1 v ' i .V.W.V. AND MY MOM (JETS ALL MY CLOTHES AT The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store HOYS' SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BOYS CAPS SHORT PANT SUITS LONG PANT SUITS SPORT JACKETS BOYS' PANTS BOYS' OVERALLS The Store for Dad and Lad Rupert Men's and , - T 111 1 1.1. ......a r 4- tV r p Boys Store. lou n oe agreeauiy .sui-iju&uu at $ extra large department carrying a full range of boy's clothes and you'll discover the prices will meet your budget requirements, too. Come in and look around. I Rupert Men's & Boys' Store 217 SlX-ftl ST Across From Hclgerson Real Instate THE STORE FOR DAI) AND LAD "b"ssjBbj"sj"sj"sj""bj"b V s unaaian racinc 1 LINES j BggV worn pA Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gell, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information, Tickets and Reservations from W. L. C0ATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. NOW IS THE TIME- Give us an order right away for the amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet J your requirements now or as supplies arrive. It is important that you should lay in your coal supply this summer as it is almost certain that the dealers will J not be able to cope satisfactorily 'with' the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO BUI YOUli COAL EARLY (It is also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 X4 4.4-J.4.4--M BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Iiulchcrs. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage riUNCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA Si A "V" for Victory-with real meaning is this one of water thrown high into the air by explosion of depth charges as the XJS. coast-guard battles the undersea menace while convoying merchantmen along the Atlantic coast. Furniture Needed Mr. Trant. the YA1.CA. cafeteria manager. Is trying desperately to get a supply of used furniture, principally dressers, bureaus or wardrobes. The local used furniture dealers are unable to supply all his needs so he is appealing through this column for donaUons or articles for sale along this line. Sorry to say the four lonely American soldiers got stood up on ls their date with the 'our Canadian damsels. And they are such, nice m . UU13, WU. UitU " V (ft u.vwkj f, For Y Uteteria,iinirlr?:irr0One UUJ f 1V JWU VV A nifty I heard one of the girls pull at the dance the other day while talking to one of the sailors. I suppose you're Just a wolf in SHIPS clothing." The band concert by the Mid land Regiment Band last night at the weekly Padre's concert was first rate. Let's have more .of them. The Hostess. NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD GENERAL ORDER The Dominion Bureau of Statistic has found that the coat of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted Index 117) has risen by 2.4 pointi over the index for October 1, 1941, of 113.5 (adjusted index 114.6). Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 (1) of the Wartime Wages Control Order P.C 5963, and subject to the general provisions of the Order, the National War Labour Board orders that employers subject to the Order who are paring a cost of living bonus shall adjust the amount of such bonus pay. ment, and employers who are not paying a coat of living bonus shall commence the payment of such a bonus, both effective from the first payroll period beginning on or after August IS, 1942, as follows: . I (a) If pirmnt of cost of li ring bonu I brine mad pursuant t th provisions of Order in Council P.C 1U (now supmedsd Vy P.C SW)i (1) For employer to whom Section 4 (iti) (a) of P.C S94J .ppliM. th. bonu. h.U be increMed by the amount of tuty (60c) cent, per week, (ii) For employee, to whom Section 41 (H) (b) of P.C SMJ applies, the percentase of their weekly wage rate., p.d to thra a. a cott of living bonu., .hall be increMed by 2.4 poiaui (b) If no coat of living bonu. U being paid, th. payment at aucb bonu. ahall be commenced: 0) For employe, to whom Section 4 (Hi) (a) of P.C IM) applie., in the amount of titty (60c) cent, per week, Gi) For employee, to whom Section 4 (iii) (b) of P.C SMJ applie., in the amount of 2.4 of their weekly wage rate.; (e) In no cue .hall th amount of a rolt of hying bonu. adjurted a. .tated esceed a malimum of S4.2S per week to employee, to whom Section 4S (ii!) (a) of P.C. 5 96 J appliee. and of 17 of their weekly wage ratea to employee, to whom Section 41 (ill) 0) of P.C. 5963 applie. I (d) (1) 0) For employee, to whom Section 4S Oil) (a) of P.C. 394J applie. now being paid a roat of living bonua, not purauarat to the provwume of P.C. 8253, eatabuahed prior to tbe effective date of that Order, in an amount eseeeding $4.)S per week, th. amount of the bonua ahall remain unchanged, (Li) For auch employeee now being peal a coat of living bonu of lea than $4.25 per week, the amount of th. beam, ahall be increeaed up to aiity (60c) cent, per week, but in no caae to exceed a total weekly bonua of $4.25 1 (2) 0) For employee to whom Section 4$ (iii) (b) of P.C. SMJ appliee, now being paid a coat of living bonua, not pureuaat to th provinon of P.C. $253, ettabbthad prior to th effective date of that Order, in an amount exceeding 17 of their weekly wage rate, the amount of th bonu thai! 'remain unchanged; (H) For auch employee, now being paid coat of living bonua of leea than 17 of tbir weakly wag tavaa, eb. bunu ahall be incraad up to 2.4 potnu, but in no caa to exceed total weekly bonu of 17 of their weakly wag rate; (a) The adjuetment or payment of a coat of living bonua eaicuUtacl a ordered ahall be to the neareat cent of any fractional figure! 'Q Employ era fn th construction industry ahall adjust I he amount of any cost of living bonua required by paragraph (a) of this order only for employeee in respect of whom no special bonua arrange ment has been made with the approval of War Labour Beard, pursuant to the provision of the Order for th conduct of th National Joint Conference Board of the Construction Industry, Ottawa, Ontario, HUMPHREY MITCHELL; August 4, 1942. Chairman, National War Labour Board. With War On Tramps Few Conflict Ha Taken Unborn Off British Highways and Roads GLASGOW, August 11: ( II nothing else, the war ha taken the tramps off the highways ind by-ways of Britain. Jtut liow main have been called to the forc-ps oi firrrac I into war Industry no sm tlstlcs can ever allow but nr. Anglo-Scots Walkln Tours meet InR here noted the absence thi . year of the mobile army atom which used to haunt the Brtusi. countrywide. Facta available iw that um.st men who still arc "wanderers lave the Welsh hills and the wi me south of England. For generation Lramra have left their thulk marks on, the walls of count: house. A circle and a cross mcai. Food here:" a ragged line B Tare of the do." Now a new sym bol has been seen the swastika with a line through it. The first rw to notice this on his gaw post was reported to be a mean farmer, famous locally lor report .n? all unshaven shirkers to the ollce. i BURNETT'S V 1 l awK sai Because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRY (unsweetened) Gin, you can add or learc out sweet ocss, when mixing drinks, and suit every individual taste. Be a wise host scire Burnett's. WO.M.40 25 or. '2.70 ok.M.05 PIEASE SAVE THE BOTTLE I Canada naads glaisl Sava all bortlal. Your Salvag Commllta will collacL lliis Advertisement Is not published" or displayed by the Li-auor Control Board or by the Oovernmcnt oi Orltlsh Columbia iG io !L ID S E A L t THE SEAL OF QUALITY "ti o-i.ry Sockcyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater r :tb Trm rant zm ?:" p uitv vnni? tmii'tc: V. a a rva tin a slt 5 Novelties, Souvenirs and 5 (irectinir Cards S at the VARIETY SIORE S KBiaJWKBXa ISJCBX'B CI EITI 121 !' FOR QUICK KEBULT8 TllY A NEWS WANT ADD. ' 1st III TUESDAY. AUGUST THE DAILY NEWS "Jt? PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE i.has. ijouimuau Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving .... - a-: n,in lilnnrwarr. VISIT OUK HASiaiKNT SUMiL lor i mc - Glasses, IJoRcafic and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant ! - . OS PLAYBOY" i A BANG-UP "V" FOIl VICTORY Complete Show. WEDNESDAY ONI 11 Y 1 1;00, 2 57 5:01, 7 11, 9 18 HaryTop thrills . . whan tough Sfil wa?yr Edward G. Robinson slugs Uj Tf WmK I mtfkZ&Sr it out with daarjaroBl kf VlM& Q-gyT Edward Arnold! Mad Wan- lf- mJUJ j-jt'j,y ha Mao's "Sin Dacada" la 'Ja. VF dftma with a wallop I I Siwohd G.Rcr(risonl UNHOLY PARTNERS; ARNOLD DAY HUNT William T. Orr Don Beddoe imture at 9 Jl ,tf.VV30, 5 37. y ' KXTRA AUDLU -wrw or thi: bickiia WAU I liter " CAPITOL ComplrlP Sh" 4 56. 7 :00. 9 0 ('liarlc. Lausti'f ft TTI S or TAHITI At a r i . . BOUDOIR SLIPPERS Iaadiett' Iieadwl Eur Trim and Hair Seal M-k . .. All colors. Priced at, 1 $1.25 lo $2.95 All color Chunlllc SlipiMfrB at $1.35, $1.50, $2.25 MULE SLirrEltS Fashion Footwear Next to Dollar Store Phone Hod 2 lit Y WAR SAVINGS STAMPS VACATION SUPPLIES ' , if'm sr ., a. ,.a mMI ' 1 SKOL, for sun tan 0c NOXZEMA SUN TAN OIL fife NOXZEMA CREAM, 10 os4 Other mas ',Wc and 00c SUN GLASSES 50c POLAROID SUN GLASSES s- TAN-GEL, for burns STAWAY 39c REXALL INSECT CHASER FLASHLIGHTS Glaw Metal Also First Aid Supplies and Films MMtMMM) Ormes Ltd. Cir- Pioneer Drvuigists Till: ItLXAI.L STOftK 1MIONKS Rl AN" " Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 pn. f Sundays and Holidays from 12 - Z p.m. and 79 Pm'