1 PAGE TOUR r TIIE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE srV'-s yr-wl Chas. Dodimcad fir I 1kPV I Optometrist In Charge V I 1 J Watch, Clock, Jewelry X V ' Repairing Hand Eniravl And when we speak of Purses we include all those necessary "fall musts" in a complete matching ensemble:- Gloves, Millinery Jewellery, Flowers, : II o sier v, Collar and Cuff Sets, Scarves . . yes, even down to the Handkerchief for just the right finishing touch. rlnc VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant awav;w.vaw.v.v.v.v.v.vav.,.wv.waW Fall Handbags BREAK JUT In Brilliant New Fabrics I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVENUE (Next to Heilbroner's) Phone BLUE 907 VWiV.WAW.VWWW.VAVW.V.W.,.VWdVW.W MEN'S WORK BOOTS Solid Leather Lines ARCH KING in 8" and 10" STERLING in Leather and Panco Soles TILSONRURG, Solid Leathers throughout VALENTINE MARTIN'S Arch Support Work Roots Family shoe store ltD. " "The Home of Good Shoes" FURS Big stock received today. All invited to come and see my stock, jj Clearance Sale on Silver Foxes Q Coats from $10 to $1,100.00 roooT1 W. G0LDBL00M 2T S it Resiricions piaced upon us by the Wartime Prices li Trade Board compel us to announce we shall be .unable to put on our "Christmas Special" this "year. This practice of sending a small box of smoked fish, typical of the dominant industry of Prince Rupert, has become increasingly popular and we are very sorry we shall have to disappoint our many customers this year. After the war, we hope we shall again be able to make this special Christmas offer available to our many friends, Canadian Fish &CoId Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia TOLD OF ENGLAND Col. Dray of Salvation Army Gives Impressions at Luncheon of Gyro Club "We must sacrifice as individuals if we are to win this war," declared Lieut. Col. William Dray, auxiliary services officer pf the Salvation Army for Canada, in speaking before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday. "Even here In Canada we have got to pull n our belts and tighten up. We mus cease our selfish indulgences and comforts. An4 In addition to a straight military victory, the per-must be based on the rightc u teachings of the Prince of Pea . We people can help to bn; :h.r about." Col. Dray spoke Interestingly of life under wartime conditions in England which country he recently visited. He paid tribute to the great spirit of the British people under tribulations which had beset them. It was a spirit which never could be conquered. Col. Dray went over to England last December Everywhere in Eng land there were signs abundant of the great blitzes, the bitter and bloody battles of the air but the people were entirely unconquered The path of victory In Britain was one of blood and sacrifice but the neople had stood up to it in a wonderful way without complaint or murmur. Col. Dray went on to tell inter estingly of how women were doing men's jobs. He also referred to some of the rationing difficulties. Life in England thece days might x drab but the people were cheer-'ul and there was certainly nothing n the way of despair. Col. Dray then went on to des cribe his Impressions after visiting the forces through Britain. There vas a fine spirit among the men. They might be chafing at inaction but they felt that they had gone over to do a job and they were resolved to stay there until it was done. It was not an easy thing to sit there and wait for something to happen. That too took courage and the boys could be counted upor. to represent Canada well when the time came. Col. Dray had found that the Canadians overseas were getting married In considerable numbers-quite a natural thing for them t, do. Good English homes wern opened up to them. The padres a.i far as possible, Investigated ai: marriages. Nor was the genera: Idea that of one young soldier who when asked to swear "until death do us part" had answered ' just f it the duration." Col. Dray referred to the importance of the work of the auxiliary services declaring that the hoy must not be failed and that it was essential the good work be kept up. President George L. Rorie was in the chair and expressed the appreciation of the listeners to Col. Dray for his fine address. Next week the club speaker will be Dr. O. A. Wlesener of Little Norway. Toronto, who will be in the city in connection with the Norwegian training plane fund. Dr. Wlesener was a medical officer In the Russo-nnnish war. The local club is also anticipating a visit from the district governor. Dr. George Froome of Kam-loops, about the middle of to, t limaU. W CM. PIEASE SAVE THE BOTTlEI Your Solvog Commit! Will Collect. Thi. advi T.f-r;-' :? . not ashed or d.-ui.cwd by the U-auor Contiol Board or by the Ootrnmrnt of British Columbia C.N.R. T rams From Terrace-Daily except Sunday .. 11:30 am. For Terrace-Daily except Sunday 4:16 pa. Kor the tail Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 7:W pjn. Wednesdays and Fridays 19:30 a jr.. from the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30 p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays 7 p.m Air Force Revue Visiting Rupert TaiUpinV Party Here In Course Of Tour of Coast Stations Tailspins" reme group, a versatile concert party of the Royal Canadian Air Force, which is on a tour of bases on this coast. Is paying a visit to this area. Tuesday night there was a much appreciated entertainment at the local air base. Last night there was a show at a construction catnp. Sunday afternoon and evening there will be shows for the men of the force? and their1 friends at the Caplto! Hum wkat's pik$ READ a niQDA DIGNIFIED ROMANCE "Talk of Town" With Cary Grant, Jran Arthur and Ronald Col-man, at Capitol Theatre A delightful combination of rich and racy romance with a suspense-ful background of melodrama and ac'ton. Talk of the Town," this week-end's feature offering at the Cf..' 'I Theatre. Is a different sort f ory Cary Grant. Jean Arthur a: d Rmald Cotman are starred. Tie .story Involve a fugitive txa lecal injustice, the nation's f rrmost legal theorist and candl-cV tor the United States Su-4r' mc Court bench and delightful r 0-v.sip.s A romantic triangle is handled in a delightful and dignified manner. Cary Grant is the fugitive. Miss Arthur Is his fellow-fighter against injustice, cotman is a bearded, dignified law school dean. Bdgar Buchanan, Olenda Farreli and Tom Tyler head the supporting east. STRETCHING INDIES The Netherlands But Indies stretch across one-eighth of the circumference of the earth. FISH SKIN LEATHER Skin from flounders is being used in Holland for shoe leather and to repair automobile Urea. When you feel weary, tired, all in, you need a quick stimulating "pick-up". That is when a cup of delicious beefy BOVRIL "Really touches the spot" 4Z.I7 T.. - w ' ..! . ,' e (if Y,.g M :. C u'..au Asx.4'.ki. VJLT SPrv'KT-' inc iaiLspi.-u program is a well knit variety entertainment consisting of corned tea, Mts, group numbers and orchestral selection Under the leadership and direction of Flying Officer Fraser Lister, it clviUan life a Victoria school teach-er and well known in entertainment quarters there, the party consists of Len Moss, piano acordian: AI Bestal. comedian: Dkk Taylor., swing guitar: Frank Kuese. drums: Stan Klrkby. saxaphone and clarinet; Archie Davy, baritone. Curly Reynolds, yodeler; Don MacLcan. piano. All are bona fide members ol air force ground crew. DO YOU ASK INTERESTING QUESTIONS? Any pcrton who aKMlaa ta W1 rrgtrdtd at an inltrntinf pcroa. You majr not like to tiptttt yow opiniont. You mtj not cart to do much talking rh Jrou PMt ethrr lolki .,tot yoa tt b!p to taaka thing! inttrctting In toy gnberiagan you can hol4 yov ahar of atttmkn' and make pcopU rnpt yoa . i( yoa ' k intcrtiting qucttion . . . it you aak qutttiona about lubjetn that oUxr art inttrttttd in. Ptoplt art iottiemd is turr ml tvtntl. Your daily ntwpp, .uj iMp ywl lormad on all lubjtcti of timtly latf. tit ntwt ol tht dtjr. Happtningt your ntwiptptr rtpom . . . itatrmantt by mtn and woman whott opinion your ntwipaptr quotti u Iht thingi Poplt Ulk about. STARTS TOMORROW You'll take them to your heart... Wat acihevtakflvnii f Vflr j y.g for a most excit- F9 V 1 ' lncr trin Intn a . world oi romance dramacomedy! Twenty-Five Years Ago NotrmlKT 2, 1917 The American steamer Spokane ran aground on rocks at Idol Point yesterday afternoon on her way ! vuth Thr vessel u rest m easily Na AUfM mm tW 4 A ..4m k I Cary Jean fork j:. Prince v V and bfuu.:' to Prinrr h safe arr.'.. E. M. Jsr SAMPLE COPY ON l wimlM I Alt I HUR 1 Ronald CGLMAN fc... LUbAK DUUnANAN ' A Geore STEVENS arTaJ Tt- K Baaanati.. iW AM lfcim iM-WimM iltuh.' Ml 1 y SViS ON THI SAMI PIOCIAM WORLD NEWS EVENTS Complete 8h)tr 1 00 2 S8 .5 X f Feature u' t 00. 3 03 :.. :'" CAPITOL ' '- GlgfDat " ; it r : SINDAV MHI.MTE Henry Fonda, (lenr Tlfrney In "RINfiS OX lir.R nxCUT C ASTORS Of TttU Castor U from Jr 1 and it U hoped to float her off the 1 grown T Tlic World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An Intttmltvi! Dsily Sfu v ,t it TrvtMuI Gmxrutti.f Unti.J Frw f Smtcmd " Uiloi! Art Tim!? n4 Iivfw -t r-J U r.ttum, Tocttvr nh ik Vlr M4-. . S. rr lh Monitor an li.a Nratpaprr far W o,f TIM OlttMUM SCMAC Pulllll). t tV, Notwaf Sunt. Beaton. M... :$ PfKa lli 00 YaMlr. e l 00 a ' SantnUjr Imm. tntltUtnt Maaairvl S..... --. IMraalorr 0ar, 4 Samrtlay lwi . Chnslmdt Goods NOW IN STOCK GREETING CAIIl' WATERMAN'S I'KS ami PENCILS and Sf.T YAKDLKY'S LAVENDI U sFT JASMINE, GARDENIA, MHB and ADRIENNE Si Ts HACHEEOR SETS FOli MFN WRITING KITS Ct'TI-X sKT SHAVING RRUSHKS CHOCOLATES, PAGE to, sHAW PERFUMES and COI.ni.NES CHRISTMAS CKAC'KFIIS TOILET SOAP - MLLF0LDS HAIR HKUSHES Wc would advise an early selection as Chn mas stocks cannot be duplicated His Jcar Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druqfi T1IK KKXALL STOItK NIONI ' Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 1 P' f lj8. Til PER Sundayi and Holiday from It rzr. t p.m. uu