PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, PRESIDENT G. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City-Per Year, $5.00; Half Year. $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.00 a Year, MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Prem Is xotutvely antlUed to ue tor publication of all nw flpatche credited to It or to, the Associate Pm In thU paper and alao the total newi published therein. . . . , , All rtgMo nt rnWHr-n.n of wUt ijwatr.h thffHn ar lo "WTKl DAILY EDITION gfl'sfl No Stickiness I L'SU Sid iriwh0.?!! FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST EDITORIAL Battle for the Solomon Islands . . . Whether the Allied attack on the most easterly of the Japanese-occupied Solomon Islands proves a complete! i i i Ti. i i success or not, its mouve is quue ciear. u is a iucai ujitr-ation, on a relatively small scale, designed primarily to push the enemy further from the American-Australian ocean routes. A secondary and almost equally valuable result would be to upset any plans the Japanese had made to encroach on or to invade Australia's northern coasts. That the assault is the forerunner of a large-scale Allied attack in the southwest Pacific, aimed at recapturing all the islands taken by the enemy, is unlikely. The forces available to General MacArthur are; strong, but hardly large enough to undertake such a bigi job. ! The task facing the Allies north ana west of Australia is very different from that the Japanese, fleet faced.' They struck when they were ready and' the United Nations were not. The Allies lacked sufficient air and sea power in that area, while the enemy had' plenty of both, especially as he was able to concentrate swiftly for each new blow. Then the Allied strength wa& diffused in an effort to provide some, but always inadequate, protection for each island and peninsula. The Solomon Islands battle will prove a helpful victory if the Japanese are driven from no more than the easterly half of the chain. Recent sinkings of Allied ship?, reported to the east of Australia suggested the enemy was making good use of his air and submarine bases in the Solomon and nearby islands. That the Japanese had planned an assault on Australia is doubtful. They would gain little of present advan tage even if they held the whole north shore of the island continent. But a realistic threat of invasion might pin down Allied forces in Australia, thus allowing the enemy to pursue more ambitious ventures elsewhere. Concentration of Japanese forces along the Russian border continues, and at the opposite end of the long line down in Burma greater activity has been noted also. It rtould be surprising if Tokio made no move to exploit theJresults of Gandhi's subversive agitations in India. pStragetically, Japan might reap a richer harvest if it could conquer India than if it pressed into Siberia. With the Nazis storming into the Caucasus and perhaps .able to stage a break-through into Iran, Tokio might well decide to gamble on a supreme effort to smash Britain's defences in India and get to the Iranian oil fields before their friends the Nazis could. About the worst thing that could happen to the Allies would be to lose India and the Middle East, and with them their great natural resources and command of the Indian Ocean and the eastern Mediterranean. They would be hard hit even if Japan pushed into India only as far as the Ganges and Calcutta, for this is a great Indian manufacturing zone and its loss would also isolate China completely. Next month the monsoon season draws to a close, and India's eastern borders may then see heavy fighting. From the Edmonton Journal A NEW DEFINITION CHESTER, Eng., Aug. 14: W Only policemen "proceed" on their tway: other people walk. At least, I that. Is what Mr. Justice Singleton told a solicitor daring a damage ; action hearing when the lawyer said his client was proceeding , along the rdad. The Judge said walking was a better word, and added "It Is only policemen who proceed." BRITISH WEST INDIES Total land area of British West Indian possessions Is about 12,227 square miles, I s I ilrr wava Ln na frnm tlu detka. An .improvised clothesline zT.,! fluiers marine underwear Just be- the mast. One seaman is leis- . -1 - rely having a haircut on deck. ither eaarrl art In a news. J- ff , : I .THE. DAILY NEWS - . : St i ,J2!SLiV- II a' yj(mmw .. 25c Dozen paid for (ill dnptia j ii - .Xi)Lmzia u'x ... . . i tbssb i j bp a , v-- i i i i . w mam vwHx&ri. : ravsr -si -w-i 4 v ; " Jlw 1 m iiWMI I mBfr Important Notice ''Ml'' jfiW'yl' The Dominion Dairy wishes to announce ths) ivm W--T owinjr to the shortage of milk product jn r :JCTjl A their on he rd they will lc able to give tfcc 'l!i!rT'gSSHj r wfl ciii'toimTs mi!k fc days a week' only. ' "; "' . . : -'!SMB -igSlg.. KftJ Therefore, rommencin immediately, there "i-.'-.-..:SSES, ov ! l)t xm mt?k deliveries on Saturday tint J fr i flier nnlirf Smartness Mixes With Rusty Grey out to sea. . .11 I In Convoy Going t Impressions of Woman Writer a Ships Guarded by riane and CoiTette Start Trip Across Atlantic By AGATHA PALMER Canadian Press Staff Writer AN EAST COAST CANADIAN PORT. August U: 9 A strtnc of freighters, one behind the other, mathematical in their rigidity of procession, move slowly down the harbor. Before them three planes sweep in V formation towards the wider blue swell beyond the Another Anted conroy Is moving Smart corvettes snoot through the water, their speed aeeming in decently boastful beside the stolid freighters. Mine-sweepers pass by with their air of constant A long craft, white and even a little weird, surges astern of us. gathers speed and passes. We re cognize it as one of the 96 over age destroyers which the United States swapped for 90-year leases in history's most spectacular of recent bargains. BesUe the mod em corvettes she had the appear ance of last year's hat beside a 1942 creation. But there is no lack of smartness in the blue-clad men lined up along her decks. The freighters have the dignity acquired of years of sailing. They are battered, clumsy and resolute. Rust splashes their gray sides. At their sterns, guns stand levelled over the gurgling green-white wake. Of Many Nations The procession assumes an in ternational character. Norwegian flags flap defiant crosses of red ;iid blu? The blue and white flag of Greece flutters with almost ferrinine daintiness, as twentietn-ceatury tramps bear oat the tra- riMKna. nji t h,m ..Irfna- nf nrmtM A tfinker ttftnrs past with her kur T desks aanast smash. Behind bar comes a freighter piled high with drab lumber. Baseball Standings National League Brooklyn Clnehmsa New York PltUtMirvh Ckteaco 68 iJ. asrtei- .hfctlW tfe. l.. Um will BOStOn - 60 ror many wr day. Several women stand on one vessel's deck. They Ux) wae farewell to representa- tiveb of the world of street-cars tastes and dishes that do gattbol as you eat. L i n ii f ii r Dronulnr The Pilots i ' f 1 ; 'I A fighting plane swoops above i -uuit.u uuu.wKn.u the a. turns, and flashes tn the ' ma iaht above us. Its roar drowns EMNSCROH. Aug. 14: O So Uk throbbing of the f relgh tecs. 1 mny Norwegian - children have lain as the long line swings out1 brought to Britain by parte ea. the pilot boat stands by escaping from the Nasi that Bteik figures sUde down the ships' Norwegian children's school k sides, and lean back on their oars.10 e started in Scotland and op- las their rewboats rock with the by the Free Norwegian gov- wal. Columns of smoke phtine M'nment mingling nnes of oil-burners and schooners that the united States as in Canada, in Australia as in England, roll across the oceans that the tide of armaments and men that already laps the beaches of Europe and most yet ertgulf the stronghold of Bgrlin itself. FIRST LANDING I the line now stretching beyond the i tuitiora mouth. The leadisn stdjas , ero-f a UUludm, merging ) he,j AjVtlt of sunligtr: mJH , &nd, gun, M the .,fade, away. ,he merge aisai with other processions, with .Kia&htic world procession, with Ithe in Salvaoac .In the Bahamas g$ep was tihe first landfalj of Christopher Columbus. 26 OZ. 58 , 60 SI 47 Philadelphia 31 American League W. New York t U Cleveland 4a.. . 81 St. Urals u 50 Detroit M Chicago 49 not Washington 46 Philadelphia ,. .. 44 51 . 53 64 M 1& L. 37 50 53 5 ei 58 61 7? rr DANISH SABOTAGE C.N.R. Trains Pet. .M7 in Ml Alt .4 IS A& Oft Pet. 64 Mi Mi J13 470 458 4M 379 . UXVPON'. Aug. 14: O -Danish wrce in. Britain report that "Cnyrchll 'Clubl' have been or ganized In Germany to carry on aelWefarpntrotaTre aTtmties against the Nazis in occupied Denmark. For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:00 p.m Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 aj-n. From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays n p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays 6 p.m. This advertisement is not publithed or displsyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, SHORT CUT TO VICTORY'. LAD-IHB! Here is your chance to try the " ? FEATHMKBOB PERMANENT. All end tapered r J"! Bait? liatr Shaper. Indhrtdml styling to suit your ! Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor. 6th and Fulton Above SunrUe Store Phone Blue 913 for Appolntmenti viaiiraiaiaiBigiatBigiiiBiaiBiaiiiHiBi NOTICE a i ii (!onformini; to war-time regulations and effective at onrc, home deliveries of beer will be made on orders received up to 2 p.nt daily. Orders will he taken between the hours cf 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. only. ; THK l'A( il'IC imBWKRS AfJENCY taiiraiaiair r sib JiaifliaiBiajBiaiafBi ' This advertlsemrnt Ij, not published or dlpi;v Control Board or by the Government of British t oooeaoeoooooooooo oooooooooooo oo eo o ooo o c 1 V our Hair Is Not I Becoming 1 V ou Should Be g Coming To Us! The very latest In hair stylm: Waves . . , 2 Pompadours . . . Bants . . . Pin-Curl Waves o ... Rolls . . .Pin Cutis. g FACIALS For that schoolgirl complexion. 5 MANICURES For the lady that desires lovely fcu SCALP-TREATMENTS To put lustre Into hair out from the summer sun. PERMANffcrrS Machine and machineless. All c,i for that soft natural look. Also the short Vict' Let one of our three competent operator you more beautiful BUDDY KEMP ELSIE KLOIIS KAY The Modern Beauty Shopp Corner 3rd Avenue and Cth Street oooisoooao6oooooooooaoooooooooooodoooooooooi55o0t When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Depends! 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