Wise-birds Cry: X V ' 9& X If i 1 you can fly high but th ere s no better buy than 55-cr 2.30 : ' mo C 40-ox. 3.50 tfr Co 11 .U U i4 1. i.ru.i. ' w not pub-: bv the Ll-: or by the vuth Columbia iT ad urino PHONE 98. NEWS FROM EDMONTON The University of Alberta ha: benefitted to the amount of $2500 a a result of the settlement of the estate of John, Kelly aged Bimotrton man. who' was clubbed to death In July 1940 In a downtown rooming house. Kelly died without a will and without heir and the proceed of his estate finally pawed o the university under tm provisions of the Ultimate Heirs Act. The $2500 In cash had been thrown down a flight of ttalrs by Kelley evidently Just before he was attacked. Hon. E. C. Manning, provincial n eusry and acting premier, left Edmonton Sunday nlg-ht for Ottawa to attend a war manpower conference called by Hon. Hum-nhrey Mitchell, federal minister of iabor. Mr. Manning who to chair-nn of the Alberta Regional War Lflfeor IJoard, we accompanied by W. P- King, deputy minister of trade and Industry, Clayton Adams, chairman of the Alberta Board of Industrial Relation, and W. lame of Calgary, industrial representative of the board. The Dominion government Us promised that western manpower be transferred to industries in . the i Truck operators of the Edmonton district threaten to withdraw .front business if the provincial government goes ahead with a , proposal to reduce truck payload limits by fifty percent as a means of preserving Alberta highways. Bach an order, the truck opera-(tors insist, would make It Impos-: 1 ble for them to carry on econ omically. Margaret Prance Maude) Wal- on. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of this city, became . . . . i l i n v J I nr urior oi oersexn natpn ui--.win Miller RC.DC. also of Ed- nonton. at a wedding ceremony in stratheona Baptist Church Friday vening. nev uanifi Young oi- 1 lated and brtdevnaid were Mis- jra Lea and Miss dtorma Rey-j Jrtvate Wilson MlUer was ! mum-man. i WAS NOTi: NATURALIST ; I ( NDCN. Aug 14 O Dr Charles vir Rherbern. who died at the , "." of M wa closely associated vtih the British museum of natur- r history. He labored 43 years on ' hi- Index Anlmallum." a com-! pilutmn of complete lists of all generic and trivial names of ani-: mals since the time of Ltnaeus W IS THE TIME- ' is'Bia.iiiLiiiiiri BUY YOUR CUTS. S " Novelties, Souvrnlis and nrrrtlng Cards ! at the g " VARIETY SIORE BJliininilfniirrBrs ' v. u.:'. order right away for the amount of coal you ' r.-ed next season. This will enable us to meet ..n-ment now or as supplies arrive. 1 ,.oiunt that you should lay In your coal supply ! frier as It U almost certain that the dealer will v.c to cope satisfactorily with the demand next " t IT IS NOT HOARDING TO MJ1 YOUR COAL EARLY " 4- necessary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery) lknvf & MPoffnvi7 I f rl Y... I'HONKS 116 OR 117 PERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK ! p l o n i i n. If l?lll'r tm sswsass S fj V si "" jJm LIU. MK1HOII UUkUnium BSSSBSSSSaBs J M m mm J vj Sl Soldiering Agrees With A.T.S. Women Kejular Slrep and KxercKe Bring New Levels of Physical Fitness By ALAN RANDAL Canadian Press Staff Writer vice is rightly described at sol-dieting for women but at the same time it is something like a mass health cure, too. The girls have benefitted from regular and good meals, fresh air and exercise and freedom from the strain of city life. One London woman writer describes them as. "the revitalized citizens of tomor- THE DAILY NEWS uniforms let oat or to get larger ones But the girls insist it- isn't fat that s causing it. It's newly-built muscle. Good cookery has an Important part in the A.TJ3. tet-up and J at one training centre where girls, (many of whom never knew anything about a kitchen except that it was where their mother cooked their meals, are learning kitchen art from one of London's famous chefs. He is Sgt.-MaJ. Gordon Hancock who, used to work at No. 10 Downing Street and here's what he says: "I've trained hundreds of A. T. 8. girls to be army cooks and have been a cook ever since I left school, but I think the finest cook in the world is my wife." Churchman Gives Tip To Shoppers BRISTOL. Eng.. Aug.-14 O Rer LONDON. August 14: r-ervlcc John Sankey dally takes his place n the Auxiliary Territorial Ser-'ln nueues formed by his parish ioners and in his monthly maga zine he suacests being cheerful Is one of the main dequlsites in war time. For shopping, he advises: "When you reach the head of the queue get on with the business, do not gossip: have your money ready : if your aim Is steak pie and !flnd the stock limited w iwo-t Denny buns when your turn comes. row a legion of women who have j buy the buns and don't argue." jracuca a new nign level oi pny- sical fltriss." These statements are based on the findings of a committee which inquired Into conditions in the A. T. S. One number of the commit- tee. Dr. Edith Summerskill, labor, member of parliament for Fulham j West, reported the girls "o robust they are literally bursting! out of their uniforms." 1 Unless she is already plump in ' which case physical training slim?! her down the average A. T S. 1 recruit adds seven or eight pounds to her weight in the first two; nonlhs. the commit! - found. On outdoor )otm. especially gun sues, ine aim eat as much as, and sometimes more than the men. j A. T. S. Health Chart Here's how AXS. officers put! forward their health chart: j r-ttlar siren and early' rising 6:30 am. i promotes good color. Wholesome food at set tknes eliminate digestive trouble. Fiat-heeled shoes restore balance- to feminine figures heretofore nsd to high heels. A weekly pedicure reduces fool trouble to a minimum. On-the-spot attention from the medical officer, dentist and oculist means no ailment escapes th eye for long-In every A T.S camp the quarter-master sergeant keeps an unofficial health chart It's her list of ATS who romc in to have their Stop-Itch Fw rk rrfW krm iteU el Imm brtM. Im mmmi Ji tnMm. mm nrtdiiw Wat, -; mitt tm o.d. a. mucnmoM.' i U .TV1 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Wsy-potnts, Stewart and North, queen Charlotte Islsnds. Full Information, Tlcktti nd Reservation FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. rhnne 68 Stenographers And Typists for War Departments at Ottawa Urgently Needed Stenographers and Typists. Grade 2 minimum two years experience' approximately $99 monthly. Stenographers and TyplsU. Grade 1. new stenographic war allowance for service in Ottawa brings compensation for Stenographers In this grade to approximately $71. $76, and $8i monthly, according to competency, and for Typists to $71 monthly. Railway fare to Ottawa in excess of $10 paid. Girls not now working in essential services arc urged to help the war effort by applying immediately, on forms obtainable at Post Office, to Civil Service Commission, c-o Postmaster at Prince Rupert, B.C. CLEARANCE Broken Lines in Spectator Pumps Tan and White, Black and White, and Blue and White. Elasticizcd. Regular $5.50. To clear $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" Local QFBEERBOlfttS F0R AIL EMPTIES RETURNED VAHCOUVERBRtS acked there. The thing -that "atches the eve is a pencilled sign: Dance tonight, local hall, refreshments all soldiers weiwm-r. The dance is probably sponsored by a local committee for th eb-tertainment of the troop. The hall will be email, stuffy ant! probably full. of tobacco -mo&. The local string orchestra can't stack up against well-known dance bands. But the soldiers will go and they'll have a good time, enjoying "very minute of it as a break in rmy ramo routine. This might be the picture in any mall town In a section of the Interior wherp thousand of troops have moved in. In many cases hey outnumber the civilian population four to one. but local residents have banded together to make life as interesting as possible for these army boys so far from home. In most centres the troops can look forward to concerts and dances arranged by local committees or such organisations as the Young Men's Christian Association. Salvation Army and various hurch organizations. But getting a girl partner is the soldier's bin problem, except perhaps for those who have wives or sweethearts at home. There Just aren't enough girls to go around and its every man 'or himself In dating what few there are. Consequently the local belles find themselves rushed off their feet, with a choice such as most girls only dream about Boating and fishing provides other recreation for the troops, or they can go hiking but there !sn't io ID THE SEAL OF QUALITY if ir.S77 Sockeyc Salmon Fancy Red HcrrinR 7 in in Tomato Tomato i Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater a s i 2 i : i I ft LIMITED mm fer 1 -7 .. .1 t t J 'iSMJjk i mm it mm PAGE THREE " j Thii advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board Dances, Concerts or by the Government of British Columbia ir.urh their for sport-loving sol- ir t t nm baseball baseball lean team iveep Up lVlorale n of that. Most units have are being planned. Money from own football, soitoau ana.tnese souuer-sponsorea enienain- one town an old I wooden tennis court was resur ments go to buy sport equipment for the boys. Camp commanders foster reefe- rected by the men. Book-loving ational activity as a vital morale- Damfll Ru'hed Off Feet nAIw-. nn iahlA rHln ma. kiUin hutn- A u nffW-pr pt. j When Soldiers Look For terlal in the regimental Ubraries. plained it: "When yon put a bunch j Dance Partners Sometimes the army turns the ' of men out in the woods and offer1 tables and entertains the towns-. them nothing but hard army life (J By HERBERT JONES people with concerts such as a day aJter day morale u likely to Canadian Press Staif Writer recent one m a 51118,1 taed go down. Sports, concerts, dances SOMEWHERE IN by an Ontario unit whose bar.d THE BRITISH such the lads help keep happy COLUMBIA INTERIOR, August 14: the envy of the camp. The en- rIn a hot and dusty litUe town "re town turned out and the af- and when you have high morale, i somewhere in British Columbia s lair was such a success inai omers you nave a neen. iigmmg army. remote interior, a group of soldiers -r ; - u in oatuearess crowd around an iutdoor bulletin board. They're not looking at the gov ernment notices or church notices BOUDOIR SLIPPERS Ladies' Beaded Fur Trim and Hair Seal Moccasins. 11 colors. Priced at, f $1.25 to $2.95 All cfljpr CJhenille Slippers at ' $1.35, $1.50, $2.25 Iff MULE SLIPPERS Fashion Footwear Next to Dollar Store Phone lied 321 BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS THERMOS BOTTLES Due to shortages and priorities our supply of GENUINE THERMOS BOTTLES was stopped. We are pleased to say wa have just received a new shipment and can aow fill your requirements. Genuine Thermos Bottles, 15 oz $1.25 Lunch Kits 90c Pass Holders (spaces for 8 cards) 75c Pocket Purses (with zippers) 75c & $1.50 OrmesLtd. Jfi Pioneer Druggists TI1K KUXALL STOKE HIONKS 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 13-2 pm. and 7-9 p.m. If you lose any thin:. Advertise for it. ft L K Jfc' -a i I- 11