PAGE TWO THE: DAlLf NEWS SATURDAY M.r "HARTT" SHOES FOR MEN Hartt Shoes have the quality and style that has made them the most outstanding line in Canada. Latest styles and fittings, from narrow-to wide widths in hoots and oxfords, in hrown and black. Hartt's Army, Navy and Air Force Shoes carried in stock. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes' EDITORIAL Are We Working for Victory? . . . and, although admitting a long, grim task ahead, are quite sure of ultimate victory. Certainly Canada has suffered little from the war to date. We have lost some brave men, it is true, although nothing like the volume of the first Great War. Few of us at home have even been called upon to sacrifice, much less fizht or work undulv. Although daneer to our FOR HIGH GRADE FUR COATS, FOXES At Moderate Prices, See GOLDBLOOMS FUR STORE CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Eighth and Ninth Avenues East Rev. J. II. Myrwang, Pastor. Res. 1077 1st Ave. W. Phone Blk. 8M Mrs. I. Feness, Organist Miss Beatrice Mostad, S. S. Supt. Miss Alma Dybhavn, s. S. Pianist HOLY WEEK SERVICES PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m,--Divine Services, In English. 7:30 pjn Services in English. MONDAY, MARCH 30 7:00 pjn-"The Lutheran Hour." Lenten Service Broadca&t CFPR HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2 7:30 p.m Services in Norwegian, Holy Communion. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3 1:00 p m-Good Friday Message Broadcast by the Pastor, CFTR 7:30 pjn Divine Services in English. Holy Communion. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Itev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Organist, Peter Lien Choir Leader A. J. Lancaster Sunday School Sup'U Prank Skinner NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER C:O0 a m. .Holy Communion. 10:00 a jn. Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m. Morninif Pravr and Rrmnri PURUC NOTICE Defence of Canada Regulations Prohibition of Photography of Specified Places in the Province of British Columbia. ORDER WHEREAS Regulation H of the Defence of Canada Regulations (Consolidation) 1941. as amended by Order in Council dated 27th October, 1941. P.C. 7987. and Order in Council dated 17th January, 1942. I tin.. l vkntnn.HU. 1a-MKa BANQUET order of aTo'mpTtenr authorUy Hotel, recrtved b, I. Moe being an area in relation vo wmen iop imer-jeur cap np the restriction of photography an- Fitters, received by J. Slavtn. pears to that competent authority nnrw rh.xwitnnthin (OentintMd from Pae One) 'miii.i n( ft Mjm! nf email boaLs IX H h I II eacn JPped nos and 10 ILLiLlU pump being provided by the - - 'operation of various tntereaU Cribbage and BrWe League along the waterfront will be look- Trophle Presented At Gather- lntt. The laek Of repoae w ing Last Night 'the appeal for particulars or avail- . able ctoiiilng from the Disaster Presentation of the trophies of Relief Committee of the Red Cross the 194141 season featured the i was a aattter of regret, annual banquet of the Prince j The uaasiblllty and tfealrabliUV Rupert Cribbage and Whist League j of aralBtng the native peoples which was held last night in the of adjacent areas Into A. R P Eagles' Hall with President Robert 'activities will be looked into. McKay in the chair and about Early action in connection wjth sixty persons In attendance. Bs-jtfce oaawwflaglng and safefward- which provision may be made by proceedings were much enjoyed by also announced that, in ease of order of a competent authority, no all from start to finish. raids, all medical aarvie mW- person shall, except undev the au- The presentations were as fol-'tary. air forre and civilian would inoruy oi a wruiusn perron urani- ,ows: . , be available few all kind of tent authority, make or publish Cribbage League championship any photograph, sketch, plan or cup Smiles Cafe, rwottved by other representation of. or of any Knut Slatta. part of, or object in any area in cribbage League runner-up cup 8 ties civilian forces. In the armed i2-b!-fi5Pellf "JLta. ii tVf. .f cup-Cow Boys, received by John ' World heavyweight champion camera "with WaTta "anv such Karoky. j mmf ddock turned dovmXU. area, and further that such Bridge League runner-up cup Sehmeltaga guarantee lor a competent authority may make Grotto, received by George Howe, (heavyweight title fight in Bertm ucn au auj aoii High individual cribbage score ne years ago. instead, we itr authority may give such special cup Andrew Ronald. directions as the said authority or High Individual bridge score cap person thinks necessary relating George Howe to tfte publication .or non-puoitea-. ' In aoenlnB. th- nroeeedlnM. after i roand. SPORT CHAT aey Irishman elected to moat Joe Loais in Chicago an km bis title when knocked out In the eighth ,u" " vrni "" w 'plans or other representations ,'"r . made under the authority of a excellent banquet spread. Mr. Me-1 Fred Perry, former amauw m- We have not Started yet on the formidable job of AND WHEREAS I. the under-' that cribbage. rather than brkkge. old BUI Tttden in four seta at winning the war. By and large and to all intents and f Square Garden rive nurooses we have SO far been losing. However, OUr lead- (or the purposes of the said Rec.u- fMTed th t0011 fellowship rears ago. Gate receipto were H.-n w orr vonnu-hrl nnnfWon,,. fl,0co nclation and it appears to me. that which had been engendered by the j 000. Ellsworth Vines took Perry's the areas and objecU mentioned coHipetitten of the league. hereunder are ones in relation to which the restriction of , photog-' Fred Wennlg. the secretary-' started the same year . , . i . . . raphy Is expedient in che Inter-,, weaTOrpr- maae onfI rP" on ests of the safety of the State. nwhat he said had been a very auc-1 NOW THEREFORE I. the cessful season with eight teams said Minister of National De- operating In each league, fence. In pursuance of the said Another anikr Rrt Unr. Regulation 18. as amended, do Jl 2h1 r? , I.J hereby order that no oerson xinii ho referred i to the value of make or publish any pnotograDh.isport and healthy competition to own shores becomes increasinplv nossible. as far sis P" .otber represent-; the community. There wa also ------ ... , uon in any oi ine areas or places the social value and the spirit of Viae hppn tn rlnfp n1pnyint 'thereof, or have a camera therein. 1 ir T. V nas oeen to aate a n vpw ery pleasant wnr ar. ,or of of hereunder o behalf of iwo years ago rnme iuimsier unurcniu tamen about blood, sweat, toil and tears. Canadians you and we have had little, if any, of that yet. We have done little enough yet to deserve victory. But our turn is coming and we had better steel ourselves to change our ways, to work and to sacrifice, to do it soon. Here in Prince Rupert, at long last, we should soon be really knowing there is a war on. Financing Our Own Protection . . . The government has sutreested that it is time the individual communities themselves are doing something! civilian protection. Our own member, T. D. Pattullo, suggests that something should be done about it forthwith, that we should not let ourselves depend entirely upon the governments in the matter. While the government has, no doubt, some responsibility, there is also virtue in the stand that, if people will not put up dollars and efforts in protection of their own homes and families, they can hardly criticize the authorities for failing to do so. the senrteea Tom measure in a long road tour that J. A. Wilson of Ottawa, director of air services for. Canada, haai specified excent under the author- mv Riehaf dsan. for tw run. and been a visitor In Edmonton durirw y L u i ,?r ranted onlLes Hamlin, for the army, uwe . the past lew days conferrtng wtth Command or the Commanding "c "luslcal program wa ieas- a w uir Munumgn airpori. ine Officer Pacific Coast (R.CXi or ured by vocal solos by Private 'city ha asked the Dominion gov-the Air Officer Commanding Wes-. Lynch, accompanied by Clare smmaot to extend and hard sur-,a m Sni Harbour Un- Davta- ci7 was an- , face the runway of the airport, per andlS5ff vSJ liar! ere was a recitation . Job which. It la eaUaawM. woald Sour, the shore line faces of.ov Robert McKay and step dane-1 coat 1800,000. banks or cliffs of Southern lng by Art Dyer. Vancouver Island contiguous j The Midland Infantrv nMimi ' and adjacent thereto, 7, JT!?1 ana ex- ... ,, tending from Sheringham Point MlCT olla n nnil c f OnUrt0 h" waived in Ed- on the Southwest coast to. and "lloLCllallCUUo monton to take up quarters at the including. Sidney Island. James i pf t it i i Wn ot WaJes annorle. Lieut. lb) (e uwitu. VAiai istana inn Pieri I . i-i 1 .1 rvu i r ri j . Island. ; UHUVYCr lb 11CIU 7T ' TT " u "I 2 The shore line and area1 ,h commanding officer The ragi- ui mc immrauiie viciniiv OI . .... hiuuui auiu u airvaor ! Socke Lake and Coldstream r'""- ney is iiMteu inmaittng route marches throu.h th Lake situate northwest of the 'onr of Miss Bernire Manh. citv of Victoria. Vancouver Harbour and the A delightful miscellaneous hn.-. waters of Burrard Inlet except Jer was held last evening at Uv-the North Arm. o t h e r w I n e , home of Mrs. Stella Dony in non-known as Indian Arm, situate.! Mr3i JtuL ' or 0f Ml Bernlce ' lying and being to the East of if, i 5t: a line from the most westerly! V "a lBK0" P1 edge of Point Orey to Point j ne" tt.v Cowan on Bowen Island, in eluding the bridge a; First narrows ana at Second Nar uuihi? uic evening ortogj httd whist games were played and the prize winners were Mrs, Kate rows, and I the waterfront fadl-, Smith at bridge and Mm. Tom elatin and! ties to ahlppm?. Scully at whist. -elWh above1 At idnlht deUclou. refresh-, or touched b y Tthe described waters I ment vere after aiilch the ci Prince Rupert 'British Co. bride-to-be was presented with' lumbiai Harbour and an-1 many useful and lovelv srtfts. I hrlrttre waffnf"1, J" ' Woods. Mrs. A. E. Dicker, Jr. shiPping.""sho?;r and TaceT of Tn nnJ' MfVB- Mc" cliff adininfmr thA MMahon, Mrs. George Thomosja. Mltr"ir a n . Anv ohlert nf thp Arin-1 uivua.riAs iuiukv V'S tiona followlne. situate uithin CANBERRA. March 28: 0 Pol Brttteh Columbia and Yukon lh Minister to Australia Dr. S. searc uiai is io say. .Gruszka. 49. Pol!.h rv,n,i.r.,. :hlight, listening posr. or other work of rf?nr- f) Any aerodrome or seaplane station: 'g) Any essembly of any of His Majesty's forces: 'h) Any barracks, encampment, or building occupied or in course of preparation for occupation ,. by any or His Majesty's force: i) Any arsenal, magazine or store, for munitions of war whether completed or In course of construction: Ji Any Naval, Military or Air Force wireless, telegraph, telephone or signal station or any cable station? ' k) Any vessel o war either com-plete or under construction. 1) Any aircraft or the wreckage of any aircraft: m) Any building, structure, vessel or other object damaged by enemy action or as a result of steps taken to repel enemy action: In) Any roads or railway exclusively connected with works of aeience: iral in New York for six year. nas arrived here wearing a tie covered with Victory V's and a belt made of glass. ver. Prince Rupert. Esquimau ana x wKe isiana. orty. Timely Recipes OKANOH MAKMALAIir. Willi HONEY I medium steed oranges. 1 cop water S tablespoons lemon Juke 2 cups honey cup fruit pectin Put oranges through food chop per, using the fine Made. Measure proaches including Metlakatial Those present were Mm Stella Passace thp iliai nf rioK t. rvni.v , . . inuoui about 2 i cuds cups of or rtrmrt grouna orange. .and. o 'iJJP 7,A i T? ' "-"-"" M- Kate vtc Smith. cxn:ui. Mr. Airs .T!.0 nd- bring to a rolling boll. Lower heat and bring to simmer IS minutes; then add honey and when it comes di Yorke Island. Britih Cotiim. iMrs. Ed Olsen. Mrs. R. PhllUos' ball atmmer again for 30 mln bla. and the waters of John-jMr- Gordon McMyn, Mr. R. B.lutea. Add lemon Juice and liquid iaffVBwi1 M"- B;J-V iP- Brl"8 to a full rolim, bo'i u, mia. j. vuaicr. Mr, iviandhnl I nut nn. minni. nm. HHJe irOm IOW tlrfr lnltiriillo : Ttrorv-A art.. . a M a - 9 i a v. ii ivy i at once, glasses. Makes 6 eight-ounce Canada at War 25 Years Ago 2 AND I DO FURTHER ORDER . 1917 ch occupied that any photographs, sketches,' oulr def'nces a of city of La Fere, Plans or other representations' and British entered Roisel seven1 made under thp anthnritu nf . i miin. n arms, equipment, or auppliei written permit ai provided "in par-u J.n.r, , for any of His Majesty's forces, agraph 1 above, shall not be pub-1 T ' BUnlster to n BeUiurn and 7:30 p.m.-The cantata "The Crucifixion," by Sir John Stalner. will. '"'works'. SrfSSoBor , be rendered by the choir. ervoir, or any oil store situated r - aaVawawajjasaaaBBBBVaja at or serving Victoria. Vancou- uAiica umess ana until they navei 01 American iteief Com- ouuiiiuica mj ana approved "'""un instructed to rrturr by one of the said officers, who,, the United states owues. acting on mv behalf. ma trivJ such direction as he think necessary for securing that any such photographs, sketches, plans or other represent! lion haii m k published unless and until theyl have been so submitted to and! eijuruvca oy nim i . 3. n. this Order any reference' I , majesty include His Majesty In the right of Canada or of any ' Province 4 DATED AT the Department of National Defence at the City of Ottawa this 4th day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine ni mndred and fortv-two. Eed) Egu) J. L. RALSTON. Minister of National Defence savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, prop. Phone 37 p.p. Box 514 FKASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT to the water front facilities reh Peggy 'scunv 7 and m' V,oJet VSr,tTOm heat ana klm- and Mi? MtoAhlpElnK-'h.oresand RolIng about 5 minute. Pour quickly in-If 5Lndf """ 8 r dm 01 Yrke I " lto strtUw,d m""lie Jar, Seal'l i . aasavaai .Biavavaa.avavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavaavavavavavaaM. lSr MmufN, ac CO-'" - - ,..aHO o, or Phone rr Delivery This advt. It not publishad or displayed by the L a jzi Board or by th Government of British C - covuiNMnvr war wokkuis iMrmnt factory emDtoyed In C.VN YOl IttAT r The hottest Australia ts now the Federal Oov- corded a m rnmer.t H1W in 1939 MOW in at Aaltta I. 1941 i i'- NEWS FROM : EDMONTON ; i nd '.:; riv.riK I9M GOOD SERVICE ... to Our Country and Homei! Our country requeatc us to coiwerve gasoii..'- V. t ad vised that we shall not be able to replace ' ; We request your co-operation in helping u lollcy of prompt service. By placlm all roil order ti b ONK DAV ni:i'OKE ULUVKItV is CXPKCTUl. J 3rJ ui to route our drlUeries In the mot eronmleal mser-r fer by romrrvinr. both tiret and gatotinc. PH1LP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LID. PHONi: fl.11 PIKiM OUR COUNTRY AND IIOMKS DKM AND GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operaUm Our country req ;c gasolinr We are alM that t a : replace Ure for our truik In order to maintain car f prompt enrke we atk you to place all coal orders at l" 5 day itr.ruui: dlmviuy is txpi:CTi:, Br will eiabi us to route our deliveries in the r manner, thereby conservitu' both gasoline Albert & McCaffery Ltd. piionix lie on in 4 4 4 4444444444 44444-4444444444444 4444' Wanted -Raw Furs 44 IIKiHIil MARKET prices r.tio KcprcscntinK HUDSON'S DAY C0MI'AN"Y Ship to J, r. Ull.MIIEIM, Cow Ray, Prince Itupert, Special Bargains-- FOR SATURDAY Come and Dc Convinccd-thc DIrrcsI Selection "l Men's Wear .Men's and Young Men's Pants For dross and work. Size 30 to 46. Pair . Fine Assortment Men's Sweaters Full zipper. Regular to $4.25: now .Men's Sharkskin Windhrcakcrs Full rippers. Regular $4.50; now ... Ladies' Sharkskin Zipper Sport Jackets- Sizes 14 to 38. Worth $4.50; now Fine .Men's Dress Sox ' Regular 39c pair; - now Towels, All Shades-Regular 35e each; now Third Ave. Duy at S2.25 S2.75 SI 95 - $1.95 25c B.C. Clothiers Ltd. 05 Phone Dlatk i