'; -.TufCi NOVEMBER 30. 1842 Good 5gfif is an Important National Asset,. Protect it with Good Lighting It (t now more vilol thon ever to protect precious eyes and keep the whole family olert for today's iak. Guard young eye with proper light for reading, studying, playing, Jigfif adequately and save power by ' using Edison Mazda Lamps I UtJ is) BRftaa-samsMsrFjffZBs mint m Of course I shop at Tbe Variety Slorc It's so handy! tiii: ! Variety Store S s y IMirre your dimes sre Utile Zl dalUn S I k: i : miSLta laim bib j b t auri B KWONfi SANG HINT. HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 612 :Ui AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 21? FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. ADDRESS IN NORWEGIAN And Motion Pictures BY Lieut-Surgeon 0. A. Weisener Of Little Norway. Toronto EAGLES HALL (Cor. 5th and McRricle) WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2nd at 8 p.m. Refreshments A Hussions 7 OQOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiaOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOQ vs . ri For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAM hbin n,r. PHONE 235 RUPERT BUTCHERS We nisi, to announce that owlrtc to insufficient hJP and to " conserve tires and fasollnc. ON AND AFTER ONL. 1e we make our IIBUVEIUES IN THE MOllMM.S with b P w.uld appreciate oor customers co-eperatlnr ucmj Thh W their order, not later than 5:00 p.m. the previous day. enable us to make our deliveries as early as possible morninc tn ;; imatB tm tmxmssnssm aim tmxm mm ti in w 1 1 Announcing the Opening ot the VICTORY ! g 330 Third Avenue West tttimiaiimKiJJimsiJMaiaMiM CAFE Cedar Chest Tea Wagons. Coffee Tables, Comforters, Axralnster Carpets. ELIO'S, Prince Rupert Miss Kay Baker returned to the ity at the end of the week from a vacation trip to Vancouver. James M. Campbell is leaving tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver to receive another of his periodical "Bsild B.C. Payrolls" Lelters About This Good Milk mm 8 ft i"; III IS rXiuiTfll We receive a tot of letters about Paeific Milk telling how good t is fw babies, how good for cooking, baking, desserts, whipped cream, making candy. These letters come from a wide area. They show a deep interest, and the desire of these many people to express an appreciation, often long felt We are always grateful for "them. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed t ra ? r imirsfiTCi a m rn in tin: mthkmi: rofiiT or kkitimi roi.i MiiiA in ritoimt: In I lie Miller of the .UmlnMratloii ill" an.l In tlx Milter mt the IMile of 1 1 lift l.lllUn tinurd TAKE NOTICE the.t toy order of HI Honor Judge lr-iier. Ic?l Judge of the Sutr Ctxrr. of British OotamMa. I m on the JTUi hv r: Novftwxr ajj. 194t tnXn'N AdmtntMralor of tke k4- ri Bxht Liu an Oourd formcrlv of BelU Ba. BrlU OolumtaSm. De- oraAPrf. who dtl on or Uxmt v linn day of Arll 192 AU pcraoru indebted to Ihf tMSS M(Xr art reqiwan w Htm t mt of twlr Util'Hrtim to me forthwith and ai! periw toavtoe claim iatfM 1Str MM HMMe N rerolrad to nu. ttwm wliti nt orcsrrrr Tfrtfied on or the Slat day of Dawtnbw AX). 1943 faMtng Urt iMKiaimwn vui or mt. h.vtw Mint etdv to aueh claims cf vhtch I Mtail bw octlftfd. rn-rrn nt Prtnre Ruort. tau rth day of Novembrr 1942. NORMAN A. WAIT Official Admtnlatmtor Prince Rupert. B.C. -linVKUNMENT LIO.lOlt ACT" NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVBN Wlt on the 9h lT of December 1942 next the undfrsiMWd (wtenda to apply to . nnniHO nnanl fnr ccmeat to transfer of Beer Ucenoe No. 583 issued in renxwt of premise mid prt of a buLhUng known aa Knox llotrl Mute on ram nvro "" Ui lands dexrrtbeel m Iota 13 and 14. ot Block 2. Scotteo I. iP viiy of Prtace Burert. Prtew Rupert Laod ReilrUen uu- in me rwn.. Rorte Twntee of prcverty of Knox liotel Oonvaar . Limited. AutKrlred AsolKTior. Of lmce ivuhtv. w.. luii rvi im of Prteire Rupert. Brltm Oohaatoka. the anferee. D.VTED a ranoe n.uierv. or. Columolft, this as day of Noretntoer 1942 . KNOX HOTEL CU. IjIU. by Mwrttn UBeUe. director. DaJ of rim keMon. November 28. 1942 IX TIIK SITKF.MK COURT OF HU1T1SII imrMiuA in rKoiuTt: In the Matter of the ilmlnMrtlon Art" ihi In the Matter f the IMate of Louie l.k Sine vo vrrrirv. th.t bv order Of His Honour Judge Fisher. kxl Judge of the 8ireme oourt oi rwi vib-bu. IuwUm 30Ui day of OoUer . mi4 ..w-kir.tvi AAmtAlfttnutor Of 1,1. - the Eate of loule Look 8!i formerly of Ocean FlVi. Brtllah Oolvwvbte, De- ccaoed. ho dted on or aowt wib dv of AUiuit 142. All persona ta-.ri.-j Viw. uwi EiitAU are re- quired to pay " pern hTlr clalnvi aRalnat the aaW L irty nctfW or, ore toe 15th day w uto' - rL" nl to avich cUlma of 7 . V ..ii tv.i l-win notified. DATED at Vrbice Rupert. B.C. thla 30Ui day of ootooer ivn NORMAN A. WATT '..Official AdmlnWrwtor ;" Princa Rupert, D.O THE DAILY HT5W3 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ml-.-. Noreen Gibson returned to Charles Oraham. Inspector of '.nr i-.ty last week from a visit in mines, left this afternoon for a -ixskaioon. ; trip to Atlin on official duties. medical chesk-ups. Sgt. and Mrs. Hanna served at the pop stall at the Seventeenth Heavy Battery dance last week. Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Holen arc leaving tonight for Vancouver en-route balc to Minneapolis after a visit here and to Alaska in Lutheran evangelical work. J. A. Ouimet. assistant chief engineer of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation from Montreal, and N. R. OMtag. regional engineer, Vancouver, who have been here in connection with the taking over cf the local radio station by C&C. will leave tonight for Vancouver. Mr. Ouimet arrived Saturday night by .rain from the East and Mr. Oiding ha. been here for a week. A The Rupert Peoples women's and children's store win close this Thursday. December 3, for one day only lor annual stodc taking. Mrs. R. E. M. Yerburah and two 'children left on Saturday night for Vancouver to Join Capt. Yer-burgh who was recently transferred south. The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will have its annual dinner meeting for the installation Of officers on Friday night of this week. Robert Parker is the new president this year. .NOTICE The City of Prince Rupert is offering for sale the dwelling situate on Lot 3, Block 4, Section 2. Tenders wUl be received up to 5 p.m. Friday, December 4th, 1942. The highest or an tender not necessarily accepted. Dated Nov. 30th. 1942. A. A. WRATH ALL, City Clerk. flnhcuhcetnehtA All advertteements' in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. I.O.O.F. No. 63 every Tuesday, 8 pjn.. Oddfel lows' Hall. Sojourning members in . vited. Oranne Ladies' Invitation Dance, Oddfettew' HaW, November 30. Dramatic entertainment will be given by Mrs. J. T. Mandy on ser vice men's night, Salvation Army Hall, Thu-rs. Dee. 3. 8:15 pjn. United Bazaar, Dec. 3. i Help Norway Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, Dec.4. Rebekah Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 9. By inv itation. Women of Moose invitational Christmas dancing party Oddfel lows' Hall December 16. Refresn- ( menu. I electric vacuum-cleaner witn attachments. Phone Red 549. (279) FOR SALE Slabs and edgings cut in stove lengths, cord lots only, $12 delivered. Wood yard, head of Cow Bay. 279 FOR SALE Small cabin cruiser, 4 r.vlinder Red Wing marine engine. Apply caretaker, Yacht Club. Phone 259. ROOM AND HOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing 718 Fraser Street. LOST LOST Man's leather glove, in itialed C.E.B. Finder please return to Dally News! Reward. (278) LOSTNear C.N. ramp, man's Sa voy wrist watch, brown strap. Phone Midlands' Cpl. Boswell. (279 LOST Pocketbook containing reg istration card, papers, drivers licence, $3 in cash. Finder please leave at Dally News or Police Station. 280 LOST Pocketbook, containing sum of money, personal papers Including registration card. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD FORMERLY IN RUPERT Lieut. Richard Lester Cited in Connection With Sinking of L-boat Lieut. Richard Kingsley Leste' of Vancouver, who was stationed at Prince Rupert a couple of years ago and became quite well known here, has been mentioned in dispatches for courage, resolution and devotion to duty while serving on IIM.CS. .Wetaskiwin in action which resulted in the sinking of ian enemy U-boat on the Atlantic The citation of Lieut. Lester is as follows: "This officer was responsible for training of anti-submarine per. sonneL His coolness and concen tration during the prolonged U-boat hunt, and the efficiency of the team for which this officer was responsible, greatly contributed to success of the action." Lieut. Lester, before enlistment here In 1Q3Q was an outstanding ruabv nlaver with North Shore A Blacks, and was educated at West Vancouver High School. He is 24. Prior to war's outbreak, he waf employed by local grain and shipping firms. He was an amateur yachtsman in peace time, sailing with Commander Hal Wade tfc B.C. waters. His father. Sgt. A. M. Lester, who is stationed at Little Mountain here, was a major m theJast war. His sister Audrey Is employed by the Army Ordnance Corps, Vancouver, and plans to Join the women's branch of the Canadian Navy soon. Lieut. Lester's brother, Vernon, lives at 968 West Fourteenth, West Vancouver. Bruce Richardson of St. Catherine's. Ontario, after spending a couple of weeks here with the Daily News, left Saturday night lor Vancouver where he may decide to N ight Coughs due to colds . . . cased without "dosing". Rub on vm POD U 8 lJJ-M'li.BiVaWi.'lUU.IiH Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 Classified Ads. FOH SALE TOR SALE Newstand, Tobacco, Confectionery, Magazine, and Novelty Store. Exceptionally good sales record. Reply Mrs. R. E. Gunderson. Box 73, Prince George. B.C. (283) TOR SALE-Si8le bed, as new. 1317 Overlook Street. Phone Red 701. . (2"9 FOR SALE Baby buggy, general WANTKI) NEWSPAPER REPORTER WANTED Young person for daily newspaper in Prince Rupert. Experience desirable but not necessary. Must have some writing ability. Opportunity to learn various phases of newspaper work. Apply National Selective Service No. AF 20. HELP WANTTED Meat cutter, good block man, also part time delivery driver, male or female, fo: meat market. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 24. OIL PUMP wanted for fuel oil. State price. Apply Box 399 Daily News. itl) WANTED Care for baby. nine months. Will pay any amount for good care and will furnish food and baby furniture. Apply Box 397 Dally News. (272) WANTED Wood or coal range. Phone Blue 389. 231 WANTED One or two rooms or small house. Box 399 Dally News. (289 WANTED To buy shack and lot. Box 393 Dally News. (380) WANTED urgently, room for air man and wife. Phone Red 271. (27?) WANTED Chambermaid for hotel. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 21. (279) TWO Girls wanted for old estab lished grocery store, permanent work. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 23. (tf) WANTED To rent, three rooms by January 1 for soldier's family. Will pay four months' rent In advance. Box 329 Dally News. (232) WANTED Gentleman wants room or Doara ana room, o oojrcuou iv to city outskirts. Box 400 Daily lH NewS. K sHS fiaaW Sz ' I Spot Aircraft lwm in Vnnnr fripnrl from few Tt 's TtPW . . . inter esting . . . educational . . . entertaining! The large Sweet Cap package ghown above tells you how to identify a Harvard 1 1 flying overhead. This is No. 19 in the Sweet Caporal Aircraft "Spotter" Series which covers 72 types of allied and enemy planes. Collect and study this comprehensive series imprinted on the back of Sweet Cap packages. It U published for instructional purposes only and these backs have no premium value. fhnu to SPOT A GOOD CIGARETTE: Look for the name "Sweet Caporal" It means that the tobacco in each cigarette is Group Blended from 38 claaai- fications of the finest Virginia tobaocos according to the famous Sweet Caporal formula. Package for package, Swet t Caps are your best cigarette buy. SWEET CAPORAL Citjarettcs "The jryrtA form in vlieh UAxutn con h xmoked' j Announcement As we are working under a Licence No. 802127 Wartime Prices St Trade Board who set out buying and selling prices and as they do not allow for delivery costs as they ate classed as non-essential and with gas ration cut and as we are on our last set of tires, we are compelled to cut our deliveiy service to once daily to each avenue. Therefore all orders must be in the day before for delivery next day on and after this date. BULKLEY MARKET , Christmas Cards COUTT'S CANADIAN CARDS GENERAL CARDS RELATIVE CARDS 1 SPECIAL CARDS is a card Christmas jThls i and our stock was ! never more complete or I attractive. Send Cards I that really suit the oc- I caslon. 5c to 25c 12 Cards -16 Cards .. BOXED ASSORTMENTS Choose all your Cards Now! IKi? to $1.0." ."0 to .S1.."0 Ifyou lose anything, advertise for it. 1