-made Bluo Gillette Blades. Diamond-tested for hardness, they have the sharpest edges ever put on steel I That's why they give you slicker, cleaner shaves ... and more of them per blade! Satisfaction guaranteed. PRECISION, mad to fit your Clll.lt R.ior jt and HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE! 1 oz. CASTOR OIL" !Jif fH it ictljr and OZ. S oz. . 1 oz. 2 oz. . 8 oz. 1G oz. . 1 oz. 16 oz. BORACIC ACID, tins 2 oz. 4 oz. SEIDL1TZ POWDERS, tins id scrap Irritation F miiit blade. 5 fvr 25 15c 2 oz. 2.1c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS '.". ., 1 oz. 20c FRIAR'S BALSAM i.,.l.V,.;WM.".3.':; Foz. 23c ' I oz. lor AKUMAT1U CASTOR OIL ......... 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA CAMPHORATED OIL 4 -oz. b oz t 45c !).lc 15c 25c Hoc 50c 10c 25c 15c 25c 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Lt 'Jit Pioneer Druq&iats THE REXALL STORE 1'IIONES 81 AM) 82 Opeii Dally from 8 a.m. (ill 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 13-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. to aoaoooooaaoooaooocraaaoaooDOQOoooooMoaooooDoooocoooDOf For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE 1 PHONE 235 PAGE THREB : . . . . I '"" I" ' " . - I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ml VISIT IM'K Chas. Dodlmead OptumetrUt In Chart Watrh, Clock, Jewelry Kepairine, Hand Engravlm II.VSKMENT STOKE for Fine China, IMnnerware. datura, lUnttt and Novelties. MAXi HEILBRONER i ! Jeweler Iia?iToijMerhanl,,,T SEAL COVE IN FINAL Defeated Navr liy Default Softball Yesterday in TENNIS IS IN FINALS Men'r and Mixed Doubles Completed With Lad ie V Singles and , . . Doubles To Go it j i failed to put In an for the scml-flnal ,,,,, P. M. Burns, customs Inspector, was here yesterday, returning to Vancouver after a trip into the Yukon on official duties. ENDS TOMGIIT Complete Shows: 7:00, 9:00 Feature: 7:21. 9:21 FKANK MOKGAN In "THE VANISHING VIRGINIAN" BEGINS WEDNESDAY FOR 2 DAYS The hilarious story of a man of the world who goes out into the world dressed as a hobo to learn the tougher aspects of life! inn MtCRiA P utt?nmc& IMS CAPinoi - I Vorld Nes .-.iliirc av 1-.2C. 3-26- ADDED u of Time Ps ":nlA AT WA1V rn ents and Cartoon V.38, 0: , 5:32, I NOW IS WE TIME- Give us an order right away for the, amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplies arrive. I It is important that you should lay in your coal supply t this summer ar it Is almost certain that the dealers will not be able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next I winter. I IT IS NOT HOARDING TO BUY YOUR COAL EARLY f (It is also netessary to place your order a day ahead of t Delivery) ! Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OK 117 NEW ARRIVALS , IN Ladies' Low Heel Lines Three 'include: Pigtex Sabot Straps in Red, Black and Brown. Pigtex Ties, Military Oxfords and Brogues, in both Black and Brown. Fashioned for both style and comfort at Popular PricesI . ii Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" WJnmmHJHfHJHmmjEJHfELrnmjm The Latest Added to Gur Library CALAMITY TOWN Queen THE LAST TO REST - Raymond GOD PARDON US : Downing THE LONG ALERT . Gibbs DR. DOG BODY'S LEG Hall ARMY DOCTOR Selfert WINTER OF DISCONTENT Frankau UNLESS THE WIND TURNS Walker ODD BUT EVEN SO Wren THE COPPERHEADS -iL. - Blake MR. SKEFFINGTON - "Elizabeth" V. FOR VENGEANCE Wheatley WELCOME SOLDIER McMcekln TAP ROOTS Street A TIME FOR SILENCE Maurols BOMBS BURST BUT ONCE - Church THE KINGS PASSENGER Schachner , New Fiction Added Every Month 75c Per Month Oiic Book at a time Change it. as often as you wish JOIN NOW RENTAL LIBRARY SECTION ItltlTISII COLUMBIA 0 i rsl DAY AND NlfiHT PltS mHBHHHHHSHHHHHHni DaoaooaDaaooooooDaoaocmMODQDaDaocHKtotHiooaoemaoacHjaua t t A, i . . ! . "JB I 1 5 l 2 1 Ii l 4 3 t I f