' - ' WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY WMITI HOIS8 DISniURS ITD GLASGOW Tl.I. 1,l.'rilm.f.l ! .- n..k1i.U..I I! I If i ..... ..... ................. ..... I'uimiucu ur uispiaycu ny me Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Glumbia. Women On Parade With Home Guard Not Officially " John Hull Frowni on It but Persistence and I'tw Support .May Urine a Change in Policy By ALAN RANDAL ftanadhn Tress Staff Writer) LONDON. Aug. 14 SM1THERS MU'th-needed rain has started falling over the Smithers area and oe greatly appreciated by everyone. For four weeks there has been a steady continuance of hnt and fine weather broken only on one occasion by a heavy thunder shower Bulk ley Valley farmers have, made the most of the' opportunity arri have gathered m one of the largest harvests of hay - women ZZ, Li" l? m8ny r-e nerving now with Britain's ""T ?, ."VT ,v Hon - Ouard. the defence force "X "J? . , ,. owing to the nonage of labor th , h in Utile rnore Jhan A. three . o( harvTa, bee? Jo cars hi frown tm a shot-aun and to it U poartbie r, oitej-fork army Into a highly M :1MV rmv- Bul ""f' ml. Sm on the w4ole there has ta that this ,r a.s women W a cfop )n t '. ular asoect of their war ser- Now ground h eMennaiy dry 1 e absolutely unofficial. and a good heavy rain win benem The ban on enrollment of wo- xhm ...u, cri, . . anrf r.r: in the Home Ouards still imnHM. k umAih f .... ,. - ' v xi ids the War Office Is ada- soom extent as well as help de- rurn aoout n out women never- tw .in amri.M ( ;eles are servitw In auxflary During the past few days a large i ,n- charged with first aid. V3lume of moke has drifted over Tmunlratkm. transport and klt-Juie valley from the west, and yes-'.cawork of the Home Ouards. 'mday with a heavy westerly wind Long since, of course, women he valley wm very heavy with t.avc been enlisted, compurtorily or cnui, apparently from s V j irily. in te armed forces to tiTt ln tne Terrace or Usk area c;T,e m the A.Tfi.. the W.R5.. j. w, thought far some time that - 'he WA-A.F. Thy lead men, ln the fire was just behind Hudson me pnaies o war inuuiry ana viounUln. and a crew was ' work on the land in the Knt out to combat the dangei V men t Land Army. The Home which seemed quite close, bul Ouard Is the only holdout, so they upon arrival at the spot where the ure sort of coming Into the Home fire was expected to be It wa O-ard by the back door. The move- found to be still a long way of! r.rrt is seen as a manifestation to the west and ln another dls t women not qualified for regular trtet. The smoke poured tftroagr n;v enlistment to stand shoul- the passes In the mountains InW - to houlder with their men in this area, however, which madr 3 Te:ioe of their home. Huy from H.C. FTRXITrKE and SAVE lllth Grade C UK ST Kit -FIELDS. Hrjular Pilre d New. NEW STOVES, Wool and Coal. Regular S1G0. Q5 STUDIO BEDS. Very Special. Brand New. gQ LVd, 1 only CIIESTEItnELD ir sap All kliuli of other goods At Very Ixiw Prices B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue it appear quite close. To date then have been no fires of consequence in this district but wltfe the ground . and forests tinder dry there Is al- iways an ever present dsmger of one starting at any time and .1 Kod fall of rain would be appreciated by the Forestry Depart ment. Timely Recipes FRUIT SHORTCAKE 2 rups flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1- 3 cu0 shortening 2- 3 cup milk 2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder I 1 eae. well beaten Sift dry Ingredients; cut In shortening until like coarse crumbs. Add combined egg and milk, stirring just until blended Turn out on slightly floured surface and knead lightly 4 minute Pat put ln halves to fit 8-inch layer pan. Brush 1 round with melted butter and top with second round. Or pat dough Inch thick and cut with biscuit cutter. Bake .In hot oven 416 F) for 30 mln-jutes. Spread either with crushed or mmm i !snCKl. slightly sweetened rrult te- i aril ; III tira fault ll 'tween and on top of layers. Serve NATIONAL j! Messenger Service I Call It . . . We Haul It We never close 3 si Phono Red 302 si FOll QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. VILLI E THE TOILER rr nu L4l)Mvy TUX warm or cold with plain or whlp- Ejlpcd cream. Serves 6. Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 837 mi ;1 I IS ROIKJIMGMV J TILLIE. BUT R - ; ABLP' ' I 1 immas:.J III ni1 1 London housewife, whose husband parnK 2 ITS M . She hft tie money coming Into the home frar thMxm evacuated to the every week, with three or four .tn. thn mun. at hnm children to feed and clothe, and a .,, a u,- .Hn hu .tart house to keep clean and neat, has worlc to work hard all;day without stop- for nw, tt te a dsy Qf inf. seldom relaxing and hardly worki 1th no reward, save the ever spending any time or money Mtlstmctlon D, knowing that her on herself. , , , . . . heme ta cIean and her cWWren Dr. Temple, the Archbishop of Canterbury, praised her heroism In are healthy. the House of Lords during a de- The country Is worried about the fan in the birth-rate and the prospect of a middle-aged nation'. m twenty years time. Something! must done tc make living condi- j tiohs easier for the people who. I while wanting to bring up a family of children, cannot be expected to carry on in ceaseless drudgery so that the British raee does not die out. The family allowance proposal is thut every working man earning less than a certain weekly wage shall be given five shillings a week for each child under the age of IS, and for children over that age provided they are reeelv ing a full-time education. What a difference such a scheme womd make to "Mrs. Britain." Toe cost of the nation would be about 132 million a year. "Can we afford It?" someone f asked In the House of Lords. "Can we afford not to afford t?" was the retort. BOYS IN Cl.UND CREW LONDON. Aug. 14 O A group of boys of the Air Training Corps And that seems to be the real now 200,000 strong had a hand question. If Britain wants to main- in the l,UJJ-plane raid on ooiogne. tain her population, if she wants Ihey were camping at an airfield a healthy people living decent and and helped the ground stair ioaa haopy lives, then the lot of "Mrs. explosives and incendiaries Into Britain" must be improved, other- the bombers. Wise she will decide that it Is not worth ' the heroism which the ArchHsHop praised so highly, and there will be fewer children in working class homes. LEFTOVER IN SALAD To use leftover fish, flake the s and make a salad with this -"bined with peas, cucumber, FOB SUMMER RELIEF A total of 165.035 aallons of top pulj lime juice was exported by iB.l'Uh tJartotoan possessions In 1940. SOLE PLMINTO SOURCE sliced tomato, dressing and let, Jamaica ts at ptesint the sole tuce. .ure ef Pimento' or All Spice. vH K h b vHi r HdBi mm mm mm M $5 for H 510 for 8 $25for$20 MAC INTEREST AT 3 TAX FREE REDEEMABLE REGISTERED PUTTING THOUGHTS INTO ACTION BY WEST0VER LOO" MAC I "THINK THE SHAPE IS GOtMG TO CEV'ME THIS ' T.V . . CAKMk ' I I ' J m I " i . 1 P"! .T k IT h i i i 1 I W KE.VL HOT THERE NEWCASTLE, Eng., Aug. 14 01 So much had "heat of early June expanded metal on a Tyne River swing bridge- that It was impossible to open the bridge until police deluged.lt with water, a steamship being held up during the LONDON, Aug. 14 00 Once current short supplies are sold, Britain's shoe dealers will have no more patent leather shoes to offer customers as this enamel-treated leather was Imported from Germany and France. PENANCE FOR WASTE WINDSOR, Eng., Aug. 14 III A 1 31-year-old former school teacner 'who was fined about $5 and some $10 costs for "wasting bread" has announced her decision to give up eatlne bread for the duration as additional "penance for her waste." She has three brothers in the army. TURBULENT COLONY During the 18th century Jamaica suftfered from hurricanes, earthquakes, numerous slave In-surrectlons and war with the mar oons or mountaineers. ' Mafa 7 FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, I9421 THE DAILY NcJVVU WOMEN WEEK Ibate on the subject of allowances' tor working eteat families. He said: Hi W " r r !v ' a Urge fftmUy u real of our. phase of civilisation, wen more than the men win work dangerous trades." tmiun united press? ane working for, this Mw Britain?" Tnk nnp nmnlf LONDON. Aug. 14 iBUP)-"Mrs. , Mk h Rh. . - Britain' mother, is ine working class the woman, who with llt- . m laiJ