NOVEMBER 26. 1942 ec.' c-Jthorltiei ogree I pe c- "" 1,,8 feed in peoce or or NsbHco Shredded yhest to a whole grain M0 whoa h:;' Li which all the bran, wfiof germ and mineral are retained. or ce"ercl fitneu, keep well nourlihed. Enjoy Noblsco Shredded Vt with milk of breaktott erery day. rihheuhcemen La Tin td'er'emenu in tni hfe'jca iil t cfiuvd (or s Hi mor.'b t 25e t word. I OF Ho. 63 every 1 ; iy 8 pjn.. Oddfel- juniukg saeeaben in- . ? Regiment Dance. , Refreshments. Vjjnce. Friday Nov. irom members, Invitation Danee. .1 ... November 3. r'.itmment will be t T Maariy on ser- Salvation Amy 'y 3. 8:11 pjn Re- 1!' ar. Dee- 3. Invitation Dance, . Deci. . Dance, OdaMeUowa' j.y Dee. . By iav Moose invitational ng party. Oddfel mber 1. k Indian woman, court yesterday, olatlng the Indian intoxicated. Owing jt the woman Is month old baby, icded pacing of -.MIDI AN tHIIODIO WXCAI C0MAT, ITO NWm f.ll,. Was Benefactor Of His Country Octogenarian flare Million and Half to War Lffort HOLMEWOOD. Eng.. Nov 26 JM AsMen Flelden. 83. whov direct contributions to the Bntush war effort had exceeded E300.00') latent USMSMk). died at his Iv x. ifi Into Huntingdon village Am r ' other gifts, be had giver, f ju; Spitfires to the nation In tbr Pint Oreat War he donated aoou' 500.000 besides equipping and maintaining a hospital ship Eittene Choqnette. employed by j the B C. Bridge and Dredge Co.. was foand guilty In police court 1 yasterday of theft of a rubber coa'. from a follow workman. ChoquetU was faned W or m default, seven days in tail, which he is sernnc and ordered to make restitution AtCTlOV HlLfc Tlmtor Mir Vtt wtB b asfrrtd for Ml fr" Pu! He AMDSkxi. at num on ttte U '- D t4t to tS cftlw or ' v.- r Mu-tnr Bu-Sns Viuk f C. ttw ikm xvhm. -! tJMuwi 11SOTP nd 11S08P MX) mur wmi Crown huid wmt4 h Tiro (i mn inii i ltod tor -4 4 1. 1 t ll Ptor'Vii uflio'ie sMe So ttaad MT ts to cfMOMl X lh twur o ln i and Trjrrt ottr o J Fur vr p"" mr fi1 Ir m i!w t" irr Vkorm. BC. ir 1W Dio'ri f-tr' . Pr.nre Rupnrt it Vir- vct B' RUPERT BUTCHERS ahh to announce that owing to lu,fk,fnV P" J? tonxerve tire, and gasoline. ON AND AFTER ESI BLR -1 ... ,ir- Kiit vi vr:; ONLi. e make our UF.LIVKUU i. i- " with us b) r p .ld appreciate our customers co-operating lnj .. - iu. BA-lnii flaT. I Ills Mill their orders not later than 5:uo pm. iuc - aible us to make our deliveries as early as possible the nt mornirtf, Announcing the Opening ot the s Mi & 1UUK THE TOILER 4 VICTORY CAFE m 330 Third Avenue West : zut muTmsuimtu rm latOaXBiauutr nau i i llt,i I0C4IS ! Cedar CheU. Tea Waaon Cof. fee Tables. Comforter. Axmlnater Carpets. ELIOS. Prince Rupert. TontehTs trafci. doe (mm the Em at 7 ofeloek, wm reported this to be on time. AW. A. 17th Coast Regt. R.OA. (Hindi Dance tonight at Armories. Admission SQe. Pay at the door. Newton F. Pullen, who has been a vtkltof in the city for the past week, having come north on ac-sooat of the death of his father tost week. Is leaTing tonight on his Mtawn to Vancouver. Mrs. p. LeRoss, Graham Avenue, was taken to the Prince Rupert General Hospital last night suffer -mir a broken leg. The accident oc-'um'(! when Mrs. LeRoss slipped oi.ti.o icy walks and fell in the m ow near her home. Coi J. W. Nicholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co.. recently returned from a business trip to Eastern Canada and the United Htatas.' was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the rrinee Rupert Rot ary Que, giving some interesting impressionE gained on that trip. President George C. Mitchell was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members as wc" as a few guests OrJf r Only tHiat You erd BUY ROBINTEX QUALITY FABRICS FOR ECONOMY Vtti.KtoKn At Cloth, Of Dufinrfion lnf Durability Ait rout TAitot rot Glr.KMi:NT I.UJIOK ACT NOUtT IS KTREBY r.'VEN I'.un 0:1 j the 1 '' ronnir 1942 next ; Ui undrnOMd imbiiIi to apply to j Uw I rini"- ' ' , T, .-' '4. camex. ' V tfo- ' Bt-- : i t- M1"' Inurd lu r. oi prvrr.jw bt:'C part ot a i.'.rt .: -k kiuLn "i Knox Hotl KMBt on rrrn aviu upon Uw landa owwribrrl b lot 13 imd 14. of Block a. eer-.tion 1. Mp 923. City or Print Rupert. Prttir Rupert lr-S RcfMtrMioa Dunriot in Ow Ptiavlnrr ri BrMlah ColumtoiB. from Oeorge L R x-t True o( propnty of Knox Hotel Oompmny IJrattrt. Authortnul Alncr. of Prtnc Rtipcrt. BrKUh Ooi-m Jioh Cmu TariBlIf Ol imm RobMri Strait. Vancouver. am CulumMa. the tnamtm. nTEn at. PrteD Rinm. BHOan Columbia. 1U day of Nowmber 1942 JOSEPH CYBU8 LbBWJX Atvtloant aitd TtiBnlirre. IN THi: SI THEME COI KT Of IIKITIMI ( Oi l Mill IN riinilAll. In thf Multrr f the WdmlnMratlon III the Msllrr f the ltte of I-oulr Ixmk Sine ... TAKE NOT1C8: that o oroar n HonBur Jusr Tt. local J4ae ol .v.. n , mm at British OaiUm- b. ! w r SOMi 40f October A O. 142 aiolDtd Aikmtalatratar of Lmk Sinfi formerly of Onui Fat la, BrHiah Columbia. De-craned, who died on or about tlie 19 day of A usual 142 All Indebted to the aald Elt are required to Ja h4i amount of t heir tn- iebtedoaa v me w"1"' oeraona haTln( claim aal;t the said ... mumI in dip tltem vitn nw projiprty verified on or before ttoe 15th dai W Dee A D 1941 IW; winch dlatrtbutlon will be made hav-lr retjafd only to aurh chunv of whloh I atoaH bava be, lf, DTBD at Prince Rupert. B.C. tnta 30Ui day of Ootober 1B42 NORMAN A. WATT Otfkclal AdmlnlBtrator Prince Rupert. B.C. THE CENTHE OF ATTRACTION THE DAILY NEWS WEST YORKS COLDSTEEL British Unit Allied With Royal Montreal Has Made New Fame for Itself In Present War Written for The Canadian Press By CLAUD GOLDING LONDON. Not. 28 In the wMds of Eritrea and the jungles of Burma Britain's Went Yorkshire Regiment has lived op to Ms motto: "Nee Aspera Terrent" Hardships hold no fears. At Keren in Eritrea the West Yorka, associated with the Royal Montreal Regiment of Canada, won a victory that set all Yorkshiremen giowtng with pride. The drfendln Italians had thought the fortress, set 7,000 feet aton orecinltotts slopes, was im pregnabte with its carefully pre- i oared defensive positions Attack ers who tried to scale the heights were met by a hail of bombs and Intense machine-gun fire. But the West Yorks, with the help of a handful of Indian troops, gained the difficult objective and wiped out the Italians. Same at Burma The West Yorks displayed the same mettle in Burma alter the Japanese had Invested the town of Begu and cut off British troops. Gurkha and Sfkh troops attempted to relieve the beleaguered garrison, but were repulsed. Roads leading to the town were blocked by barricades and obstructions, including wrecked tanks and trucks. 1 During a moonless r.ieht some FOU SALE i - SALE Double bed ocmplete. K Seventh Ave. West, '2771 F ? SALE Coupe, with somble ejt. good raminc order, good ,.'Pv one never been used. Snap for quick sa4e. M4 10th Ave. East. 277i FOR SALE Cbtestfttflell, on piece r..v. 78: 71 3th Ave. E. Phone Blue "277J $500 --Trolling boat equipped with r. t Ourdies. 7 h.p. Easthope. ctod condition. Boat Carry D. 29 :et In Cow Bay Saturday and Sunday. 2oi FOR SALE Household furniture. Morris chair, kitchen table and chairs etc. 800 6th Ave. E. Phone Creen 661. FOR SALE Slabs and edgings cut m stove lengths, eord lots only, $12 delivered. Wood yard, head of Cow Bay. (Z79' FOR SALE At a reasonable price.. 35-foot boat, fully equipped and ready for service at any time. Apply McLean's Boatyard, Seal Cove. 283) TOOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street. ROOM AND BOARD In exchange for housework. Phone Oreen 880. 718 Fraser Street. VENTILATED SOCKS ' "Air-condltloned" socks of a self-venttlatirt? weave have been developed for U. S. Army troops for fighting. RICHARD SEPIITON District Agent Coastal Area and Lower Cariboo MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA will be in the city a short period. Phone 511 for Appointments . 11 r?iU.tfal 1 feT, . xnu AP; ImuMSV- I Whiff letS ! Make the most oi yourTea.. From The Waterfront .-r J A notice to mariners issued by the Department oi Transport announces a change in the color of the Hght on the gas and whistle buoy off Lawn Point in Hecate Straits. Queen Charlotte Islands The flashing white light has been replaced by a flashing red light. I: is also annodneed that a new li?h; has been established off Laa? Point on a cliff southward of the point. It Is a flashing white acetylene light, automatically flashed at short Intervals, shown from a lense lantern. The elevation is 145 feet and the structure is a white wooden mast with a white wooden day mark, 20 feet wide and zz feet nign. on a former day beacon. The light is un watched. A. J. Whltmore of Ottawa, west- lern representative of the Department of Fisheries of the Dominion of Canada and member of the In-' ternational Halibut Fisheries Com-J mission, arrived, in the city Tues day to corner wnn local innermen on various problems. tanks in the town succeeded in breaking out and Joining forces with those ontaide. Then it was decided to make another attempt to break the road blocks and the West Yorks made the first assault. It was repulsed but they attacked again and swept away the Japanese and carried the road blocks. Classified Ads. WANTED NEWSPAPER REPORTER WANTED Young person for daily newspaper in Prince Rupert Experience desirable but not necessary. Must have some writing ability. Opportunity to learn various phases of newspaper work. Apply National Selective Service No. AF 20. WANTED Young schoolgirl as mother's help for two small children. Phone 53. '275t ELECTRICIAN, wants 2 or 3 house- j keeping rooms. Box 395 Daily j News. 277i RETAIL Salesmen. 12 years experience, requires employment. Aged 38. Out of town preferred. Apply Unemployment Insurance Com mission A.M. 13. Z76 WANTED To buy shack and lot. Box 393 Dally News. (380) WANTED Coal stove for cooking use. Phone Red 395. 12761 WANTED urgency, room for air man and wife, pnone Kea zti. (278) wanted Chambermaid for hoteL Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 21. WANTED Room by refined young woman employed by vjsjjj. Apply Box 394 Daily News. (275) WANTED Piece of ground with in a mile of the city. Appiy box 393 Dally News. 275) TWO Girls wanted for old estab lished grocery store, permanent work. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 23. Uf) LOST LOST Bunch of keys. Finder please return to Daily News. ;276 HsaTesmen wanted You can boost your weekly earnings by taking on our popular Side Line of Calendars, as pan tunc work. Most of your customers are prospetets for calendars. Write Dominion Calendar Co., Truro. N. s . (276) BY WESTOVER buiFORM ATTRACTS A LOT MOKE, ATTEklTlOJ ? a mm TEA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Canadian National Railways TRAIN'S FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pm, stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ajn., stopping at principal points. ; TERRACE LOCAL Dally except Sunday, 4:15 pin. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 10:30 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pjn. TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 ajn. Daily except Sunday, AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full information, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenjer Ajent 528 Third Avenue. Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here is your chance to try the latest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling -to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAII Cor. fith and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 9i3 for Appointments A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A good selection of Christmas Gifts have arrived although not Coffee Tables, End Tables, so numerous as former years-such as Tea Wagons, Tables used for smokers, Secretaire, Tablelette, Jardinere Stands, Tea Tables, Dinette Tables with flip leaf. Phone 75 327 3rd Avenue Still The IDEAL GIFT Waterman's Pens Pencils Sets Complete New Stock to choose from Sec our Pen Counter It's Smart to use a Waterman 1. Guaranteed unconditionally for 100 yean 2. More gold in the point 3. Modern balanced rtyling. 4. Simplest. cie-ttroke rilling. 5. Quick start, leak-proof feed. 6. Write H mile on tiiifck' filling. 7. Handmade pointt 'through 80 operationi. 8. Your choice of 7 quality point. Em s3.oo f4B Hmdi Yw f B JSC iiiltrta) ieMaMv5.JM rt , .aa a a www f Vff ft W 7 For Quick, Safe and Comrortaule TAAl skkviuis PHONE 235 . nv ANn Nir.nT rMUCrOOg 4