I'M READY FOR SHOES FOR n T WOMEN REFUGEES PUO-PEDIC AND JULIA ARTHTJlt Hartt Shoes for Men Jack and Jill Shoes for Children Family shoe store ltD. 'The Home of Good Shoes WANTS TO SEE BOYS Jimmy Andrews Sends Invitation From Greenock to Itupert Men. Jimmy Andrews, formerly employed at the Prince Rupert dry dock and now a seven-day a week .worker in the shipyard of the Clyde :in Scotland, writes to his old friend. R. J. Keron of this c'ty. saying that he often sees Cana dian soldiers and sailors but he hasnot yet run across any from Prince Rupert. He would be glad to welcome any of them, Jimmy says, at his home at 17 Mearn? Street. Greenock. Jimmy describes having come 'through a blitz air raid in May when buildings all around his' home were flattened out. Indeed his own home was "quite a mess," to use Jimmy's words. He, had a bu time on the roof himself potting out incendiaries. ' Jimmy receives the Daily News regularly and certainly appreciates it Incidentally, he has missed getting only one bundle since the war began. Francois Xake 'Would Extend Ho-' -pitality To Coast People FRANCOIS LAKE. Feb. 4: Bar-; ney Mulvany represented ths district at .a meeting held .at the Burns Lake Community Hall on Wednesday last when the -question of "billeting refugees from the coast was gone into. This is a war measure but direct action is delayed from lack of definite information. Mrs. Walter Wilson, and M. F. Nourse .spoke .on the subjert. The south country is preparing to take care of evacuees that may be sent in to the lakes District but can make no definite plans until advice is received Irom orrsan Watt of Prince Rupert. FRANCOIS LAKE J. D. Moore, government agent of Fort Fraser. Harry Bowman, colonization agent for the Canadian National Railways at Prince George, and James Sadler. Telief investigator of Burns Lake, passed through Francois Lake on a business trip to the extreme south easterly corner of the district. Wilton Barker of Streatham. who has been working at the Pinch! mercury mine, returned to liis parents' home accompanied by .his wife, the former Edwina (Babs Davis, who had been in charge of a department in the Pinch! general store. The surprise of the marriage to the many friends of the popular young couple was complete. j Harry Brooks returned home on ithe Prince Rupert this afternoon from a vacation trip to Vancouer. HELP FOR KIDNEYS OR MONEY BACK Cm PCI are trfd on a "fifadion or money becx basa". If you're -not entirely watiilXI with their help your money B1 X re funded. truUr tlx. 4t mil Lh i .tin. U Kill (Is tk Ui uk for "Cino IV.J' SPORT CHAT Alley Cats and Sav-Mor Qro-cery. in one fixture, and Stone's and Peoples Store, in another, will meet tonight in the early session - . . w ! .1 r l T nMn,,n o. uie nuxea jsowjuik league. Later Rlnky Dinks will play Wo-anjas and Pushovers will meet Toilers. Advertise in the Daily "News. Phone 98 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL Out there on the Libyan sands in Malaya's torrid jungle, on the high seas and in the air, brave men's lives depend on you. They look to you for support they cry outibr.it. Give them then the weapons for which they call and they will defeat our enemies. If you fail, they must give ground, desperately fighting, inch by inch. Perhaps your place is at their side In the very heart of it, the proudest place of all. Orif circumstances deny you this privilege, help .to forge and chape the weapons they need, make them faster, make them with all the skill you possess, in larger and tili larger numbers. Remember our young men, jrour young men, stand between us and disaster "Open-eyed and unafraid, uith their facet tojbe foe:" Put .equal weapons in their hands and -they will defeat the foe. Give them superior weapons and in greater quantity and their task will :be lighter. Make ibis your sacred pledge: JRAVE MEN SHALL NOT DIE BECAUSE I TA ITER ED Tbil message is issued hy the Depmrlment uj Munition mnJ Supply Jor CsihuI Display of Indian Work Tea Feature Novel Affair Held at Bums lake Community Hall on Saturday BURNS LAKE. Feb. 4: A very surssrul tea and display or In ttlan work was held by the Women's Association of the United Churrh in the Community Hall on Saturday. The Indian handwork was the iproportv of Mrs. John S. Clark j who kindly loaned it for the occasion and explained the -various pieces -f work to many admirers. ClASSlHEu FOR SALE FOR SALE 1937 Pontiac De Luw Sedan. Apply Sergeant Baker, rllv nnlirp '30' f FOR SALE Oil burner heater Phone 52. (31' FOR SALE 1938 Dodge touring sedan, good running conaiuon. For further information can 703 8th and Fhtton, after 5 pjn. 34i FOR SALE Nice large house beautifully furnished, accommodate large family, also earns more than $380 month from rent of rooms. Beatable party with $750 cash may handle furnishings, assume balance, and may buy or arrange for house. Apply Box ! 202. Daily News. 3l FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received bv the undersigned un til Wednesday, February 4, 1S42 , for the purchase of the gasboat "Vent" size 27x7x2; powered by a 6 h.p. Easthope, hull and engine in first-class condlUon. All ; equipment on board Included in sale. Boat may be viewed on : ways at Crippens Bay. Dteby Island, cared for by Joseph j Freestad. Highest or any tei - der not necessarily accepted Terms Cash. "Norman A Watt, administrator of the estate of Victor Nyman, deceased, (29) FOR SALE Black Iron Steam Pipes in all sizes. Just like new Large lot of windows at low prices. 2-inch soil pipes and fittings. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Phone Black 324. ROCK FOR SALE Reasonable price. Apply excavation oppo site post office or phone Black 152. (29) FOR RENT VACANCY at Mrs. Beattie's. W6 Taylor St.. bright comfortable room and home-cooked meals. Phone Green 830. 29) ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue 805. ROOM to rent for gentleman or I two girls. 203 9th Ave. East. (29) PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. WANTED WANTED Young man for day work. Chris Mill Bakery. tf WANTED Truck Driver. Burns & Co. Ltd. tfi (HELP WANTED for hotel work. I Central Hotel. ' WOMAN WANTS WORK. PHONE I Blue 737. (29) WANTED Two men to .share room and board. Apply 718 Fraser Street, upstairs. '34) RELIABLE GIRL, white, desires part time work, preferably evenings. Phone Blue 805. (31) WANTED Immediately, experienced grocery clerk, male or female. Apply Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op, Cow Bay. (33) WANTED Capable young woman, experienced preferred, for hoarding house. Must be neat and fast worker. Apply Box 204, Dally News. WANTED By elderly man, room and clean, Box 203, Dally New. (29) WEDNESDAY. FEBR". PAGE TWO THJ DALLil - 1 1 I Dn i i i III! This advertisement is not published or displayed b :? Ca'-nJl Board or by the Government of BrJtl.j c..- J. W. Rogcrson Wishes to Announce' That the New Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave. and Ambrose, is Now Completed and Open for Business. Our prices are right, our service unequalled. Visit our store and settle your Grocery problem. PHONE BLUE 283. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FAKES Including All Meals and Berth Acommoi- : TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN rrom PRINCE RUPERT QQft A A PllB From Port Simpson $39.75 Plus TaiV v)UU Tax Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply : from intermediate points' (Five years of age and tinder twelve Half rare Tickets on Sale from November 15, 1911 to February 15 IOC Good to return up to March 15, 1942 ' Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar Vancouver S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Mondav ixl S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1 30 p.m. Thursday is Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Ajeni (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave rhoneMl If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets j. C: : A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd! -A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Everything for the window WINDOW BLINDS, green and cream; CURTAIN ROD? and double all lengths: WINDOW SWINGING CRANE3 El Jil WINDOW TUBING We make CURTAIN RODS o i long flat or round PHONE 775 327 T1IIKD AVEMll I RAILWAY . I U"ltS Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-I'acift To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Pc SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday : To Vancouver Direct JSS "PRINCESS NORAH" Feb. 12th, 23rd, March 5U i; To Ketchlknn, Wrangcll, Juneau and.6kar Ftb. 8th, 19th, March 1st, 12th, 22nd Of?l I t U'intur Onirclnn Turn :Vn nrnilVfT allll Plus Tax Tickets on Sale Nov. 15, 1941, to Ifb I Final Return Limit March 15 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacifn cr".. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT 1,1 W All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit 1Jo.l .MEETINGS Every iourlh JBunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each .Month. METROPOLE HALL Phone Red 4C9 P.O. Box 577 DRESSMAKER Mrs Nakatanl Ladies1 and Ch .idren's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing HIGHEST MARKET If CUllCU iiaYY 1 UI O PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPxV Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIXl, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert. IU I J. H. BULGER I r . . . J UDtometnst ? (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) I'lione SAVO HOTEIJ Carl arelIi,rW i TRASER STKEEI rrince RuPert ... NEW RQYAi HOTEL J. Zarelll Propriety -A DOME .AWAY HOME" Rates 75c f rn'r, . Hot & COW 1 Prince Rupert, B-J I UUUC AU