Maximum 63 Minimum 53 voi xxxi. w , THIS Wfe IN UriAWv 4 Dy DILLON O "LEAHY British United Pre SUff Correspondent! OTTAWA. Aug. U BUP Can-cd.j Parliament hat finished 1U v,-rk for the present session and GtJfi'urnrd until next January. It a: however, be recalled In case 1 emergency, and approved by ':( prime Minister's motion to effect The Hon? Kong report debate got ; v. jv to a notty start this week ' an uproar In the House of nmoiix on the first day, Mon- r . me siorm mew up wnen( p Minister Mackenzie King rd 'he word "mob" In referring' Opposition tactics. 1! ward Oreen. Conservative Vancouver South, led off the o - ' . sit ion attack on the debate. C ' . n moved that published por-' of the evidence taken In the . .ury were proof of the lack of r 'ary officials who were respan-i v. for the expedition. 1 Green .said that certain supplies J c: j. iietnenU had broken down.j Miat reorganisation at defence iquarterg was necessary If the-; . s ronftdence was not to be .: .'.red. ' Dlefenbsker. Conservative I ke Centre, called for all evl-' and documents concerning - Hw? Kong xc which would ( He charged the Govern with attempting to prevent ;-rr. and keep the facts from : nig known. I T d' bute brought in all par-' :;.: ueienee Minister J. L r ?, uoke first for the Govern- PROVINCIAL UBRAKY Local Temperature She WW n;c hare in garrisoning the I labor shortage in Nova KeoUs. oy llen defendant In a civil case Urge fields of hay remain uncut what R-AJ. man would. I; speaking.' the minister an- and crops which went bad could suppose, now describe as evasive that the quartermaster-', not N" replaced, because of the cUon, I a. v branch of the army has .shortage of farm hands. 1 I am reminded of that tUle by xnpletely reorganised. He I The prospects for Yarmouth reading a statement in a promin- was partly as a result of farmers Is definitely not bright, ent newspaper that there are at , llr.ig Kong expedition but hejln addition to the labor shortage present 02,000 male conscientious '.rd a recommendation by, vegetable crops have been hit by objectors because it makes me : d Oreen that the defence de- l. be reorganized. disease and harvest this ycar Is question whether any enterprising' expected not to exceed miy per- person has been inspired to give. A . - two days of debate the! cent of last year's crops. r c voted. It turned down by ) v . ted to 34 the Opposition mo-' ' -uiing for a reorganisation of ('.cfencc department. j Pi.xe Minuter King welcomed vote as one of confidence. "I i appy to know." he said, "that v O vcrnment still has the eon-. . :e of the House of Commons." T;:crc was no debate on the re-v ' :f the defence of Canada nations Committee , which c lifting of the official bin '!ie Communist party. The re-had been represented to the !-.: Justice Minuter St. Laurent ' 'hat he would be reluctant to srr.mcnd any Government ac-tendlng to legaliw Commu- 31. T;:s! close of the week and the " few days of the session saw - House of Commons busy with ;3 non-war estimates. In the Senate the Overseas Con- Jptlon Amendment was passed ' ' ttr a debate that cut across party -if The Senate vote was 42 to :ie. with five Liberals and four Conservatives opposlnlg the amendment. Munitions Minister C. D. Howe told the, British United Press "hat before the end of the year Canada's factories will bo turning nut tanks at the rate of 500 a month. Most of these will be the hard hitting "ram" tanks. Howe -Id that Canada has the second tank arsenal In Iargcst America. He forecast also that by the end of the year Canada will be manufacturing 800 airplanes a month. Thi , will come on top of the Industry's switchover from training TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver O rand view Bralornc - Cariboo Gold QuarU Hedley Mascot 1 Pend Oreille Pioneer Premier - - Prlvatecr - Reno Sheep Creek X. Oils ' Calmont C. & E- Home Oil .r.. Royal Canadian Deattle Central Pat Toronto T"" Hardrock -f - Kerr Addison i.-.-- Little Long Lac McLeod Cockshutt McKenJle Red Lake (a) .. Madsen Red Lake Moneta - - Pickle Crow - Preston East Dome - - .12 SjW .99 .18 .7 1.31 .42 .36 .02 .61 .71 Cons. Smelters 33.75 .33 3.80 .77 1.02 .55 .57 .24 1.G0 1.56 San Antonio - - li45 Shcrrltt Gordon - -6l planes to combat machines. At th Ramo time, the Munitions Minuter let It bo known that the North slcel situation In Canada Is grow advice on now 10 uvaae Auiiiary lions. r ing difficult. But he aaaca there has not yet been any slowdown In war production duo to shortages of steel. Canada produces two-thirds of her steel needs and Imports the Other one-third. However, I can to some extent answer my own question. Such advice Is being given; no. ivju Indeed In a foreign tongue to for- 75 letgners but In English In England I to English men. It Is not given In 11 booklets passed furtively from hand to hand nor In whispers be--1 20 hind closed doors nor In any hole and corner way. out openiy ana. 1 1 suppose, within the law. At any rate the law has not Interfered so far. There are at this moment cer-,tnln societies according to com-' mon report about twenty whose aim It l to assist "conchies" to present their objections to doing any military service. In fact in some Instances to doing anything at all which Is calculated directly or indirectly to assist the war effort, and these societies are able to reinforce their efforts by association Into a sort of Central Board for Conscientious Objectors. Apparently what happens Is that anyone, male or female, who has In fact, or who says he has, conscientious objections to assisting war In any way can go to any one of these societies and obtain advice as to how to present his case. Ho Is not cross-cxamfned by his advisers as to the degree of sen sitiveness' of his conscience, as to the strength "pf his objections or 1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1942 BURNING JAP CRUISER WALLOWS AFTER HITS BY AMERICAN BOMBERS .m.? P t3kPr' at the Bat:ic 01 ,.!iow, abuser, that the US. navy pianes sank. Smoke from the dying swe view of a Jap rrmser of the Moganu ttftnr it ironster fills the wad bomb- uzone as it lists to one side Uncle Sam s forces Dy ':ir"le"-bascd VS. navy aircraft. Ttu- may be one of the are taking drastic step, to even the sneak attack by the Japs on Pearl Harbor, and their efforts seem to be bearing fruit TL Ztt Labor Shortage Felt In East LETTER By OLANVILLE CAREW SAttNIA. Ont . Aunu.t n .mtPi I 'British United Press) Hundreds of men have been' drafted from Sarnla and Latnoton , vf , . rf,.nw tKjk tJTJZZr. LONDON. A OR. 11 BUP) -There defence of the Hong Kong 7." t one time-, good many, ,,,, Ralston W that. 1" torte. JThWlS Sc- "T .f w f the chanae of Ooverrunent ln- - atx hjbar jw. mln, eret circulaUon enUUed "How to ' ":1 l' oTwhch hanot bexpmeed Eth'1(EUhii " I do not did a question throughout rtnc ia4t ur sajr that It was displayed on the ; !!.! if she had refwed to Enlistment of men from bookstalls, that It carried any pub ', lie osaarec mat mcn Canada's aaed terass would have be Inter- early In he wr caused some labor a quuunc. Ana ne aaaea concern but the shortage was not Hanson, the OppostUon Lead- etmatdrPti aeniA r; I. ..a, M n strlcted to choice subscribers who -Slid sum ch a a procedure. procedure. situation situation and and employers emokHrers i Today's War Summary By Canadian Press) Patients, Staff Killed in Raid . . . LONDON Several patients and staff members of an East An-elican .Mental institution were killed last night by a direct hit ftom a German plane during raids on east and southeast England. Hankow Feels U.S. Bombs . . . CHUNGKING The Chinese government announced that United States bombers dropped bombs and incendiaries on Hankow, Japanese main base, causing much damage. All planes returned safely to their bases. SJFirK Nazis Drive Still Unchecked . . . 000 In the last war. In the absence of knowledge of the number of men1 engaged in either war no com pan-1 son can be made to show whether j 'the percentage Is higher or not i Ayhow, It looks small among mil-! MOSCOW Despite continual Russian counter-attacks the new German drive towards Stalingrad progresses steadily. Berlin claimed that Russian resistance in the North Caucasus had completely broken down. Russians admit a German break through at Krasnador. Ger man progress is expected to be considerably slowed down as Caucasus ; family for five weeks. Each coupon foothill region is reached providing Russians with terrain more M worth one ounce of tea or four suited to defence. ounces of coffee. If she wants to buy the family's For Second Front Japanese Ready . . . CHUNGKING Sources here state that the Japanese have about "00,000 troops on the Manchukuo border in readiness for a Siberian offensive. Laval Looks To Hitler Victory . . . VICHY Pierre Laval told Frenchmen today that "France's liberation will come with Hitler's victory." Permanent U.S. Aim Occupation . . . WASHINGTON Admiral Ernest J. King stated that the American forces landed in southwestern Solomon Islands had as their purpose the driving out of the Japanese and permanently occupying the strategic area. the grounds for them or how long maintains objection, he has held his opinions. Indeed. How many women "conchies-he may have seen the light only, there are has not been stated, as a coupie or minutes alter he was far as I know, nor have many called upon to register. The support of a conscientious objector receives In this way Is of course only moral support and advice on procedure. He may not be represented before the tribunal In any way. He Is told by the society how to register his objection; advised what to say to the tribunal; what to do if he fails to convince that bpdy and what to do if, despite being ordered to serve he still cases been reported In the news papers only a very few extreme ones hut probably nine out of every ten of the 62,000 males and the undisclosed figure of females are graduates from one or other of these societies. We have to admit that In these cases they are honest yet It seems hardly humanly possible to be completely logical and Judiciary about them. . , ing tea and coffee in smaller amounts than they have been accustomed to do in the past. Children under twelve years of age are not permitted a ration. This pleases nutritionists and doctors because there Is no nourishment In these beverages and their i effect as stimulants is not considered for children. It probably does not appeal to the kind of housekeeper, however, who would like to have the children's extra cou-:pons with which to buy her fam- j w r i ' A family of four, made up of two adults and two children- under twelve, can use only two ration cards. This means that the housekeeper has 10 coupons to last the five-week supply at once and she requires both tea and coffee, she 'can if she so desires take four cou-ipons and buy one pound of cof-.fee, and another four coupons and jbuy one-quarter of a pound of tea. Tnis will leave ner wim iwo coupons. With them she can either augment her coffee supply by half-a-pound, or her tea supply by two ounces one-eighth of a pound. This amount will have to last until September 8 when the permanent ration books are Issued by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. The above example Is, of course, only a suggestion of how a family with two ration cards could appor tion their coupons. Naturally It Is up to everyone to do as they see fit Some people would rather buy all tea and no coffee and vice versa. One fact must be faced, however, that one ounce of tea or four ounces of coffee a week per person Is not a great deal to get along on. According to government officials the ration Is the result of dire necessity. Ships are needed for more Important things than tea and coffee. They are required to bring tanks and guns, ammunition and planes to the war fronts. Consumers are being asked to deny themselves In order to win the war. , Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 1:14 ajn. 20.5 feet 13:54 pjn. 10.3 feet Low 7:45 am. 2.0 feet 19:51 pjn. 6.1 feet -iit Riots; Stoppages Plague India Crucial PRICE- FIVE CENTS In Hour Troops Marched, in to Reinforce Police Hindu, Moslem Factional Riots Feared "Final Struggle" Against British BOMBAY, Aug. 11 (CP) Rioting, mill stoppages and police volleys fired into turbulent mobs spread wider over India today amid indications that dreaded communal riots between the Hindus and Moslems might break out to heighten the crisis. The Government took increased measures to restore and keep order and in some areas troops marched in where police strength seemed inadequate. The police said that the slightest snark i touch off rioting between the opposing Hindu and Mos lem groups as trom all points came reports of demonstrations following-a call for a total shutdown of trade. Dissidents were promised by-their leaders victory in two t months in what they called "a final struggle" against umisn ruie. Arithmetic For P.E.I. Bootleggers I Housewives Now, Caught In Act Tea, Coffee Rationine Means New n.CJMJ. Co-operate in Eaforclnr I Arithmetic Problem j Prohibition VANCOUVER. Aug. 11 How your mathematics? Announcement of is 1tWlUWlltlUWfl, PEL, Aug. .,., 11 cnarges under the coupon ra- j . ...... tloning of tea and coffe Is making1 "." n tl, , . housewives setUe a lot of problems'' Prtly f UJ gallUt in Arithmetic this week. Sy SiSJ ZS, f "S" based on the family, tea nJ crtJ'Z fee requirements. i tzL vtc- tI rLi TPrlCeS and dawn on a tructaan transferring WMt; PWibarreb from the CJIit. station to marked A-B-C-D-E- the on ration a warehouse celUr. cm aie wurui eimer one ounce WttC6Ss US. Report ."Holding Our Own"-. , . - 31 was no doubt its circulation was re- ASIIINOTOV-Five words, "we are holding our own" today these commodities in very small consigned consigned has h L not h r 1 J AW. A 1. I ... ....... fl.l' I I n tUMlMl t .u. .. ..kui. P. V. "ii ciruim uui iv m h wtn a aeilnlte lack ot men. ktiumi u. a wj.j vtinvn j urt expedition, and said: YARMOUTH. US. August 11: cme ,nto mv poasesslon for an V was Canada's turn to help. inUP The Yarmouth farming hour 01 lwo explained to me the -itJ-. it seemed to us. ouaht to.dltrlet u farr! u-uii th wop. phenomenal knowledge displayed' gave the Lnited States word indicating that American Marines were quantities, mirehasers are ivrm It- have been the first to drafts recently have changed this to nd of nd Uklr 10 bene-1 beating off furious Japanese counter-attacks in the five-day-old bat- ted to buy their whole five-week are ftiffd f,t ,u adr'cr 11 written in' tie of the Solomon Islands, 900 miles northeast of Australia, as Allied supply at once, if they want to. navai and air forces covered the long range invasion. Australia's Retailers. In many instances, will Prime Minister Curtin, announcing at least an even break in a be faced with the problem of sell- struggle that may mark the turning point of the far Pacific conflict, said that Allied gains so far had apparently outweighed their losses. At the same time an Australian government spokesman disclosed that shipments of supplies of "highest possible value" which would "revolutionize offensive operations in the north" had arrived in Australia. 60 quarts of -straw. The. name whom it was been made pub lic. Famed Elgar Choir Will Tour East VANCOUVER, August 11 Starting out on its fourth Canadian tour, Vancouver's famed Elgar Junior Choir, C. E. Flndlater, director, left here Monday evening by Canadian National Railways for Jasper National Park, first stop in a tour which will take them to many cities in the Dominion east to Montreal to fulfill some fifty engagements In the interest of war charities. The first concert In the present tour will be given at Jasper Park Lodge on Friday. Last year the choir travelled as far east as Montreal on a similar tour and was instrumental In raising thousands of dollars for various war efforts. The twenty-five members pay all " their own expenses for the entire trip. The only recompense they receive Is the satisfaction of having assisted in a great cause. Police Court Notes P. Dufresne and Charles G. Stewart were both fined $25.00 or seven days for being publicly Baseball Scores National League St. Louis 4, Pittsburg 6. Philadelphia 0, Brooklyn 6. American League Boston 3-0, Washington 0-1. Philadelphia 4-2, New York 1-3. Cleveland 1, Chicago 3. HALIBUT SALES American Eileen, 54,000 pounds, 14c, Royal. 16c and RABBITS FOK WAR LONDON, Aug. H OfThe Food Ministry estimates that If one family In three In Britain kept rabbits at least 75,000 extra tons of food would be produced each year.