A- Aiuimt 14: -Ooliaider l Uarasan raiding gu AxU aeed ..rri I nouaanos m w to Food fnr Troops In Middle l.U PER PER Eng.. Eng.. Aug Aug. 14 14 nmy be said, nave sc-K'ktnas so tooopa In East can have Ireah 1 one United King-a huge tunnel drier , nine out drtod veae- Wl s inpsp Kmnlovee r j . r r ii r urpan rails Killed Yesterday "1C ' iin Kaav Annia cow ... ,.. .hi. .tu. uwi Khi TnVe vi s and early usual ties. no report bnok "Democratic Idoals and Real ity." calls "the world Wand." This vast area Is far superior In popu- r lmUnn and rMfK,rres to Uic re-1 matrung land area of the world the Americans, the BrtUah Isles and Auatralla." "As king, however." continues tlve Uberty articles, "as Ruasta and nMnm KunUnue in the fWd. our k malty destined for pmiM arc separated by the l-iocesaing. va8t land mass of Asia and eastern mrooe. and each of them must face all the difficulties and dangers of a war on two or more, fronts. Their Increasing problems and supply will be-; of man power come acute by next year, perhaps insoluble. For the moment our task is to preserve Russia and. ii.htlnir nlllM. This lS uniuu o - . . .. ..... .nihr unv of uolntlng out, having been badly ,ilU', """-' form! I.... onrt ... tu -ffwU effects forml ui-!, struck struck by by a a swing- swing- tnat "- diocmiuv "'-"" wh n . " "MaTV f. h,. mill yesterday morn- he founaauon rhlnese employee or me s ---- mmn's to i i i . ii-i n nmrrnv ivujoui i ai-i i . , -M i i a i au. .1 i t i e. a.1 i. n i an in ins miiwihhi tu uvwj . M aieu m u.r actually ,n. nrr tt pi kg i li ai. I'Vfiunv . nu u vu wj w;is the injury to skull tempts to break our stand, ckaee tne RUssla :hat there was little It While China and ' a fan a sfitil a-t , w.t-nrt(. on the land side is sc 1UK.. -A SJi uuvvu a w ta he ranks of the Air Trans cure, and our sea power preserves 1 u on the ocean side." t . I ! Police Court Notes Auxiliary, the women's organ-1 , which ferries planes from Charged wltn dcwb h1"""-' - - - tt TTl 1 I It A P ' RnHn T.nr Wnolf nnr- nf cnnnrl n.r Rrven Oai'S "" Rhp tinnia fn linvn n phnnrnl'Phnu r' OporcC MUnt! Uiu.b1- l ; n n t(iw smsvi inw t w l iHiainA i- n tin r.M'iu itiiu wv- - ss the Atlantic. Petroy. Rediscover Valuable ihas now been averted by the 're- 'discover" of Dhoaphate deposits Cape Province, and a mlU uere Indicate trattor. mnnKTO A. 14 ,Jeciah - 14 O' With the rates of the Bat closing or. valuable sources of essential orer., increased attention J how being raid to the and varied deposits which are 'lEnottli to exist In Fiuth Africa and which have hitherto been relatively unexploit-ed. Deatt of tungsbn and tin are known to exist in important quantittex in SaiiSd. Tungsten is a vital metal in Itte manufe-ture of war material, particularly in the manufacture! of machine tools. It discevery in Swasuand datex back to the end ofv last century Phosphate Deposits ln thame ys. howevat. mining and transport costs made! it Impossible r.AXr towv Au 14 o -south to ttad. t is now felt that ahortaae of tons tang- Africa imported about 8000 nt ahMahalM lantn FVftm-h MAr. w" ulvm wUl tac out Russia and China as flht-P""r federation of the socialist "Youna i ar invwi swaaav j s,i " " -- - noted military analyst Major Oeorae Fielding Eliot ln an article In the current Liberty, the .r rw pnpnjy m be able to control prac-' army territory last Qf Md , Asia and perhaps of Africa as well and the United Nations will be ICti Vegetables fated wtth conditions all but nope-1 evil t j leu. in mat evenu sy muivi , O. ust bilkcn Hose moL rnemy ..u1u have Ushed po-seaalon of what Sir Hal-1 riant Turns rrom (of( Mitinder. In his remarkable mnuflu. r i Baseball Scores National Leacue St Louis 5. Chicago 13. (Only game.) American Leacue Detroit 2, Cleveland 3. Chicago 3. St. Louts 8. Guard." Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides mm (Standard Time) High' 2:58 am. 20.4 feet mum 07 15:29 pjn. 20.1 feet 50 05 Low 9:24 ajn. 23 feet : ! un NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:40 pja. 52 feet XXXI No 188 PRINCE RUPERT, AUGUST B.C., FRIDAY, 14, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS END OF A GERMAN DIVE BOMBER Today's War 5ummt? Red Armv Cruchc "By Canadian Presa a " - M. W m inniimipm Mrrivps in nriinm ijNDO.V Another Urce contingent of United BUtes forces ar- j -,fl, In Itrllaln ulfliin ihr latl w Th1. fl' - - - - - ----- - - . ' UJ i n a ..i I l..-Ilnl S'fiu' &.-niiif fmnl n..ii1.. I Un. u ... . ...... .J t.H il-u i - lit ' i I I n 1 1 1 1 1 n it wic juiiru iuiiti in imiaiii. s . urt v-i tt rouucuuu i v,ars ijiiig rieigiu . . . W.WIIMiTO.V It wat revealed liere today that the production 1 inc firlcht cars" had been under way for seveial nutntbs. The U ol production was termed "phenomenal." I II 17)11 LiUllTUT UaiUCO II a T ll maiLa . . LONDON One of the greatest sea and air battles of the Mediler- A tl-li. I A 1. I . Si - - 1 J 9 At I BA I a ..a . ..II ..I fH 11.. . i p: uui irvuiiru mr urinrii ui icuuuiixiiiruii anil iirw uiann . fll il aiu' Kalian r-rttttrr nraln turn tall anl n fnc rnecr Admiralty snnounrrd (oday. Known Axis 1oj,ms Included two ub- .....ir .1 4s aiitaJsi It (I kv 4 (iPnftM M t. a A I m I I i r rlvO VII A U OU - air nuiuuaii; assault u a lit: luurui lUifciu f Euffcrrd fuither limea or damare, Mvinr it not to be ex- ,'m.A iht rtlrnili and danrrrous oneralluns of thl nature, nr. It declared, howrrer, that tlie published Axis claims are known be rxarceratcd. Mnrinpc PiiqIi Info Jnnalp i llj 0 i Ua 111 VU Jl UW4 - W w W AUJi:i) HFAIXJI AUTLUS, AustraliaFor comfort at home, the j in rlrht-rtav-filH llatllr of thr Solomon Klandt todlv tint : tl lt. Jk l I ... -4 -.In. I. w tlnllut C 1 1 1 r:nr- On the debit kide the Japanese acknowlrdcrd only two of !, cruisers tlichtly damated and 21 planes lost. In contract with menu a claim of 3S Allied warships sunk and fire damaged, the . . i 1 .. t. i i i. i K - i niira hiiuiib iiuin iiuw uiiij unr rruri luiih aiiu iwii . HU Ul'H '. I I IIU J. linil.jrui l Ulll, 1 U 111 1 1 V !. via r.alnmons While Toklo maintained silence on land operations, hmlKTv continued blasting Japanesr shirn apparently tryinf rrir.forrf their garriMins. Meanwhile unofficial reports in Austra lia tva the I'nited States Marines were pushing deep Into the RE BOMBS Military Analyst . An armored car f the South African force cautiously draws near the wreckage of a German dive bomber that crashed near Knightsbncige in the early stages or the current desert warfare There waa little need for caution, for tncre wa& only death in the plane. CONVOY IS ATTACKED i Some Losses of British Ships Rut U-boats raid Dearly August 14: The London News-Chronicle ptrbtlafees reports of a British convoy tit the Atlantic having been attacked by German u-feoaW which paid dearly for loose tbey Inflicted Several Brit sin boat wre hit by a crja-croas of torpedoes. Escorting vessels did valiant work in rescuing 'urvivoM and fighting off the enemy attackers. Base Metal Ores In South Africa" iM ill" CAPE TOWW. Am VISIT TO TYriSTS OS THE LAM) American MANCHESTER, Aug. 14 9 Aleutian. 46,000, 15c Women typists on the staff of the . storage. Pensions Ministry In Lancashire! Bonanza, are helping with haymaking, pea storage, picking and the corn harvest in I Dally. 38,000, their spare time. 'olfic. LETTERS FROM HOME CHEER AIRWOMEN and 14c. 32,000, 15c and 14c, 15c and 14c, Pa- While Canadians at home are sending cheery letters overseas to their sons and husbands, men and women In Newfoundland arc writing similar letters to their daughters "overseas" in Canada who are in training at the R.C.A.F. Women's Division Manning Depot. Here, left to right, A.W. 2 M. M. Kennedy, Harbor Grace, A.W. 2 O. Harvey and A.W. 2 J. E. Adams of St. John's,, smile as they read the home town Jiews. Letter writing Is one of the more pleasant tasks imposed by war upon stay-at-homes. Less pleasing but of vital Importance are the" various, restrictions of war-time living such as sugar, tea. coffee and gasoline rationing wlilch arji also accepted with a smile. xj t. ,-1, new INazi Unslaught; Open New Sectors Marshall Timoshenko's Armies Counter-Attackinp; Heavily to Repulse Stalingrad Drive Russians Press Offensive on Other Sectors 1 MOSCOW, Aug. 14 (CP) Marshall Timoshenko's I Red Armies were reported to have crushed the first great i Nazi onslaught toward Stalingrad today, counter-attack-1 ing to drive back the Germans after they broke through 'and reached the Don River south of Kletsakaya, 75 miles northwest of the big Volga steel city. Soviet dispatches l 4 lTn T . said the Germans had opened fLAINh lb ATTACKED Charge Against British Is Made By French BR1TAIW VICHY. August 14: A British ... f fighting plane is charged with at- An jt . tacking a regular passenger plane All K.C..F. pfCt Establishments ,nM- nSPM, nC o1 tween Marseilles and tAlglerg. (There k no comment to British sources on the alleged at-LCCON. August 14: Hon. C. Power, Canadian minister of '," national defence for air. and Air' Mirabal L. 6. Ereadner have com-rleted a visit to the Royal Cana- dian A,- Force in London and arc niw to visit all other R.C.A J'es-oHakment; in the United Kingdom. Viscount Lost Count Of His Godchildren LONDON. Aug. 14 Q- - Viscount. Donerallc. 76. former mayor of. Westminster who died last B?p- v&4v n n ttAoyv iJfTrrur npvnr rpincAn a rpn 1 1 svs r ui ARE LOOSED Ko,nts Uut UM?asaitt,asiS ztt&gZZi His feaaate able. What might iiave developed 1 - -a t II f li ... 1 .. . C?T" t Cf A1 If A kit Tnwn I AttscVed llr k na i.nina r nituniiiui jo, a aertOUS proOlem, However, annaimji run iiwiuuh Uftwatfe Ust Mjht All Hut Hopeless Says i:iiot amounted. : Jto . HOjOfiOj '$45,000 and now bis srJHeUera LONBCW. Aug. 14: 0An ap- wy" an W nrai -i th mmnip nf Hrnrntk t children the Visconnt had. A list by marking a he compiled before death was in- .u- 1 l,.l. nll Kx, aroi.n Infn !WSSUU StEn OH UMSir OOOCS OAS "H"-"'- ""u iic iwv wu..w. i li IrnfMir r il,- v i i Hi wiwr . . . Kain mub kv tHn iwr,t Rru&wls 1 - HALIBUT SALES TODAYS 5T0CKS (Oourbsy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Grandview .12 Braterne 5JS0- Cariboo Quartz Hedley Masiot Pend Oretlle Pioneer Premier Privateer Reno Sheep Creek Oils Calmont . C.N& E. Roytfl'iltenadian .... Madsen'Red Lake .... McKenzie Red; Lake Moneta ii... Pickle Crow ..a. Preston East Dome 0 :.jm .86 ....JP 1.20 rM -43 s &: - .26 .03V2 .n 1Mb .86 252 .02Vi Toronto Baattle '....".l-Sj- 55 . , Central -r. . .75 Qons. 'Sme4te.i6 32.00 Hardrock."..i... 22Vz Kerr Addison 3.70 little Long Lac .76 McLeod-'Cockshutt 1.01 25 32 2i 1.40 1.43 San Antonio 1.42 'Gift From Heaven Brought Court Fine LONDON. August 14: T When Mrs. Florence Dowsett, 62-year old widow of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, found a 44 gallon cask of bser In the road outside her gate she accepted it with gratitude as a "gift from Heaven." It really wasn't of course, but anyway she tapoed the cask at her daughter's wedding. Then by mistake the empty barrel was returned to the beer people and recognized as one which fell off a lorry. It cost Mrs I Dowsett about $9 In costs, when she appeared in court. Women To Work; 1 Register Sept. might bring about the setting aside ot the voluntary basis on which women frernow resulted, into wkr Industry.' AMERICAN BASES i Five of the bases leased to the United States under the 1941 agreement are located in Bermuda. . 4 shortlived breach by sending huge numbers of tanks into a narrow sector. In the Caucasus the Russians said that German flying columns driving toward the Caspian Sea had advanced to within 140 miles of Grozny oil fields after a fifty mile thrust in 24 hours. The Invaders were now leaving the flat plains suited for tanks and were within sight of the snowcapped Caucasus mountains. German headquarters acknowledged that the Russians were attacking heavily at Voronezh, and in two key sectors on the central front and two sectors on the northern front Transport Problem Being Solved Training Planes, Trucks all Take Part in Interior War Effort By HERBERT JONES (Canadian Press Staff Writer) SOMEWHERE IN INTERIOR BRITISH COLUMBIA. Aug. 14 09 The spinning wheels of the fast freight seemed to be clicking out a victory song as she sped through the night, answering a transporta-Qon crisis- somewhee in the British Columbia interior. Over a mountain grade and down Into a valley and her score of cars screeched to a stop beside the twinkling lights of a railway settlement Cars bulging with needed supplies and flat cars loaded with vital machinery were shunted off for some construction camp, where a road Is going through or an airport Is being built Then in a cloud of steam she puffed off, speeding westward. Tomorrow and the next day and the day after that other freights will follow, disgorging their loads In this Interior country where a wartime boom has raised an unprecedented cry for supplies, and consequently a major transportation problem. With big construction projects underway and army camps established here, thousands of men have, moved Into the area. The cry Is for machinery, for food, for clothing, for lumber, In fact for almost everything imaginable. For a time demand far exceeded supply and the capacity to deliver the goods. But the answer Is being quickly given by speeding freight trains and roaring planes, and transportation companies are.dolng an unprecedented business. Great transport planes wing up from the south, using a network airfields. Perhaps they will un- ' ta f W rk Still Volun " "aryliompulln Hinted ij? here' r ' they will fly on northward to American engineers are -EUlott!whe MONTREAL, Aug. 14: Sel- P a roau to Aiasaa. tt. Little, director of National that! Some remote areas cannot yet ectlve Service said tonight national registration or men' are being built to connect with a will start early in September, highway network. When While registration will toe com-'provincial pulsory. women will not be forced ese are complete big transport trucks probably will add their to accept positions offered at this ln the " "1C uwimmic """" time. Serious developments . 1 Mnn ennff In TlHHcVi "VllltTTlWa B In. u-nr situation, it was inaicatea, " u terlor country. LONDON, Aug. 14 CB One London columnist sums ujlthe feminine reaction to the trend towards short skirts with this quote from a lady friend: "Most of us are ln favor of it but it will be necessary for us all to sit and walk gracefully.''