Nazis Moving On PERIL TO RUSSIANS MOUNTING ) J f, v 1; r. r r r r K- U ? 100111 T"Jln & Maximum Minimum VOL XXXI. No. 171 & 0 " i- - . M' .-' ow. July : y The have driven dangerous into the forts guarding' ' 'V and have struck nearer . H alingrad in their offensive . r; has reached the Middle Dun i tie Oermans are reported .ivr broken through one sec- Malahat p. f ' y.r if the from in and established bridgehead across the lower i'.-ar Nile I 'iiW BbU't source said to- d tlfh Duller' Crek Oils ai CanadtoR Toronto ' lo . tral pat. 8melten . dror.k : Addlsoo Fatality : VKTOHIA. July 26 ? Peter i r.tbell was killed. Ronald -! was severely injured and BikI" Oreen and Tho- Jnnrg were badly bruised their ear went over a ' rmbanknsaot on the ;.t Drive McUon of the najr m taM 's Lootoai TODAYS - itjt S D .13 Nil 13ft f .n 3I3S .54 3.W Long Lae M d CocksnuU 1.17 M ien Red Uke .41 M Knule Red Uke ....... J3 11 :.ta M I k,r Crow ... IjW T t in East Dome l.W Antonio 1.47 n Mti Gordon 83 .MOIH L JOINS WKKNS fJNDON. July 36 Q One of Uic iihotographed girls In Lon-J '.m Felcc has relinquished 'b us an artist's model and '-d Mid W.RJi. She hopes when r tun !ips her training that alio be posted in the cast where fiance Is scrvlnir with the Marine BRITISH BORN f ir v -eight per cent of the ?u at.ion of Australia Is of Eng-r .t h. welsh and Irish stock. BASEBALL SUNDAY Acropolis Hill 2 p.m. Watts & Nickcrson vs. IMidlands , 1 p.m. Dry Dock vs. Meclipnls Jap Supply LIMITING MEDICOS Due to Wartime Ruh Toronto Ua to be Restricted TORONTO. July 35 O -The war- Hanger.. Wedge, Driven Into Z "1, "I""" I oris Guarding lUMov-Enemy I to JTr J' ,f T' AIM, Nearlng Stallngrad-HA '.l?. f th" Planes in Fight . '.7 Mre litcully i or 1M) flrst-ye lUUUflt J . MO. selection will be bated -year year on ifn-uii apuiuae tests. ' Onurto students outside Toron- i to will be fairly represented among , thoae admitted to medicine. A few J student from other Canadian, province will be admitted, but! 11 rafaiai ..jii i i . . . l 1 " wm. w niini wMMe nom in- realm nf id I hLU. nUrt0 Aa in toe past, no Amen- vmm iu dp registered, -we would hae more than S00 American!, m first year Med every year If w . nil !! II 1 rvr. I -1 - ... - " American bombers hsd."r"r 7 "T .7 UT 4 he Red Air force In pound- 01 KxUnlon i r.rrman armored column on rn Steppes. aid for medical students. Dr. Du-i-! lop said. "Fifth and sixth year students are betog admitted to th : army while students. This help to carry them through. It Is hoped that a system of toons will be in-; augurated for students in other years." 1 I Registration In engineering ha-shown a steady Increase since tlm start of the war, but no restriction in enrolment is planned. In the HM1-42 school year, there were 470. in first year, nearly doable the second-year figure, "At Use start of the fourtfe year of the First Oreat War there was saJsjl acarcely a man on the casapus," STOCKS Oe) Vanrouvrr v;w ft Mir , CM .!'o Quartt 1M -'!.' MascsA . a I OreUla 'il'T . f-rr mi ij .is JS tfr. Donlop saiet Tulif eanle ex .plained by the fact that this war M betas: fonaht with machlnr and brains. Today we have to educate our men to be pectaUsU." The number of women registered in Arts shows only a slight Increase since the start of the war. I Last year 36 per cent were women. J4 per cent more than in the war's first school vear. Dr. Dunlon ronld there were 36 men in first year but only eight came back to finish the course. Most of them Joined the R.C.A.F. while some became assistant ground instructors for flying schools. No summer courses lisve been cut but enrolment Is considerably smaller this year, due to the desire of students to do some kind of war work. Has Five Brothers With Russian Army Humboldt, Sa..k, Salesman LnlUts, Joins The Canadian Forres HUMBOLDT. Sask.. July 26: H Ruben Reznlck, 34, became the sixth son in hU family to cnlLst In the armed foitcs when he Joined the Canadian Army this week. He has five brothers fighting with the Russian Army. In 1920 he left his birthplace, the Ukraine and lived two years In each of Rumania and Belgium He moved to Vancouver ln 1920 and prior to Ills enlistment was a salesman In a Humboldt general store. STRONG AS STEEL Plywood, weight for weight, has a greater tensile strength than steel and greater resistance to Hre, oil and water. peruse i NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.," SATURDAY. JULY 25. mg Destroyed Enemy Ship L.'"-. J U NV'i KCNVB. on bud;' ! dstion a moMiuilo boat o! the Royal Navy mtnrh he comn:anded attacked and destroy ed a Nam trawler. He i the son of Attorney General R. L. MaiUand. I. rt. MURRAY TO BE MOVED? Cotnmltlee Makes Rrcomtnrnda- ; .i a l . 1 IIOIIS jiairrr 10 ipcntui Manager of C.B.C. not estimate the coming year's probable percentages. OTTAWA, July Ti: 9 The The war has caused a 100-per- House of Commons radio broad- cent Increase In occupational ther- easting committee recommends any and physiotherapy enrolments, that the Canadian Broadcasting Women graduated of these dlpio- Corporattoa board of governors ma courses are In great demand consider fet the service of Olad-for war work. Many graduates are stone Morimy. general manager of now overseas and at least 12 oc- the Corporation, "could be used cu national theraplsU have been by the Oofporation in anotner engaged by the British War Office capacity than that ol general and the Scottish Department of manager or executive neao-oi me H HALIBUT SALES ' Summary i American UBjm pounds, and 14e aad 16c and 14:. i I Canadian- .tone. YakuUt. American Mie, 15c WAR-BORN PRKSS 15c and 14c, Booth, I aieen, Mjm, 16c and. 14c, RoyaL Delight, ldjOW, 15c ar 14c, S!or- H rommen- FIGHTING IN EGYPT Royal Air Force Pounding Awaj as Ground Fighting is Confined To Artillery Duels CAIRO, July 25 O The Royal Air Force damaged more than 20 j Axis aircraft on the ground and 'shot down three others In air j fights during attacks on El Daba iTZ tonain lMA making a total of iswivur UJMDON. July 25. More j 100 planes hit there. Ground flght-"JH11 ln was confined mainly , iT tT- ",u" arnllerj' duels in the -and Ihe Hst is stUl growing. and norUlern sectors. Many onetime dailies have become 1 central Health. i rorporatton." weeklies, and a number of former) The two-vear course In aerial The rommlttee said the board ' weeklies are now publishing ' VANCOUVER VURMANSK navigation U the only course dls-; had lost confidence "In his Mur-, monthly due to the paper short-; The sailing distance from Van-eonttnued thU year. Two years ago ray's stall ty In financial matters age. Some of them are assisted couver by the northern route to and his attitude to nis own pa- oy lunas nwoe avanao.e oy me tne Russian ports of Ministry ol xniorraauon Murmansk and Archangel is G.000 miles. TRANSFER FROM CANADIAN ARMY TO A.E.F. American soldiers who were serving with the Canadian Army ln Britain were recently given Uie opportunity or transferring to the American Expeditionary Force. Many took advantage of tho offer. Some of those who transferred are shown here as they made the change. An American major stand behind the Canadian officers who made the switch; t i. 'T a " tt Tomorrow sT ides (Standard "Time) High 12:31 pja. 19.5 feet Low 6:15 am. 1.7 feet 20:03 pjn. 4.4 feet TTi t rr - i rxyur.- rive CENTS hips Unable To Land BUDGET IS iDRIVE OFF UPAGAIN NIPPONESE Bei?f,iTaU At Ottawa 5'if,h !" Pafment Enemy Unable To Supply Newly Following Disposal Landed Forces on New Guinea Of Comfeription Bill -fort Moresb Lid' OTTAWA. July 36: Q, TTlP ' A I.I.I I' Is IIC 1 1 f fit nwn House of Commons is b:k on thei AUSTRALIA, Jur 25- (CP budget deoatc again following fin-1 Steady Allied dire bombinr has Lfage,l?U,trd rCadm by aI bfoken ofl the kndin of Jap-S5L141 tL45 nmay ane" PPU Jn the newly night of the amendment to the! cupied Buna-Gona area of w National Resources Mobilization j Guinea. Several fully loaded Yn Act permitting conscription of i emr mult k.... . . . : '. orwn u4iun iui uveneas service Dy jrdar-in-connciL The Co-opera tiTe Common- wealth Federation members, in the main division, voted against the vote against the amendment bv J. S. Roy. Independent member for Gaape, which would have given the bill a six months' hoist. During the closine debate on the conscription amendment. Prime northward. Yesterday ft was announced that Allied airmen had knocked out a third Japanese transport in three days in a dive-bomblnr third reading although earlier J attack on , the newly sehed base ' ru ol5e thev they had had Joined ioin1 in in thi. the ivi 150 f to 37 n here i,., 1L , . . on the southeast coast of vcw uuinea in the Gona Mission-Buna area. Allied airmen made five separate raids on the area. Meanwhile thirty-four Japanese bombinr nlanM mrf. ... .i i . ..m... ym.ta uwue am Minister William Lyon MacKenzie i attack on Port Moresby but were King said he was not afraid to go driven off without doing a great to the country at any time as he deal of damage, thought he knew the confidence the people had in him. Earlier' Hon. P. J. A. Cardln. former mln- ister of public works and trans-, VaLn fQ.. port, who resigned from the cabi- UOUUlClirS net beratuw nf Mia Miwrinllnn policy, said Quebec would submit On Lo ose '. - iaw" wOen the bill was ap-i Proved. WASHINGTON, July 25 0i In the resumed budget debate J Edgar Hoover, chief of the yesterday. Hon, R. B. Hanson,' Federal Bureau of Investiga- Conservative T.enrW nf tV Ontv. ; tlon. has aVH h. or j. " " ft"' MAC UAbWU WJ ' SitlOTL umesled a rhanire in tVi. be nn the InnV nt f. ti t J C- ma .!. vub i'Ji UUCc T t method of preparing the budget men identified as expert Ger- ITV. 1 I - ., ... . a. . . . . ness he thought aiiould be used might come to the United In consultation by the minister of States. finance such as wax rlnnp in the . United States. Hon, J. L. Dslev said he preferred the method now pursued of planning the budget ln secret with the assistance of de partmental experts, permitting op portunities for any chances or amendments that might be deem ed advisable during discussion in trie House. BULLETINS WHAT CHUNGKI.NK THINKS CHUNGKING Chungking welcomes the speech af Secretary of State Cordell Hull of the United States but says that the Allies should launch a sea and air offensive on the Pacific as well as a second front in Europe. ITALIANS ESCAPE MONTREAL Three Italian prisoners of war have escaped from a camp near here. NEW BRUNSWICK BLACKOUT FREDERICTON There was a successful blackout throughout New Brunswick last night. It lasted half an hour. NORWICH BOMBED LONDON It is anounced that famous Norwich Cathedral was recently bombed and considerably damaged. Other Norwich churches were also bombed. SECOND FRONT LONDON C. L. Horrobln, Liberal member for North Cornwall, told the House of Commons that, if the Allies do not open a second front this year, they will be unable to do so In 1913 or 1911. SABOTEURS' TRIAL WASHINGTON Defence witnesses are now being heard In the trial of fight Nail saboteurs who landed from U-boats. The trial is nearing an end. HE NEVER SHAVED COALVILLE, Eng., July 25; & John Birch, 8G-yoar old retired miner who died recently, boasted that he 'had never shaved ln his life. TRAINING IS FIRST Commander Says Damage Dons By Tanks on Manoeuvres Only Negligible AN EASTERN CANADA ARMY CAMP. July 25: O, Tanks tear up ruaas ana sometimes knock fences down but It can't be helped if men are to be trained to fight, says Ma .-Gen F. F. Worthlngton, commander of the 4th Armored division at an eastern Canadian camp. The camp itself oceuDlex a stretch of formerly waste land but round about it are farms, villages and good roads. The tanks do their rough driving within the camp but they need to do road driving too if the drivers are to be thoroughly trained. As they rumble over a 12-mile stretch of highway some paved, some gravel, the road suffers ln spots. Where bridges are not heavy enough the tanks go round them and ford the streams but to do so they have to cut across fence lines. "I've got thousands of men things." he said ln an Inter view with the Canadian Press. "They are bound to do a little damage but It doesn't amount to a hill of beans." Nevertheless the general thinks he Is unpopular with the people of the neighborhood. He says he has plenty of complaints but doesn't pay too much attention to them. Some of them concern the booming of the tanks' guns and rattling of the machine guns at day and night firing practice from .a cliff overlooking an arm of trie sea. "I have' got to train men to shoot and to hit something," he said. "I am not goln? to send them into battle to be cannon fodder." STAMP SHOP TALK The 57th annual convention and exhibition of the American Philatelic Society will be held in Cteve. land, Ohio, August lS-lG. . 1 t'l