PACME BOOR " fad DAILY IT5T73 NO MORE BLUE stops clothes from turning yellow and makes them snovfV WHITE When blue is wed you won't find a trace of dingy yeRow or J dazzling whiteness. A swish or two of Blue in your last rinse ensures snowy white wash. Magicaly quick end easy, this last dip in blue wcter is the way to stop cJcthes turning yellow. Seven coiourt to mal wbit. On cf tSt cotoori b ttu. TW fa no tn U without BOOKS PUBLISHED A total : 1:163 book. were publish in Or-u'. Brita.n durin-? 140. Ranger Officer At Rotary Club With Rerutar Army Speaking at the Rotary Claw;. Sfrriee Force in the event of any rail -scale timeton of tMs Its members are thoroughly acquainted with the coast terrain and who are used to living in the woods. In remote settlements, where there is no seme fore station. K is the duty of the Ranters to prevent s alt scale BMMttoas. to be haforaaed of the movements of an rtersons or c 1 A and to a watch for fhe work of Mlh col jmnW flr atbuxnr. The Rangers are being mtform and arm their type of work. The Sten 'ue-machine gun will be aromin- ... th trmimMlt of the force. I: is right, ah metal, of shnotol -ust ruction and few parts and is' oemg mass produced at a cost of only nine douan each., While the organ raatWta Is informal in character, training, trul h taken in signalling, mnairy and most important of all gnertla tactics. Except in ease of emergency membership does not Interfere with civilian occupations. Membership is open only to thos not eligible for the Active Service Force. BABirS BRING FOOD LONDOK. August 14: Mrs C. Lourie. an Bnglish woman from the south of France, said that eirls in France are getting mar .ied and having children to ob- taia food. It was a common occur- . . mm Iftft. rence to see mowers, ageu , ten children. Priority cards foef T.NK N.VMES AS PP.I.RS LONTVP. Aug. 14: Tanks will be the prize lry nation -wid-small savincaa drrvV Jtdy 20 to September r&Swben areas which .show a20 proest increase over la-st yeaf' wilt, have the name of heir town or ! districtnted on t tank, " , fe-tht u, WALES FOR REIi CROSS 1 CARDIFF, Ajj?. 14: 0 W i . rs-ers have pledged iv'- rise about $2260 for t: .Red Cross Agrteuiture Fund, be v'-n June 20, 1W2, and Febru r ANTI-HITLER WITH TEA LONDON, Aug. 14: OV Tea car tons and grocery panels are being used in a nation-wide plan by .he secret Free German League of CnRnre to smuggle anti-Half-pamphlets into German houses. OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOff&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOC'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaO g For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE O r - a PHONE 235 a DAY AND NIGHT OOO0O4 DOOOOOXlOOOOOOiKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FURNITURE Chesterfield Suites. Dinette Suites, Bedroom Suites, Cedar Chests, Tea Wagons, Living Room Tables, Coffee Tables, End Tables, Radio Tables, Occasional Chairs, Smoking Stands, Clothes Hampers, Mirrors, Medicine Cabinets. FLOOR COVERING BatHeabip linoleum. Inlaid Linoleum, Printed Linoleum, Rcxo-lefim Linoleum, CongoSeum Rugs all sizes, Seamless Axminster Carpet all sties, Underfelt Carpets, Nonslip Bath Mats, and Bedroom' Mats. REDDING Point Blankets, Grey Dlankets, White Blankets, Bedthrows, Comforters, Chenille Bedspreads, Sheets, Pillows, Window Shades. WHITE WOOD FURNITURE Chests of Drawers, Book Shelves, Hall Tree, Night Tables, Step Stools, Ladder Stool, Folding Steps, Step Ladder, Celling Dryers, Folding Ironing Boards, Sleeve Boards, Chairs, Eastern Hardwood, Kitchen Tables, Dropleaf Tables. CAMP FURNITURE Folding Camp Cots, Folding Chairs, 0x3 Tent, Pack Backs, Pack Boards, Yukon Eiderdown, Sleeping Robes, Mountaineer Down-Filled Sleeping Robes, Hikers' Sleeping Hags (wool filled). WE HAVE THE OOODS Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE, Next to Dally News Green 91G for food were granted to mothers arulL promotion was given to marrioan men with children in preference to single men. LOCAL NEWS NOTES i 7. , , . - ASt Ptf. r Evening Branch WA ACCP Me:ine . Oddfe lows Hul. Constant ici Jlamtataed Br P .. - , Vi i .iw 7th Are. ia, 'Sat m smtrr. Colin Cam- E. Oct. T.. Vancouver. taw. . A. Hunter, wfta hs been on trip is OSaawa, Toronto luncheon Cap. B. T. ( Vaneoaww. r Homed home this tirld supervisor of the Pacific i oming Coast MhtU Rnm pointed oat' that tbe organisation wouia oe an , Hugh. Ill Call ku been ap-bnportem aoxUiary to the Active pob, postaauster at Op pan Fife. Be tea been iMK pre waiter Colin Caaneioa, M-LwV, will be arriving in the city on tomorrow's train and leaving the same night enroute to Ocean PMtt, 199) 'ertm. MLA has been on a ten day hoMay tfto to Vanom-ver. returned home tMs morning from the smith. Mrs. Sa. Brans and Mi. Barney Jensen who have bees vtsttlng in months' imprisonment by Indian James OUftett yesterday tor supprymg nquor to Indians. The fine was paid. and Mrs. Vincent Lade arte the city this morning from Vancouver and proceeded by train to Jasper m the course of making the Triangle Tour. Mr Lade is a pioneer mining man of the Portland Canal district and i has been for the past few years livins; in Vancouver. Advertise in The Daily News. 0 I RAILWAY Mr. and Mrs. retained last rails alter a trip town last evening. OaUoway to Ocean the paper Ma W Seaatos and son. thaw lee on a three weeks' visit i to Vaneonver and Wtorta, return ! ed home this morning. Dr. A. S. Ctorner. provincial Ichen specialist, and Miss F. M. Brtekson R-N. arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver They will conduct a tuberculosis -clinic here during the next week L"rt!W! B8Hion taeJ Fitters. A F of L. Carpenters' ltapert Wednesday via 8 P. 8. Bonney. logging superintendent for Pacific Mitts, and Mrs. S3 after a trip to Vauoauver. to their home at .Ocean night. m J. Connery, wfje has been visWbg for the pastavje months in Hetoon. Vancouv Cftnaea Island and Victoria, ntnrned hdme this morntng. Hugo Kraupner returned to the eKy 4his morning from a week's holiday trip to Vancouver. Ma Kraupner and daughter, BUa. will be leaving tosjnrrow night for a vacation in Vancouver. Patterson ' fined $!. McKay, or In Indian, was default six Land oa the way returning to Van couver next week will spend a laoutue of days at Ocean Palls. SPECIAL MEETING Local 19 UAP ii S. & Mrtne HaB. M ft pa. Monday. Monday. Aug Aug. IT. it. fe ior we purpose of hearing general or- 'gantrer John W Bruce of Toronto. Aft mmber of sister locals are rftpiested to attend R WHJSON. Secretary. 'l1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZARELU, PROP. -A Home Awsy From Home" Kates "Sc up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince It u pert, B.C. rtne tai p.o. Bos m COUPONS are still available ith each rash purchase In our stare. Me ould appreciate to hate "new customers drop ip and let us espial this rift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store -Where Dollars Hare More Uuutfarturtti mud lUttlihulott Cents- Jl P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 TRAWL ROLLERS Cilvjniied wrought iron frame with lignumvitie rollers. PIKE POLES Ash handle. Straight pike and hook screwed into handle. Various lengths. Distributors of All types of commercial fishing sop-plies Marine radios Canvas goods Midco Fighting plants and pumping units Foil lines of rubber and oihkin clothing. 5 your Utcu! dtUr handling thtH lintt fllNCl RUffRT Hi VANCOUVIR Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gcll, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and ReserVaUons from XV, L. COATF.S, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. flhhcuhcetnehtA POR QUICK aALS-PoM-wp bed loud as new SUM; 1 rag So 50 Phone Bed KU. nt FOR 8AUK On plete. Phone Red POR SALS Secondhand wk stove. 7 Alfred Street. 191 POR SALE One Loyed Loom folding pram. Phone Black 297. KITCHEN 8M. RAKOaV-Cheap. FOR SALR hmoy carriage, condition. Phone Red lf4L WANTED (190) Rood .tf WANTED Experienced stenographer competent in typing. Shorthand desirable but not essential. City position and good wages, state full particulars in first letter. Box 339 Daily News. 1 i IM, WAJTTTO Teacher for the Omin-eca School. Rose Lake. BC. Salary 9994.00 Apply at one to K. T. Mould. Secretary. Onuneca Lake P. O . B C. 197 WANTED - Lady to care for 3 months baby in own home. Re ply Box 337 Dally News, giving full particulars. , 189i WANTaT-ateerleneed waRi or guis willing to learn, flmtlea Cafe. Cow Bay. ! SPAM ISn MSmlrn vary exempt, onerabty wiQt ex perience. Lindsay's railage Storage. WANTED- Biackamlth. general 2 1st Ave. E. Phone Red aM. ! i advertiemnt. 19 WANTED Olrl as bookkeeper. J gwl salary. Apply J. Ourvtea. i ..4k ; YOUTH wants room, wttl share ' Cecil, phone Mac 1 GIRL wanted at Central Hews. Apply between 8 and 10 pm. tfi HOARD AND ROOM B ARU and Room for man shar- 'k 718 Praser Street LOST I 'st - Tuesday night, small brown suit case. Taken by mis-! take. Finder please phone Green 003 Ifj9M FQIjyp ! FOUND Wallet containing Iden-! caru, rrea utsen. crwn- iuucaiion r may -have same by calling at ' Daily News and paying for th:- savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 ERASER STREET prince rupi:rt "flOVMtNMKST I.KJt OK ACT" tBaotlon 381 illre of Aip(lrallwn ir f'onent lo Tran.frr t,t ller l.lrrnir M(Alc Ik hmtoy (lvn that on ttve 10 dtf at Hnx, A D 1942. i UMtamgnKi townda to apply to Um Uqiiar Control Board for ocaw to liMafor of Bnx.lflenee f 6730, fc-mwa In mmt of ptn bnli part of Vhm vttmr luiuwii an SV Om-mereM HOUU tMimU mt Ux ounier Of Wm AvOu and EugHUi BtrfW. In die OJty m Irim Huret. Province nf rirtUsh OolutnbMi i if kwi lh laiMa Oem-rrtW 1 T),:rn-u I3I tMT-Iwi 114) tn tll. V Nuu 10) R"BMon One (I) Mp iai prnnv HpuiK Ind flrHUtrmUur, Dir..- from Aleiandrr ITudhummc A Huutt. Itrttloh itWomMt. liT-g I loir I UtnUer, Uu nAir.n ikt lvmw. nMvt. n.r i.nir. 3i1 djy of Aiuriiifl AD. I'i4' PKiNCK HOTEL UIUTXO hi TOR VOI R READING ENJOYMEM JOIN OUIt UKNTAL IJHRVRV All the Latest and Ilest Pnpw Adventure Konuuice Myst. -r and Biojrraphical Thirty New Hooka added Read all you want . . . One book ;t 75c Per Month Change your book whenever No other eharp Rental Libra' ii : A. MacKenzie Furniture A GOOD PLACi: TO lit V Cedar Chests gflammmmml' H: All advertisements la this smmmmmmmB ' mmml setamn wffl be charged tar a sgagaRmfgfafv mmml fan month at tki a word. SE - United Ranirnor Sale at Dolb' KV mmml FOR SALE ii) lUzlton. house at d barn with five lots; good we:: Apply to H. Denno, Ocean Pails. Br. nn double he4 com. W CM lcI-ctid " 1V JlEJBJBIBJBJHJHrSJBjBmJdA lttif irn!lw r.e.r.,1 mIIb. trle.t.1 1,1 ""r, 1 fiwj tllll II mill 1IMIIIUI Sii " r Band, prnterltnn aealnst moths. All at dif-f""' I rnoNi: MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERi Against HaianU of Bombing and Other Hi1- Through the largest Organliatlon of Us kd I" . . . . The Mutual Benefit Health and Ar guarantee to pay you from $M 00 to $200."0 as your earnings stop due to sickness or . It continually from one day to the end of : Bombing and war hasard disability a" ti 24-hour complete coverage on or off ' - - Additional beneflU for hospltallsat inn Age limit men 18-60, women 18-55. Flnd out If you can qualify to take ndvantare offer. You arc not obligated. Fill out the r bring you complete details. 100 MILLIONS PA III IN CLAIMS Put In the Mall NOW This Offer for a limits Box 549 c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, ll.C. Name Address Home OcrupaHon