oATLKDAY. JULY 23. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH SUth Avenue and Mmgrave Ware , Preacher. REV. JAMES W. MELVIN. DD U a.m. Theme "The Church and The Community" -A Dream of Paradise." Mr. H. C. HkWns 7 30 p.m. TJtaree "TJipy Must Not Die In Vain " Slo-"Juat Pir Ttxlay. Mr. Louis Bonbarnard First Presbyterian Church fourth Avenue East FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mh Avenue and Young streeil HKV. A. F. MacSMEEN, BA, Minister The rongtagatJeM of the two churches are meeting together for Worship during July and August SUNDAY, JULY 2fl. 19i2 11 .i 3. M.-minn W-.r!.,p. First Presbyterian Church. 1 3i: m Evr f W r ;hlp, First Baptist Church. LI Buy War Sav'mqt Stomp i from IAN . POSTOMICtt BlUOWtlt iHirHOMioiricit ioiaccomiui etriitviMf iioiii oiociii IOO( IIOIII W t IIIAft IIOIII litl.KLKV VALLEY BUTTER Arrive rmh Ktery Week t We believe In featuring It at;d helping, our up-river farmers Try It once and we feet Mire you will wan, no ctier It's freshness and c .iii'y is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river VLOETAULiS whenever possible. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More v . ccnU" J ' P.C. llai 571 Tlionet R.9 VAVMW.VAWMV.VAW PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK ' AND SHIPYARD .SIIII'ltl'ILDntS AM) i:.nTi1m;i:ks Iron and Rtxst Catfnn Llrctrlc and Arelylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MININO. MACHINERY All Type of Ca Engine Krpairrd and' Over'hfiulrd flhhcuiicctnehtJ All advertisements In this 'olumn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. LeRlon Ten, August 5. Can. Legion Fall Haiaar. Oct. 21 MEN'S SUITS Ladles' and Cents Spring Suits Military llatlSes and Inslgnlas M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Itox 975 Phone fir. 960 TILLIE THE TOILER CARD OF THANKS The directors of f ur hundred nd thirty-tie ven rents. This remaining after all expenses been paid, will be used In jl CAKD OF THANKS BUBBLES. THAT MrS3 PSARL S Mrs Allan M. K novUa' anil ' Francis M. Da vies wish to thank' wierr many inenoa ror their nu-'. merous acts of kindness and beau-' mm tlf..l M I 1-11 a. A ! CHARMM3 TDBV BV PCIKKS IGNORANT Or GARDEUIKKS OR SEEMlNtf TO Be WW, Jarvis McLeod Jr. returned home yesterday, from a holiday trtn to I Vancouver. ' "Mr. W. J. Nelson, who has been visiting lh the city for the past ten days. Is sailing tonight on her return to Victoria. Mr. public health unit will re turn to tiw city tomorrow night (ram a vacation trip to Vanwu-vr. . Lkui. Parker NlUa of the Midlands returned to the city yesterday "afternoon from Coortenay, Vancouver Island, where he has ten taking training. Mrs. J. R. Marin and two daogh- f lu.,81"! he win join Mr. Sloan who re i n let Oeneral Hospital. Queen Charlotte Islands, wish to take h opportunity to thank all those who assisted In making the Sports Lay held on July 'first In aid of tl.e Hospital an outstanding suc-e 1 We wish e irlally- to thank those Individuals and firms do-ra'fng prteat money, food and ser- .-e Proceed from Use sale of rfreshmMils raffles, and ten, wno have been visiting in Vancouver following a trip to' Montreal, returned to the city j yesterday afternoon. i Mia. A. C- K. gloaa kft jester- Hot Kv I sIm m VfliMMM. - cently left to enlist In Canadian Air Forte. Railways between here and Ter- ls to start up the run on Monday next. One trial run was mad yeaUrosujr and another one la taking place today. The THE 1XAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. : A. Elio's Furnltare Store Buys used articles of any description. You may have articles you want to dispose of. Call Green 916, Third Avenue next to the Dally News, Prince Rupert. A NOTICE is given that Artillery Oun Practice will be carried out from Kaien Island and Digby Is- Mias Hizabeth Ochs R. N. of thei 3' f!?m. 24 I w riiuay, ji juiy, iSHZ. firing jmay be at night or, and day. PR. RUPERT FINE PLACE Kellevin; Pastor of United Church likes Weather, People and Gardens Here Rev. Dr. J. W. Melvin, pastor of Trinity United Church In Vancouver, who has been here for the past few weeks relieving Rev. J. A. Donnell In the mil nil nf nrt the Royal united Church, has been particularly impressed by three thing . . 7 Jin Prince Rupert the splendid Mf. L. H. KuWer of .hi.k i. ..v SSJJf" i h"f Vancouver has been getting, the rlng norther a Wp to) hoitaltty of the people aeatle. Mr. KuMey is a well in nt th..n. n. . , fc-niin . i - f " - iiiwuj .mio uAJlk ifc wwu FuiRt uwiraa roan Ol I lnJ the rteicninn. wonderfully weB cared - i for and nnvirf-ii nrrin. rr Mrs. ten jMe4rm J next TueMay ait Amrv ' . noon on nui recum 10 Vancouver. M oance ConstaMe Kervuann nf th itttv, chid rrtumecTto -Z"? lony-iour aonars city yeatentow from . visit to Vi.- IT" V" "...'JT'." w i wnrrw wwm nmm nam rvrvvariYiar anir. (couver. gieal treatment but will not be th.i . ' . . . 'back here unUl the middle of Wei KeV. C. A WHht. nmmtnr nt . . muniM. f tii.i " . . , next monwi. hv. v. u. Clarice will l. rentaa riiortlt 7 . C TZ.' . to occupy the pnlptt of Firs United been Lno!2 closed foryera, JZJJZ --JJ r T"?dy Church on the morning of, August he Orly. prX- J" 2 with Mr. Jan. Convener I jcnH pveawens ot me women s lunnunr iefniesnce union, in rne newdfesel-electrie coach evening. Local military padres which is beta, put Into dairy ser-j r Umeafter unUl Mr. vice on we uanaoian Nauonai I Donnell returns. s weir recent sudden passing of 1 nmrrea earlier m the week from nere V j taring husband and son. j Winnipeg. ceed i I i . .. '.j . x. - . C. H. Worby, superintendent of sleeping and dining cars of Canadian National Railways with headquarters at Winnipeg, in the course western inspection tour, Is r AERIAL AND GROUND ATTACKS DISPOSED OP THIS AXIS CONVOY j iglg3BsCT 4: P3py kscr Tills wreckage. TOP, marks what was once a motor caravan carrying supplies to General Rommel's Afrlkan Corps. After aerial and ground attack the caravan looked like this. A German ammunition truck, BOTTOM, is shown afire alter a direct hit. ni LESSONS NOT WELL LEARNED! TCCMiMKTfl BE IS RC3HT.My COUSIM WENT TD A6R(CUUTORAt SCHOOL VMiTH HEW y f (AlUAT ?l SHE SEEM TO ASRCU1TURAL StHOOL AMD 5AD SHE Olff T KNOVJ VMrvvr rliNNiNo RADISHES MEAMll 'rtS CUssiHED FOR SALE FOR SALE Bookcase, writing desk, . writing table. Phone Red 320. (175, FOR SALE Bliss Landing, on Gulf of Georgia. General Store, Marine Gas Station. Fish Buying, 165 acres, Fruit Trees, House and Cottages. Going concern. Beautiful location and ideal climate. Write The Executors, Estate of late R. Boyd Young, Powell River, B.C. (171) FOR SALE 8 room house on 50 by 70 foot lot. Fifth Avenue East. Apply 215 Fourth Ave. East. (173) WANTED Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. j WANTED 'Housekeeper for small rooming house. Phone 741. HELP WANTED Male Apply Central Hotel. or female U74 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM for sharing. 718 Fraser Street LOST FLY AWAY NORTH Eskimos in the Arctic are porting banded birds. BY WESTOVER I VJHUL.VOOJE GOME TO HERE OtOU'RE PUTTIN6 .HlCKL.ES .1M THE M.Li!? man LOST Female Cairn terrier. Answers to name of "Burma." Phone Green 127. Reward. tf PERSONAL visit will CAN RUN A HOME KINDER -tonight for a brief and pro-lYOU to Vancouver.' rten w,th our heIP- Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care XL C. C. Schools, Winnipeg. Man. STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at cord of appointment of our stu- g dents fiom M.C.C. Civil Service I a School Ltd., Winnipeg. The old-! S est In Canada. No Agents AGENTS WANTED PATENTED Device saves gas amazingly. Improves performance. Demonstrated in thirty minutes, any car, truck, tractor. Guaranteed, harmless. Attractive agency proposition. Victory Mfg. Company. Cornwall, Ont Capt. J. W. Kllpatrlck, former area adjutant, nere, reiurnea to the city this morning from Victoria, where he has been stationed for the past year or so. He Is assuming the duties of district auditor here. BURMA'S TEAKWOOI)' Burma normally exports about twice as much teaHwood as any other country. re- FOR OIL IN N.B. Government parties are drilling for oil In Albert County, N.B. FALLS ON RHINE The Rhine falls 70 feet at Schaff-hausen, Europe's Niagara. MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERMANENT Through the Largest Organization of Its kind In the World .... The Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay you from. $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for as long as your earnings stop due to sickness or accident and will pay It continually from one day to the end of life. Bombing and war hazard disability at no extra cost. 24-hour complete coverage on or off the Job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-55. Find out If you can qualify to take advantage of this remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out the coupon today It will bring you complete details. Put in the Mall NOW This Offer for'a limited time only Box 549 c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Name .. . Address Occupation ... ' I aBrTBMBBHBsBslBxBxIgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgBMS SOUTH AMERICAN RAILS WANTED Furnished apartment, for quiet couple; permanent. Box Railroads connect Bolivia, which NICE ICE JUMP The passage from Bering Strait sit, uaiiy ftews. in has no seacoast. with Peruvian and to Murmansk Is about 3.600 miles URGENTLY wanted to rent house hold furniture, kitchen, bedroom! and living room. Phone Red 406. j (172) WANTED Cocker Spaniel male puppy. Write Box 1472, Prince Rupert, B.C. (tf) FOR RENT FURNISHED Cottage for rent. North Francois Lake Landing. Apply Box 51, Burns Lake. B.C. (174 Chilean ports and with Buenos i : I Aires. I Or i MANY FEATHERS MOTORING IN EUROPE I In the migration season Point Pelee, Opt, National Park shelters ttM kinds of birds. M1C UK-- -tas CAESAR'S JOB I ber of motor vehicles In usejust Jullus Caesar establUhed the before the war are now operating outpost of Roman civilization along jin Europe. the Rhine. DUE TO WAR CONDITIONS " ........ .. .. , Canada will now on, have' to depend as never before on the output of her mines to fill the ever Increasing demands for coal. Much of this will have to be from Alberta mines, but this will -be difficult If not impossible if consumers wait, as in the past, for cold weather before taking delivery. Do your part rn helping" to avoid a serious situation, by filling your bin NOW and keeping It FULL. Stocks of Foothills Alberta, Bulkley Valley and Comox now on hand. PHILP0TT, EVIH & CO. LTD. PHONE OT I home for Job as Stenographer, j ooKHXKHooooooooa0tHXHoooaoo( lypisi. u n ice taerK. leuer carrier. Mall Clerk, Customs Exam- Imam .t. I. n .. I a a n ri vn PHONE 0T2 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT g OOOOOOa OOO OOOtHBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKH MOTH AND FLY Insurance FOR MOTHS jjjf Moth Fume Crstals . 1 lb. 50c . v , Jloth JFumeSray , .. .1 G ozs. 75c Larvex Spray 16 ozs. 55a Moth Balls j lb. 15c 1 lb. 25c FOR FLIES i . Fly-Kill Spray 8 ozs. 30 .16 ozs. 50c Fly Coils 2 for 5c FOR PERSONAL APPLICATION Rexall Insect Chaser 7 35c Sta-Way 39c Oil of Citronella 1 oz. 25c Ormes Ltd. Vit Pioneer Drtu&iats THE REXALL STOKE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 3 23 If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in thia paper will soon let you know if there, ' is a buyer in the city.