niPTAiiiNn : r t i.a M X T- f f r t r r r r i r . Am lAfTAni Lanadians Archbishop of Vancouver: Rcr Walter R. Adams. An-- Archbishop of Kootenay and :'.:tn of BrlHsh Columbia; pr J B. Skene, past moder-f the general assembly of the 'trrian church in Canada, Rv A E Whltchouse. presl- r of 'he IlnUsh Columbia Con 'f the United Church of for present war enort. we ? to addrea you, the Prime -and war responsible gov- and humbly to aik for ac-remedv the alarming In-iiire the war bean In the spent In purchase and con- nf alcoholic liquors In "Vince. ntn the expenditure was a utile under $15,000,000. In ' rose la Qve ,J17P0PQ04.WC uid from a reliable source rmatinn. that the amount nil will be over 120.000.000 renorted that the federal ment'i action In forbidding f.Hhr manufacture Of alCO rx-ppt for war purposes will , rfft for at leant three . the supoly of spirituous as the stocks In process irtng wUl last for this V a well known fact aat v- hours of senrlee. especially . s where Hnuor t consimed '.e premises, to a great ielp h rrvent drunkenness and oces-L.7? d: nklng. We therefore, thererore. " ' request request mat " auc We would suKRCtt that full V "lei be Inflicted on conviction f r U-lt sale, to prevent any such -rase through this channel as r t be attempted when restrlc-' "f legal sale are put In force. We are aware that In one place t - 'lie province both the military a;:'" -littles nnd the local police rc-c :r the earlier closing of beer rir. trv in that district but so far t(: ndvlre nnd rcnuest have not bcr implemented by any govern or order. Wc need not elaborate more ft.'. . - the harm that Is being done many of our young men and vrrnett and we view with grave "nun and alarm the longer taMnuance and alarm the longer c .: inuanco or exisung luuumun,. SWEDEN'S POSITION STOCKHOLM, Nof. 20 O'-Clos-m- a week-long special Informa- torv cu.lnn nf IVin nlVcrllKT ChflS- tlan E. dunther. Sweden's Foreign Minister, stated Sweden Is determine 1 "whether ".vs tcriliaitt vvm he battlefields toe close or far from our frontiers," Uf LlUUK : Over France t Lftlfr Sent by British Columbia Church leaders to Premier John Hart ( ni - rrr m dispatches have made :c ' a request sent to the ,a! Knvernment by leaders Catholic and Protestant :r asking for a move to- at'tallment of liquor con- an in nritlh Columbia In icrarr-e of the war effort. A these lines sent to r a! oi i n r Jnhn Hart U signed by ivy W M. Duke. Roman l LONDON, Nov. 20 The Pnvnl Canadian Air Force an- nounced today that a Cana- dlan fighter squadron dam- aged a number of freight trains In northern France Wednesday afternoon and, while this was In progress, Royal Air Force coastal com- mand bombers, Including a Canadian unit, attacked en- cmy shipping of the Nether- lands. - " TRAFFIC INCREASE I More Passengers, Mall and Eipress In October By Air t.w if ns follows:. WINNIPEO. Nov. 26-Increase In , -renting a large total of(the number of passengers and in who are trying to keep "the volume of air mall and cx-n,.rale properly attuned for .pre, carried by the transCanada f th. mrirv Air Lines are again reported by Turn i , . . . o. t. uarson, Yic-yiwuctik. 10322 passengers made fluzhU. an Increase of 1.500 over September and 1.439 over Oc tober a year ago. Mall amounted to 245.738 pounds. an increase of 28,768 pounds over the preceding month and uu.isi pounds better than October, 1941. Express increasca Dy ,wi pounds over September and 43.114 pounds over Octobcra jwr.W); The total lor tEc month was 60.- 483. HONORING CANADIAN NAVY MEN Gallant and Skilful Work is lie warded Through Giving of Decorations OTTAWA, Nov. 26 Oi Gallant and skilful work by Canadian Navy thi sinking of two Jl k .. (TVS tssv - . . .nKmnr neu and an attempt .,, immediate stens re wn w tm.-ij - . . TtTLl rmedy for ...ii rvftfeA .:,g and uwtnous cvu. i ts have already taken ac- ship was recogi" um-...j day through award oi iweniy-i decorations. The destroyer Skeena and the corvette Wetasklwin learned up to put one submarine out nnd the other sub- Ul UUf "v" ' marine was one of two sigmca o . ...rfoi-A hv the oesirojcr ok nH rhajied for two hours i hi kill. ts twtthumous -menuouiu dispatches" citations went to a pair from tne corvenc who lost their lives attempting to mirrhnntmcn. Several Vancouver and Victoria men were among tnosc arcu.u HALF BRi:i.n .MUSK-OX The musk-ox ol the Arctic is la termedlatc between a goat and an ox. 4 We feel that wc arc voicing the j r rplnlon of all loyal and hlgh- KeCOrfl TOl -j.j ,n .lt . rf thewe m wi:om wc more directly represent." W M DUKE. Archbishop of Vancouver. WALTER KOOTENAV, Anglican Archbishop and Metropolitan. J B. SKENE. Past Moderator of i Acmblv of the! v vnviui Presbyterian Church of Canada. A E WHITEHOUSE, President of the B.C. Conference of the United Church of Canada. Xmas Travel Christmas travel Is expected time high this to reach an all I throughout the county T year hnlds true In ana cmij rnvPi J 1. a long waiting list for can. ; local Other ed reservations. agencies expect all itjjnra- t w fiiiPd shortly by T UOIIS Will - " . J, service men and civ mans hop- Ing to spend the honaa their families. A PARACHUTE JUMPERS TRAIN May Answer Tire Problem The first set of the new tire "sandals" in use In Canada, made from non-strategic materials, are inspected by officials of a plant at Kitchener, Ontario, Exhaustive tests of these sandals show extension of tlra life by 2,000 to 3,000 miles. They may be the answer to the problem of extending the life of tires for the average hiotorlst. Tire sandals consist of woven car-peUlke fabric treated with an asphalt emulsion. Plans are now being considered; for early production. Tomorrow sT ides Local,-erature-. She (Standard Time) High i, 4:01 ajn. 18.4 feet 15:38 pjn. 193 feet ran. Low 9:50 a.m. 92 feet Maximum "fot)t 22:28 p.m. 5.0 feet Minimum J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL XXXI No. 275 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS Nazi Army Is Now Facing Disaster Canadian i-a: u.r up : :akc tiicj left will dr-.M.'cnd wiicu iu chute ha- TodayLs War Summary H Ja? tte f: uy Canadian rcessi . - r . Reds Rolling Nazis Back . . . lnvnnv nelo-Ameiican forces are reported .i.i. ,i,.- ,ihinr nrraslonallv with enemy patrols uuual trauiing on this sort of a tower. Student at the been h iuiod to the top. 1 Mncrnii' From thr lonr besieeed citv of Statingrad, the Rus sians aie reported today to be still rolling back the Nazi wedge to the Volga River, clearing another avenue of supply and reinforcements lor the garrison which is lashing out from defensive positions and beating the Nazis back street by street. Northwest of the city the Russian offensive has penetrated eighty miles into the depth of German defences within Hie great Don bend and to the southwest the Kusslans have stabbed sixty-five miles Into the invaders' lines. Battle Gathering in Africa . . . roaminR Tu-in short but violent engasements as they prepare the ground for a ttnal and bitter reckoning with the Axis in Africa. .Meanwhile the .Nazis are reported to be still. pouring heavy reinforcements into Tripoli and southern Tunisia as well as Tunis and nizerte. Cairo dispatches say that advance nritish units are maintaining pressure on the retreating German army between Agcdabia and El Agheila but poor weather conditions aie holding up aerial activity over the desert battle area to a small scale. Kcuters reports a mammoth German transport plane capable of carrying up to eighty fully equipped soldiers was shot into the sea yesterday off Tunisia by the Royal Air Force. buna roiled k ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, ; IN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 26 I- Allipri bombers smashed a Jap- j .tt.mnf tn land rein- r forcements at Buna yesterday, sinklnz two enemy aesiroyers and damaging a tmra. ah ves- t sels were, apparently, laden with troops. It was announced today. Germans Are Resorting To Desperate Tactics To Stop Russ Advance Charging Russian Army is Engaged in Widespread War - - - ti t T ATTEMPTED BURGLARY Kenneth Cuffe, Soldier Under Arrest After Alleged Visit to Bulger's Store Kenneth F. Culfe, In military service here, was arrested by Constable M. II. McLeod as he a getaway after allegedly break- ins and entering uuigers jeweiry 3lare in Third Avenue about 11:15 lut niaht. The robbery was frus- t-ated by John Bulger, proprietor, who as he entered the store by the Hnor heard a nan of glass sh in the rear and telephoned ih nniipp Cuffe was nicked up in u- lane which is nearby the police tation. T.'ntry had been gained by removes the window in the waihroom at the back of the store. 'nff" was Sieved to be in me stock room when Mr. Bulger ar rived. He later admitted mat ne had been locking for money out was unsuocessful. A safe contain- nr wntrhps nnd other leweiry naa been left open and Cuffe Is alleged have taken a watch irom mere and an electric shaver irom me washroom. Frightened by the entrance of Mr. Bulger, Culfe supposedly left by the washroom window and, apparently, stepped on the pane of .rinw which he had previously re moved, thus making his presence known. BACK IN 1619-85 Charles II of England closed the coffee houses 'because he thought they brewed political unrest. Ul Manoeuvre imperilling L.arge rnemy rorce AincrnW XTnv 9( (C.P Mnrr Russian, steel but- tho irflllc nf iha nprilniiq PiVflnp rnrriflor IvinP VXWCVI IV IIUUU V. v w iAaaww O behind Chancellor Adolf Hitler's siege army today while I- 1 - I 1L Ull ,,n,,rr T? rA A mT lf 'ffjnOlVO VllaVlOfl toward the 25,000 force of men, the latest battle reports . showed. The German Command threw alravailable air force3 into the Stalingrad battle and C.C.F. WINS BY-ELECTION Government Loses Southern Interior Seat as Result of Vot ing Yesterday SALMON ARM, Nov. 26 (CP) The Co-operative Commonwealth Iedeiation representation in the Rritlsh Columbia Legislature rose to fifteen today following election in yesterday's by-election of George F. Stirling. His victory was conceded by the coalition opponent Mayor Cyril Thompson of Salmon Arm, when, twenty-four out of twenty-five polls reported. 1,138 V9tes for Stirling and 080 for Thomson. The seat had been held for the nat fifteen years by the late Hon. R. V. Uruhn, Conservative and minister of public works in the present union government. HAS VARIED EXPERIENCE Dr. O. A. Wiesener to be Visitor To Trince Rupert Next Week to Institute Campaign Service in the Russo-Finnlsh war, during the resistance of Norway lo the German Invasion, on a British convoy around the Cape of Good Hope to Egypt, taking out t ,-ions and returning wim enemy prisoners and now as a medical of ficer with the Koyai jNorwegian au Fnrcp in training in Canada are buried tanks In groups of thirty I to fifty along the outer ring of defences In a desperate attempt to . t m among the varied, experiences oi Dr. O. A. Wiesener. in civilian me a mpdieal doctor engaged in lnsti tutlonal work in Oslo, who will be n Prince Rupert next week to in :?itut a camrjaixn to raise $12,000 with which to purchase a training plane for the Royal Norwegian Air Force. Dr. Wiesener served as a volun medical officer with the Fin nish nrmv In the war against Rus sia on the conclusion of which he -ptnrned to Norway three days be fore the German invasion of his latlve land. After that campaign, he escaped through Finland, crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a fishing vessel from Petsamo to Boston, coming to Little Norway. Following this he went back taEngalnd again j and was medical officer on a troop tranaoort which went In convoy around South Africa and the Cape of Good Hope to E?ypt, returning to England with the Axis prisoners. ThPn he returned to Canada and has been here since that time. It will not be Dr. Wlesener's iirsi visit to Prince Rupert as ne was here last spring with a Norwegian Air Force recruiting party. KpyI TTiasdav nlsht Dr. wiesener will arrive here by train from the vist. At noon on Wednesday he win address the Prince Rupert Oyro Club and that night will give an address In the Eagles' Hall here in vortLPirian Ills visit to Prince Rup ert Will extend over two or three days. While here Dr. Wiesener will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe. halt the Red Amy defence. The charging Red Army was engagea In a widespread war of manoeuvre. While the shadow of disaster lengthened across the estimated 300,000 Axis soldiers still at Stalingrad, the Berlin radio reported heavy Russian offensive action west of Moscow in the Rznev sector. Soviet communiques did not mention this action but the Russian command often withholds news on offensive actions until they are well developed. TUNISIAN OFFENSIVE IMMINENT Allied Aerial Assaults of Mounting Violence Eighth Army Driving On LONDON, Nov. 2& Allied aerial assaults of mounting violence attended Morocco radio reports today that a grand offensive against Tunisian strongholds of the Axis was imminent The Royal Air Force concentrated against Bizerte. Rtnrtine exulosions upon air fields, docks and shipping while the Al giers radio reported for tne iirsi time that British remiorcemenw had been brought up to the Tu nisian front by air. rairn announced that targets at Tripoli arid Sicily had been attack ed In addition to Bizerte ana reported that British Eighth Army troops were in contact wim a forces between Agedama ana ej. Agheila again yesterday. ARMY WOULD BUILD HERE But Cannot Get Permission or Material, Col. Dray Says The Salvation Army war services recognize the need of more adequate services bring, provided for th forces In Prince Rupert and would be ready to erect accommodation here If It poaslblc to obtain the permission and thsn tne mat erial, declared Col. wiiuam ufay. Salvation Army auxiliary services officer, who was a visitor ncre yes terday. Under these conditions w sppms little ooDortunlty of the Army doing little more than continue the operation or the overnight hostel on Second Avenue which Is always full to capacity. BEWARE OF BOMBS LONDON. Nov. 26 0 A poster to educational authorities Impresses upon children the danger of plcK-Ihg up or touching any strange object seen lying about. It lllustratei the more tommon explosive objects eight types of bombs and shells in actual size.